90 research outputs found

    Electroweak phase transition in the MSSM with four generations

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    By assuming the existence of the sequential fourth generation to the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), we study the possibility of a strongly first-order electroweak phase transition. We find that there is a parameter region of the MSSM where the electroweak phase transition is strongly first order. In that parameter region, the mass of the lighter scalar Higgs boson is calculated to be above the experimental lower bound, and the scalar quarks of the third and the fourth generations are heavier than the corresponding quarks.Comment: 12 pages, 2 tables, 2 figure

    Fermion Scattering off CP-Violating Electroweak Bubble Wall

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    A general prescription to solve the Dirac equation in the presence of CP-violating electroweak bubble wall is presented. The profile of the bubble wall is not specified except that the wall height is m0m_0 and zero deep in the broken- and the symmetric-phase regions, respectively, where m0m_0 is a fermion mass given by the Higgs-vacuum-expectation value and the Yukawa coupling. The CP-violating effects are evaluated by regarding CP-violating part of the bubble wall as a perturbation to CP-conserving solutions. The basic quantity, RR→L−RˉR→LR_{R\rightarrow L}-\bar R_{R\rightarrow L}, which would contribute to the cosmological baryon asymmetry, is estimated for some typical profiles of the wall, where RR→LR_{R\rightarrow L}(RˉR→L\bar R_{R\rightarrow L}) is the reflection coefficient of right-handed chiral fermion (anti-fermion).Comment: 30 pages, 2 figures ( uuencoded tar.Z file of PS files is appended ), plain TeX with phyzzx, tables and epsf,SAGA-HE-55--KYUSHU-HET-1

    Massless Decoupled Doublers: Chiral Yukawa Models and Chiral Gauge Theories

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    We present a new method for regularizing chiral theories on the lattice. The arbitrariness in the regularization is used in order to decouple massless replica fermions. A continuum limit with only one fermion is obtained in perturbation theory and a Golterman-Petcher like symmetry related to the decoupling of the replicas in the non-perturbative regime is identified. In the case of Chiral Gauge Theories gauge invariance is broken at the level of the regularization, so our approach shares many of the characteristics of the Rome approach.Comment: 11 page

    Inflationary Baryogenesis

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    In this letter we explore the possibility of creating the baryon asymmetry of the universe during inflation and reheating due to the decay of a field associated with the inflaton. CP violation is attained by assuming that this field is complex with a phase that varies as the inflaton evolves. We consider chaotic and natural inflation scenarios. In the former case, the complex decaying field is the inflaton itself and, in the latter case, the phase of the complex field is the inflaton. We calculate the asymmetry produced using the Bogolyubov formalism that relates annihilation and creation operators at late time to the annihilation and creation operators at early time.Comment: 17 pages, Revte

    Quantum and Thermal Fluctuations in Field Theory

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    Blocking transformation is performed in quantum field theory at finite temperature. It is found that the manner temperature deforms the renormalized trajectories can be used to understand better the role played by the quantum fluctuations. In particular, it is conjectured that domain formation and mass parameter generation can be observed in theories without spontaneous symmetry breaking.Comment: 27pp+7 figures, MIT-CTP-214

    Baryogenesis and CP-Violating Domain Walls in the Background of a Magnetic Field

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    Within the domain wall-mediated electroweak baryogenesis, we study fermion scattering off a CP-violating wall in the background of an uniform magnetic field. In particular, we calculate the asymmetry between the reflection coefficients for right-handed and left-handed chiral fermions, \Delta R = R_{R \to L} - R_{L \to R}, which is of relevance to non local baryogenesis mechanisms.Comment: replaced with revised conclusion version, to be published in JCA

    Renormalization Group Approach to Field Theory at Finite Temperature

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    Scalar field theory at finite temperature is investigated via an improved renormalization group prescription which provides an effective resummation over all possible non-overlapping higher loop graphs. Explicit analyses for the lambda phi^4 theory are performed in d=4 Euclidean space for both low and high temperature limits. We generate a set of coupled equations for the mass parameter and the coupling constant from the renormalization group flow equation. Dimensional reduction and symmetry restoration are also explored with our improved approach.Comment: 29 pages, can include figures in the body of the text using epsf.st

    Quark mixings and flavor changing interactions with singlet quarks

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    Aspects of the quark mixings and flavor changing interactions are investigated in electroweak models with singlet quarks. The effects on the ordinary quark mixing are determined in terms of the quark masses and the parameters describing the mixing between the ordinary quarks q and the singlet quarks Q (q-Q mixing). Some salient features arise in the flavor changing interactions through the q-Q mixing. The unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix within the ordinary quark sector is violated, and the flavor changing neutral currents (FCNC's) appear both in the gauge and scalar couplings. The flavor changing interactions are calculated appropriately in terms of the q-Q mixing parameters and the quark masses, which really exhibit specific flavor structures. It is found that there are reasonable ranges of the model parameters to reproduce the ordinary quark mass hierarchy and the actual CKM structure even in the presence of q-Q mixing. Some phenomenological effects of the singlet quarks are also discussed. In particular, the scalar FCNC's may be more important in some cases, if the singlet quarks as well as the extra scalar particles from the singlet Higgs fields have masses ∌\sim 100 GeV -- 1 TeV.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures, added reference

    Chiral Fermions on the Lattice through Gauge Fixing -- Perturbation Theory

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    We study the gauge-fixing approach to the construction of lattice chiral gauge theories in one-loop weak-coupling perturbation theory. We show how infrared properties of the gauge degrees of freedom determine the nature of the continuous phase transition at which we take the continuum limit. The fermion self-energy and the vacuum polarization are calculated, and confirm that, in the abelian case, this approach can be used to put chiral gauge theories on the lattice in four dimensions. We comment on the generalization to the nonabelian case.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figures, two refs. adde

    Baryon Washout, Electroweak Phase Transition, and Perturbation Theory

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    We analyze the conventional perturbative treatment of sphaleron-induced baryon number washout relevant for electroweak baryogenesis and show that it is not gauge-independent due to the failure of consistently implementing the Nielsen identities order-by-order in perturbation theory. We provide a gauge-independent criterion for baryon number preservation in place of the conventional (gauge-dependent) criterion needed for successful electroweak baryogenesis. We also review the arguments leading to the preservation criterion and analyze several sources of theoretical uncertainties in obtaining a numerical bound. In various beyond the standard model scenarios, a realistic perturbative treatment will likely require knowledge of the complete two-loop finite temperature effective potential and the one-loop sphaleron rate.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures; v2 minor typos correcte
