1,431 research outputs found

    The effects of clumping on wind line variability

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    We review the effects of clumping on the profiles of resonance doublets. By allowing the ratio of the doublet oscillator strenghts to be a free parameter, we demonstrate that doublet profiles contain more information than is normally utilized. In clumped (or porous) winds, this ratio can lies between unity and the ratio of the f-values, and can change as a function of velocity and time, depending on the fraction of the stellar disk that is covered by material moving at a particular velocity at a given moment. Using these insights, we present the results of SEI modeling of a sample of B supergiants, zeta Pup and a time series for a star whose terminal velocity is low enough to make the components of its Si IV 1400 doublet independent. These results are interpreted within the framework of the Oskinova et al. (2007) model, and demonstrate how the doublet profiles can be used to extract infromation about wind structure.Comment: 3 pages, to appear in Clumping in Hot Star Winds, W.-R. Hamann, A. Feldmeier & L. Oskinova, eds., Potsdam: Univ.-Verl., 2007, URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-1398

    Mass loss rates from mid-IR excesses in LMC and SMC O stars

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    We use a combination of BVJHK and Spitzer [3.6], [5.8] and [8.0] photometry to determine IR excesses for a sample of 58 LMC and 46 SMC O stars. This sample is ideal for determining IR excesses because the very small line of sight reddening minimizes uncertainties due to extinction corrections. We use the core-halo model developed by Lamers & Waters (1984a) to translate the excesses into mass loss rates and demonstrate that the results of this simple model agree with the more sophisticated CMFGEN models to within a factor of 2. Taken at face value, the derived mass loss rates are larger than those predicted by Vink et al. (2001), and the magnitude of the disagreement increases with decreasing luminosity. However, the IR excesses need not imply large mass loss rates. Instead, we argue that they probably indicate that the outer atmospheres of O stars contain complex structures and that their winds are launched with much smaller velocity gradients than normally assumed. If this is the case, it could affect the theoretical and observational interpretations of the "weak wind" problem, where classical mass loss indicators suggest that the mass loss rates of lower luminosity O stars are far less than expected.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Structure and clumping in the fast wind of NGC6543

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    Far-UV spectroscopy from the FUSE satellite is analysed to uniquely probe spatial structure and clumping in the fast wind of the central star of the H-rich planetary nebula NGC6543 (HD164963). Time-series data of the unsaturated PV 1118, 1128 resonance line P Cygni profiles provide a very sensitive diagnostic of variable wind conditions in the outflow. We report on the discovery of episodic and recurrent optical depth enhancements in the PV absorption troughs, with some evidence for a 0.17-day modulation time-scale. SEI line-synthesis modelling is used to derive physical properties, including the optical depth evolution of individual `events'. The characteristics of these features are essentially identical to the `discrete absorption components' (DACs) commonly seen in the UV lines of massive OB stars. We have also employed the unified model atmosphere code CMFGEN to explore spectroscopic signatures of clumping, and report in particular on the clear sensitivity of the PV lines to the clump volume filling factor. The results presented here have implications for the downward revision of mass-loss rates in PN central stars. We conclude that the temporal structures seen in the PV lines of NGC6543 likely have a physical origin that is similar to that operating in massive, luminous stars, and may be related to near-surface perturbations caused by stellar pulsation and/or magnetic fields.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    CIR Modulation of the X-ray Flux from the O7.5 III(n)((f)) Star xi Persei?

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    We analyze a 162 ks HETG Chandra observation of the O7.5 III(n)((f)) star xi Per, together with contemporaneous H alpha observations. The X-ray spectrum of this star is similar to other single O stars, and not pathological in any way. Its UV wind lines are known to display cyclical time variability, with a period of 2.086 days, which is thought to be associated with co-rotating interaction regions (CIRs). We examine the Chandra and H alpha data for variability on this time scale. We find that the X-rays vary by about 15% over the course of the observations and that this variability is out of phase with variable absorption on the blue wing of the H alpha profiles (assumed to be a surrogate for the UV absorption associated with CIRs). While not conclusive, both sets of data are consistent with models where the CIRs are either a source of X-rays or modulate them.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS. 9 pages, 9 figure

    A Revised Geometry for the Magnetic Wind of theta^1 Orionis C

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    Theta^1 Ori is thought to be a hot analog of Bp variables because its optical and UV line and X-ray continuum fluxes modulate regularly over the magnetic/rotational period. A flattened magnetosphere surrounding co-rotates with these stars, producing a periodic modulation of emission and absorption components of the UV resonance lines, as well as of optical H and He lines. In this paper we examine these modulations in detail and point out that the far-blue and near-red wings of C IV and N V resonance lines exhibit anticorrelated modulations, causing mild flux elevations at moderate redshifts at edge-on phase (phi=0.5). However, the lines do not exhibit rest-frame absorption features, the usual signatures of cool static disks surrounding Bp stars. We suggest that this behavior can be explained by the existence of two geometrically distinct wind regions separated by the local magnetic Alfven radius. Wind streams emerging outside this point are forced outward by radiative forces and eventually expand outward radially to infinity - this matter produces the far-blue wing absorptions at phi=0.5. Interior streams follow closed loops and collide at the magnetic equator with counterstreams. There they coalesce and fall back to the star along their original field lines - these are responsible for mild emissions at this same phase. The rapid circulation of the interior wind component back to the star is responsible for the absence of static disk features.Comment: 7 figure

    The Influence of Stellar Wind Variability on Measurements of Interstellar O VI Along Sightlines to Early-Type Stars

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    A primary goal of the FUSE mission is to understand the origin of the O VI ion in the interstellar medium of the Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds. Along sightlines to OB-type stars, these interstellar components are usually blended with O VI stellar wind profiles, which frequently vary in shape. In order to assess the effects of this time-dependent blending on measurements of the interstellar O VI lines, we have undertaken a mini-survey of repeated observations toward OB-type stars in the Galaxy and the Large Magellanic Cloud. These sparse time series, which consist of 2-3 observations separated by intervals ranging from a few days to several months, show that wind variability occurs commonly in O VI (about 60% of a sample of 50 stars), as indeed it does in other resonance lines. However, in the interstellar O VI λ\lambda1032 region, the O VI λ\lambda1038 wind varies only in \sim30% of the cases. By examining cases exhibiting large amplitude variations, we conclude that stellar-wind variability {\em generally} introduces negligible uncertainty for single interstellar O VI components along Galactic lines of sight, but can result in substantial errors in measurements of broader components or blends of components like those typically observed toward stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Due to possible contamination by discrete absorption components in the stellar O VI line, stars with terminal velocities greater than or equal to the doublet separation (1654 km/s) should be treated with care.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Lette

    A preliminary investigation of the use of throttles for emergency flight control

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    A preliminary investigation was conducted regarding the use of throttles for emergency flight control of a multiengine aircraft. Several airplanes including a light twin-engine piston-powered airplane, jet transports, and a high performance fighter were studied during flight and piloted simulations. Simulation studies used the B-720, B-727, MD-11, and F-15 aircraft. Flight studies used the Lear 24, Piper PA-30, and F-15 airplanes. Based on simulator and flight results, all the airplanes exhibited some control capability with throttles. With piloted simulators, landings using manual throttles-only control were extremely difficult. An augmented control system was developed that converts conventional pilot stick inputs into appropriate throttle commands. With the augmented system, the B-720 and F-15 simulations were evaluated and could be landed successfully. Flight and simulation data were compared for the F-15 airplane

    The Winds of B Supergiants

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    This quarterly report is comprised of a paper, "Rotational Modulation of B Supergiant Winds" presented at the ESO workshop "Cyclical Variability in Stellar Winds." Presented is a 30-day IUE time series of the BO Ia HD 91969, a member of the Carina open cluster NGC 3293, which showed, among other things, that wind lines that probe more deeply into the wind vary more regularly