1,327 research outputs found

    Functional form for United States-México trade equations

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    The literature concerning bilateral trade flows between Mexico and the United States is comparatively small. With the growing importance of international commerce between these economies, potential trade flow responses to changes in relative prices and income performance deserves more attention. This paper attempts to partially fill this gap in the literature by estimating bilateral trade flow equations that decompose relative import and relative export prices into foreign prices, domestic prices, and the exchange rate.

    Intra-industry trade in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    An increasingly important component of total world trade is intra-industry trade (IIT). The large volume of literature on IIT is reflective of this importance. However, this extensive literature has focused almost completely on explaining the causes of IIT. This focus has left a puzzling gap in the literature. Specifically, it is almost impossible to determine the level of IIT for a particular country or region. Further, there is almost no information on the level of IIT at the industry level either globally or for a region or country. In this paper we provide estimates of IIT for the world and for the countries of the Western Hemisphere. Further, we provide estimates of IIT for ten different SITC product categories on the same basis. The findings of the paper indicate that in most industries, IIT in Latin America is substantially lower overall than the world average. There are, however, substantial variations observed both by country and by industry. Because the results are the first available for the region as a whole, they should allow researchers to get a better picture of the extent of IIT in Latin America and the Caribbean by country and by industry.Intra-industry trade; Latin America

    Structure and clumping in the fast wind of NGC6543

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    Far-UV spectroscopy from the FUSE satellite is analysed to uniquely probe spatial structure and clumping in the fast wind of the central star of the H-rich planetary nebula NGC6543 (HD164963). Time-series data of the unsaturated PV 1118, 1128 resonance line P Cygni profiles provide a very sensitive diagnostic of variable wind conditions in the outflow. We report on the discovery of episodic and recurrent optical depth enhancements in the PV absorption troughs, with some evidence for a 0.17-day modulation time-scale. SEI line-synthesis modelling is used to derive physical properties, including the optical depth evolution of individual `events'. The characteristics of these features are essentially identical to the `discrete absorption components' (DACs) commonly seen in the UV lines of massive OB stars. We have also employed the unified model atmosphere code CMFGEN to explore spectroscopic signatures of clumping, and report in particular on the clear sensitivity of the PV lines to the clump volume filling factor. The results presented here have implications for the downward revision of mass-loss rates in PN central stars. We conclude that the temporal structures seen in the PV lines of NGC6543 likely have a physical origin that is similar to that operating in massive, luminous stars, and may be related to near-surface perturbations caused by stellar pulsation and/or magnetic fields.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Borderplex Long-Term Economic Trends to 2026

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    Long-term prospects for the El Paso - Ciudad Juárez borderplex economy call for steady growth. On the north side of the border, the population of El Paso is projected to reach 965 thousand by 2026, the last year of the forecast period. Real gross metropolitan product, the broadest measure of local economic activity, is expected to increase by more than 85 percent over the course of the next two decades to more than 31.5billion(1996dollars).Betterjobmarketconditionscombinewithincomegrowthtopushtotalretailsalesabove31.5 billion (1996 dollars). Better job market conditions combine with income growth to push total retail sales above 20.7 billion by the end of the simulation period. Given this projected state of affairs, the UTEP Borderplex Econometric Model forecasts housing starts to average more than 5 thousand units per year through 2026. Substantially higher single-family home prices result under these circumstances. Demographic expansion and business growth jointly lead to greater demand for water in El Paso. As shown in Table 1, total consumption will approximate 45.8 billion gallons per year by the end of the forecast period.Border Economies; Econometric Forecasting Analysis

    Infrastructure Tolls in Texas: Evidence from the Borderplex

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    Do changes in toll rates affect pedestrian, car, and truck traffic across the bridges between El Paso and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico? As more and more attention is paid to the use of tolls as funding mechanisms for new road and infrastructure construction in Texas, the answer to this question has policy implications not only for local and state lawmakers, but also for firms importing and exporting goods between Texas and Mexico. This article uses bridge traffic data from the Borderplex to examine the relative impact of tolls and concludes that local policymakers have more leeway than they thought in raising funds to make infrastructure improvements.Tolls; International Bridges; Border Economics

    Modeling Ultraviolet Wind Line Variability in Massive Hot Stars

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    We model the detailed time-evolution of Discrete Absorption Components (DACs) observed in P Cygni profiles of the Si IV lam1400 resonance doublet lines of the fast-rotating supergiant HD 64760 (B0.5 Ib). We adopt the common assumption that the DACs are caused by Co-rotating Interaction Regions (CIRs) in the stellar wind. We perform 3D radiative transfer calculations with hydrodynamic models of the stellar wind that incorporate these large-scale density- and velocity-structures. We develop the 3D transfer code Wind3D to investigate the physical properties of CIRs with detailed fits to the DAC shape and morphology. The CIRs are caused by irregularities on the stellar surface that change the radiative force in the stellar wind. In our hydrodynamic model we approximate these irregularities by circular symmetric spots on the stellar surface. We use the Zeus3D code to model the stellar wind and the CIRs, limited to the equatorial plane. We constrain the properties of large-scale wind structures with detailed fits to DACs observed in HD 64760. A model with two spots of unequal brightness and size on opposite sides of the equator, with opening angles of 20 +/- 5 degr and 30 +/- 5 degr diameter, and that are 20 +/- 5 % and 8 +/- 5 % brighter than the stellar surface, respectively, provides the best fit to the observed DACs. The recurrence time of the DACs compared to the estimated rotational period corresponds to spot velocities that are 5 times slower than the rotational velocity. The mass-loss rate of the structured wind model for HD 64760 does not exceed the rate of the spherically symmetric smooth wind model by more than 1 %. The fact that DACs are observed in a large number of hot stars constrains the clumping that can be present in their winds, as substantial amounts of clumping would tend to destroy the CIRs.Comment: 58 pages, 16 figures, 1 animation. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, Main Journal. More information and animations are available at http://alobel.freeshell.org/hotstars.htm

    CIR Modulation of the X-ray Flux from the O7.5 III(n)((f)) Star xi Persei?

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    We analyze a 162 ks HETG Chandra observation of the O7.5 III(n)((f)) star xi Per, together with contemporaneous H alpha observations. The X-ray spectrum of this star is similar to other single O stars, and not pathological in any way. Its UV wind lines are known to display cyclical time variability, with a period of 2.086 days, which is thought to be associated with co-rotating interaction regions (CIRs). We examine the Chandra and H alpha data for variability on this time scale. We find that the X-rays vary by about 15% over the course of the observations and that this variability is out of phase with variable absorption on the blue wing of the H alpha profiles (assumed to be a surrogate for the UV absorption associated with CIRs). While not conclusive, both sets of data are consistent with models where the CIRs are either a source of X-rays or modulate them.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS. 9 pages, 9 figure

    The Influence of Stellar Wind Variability on Measurements of Interstellar O VI Along Sightlines to Early-Type Stars

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    A primary goal of the FUSE mission is to understand the origin of the O VI ion in the interstellar medium of the Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds. Along sightlines to OB-type stars, these interstellar components are usually blended with O VI stellar wind profiles, which frequently vary in shape. In order to assess the effects of this time-dependent blending on measurements of the interstellar O VI lines, we have undertaken a mini-survey of repeated observations toward OB-type stars in the Galaxy and the Large Magellanic Cloud. These sparse time series, which consist of 2-3 observations separated by intervals ranging from a few days to several months, show that wind variability occurs commonly in O VI (about 60% of a sample of 50 stars), as indeed it does in other resonance lines. However, in the interstellar O VI λ\lambda1032 region, the O VI λ\lambda1038 wind varies only in \sim30% of the cases. By examining cases exhibiting large amplitude variations, we conclude that stellar-wind variability {\em generally} introduces negligible uncertainty for single interstellar O VI components along Galactic lines of sight, but can result in substantial errors in measurements of broader components or blends of components like those typically observed toward stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Due to possible contamination by discrete absorption components in the stellar O VI line, stars with terminal velocities greater than or equal to the doublet separation (1654 km/s) should be treated with care.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Lette

    The Discordance of Mass-Loss Estimates for Galactic O-Type Stars

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    We have determined accurate values of the product of the mass-loss rate and the ion fraction of P^{4+}, Mdot q(P^{4+}), for a sample of 40 Galactic O-type stars by fitting stellar-wind profiles to observations of the P V resonance doublet obtained with FUSE, ORFEUS/BEFS, and Copernicus. When P^{4+} is the dominant ion in the wind, Mdot q(P^{4+}) approximates the mass-loss rate to within a factor of 2. Theory predicts that P^{4+} is the dominant ion in the winds of O7-O9.7 stars, though an empirical estimator suggests that the range from O4-O7 may be more appropriate. However, we find that the mass-loss rates obtained from P V wind profiles are systematically smaller than those obtained from fits to Halpha emission profiles or radio free-free emission by median factors of about 130 (if P^{4+} is dominant between O7 and O9.7) or about 20 (if P^{4+} is dominant between O4 and O7). These discordant measurements can be reconciled if the winds of O stars in the relevant temperature range are strongly clumped on small spatial scales. We use a simplified two-component model to investigate the volume filling factors of the denser regions. This clumping implies that mass-loss rates determined from "density squared" diagnostics have been systematically over-estimated by factors of 10 or more, at least for a subset of O stars. Reductions in the mass-loss rates of this size have important implications for the evolution of massive stars and quantitative estimates of the feedback that hot-star winds provide to their interstellar environments.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in Ap