220 research outputs found

    Scattering formula for the topological quantum number of a disordered multi-mode wire

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    The topological quantum number Q of a superconducting or chiral insulating wire counts the number of stable bound states at the end points. We determine Q from the matrix r of reflection amplitudes from one of the ends, generalizing the known result in the absence of time-reversal and chiral symmetry to all five topologically nontrivial symmetry classes. The formula takes the form of the determinant, Pfaffian, or matrix signature of r, depending on whether r is a real matrix, a real antisymmetric matrix, or a Hermitian matrix. We apply this formula to calculate the topological quantum number of N coupled dimerized polymer chains, including the effects of disorder in the hopping constants. The scattering theory relates a topological phase transition to a conductance peak, of quantized height and with a universal (symmetry class independent) line shape. Two peaks which merge are annihilated in the superconducting symmetry classes, while they reinforce each other in the chiral symmetry classes.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, this is the final, published versio

    Statistical Topological Insulators

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    We define a class of insulators with gapless surface states protected from localization due to the statistical properties of a disordered ensemble, namely due to the ensemble's invariance under a certain symmetry. We show that these insulators are topological, and are protected by a Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 invariant. Finally, we prove that every topological insulator gives rise to an infinite number of classes of statistical topological insulators in higher dimensions. Our conclusions are confirmed by numerical simulations.Comment: 6 pages, 1 table, 5 figures, this is the final, published versio

    Thermal metal-insulator transition in a helical topological superconductor

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    Two-dimensional superconductors with time-reversal symmetry have a Z_2 topological invariant, that distinguishes phases with and without helical Majorana edge states. We study the topological phase transition in a class-DIII network model, and show that it is associated with a metal-insulator transition for the thermal conductance of the helical superconductor. The localization length diverges at the transition with critical exponent nu approx 2.0, about twice the known value in a chiral superconductor.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Scattering theory of topological insulators and superconductors

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    The topological invariant of a topological insulator (or superconductor) is given by the number of symmetry-protected edge states present at the Fermi level. Despite this fact, established expressions for the topological invariant require knowledge of all states below the Fermi energy. Here, we propose a way to calculate the topological invariant employing solely its scattering matrix at the Fermi level without knowledge of the full spectrum. Since the approach based on scattering matrices requires much less information than the Hamiltonian-based approaches (surface versus bulk), it is numerically more efficient. In particular, is better-suited for studying disordered systems. Moreover, it directly connects the topological invariant to transport properties potentially providing a new way to probe topological phases.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, 3 ancilla videos. v2: updated figures and references. v3: added appendix (published version). v4: fixed typos, updated reference

    Phase-locked magnetoconductance oscillations as a probe of Majorana edge states

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    We calculate the Andreev conductance of a superconducting ring interrupted by a flux-biased Josephson junction, searching for electrical signatures of circulating edge states. Two-dimensional pair potentials of spin-singlet d-wave and spin-triplet p-wave symmetry support, respectively, (chiral) Dirac modes and (chiral or helical) Majorana modes. These produce h/e-periodic magnetoconductance oscillations of amplitude \simeq (e^{2}/h)N^{-1/2}, measured via an N-mode point contact at the inner or outer perimeter of the grounded ring. For Dirac modes the oscillations in the two contacts are independent, while for an unpaired Majorana mode they are phase locked by a topological phase transition at the Josephson junction.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. New appendix on the gauge invariant discretization of the Bogoliubov-De Gennes equation. Accepted for publication in PR

    Lack of near-sightedness principle in non-Hermitian systems

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    The non-Hermitian skin effect is a phenomenon in which an extensive number of states accumulates at the boundaries of a system. It has been associated to nontrivial topology, with nonzero bulk invariants predicting its appearance and its position in real space. Here we demonstrate that the non-Hermitian skin effect is not a topological phenomenon in general: when translation symmetry is broken by a single non-Hermitian impurity, skin modes are depleted at the boundary and accumulate at the impurity site, without changing any bulk invariant. This may occur even for a fully Hermitian bulk

    Topological quantum number and critical exponent from conductance fluctuations at the quantum Hall plateau transition

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    The conductance of a two-dimensional electron gas at the transition from one quantum Hall plateau to the next has sample-specific fluctuations as a function of magnetic field and Fermi energy. Here we identify a universal feature of these mesoscopic fluctuations in a Corbino geometry: The amplitude of the magnetoconductance oscillations has an e^2/h resonance in the transition region, signaling a change in the topological quantum number of the insulating bulk. This resonance provides a signed scaling variable for the critical exponent of the phase transition (distinct from existing positive definite scaling variables).Comment: 6 pages, 9 figure

    Sixfold fermion near the Fermi level in cubic PtBi2

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    We show that the cubic compound PtBi2, is a topological semimetal hosting a sixfold band touching point in close proximity to the Fermi level. Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we map the bandstructure of the system, which is in good agreement with results from density functional theory. Further, by employing a low energy effective Hamiltonian valid close to the crossing point, we study the effect of a magnetic field on the sixfold fermion. The latter splits into a total of twenty Weyl cones for a Zeeman field oriented in the diagonal, [111] direction. Our results mark cubic PtBi2, as an ideal candidate to study the transport properties of gapless topological systems beyond Dirac and Weyl semimetals.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures; this is the final, published versio
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