13 research outputs found

    Miniaturized pH Sensors Based on Zinc Oxide Nanotubes/Nanorods

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    ZnO nanotubes and nanorods grown on gold thin film were used to create pH sensor devices. The developed ZnO nanotube and nanorod pH sensors display good reproducibility, repeatability and long-term stability and exhibit a pH-dependent electrochemical potential difference versus an Ag/AgCl reference electrode over a large dynamic pH range. We found the ZnO nanotubes provide sensitivity as high as twice that of the ZnO nanorods, which can be ascribed to the fact that small dimensional ZnO nanotubes have a higher level of surface and subsurface oxygen vacancies and provide a larger effective surface area with higher surface-to-volume ratio as compared to ZnO nanorods, thus affording the ZnO nanotube pH sensor a higher sensitivity. Experimental results indicate ZnO nanotubes can be used in pH sensor applications with improved performance. Moreover, the ZnO nanotube arrays may find potential application as a novel material for measurements of intracellular biochemical species within single living cells

    Human Embryonic Stem Cells Derived by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer

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    SummaryReprogramming somatic cells into pluripotent embryonic stem cells (ESCs) by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has been envisioned as an approach for generating patient-matched nuclear transfer (NT)-ESCs for studies of disease mechanisms and for developing specific therapies. Past attempts to produce human NT-ESCs have failed secondary to early embryonic arrest of SCNT embryos. Here, we identified premature exit from meiosis in human oocytes and suboptimal activation as key factors that are responsible for these outcomes. Optimized SCNT approaches designed to circumvent these limitations allowed derivation of human NT-ESCs. When applied to premium quality human oocytes, NT-ESC lines were derived from as few as two oocytes. NT-ESCs displayed normal diploid karyotypes and inherited their nuclear genome exclusively from parental somatic cells. Gene expression and differentiation profiles in human NT-ESCs were similar to embryo-derived ESCs, suggesting efficient reprogramming of somatic cells to a pluripotent state.PaperCli

    Mechanical Characterization and Electrochemical Sensor Applications of Zinc Oxide Nanostructures

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    Nanotechnology is emerging to be one of the most important scientific disciplines that physics, chemistry and biology truly overlap with each other. Over the last two decades science and technology have witnessed tremendous improvement in the hope of unveiling the true secrets of the nature in molecular or atomic level. Today, the regime of nanometer is truly reached. ZnO is a promising material due to the wide direct band gap (3.37 eV) and the room temperature large exciton binding energy (60 meV). Recent studies have shown considerable attraction towards ZnO nanostructures, particularly on one-dimensional ZnO nanorods, nanowires, and nanotubes due to the fact that, for a large number of applications, shape and size of the ZnO nanostructures play a vital role for the performance of the devices. The noncentrosymmetric property of ZnO makes it an ideal piezoelectric material for nanomechanical devices. Thus, mechanical characterization of one dimensional ZnO nanostructures including strength, toughness, stiffness, hardness, and adhesion to the substrate is very important for the reliability and efficient operation of piezoelectric ZnO nanodevices. Moreover, owing to the large effective surface area with high surface-to-volume ratio, the surface of one dimensional ZnO nanowires, nanorods, and nanotubes is very sensitive to the changes in surface chemistry and hence can be utilized to fabricate highly sensitive ZnO electrochemical sensors. This thesis studies mechanical properties and electrochemical sensor applications of ZnO nanostructures. The first part of the thesis deals with mechanical characterization of vertically grown ZnO nanorods and nanotubes including buckling, mechanical instability, and bending flexibility. In paper I, we have investigated mechanical instability and buckling characterization of vertically aligned single-crystal ZnO nanorods grown on Si, SiC, and sapphire substrates by vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) method. The critical loads for the ZnO nanorods grown on Si, SiC, and sapphire were measured and the corresponding buckling and adhesion energies were calculated. It was found that the nanorods grown on SiC substrate have less residual stresses and are more stable than the nanorods grown on Si and sapphire substrates. Paper II investigates nanomechanical tests of bending flexibility, kinking, and buckling failure characterization of vertically aligned single crystal ZnO nanorods/nanowires grown by VLS and aqueous chemical growth (ACG) methods. We observed that the loading and unloading behaviors during the bending test of the as-grown samples were highly symmetrical and the highest point on the bending curves and the first inflection and critical point were very close. The results also show that the elasticity of the ZnO single crystal is approximately linear up to the first inflection point and is independent of the growth method. In Paper III, we quantitatively investigated the buckling and the elastic stability of vertically well aligned ZnO nanorods and ZnO nanotubes grown on Si substrate by nanoindentation technique. We found that the critical load for the nanorods was five times larger than the critical load for nanotubes. On the contrary, the flexibility for nanotubes was five times larger than nanorods. The discovery of high flexibility for nanotubes and high elasticity for nanorods can be utilized for designing efficient piezoelectric nanodevices. The second part of this thesis investigates electrochemical sensor applications of ZnO nanorods, nanotubes , and nanoporous material. In paper IV, we utilized functionalized ZnO nanorods on the tip of a borosilicate glass capillary coated with ionophore-membrane to construct intracellular Ca2+ selective sensor. The sensor exhibited a Ca2+-dependent electrochemical potential difference and the response was linear over a large dynamic concentration range, which enabled this sensor to measure Ca2+ concentrations in human adipocytes or in frog oocytes. The results were consistent with the values of Ca2+ concentrations reported in the literature. In paper V, ZnO nanotubes and nanorods were used to create pH sensor devices. The developed ZnO pH sensors display good reproducibility, repeatability, and long-term stability. The ZnO pH sensors exhibited a pH-dependent electrochemical potential difference over a large dynamic pH range. We found that the ZnO nanotubes provide sensitivity as high as twice that of the ZnO nanorods. The possible reasons of enhanced sensitivity were explained. Paper VI investigates an improved potentiometric intracellular glucose biosensor based on the immobilization of glucose oxidase on the ZnO nanoporous material. We demonstrated that using ZnO nanoporous material as a matrix material for enzyme immobilization improves the sensitivity of the biosensor as compared to using ZnO nanorods. In addition, the fabrication method of the intracellular biosensor was simple and excellent performance in sensitivity, stability, selectivity, reproducibility, and anti-interference was achieved

    Bending flexibility, kinking, and buckling characterization of ZnO nanorods/nanowires grown on different substrates by high and low temperature methods

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    Nanomechanical tests of bending flexibility, kinking, and buckling failure characterization of vertically aligned single crystal ZnO nanorods/nanowires were performed quantitatively by nanoindentation technique. These nanostructures were grown by the vapor liquid solid (VLS) method, a relatively high temperature approach, and the aqueous chemical growth (ACG) method, a relatively low temperature approach on different substrates, including SiC and Si. The first critical load at the inflection point found for the ZnO nanorods/nanowires grown by ACG method was 105 mu N on the SiC substrates and 114 mu N on the Si substrates. The corresponding buckling energies calculated from the force-displacement curves were 3.15x10(-12) and 2.337x10(-12) J, respectively. Similarly, for the samples grown by the VLS method, the first critical load at the inflection point and the corresponding buckling energies were calculated from the force-displacement curves as 198 mu N and 7.03x10(-12) J on the SiC substrates, and 19 mu N and 1.805x10(-13) J on the Si substrates. Moreover, the critical buckling stress, strain, and strain energy were also calculated for all samples. The strain energy for all samples was much less than the corresponding buckling energy. This shows that our as-grown samples are elastic and flexible. The elasticity measurement was performed for all the samples before reaching the first critical and kinking inflection point, and we subsequently observed the bending flexibility, kinking, and buckling phenomena on the same nanorods/nanowires. We observed that the loading and unloading behaviors during the bending test of the as-grown samples were highly symmetrical, and also that the highest point on the bending curves and the first inflection and critical point were very close. ZnO nanorods/nanowires grown on SiC by the ACG method, and those grown by the VLS method on Si substrates, show a linear relation and high modulus of elasticity for the force and displacement up to the first inflection and critical point. The results also show that the elasticity of the ZnO single crystal is approximately linear up to the first inflection point, is independent of the growth method and is strongly dependent on the verticality on the surface of the substrates. In addition, the results show that after the first buckling point, the nanorods/nanowires have plasticity, and become more flexible to produce multiple kinks.Original Publication:Riaz Muhammad, Alimujiang Fulati, Lili Yang, O Nour, Magnus Willander and P Klason , Bending flexibility, kinking, and buckling characterization of ZnO nanorods/nanowires grown on different substrates by high and low temperature methods, 2008, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, (104), 10, 104306-.http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3018090Copyright: American Institute of Physicshttp://www.aip.org

    Intracellular K(+) Determination With a Potentiometric Microelectrode Based on ZnO

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    N.B.: When citing this work, cite the original article. ©2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE

    Intracellular K(+) Determination With a Potentiometric Microelectrode Based on ZnO Nanowires

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    The fabrication and application of an intracellular K(+)-selective microelectrode is demonstrated. ZnO nanowires with a diameter of 100-180 nm and a length of approximately 1.5. m are grown on a borosilicate glass microcapillary. The ZnO nanowires were coated by a K(+)-ionophore-containing membrane. The K(+)-selective microelectrode exhibited a K(+)-dependent potentiometric response versus an Ag/AgCl reference microelectrode that was linear over a large concentration range (25 . M-125 mM) with a minimum detection limit of 1 . M. The measured K(+) concentrations in human adipocytes and in frog oocytes were consistent with values of K(+) concentrations reported in the literature. The sensor has several advantages including ease of fabrication, ease of insertion into the cells, low cost, and high selectivity features that make this type of sensor suitable to characterize physiologically relevant ions within single living cells.©2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. Syed Usman Ali, Muhammad Asif, Alimujiang Fulati, Omer Nur, Magnus Willander, Cecilia Brännmark, Peter Strålfors, Ulrika Englund, Fredrik Elinder and Bengt Danielsson, Intracellular K(+) Determination With a Potentiometric Microelectrode Based on ZnO Nanowires, 2011, IEEE transactions on nanotechnology, (10), 4, 913-919. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TNANO.2010.2089696</p

    An intracellular glucose biosensor based on nanoflake ZnO

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    In this study, an improved potentiometric intracellular glucose biosensor was fabricated with immobilization of glucose oxidase on a ZnO nanoporous material. The ZnO nanoporous material with a wall thickness around 200 nm was grown on the tip of a borosilicate glass capillary and used as a selective intracellular glucose sensor for the measurement of glucose concentrations in human adipocytes and frog oocytes. The results showed a fast response within 4 s and a linear glucosedependent electrochemical response over a wide range of glucose concentration (500 nM-10 mM). The measurements of intracellular glucose concentrations with our biosensor were consistent with the values of intracellular glucose concentrations reported in the literature. The sensor also demonstrated its capability by detecting an increase in the intracellular glucose concentration induced by insulin. We found that the ZnO nanoporous material provides sensitivity as high as 1.8 times higher than that obtained using ZnO nanorods under the same conditions. Moreover, the fabrication method in our experiment is simple and the excellent performance of the developed nanosensor in sensitivity, stability, selectivity, reproducibility and anti-interference was achieved. All these advantageous features of this intracellular glucose biosensor based on functionalised ZnO nanoporous material compared to ZnO nanorods demonstrate a promising way of enhancing glucose biosensor performance to measure reliable intracellular glucose concentrations within single living cells.Original Publication:Alimujiang Fulati, Syed M. Usman Ali, Muhammad H. Asif, Naveed Ul Hassan Alvi, Magnus Willander, Cecilia Brännmark, Peter Strålfors, Sara I. Börjesson and Fredrik Elinder, An intracellular glucose biosensor based on nanoflake ZnO, 2010, Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, (150), 2, 673-680.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2010.08.021Copyright: Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.http://www.elsevier.com/</p

    N.B.: When citing this work, cite the original article. Original Publication:

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    In this study, a potentiometric intracellular glucose biosensor was fabricated by immobilization of glucose oxidase on nanoflake ZnO. Nanoflake ZnO with a wall thickness around 200 nm was grown on the tip of a borosilicate glass capillary and used as a selective intracellular glucose biosensor for the measurement of glucose concentrations in human adipocytes and frog oocytes. The results showed a fast response within 4 s and a logarithmic linear glucose-dependent electrochemical potential difference over a wide range of glucose concentration (500 nM-10 mM). Our measurements of intracellular glucose were consistent with the values of intracellular glucose concentrations reported in the literature. The monitoring capability of the sensor was demonstrated by following the increase in the intracellula