187 research outputs found

    Correlation between aerobic threshold and cardiopulmonary response to exercise onset in patients with myocardial infarction

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    Purpose: This study aimed to identify the correlation between aerobic threshold (AT) and cardiopulmonary response at the start of exercise in patients with myocardial infarction (MI). Subjects and Methods: Thirty-one male patients with MI underwent a sub-maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test with expiratory gas analysis to determine their peak oxygen uptake (V̇O₂) level, using Ramp protocol. Results: The patients demonstrated an extended time constant (TC) and decline in AT in this study. Extended TC suggested impaired cardiac function due to reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), as well as an LVEF of 59.8% on average. However, there was no significant correlation between TC and AT. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were 0.56 between AT and area under the oxygen uptake curve (V̇O₂AUC), -0.22 between TC and V̇O₂AUC, and -0.23 between AT and TC. Conclusion: V̇O₂AUC is representative of oxygen utilization and is correlated with AT in patients with MI.首都大学東京学位論文 乙第192号 副論

    Arterial embolization of an extrapleural hematoma from a dislocated fracture of the lumbar spine: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We present a report of a blunt-trauma patient who developed an atypical extrapleural hematoma with hemodynamic instability following a dislocation fracture of the first lumbar vertebra. We successfully treated her with arterial embolization (AE) of the lumbar and intercostal arteries.</p> <p>Case report</p> <p>The patient, a 74-year-old woman, was injured in a traffic accident. At the scene of the accident, she was found to be alert, and her hemodynamic condition was stable. She arrived at our hospital complaining of lumbago. A thoracoabdominal computed tomography (CT) scan with contrast enhancement showed a dislocation fracture of the first lumbar vertebra along with paravertebral and retroperitoneal hematomas. Therefore, we managed the patient conservatively with bed rest. However, 3 h after admission, her blood pressure suddenly decreased. A repeated thoracoabdominal CT scan showed enlargement of the right retroperitoneal hematoma with extravasation of the contrast medium into the right extrapleural space. Angiography was immediately performed, showing extravasation of the contrast media from the right intercostal (Th12) and lumbar arteries (L1). After arterial embolization (AE) with gelatin-sponge particles, extravasation of the contrast medium ceased, and the patient's hemodynamic condition stabilized without massive fluid resuscitation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The extrapleural hematoma reduced in size after AE, and almost disappeared on the 14<sup>th </sup>day of hospitalization. The lumbar spinal fracture was successfully repaired on day 16, and the patient was kept in the hospital to recuperate. We believe that AE is effective for the management of intractable bleeding following fractures of the spine.</p

    Arterial embolization in patients with grade-4 blunt renal trauma: evaluation of the glomerular filtration rates by dynamic scintigraphy with 99mTechnetium-diethylene triamine pentacetic acid

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High-grade blunt renal trauma has been treated by arterial embolization (AE). However, it is unknown whether AE preserves renal function, because conventional renal function tests reflect total renal function and not the function of the injured kidney alone. Dynamic scintigraphy can assess differential renal function.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed AE in 17 patients with grade-4 blunt renal trauma and determined their serum creatinine (sCr) level and glomerular filtration rate (GFR; estimated by dynamic scintigraphy) after 3 months. In 4 patients with low GFR of the injured kidney (<20 ml·min<sup>-1</sup>·1.73 m<sup>-2</sup>), the GFR and sCr were measured again at 6 months. Data are presented as median and interquartile range (25th, 75th percentile).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The median GFR of the injured kidney, total GFR, and median sCr at 3 months were 29.3 (23.7, 35.3) and 96.8 (79.1, 102.6) ml·min<sup>-1</sup>·1.73 m<sup>-2 </sup>and 0.6 (0.5, 0.7) mg/dl, respectively. In the patients with low GFR (ml·min<sup>-1</sup>·1.73 m<sup>-2</sup>), the median GFR of the injured kidney, total GFR, and median sCr (mg/dl) were 16.2 (15.7, 16.3), 68.7 (61.1, 71.6), and 0.7 (0.7, 0.9), respectively, at 3 months and 34.5 (29.2, 37.0), 90.9 (79.1, 98.8), and 0.7 (0.7, 0.8), respectively, at 6 months.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The function of the injured kidney was preserved in all patients, indicating the efficacy of AE for the treatment of grade-4 blunt renal trauma.</p


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    首都大学東京, 2019-03-25, 博士(理学療法学), 乙第192号首都大学東

    Search for a stochastic background of 100-MHz gravitational waves with laser interferometers

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    This letter reports the results of a search for a stochastic background of gravitational waves (GW) at 100 MHz by laser interferometry. We have developed a GW detector, which is a pair of 75-cm baseline synchronous recycling (resonant recycling) interferometers. Each interferometer has a strain sensitivity of ~ 10^{-16} Hz^{-1/2} at 100 MHz. By cross-correlating the outputs of the two interferometers within 1000 seconds, we found h_{100}^2 Omega_{gw} < 6 times 10^{25} to be an upper limit on the energy density spectrum of the GW background in a 2-kHz bandwidth around 100 MHz, where a flat spectrum is assumed.Comment: Accepted by Phys.Rev.Lett.; 10 pages, 4 figure

    Experimental investigation of a control scheme for a tuned resonant sideband extraction interferometer for next-generation gravitational-wave detectors

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    LCGT plans to use tuned RSE as the optical configuration for its interferometer. A tuned RSE interferometer has five degrees of freedom that need to be controlled in order to operate a gravitational-wave detector, although it is expected to be very challenging because of the complexity of its optical configuration. A new control scheme for a tuned RSE interferometer has been developed and tested with a prototype interferometer to demonstrate successful control of the tuned RSE interferometer. The whole RSE interferometer was successfully locked with the control scheme. Here the control scheme and the current status of the experiment are presented

    イングランド ノ カリキュラム カイカク ト ニホンゴ キョウイク -ショトウ キョウイク ヘノ ガイコクゴ キョウイク ヒッシュウカ ヲ チュウシン トシテ-

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    イングランドでは、2014年9月より新しいナショナルカリキュラムが施行される。外国語教育において大きな変化は初等教育の第3学年から第6学年で、外国語教育が必修化される点である。ただ、この初等レベルでの外国語必修化の過程では、当初、「フランス語、ドイツ語、イタリア語、中国語、スペイン語、古典(ラテン語または古典ギリシャ語)の7言語の中から1つ以上を教えること」という言語指定があり、英国の日本語教育に大きな影響を及ぼすことが考えられた。最終的なカリキュラムには、この7言語リストはなくなったが、その間、国際交流基金ロンドン日本文化センターは、各方面に、様々な働きかけを行った。本稿では、イングランドのカリキュラム改革の過程を、英国で日本語教育に関わる実践者の視点から記述する。As of September 2014, the new National Curriculum has been implemented in England. The biggest change for foreign language education is to make foreign language learning statutory for pupils at Key Stage 2 (from Year 3 to Year 6). At first, the Department for Education proposed that primary schools teach one or more of French, German, Italian, Mandarin, Spanish or a classical language (Latin or Ancient Greek). The Japan Foundation London was concerned about the proposal, as it might prevent school children from learning Japanese in primary schools, and requested that the Department withdraw the list in cooperation with other stakeholders. In the end, the list of seven languages was abandoned andany language is allowed to be taught in primary schools. In this paper, we describe the process of the Curriculum reform from the viewpoint of practitioners engaging in Japanese language education in the UK

    ウズベキスタン ノ 「キコクシジョ コース」 ジッセン ホウコク -「イドウ スル コドモ」 ノ タメニ 「カイガイ ノ ニホンゴ キョウイク」 ハ ナニ ガ デキル カ-

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    本稿では、ウズベキスタン・日本人材開発センターにおいて、日本に滞在経験のある2歳から14歳までの児童生徒を対象に実施された「帰国子女コース」の実践を報告する。(期間:2005年2月~2006年6月)報告者はウズベク語・ロシア語というダイグロシア社会の中で「移動する家族」の子どもとして生まれた「帰国子女」を「移動する子ども」と捉え、母語、第二言語、外国語を越えた「ことば」の総合的な育成を活動目標とした。報告者は子どもたちが保持する日本語を外国語として教えるのではなく、それを媒体に認知発達、ネットワーク形成、肯定的な自己のあり方の強化などの機能を狙った活動を行った。活動はイマージョン方式を参考に、絵本、工作、遊びをとりいれ、海外における年少者日本語教育の文脈と活動例を提案する。This is a report on the practice of a Japanese-Language Course for children between the ages of 2-14 who have returned from Japan. The course was provided at the Uzbekistan-Japan Center for Human Development between February 2005 and June 2006. We consider returnees as “children crossing borders” who live in the culturally and linguistically diversified environment of Uzbekistan. The course aims at a comprehensive development of the language within children, with no distinction between first, second, or foreign language. Activities, such as picture-book reading, making toys, and playing games, are designed to develop cognitive abilities, socialization skills, and identities. Through this report, we would like to point out the importance of support for children and describe activities for this purpose

    イブンカカン コミュニケーション ノウリョク ノ タメ ノ キョウイク ト ソノ キョウザイカ ニ ツイテ -ハンガリー ノ ニホンゴキョウイク キョウカショ 『デキル』 サクセイ ヲ レイ ト シテ-

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    本稿ではハンガリーにおける日本語教育教科書『できる』の開発を例に、日本語教育における異文化間コミュニケーション能力の育成の方法とその教材化について一例を示す。ハンガリーの言語教育は欧州評議会の政策に影響を受けており、言語能力のみならず文化的な能力の育成も重要視されている。『できる』においては、Byram、L&aacute;z&aacute;r といった欧州評議会の活動に参加している教育者のモデルを参照し、五つの異文化間能力の定義付けを行い、段階的に教育を行う方法をとった。実際の教材化に当たっては、異文化間能力養成を異なった機能を持つ教科書のコーナーに分散させることで、異文化間能力が静態的な知識に終わることなく、創造的で動態的な性格を持つように複合的なデザインを行った。しかし、異文化間コミュニケーション能力は言語使用者の行動として発現するため、教材の使い方についてより多くの注意が必要である。This is a report on the development of education for intercultural communicative competence through Japanese language teaching in Hungary and the design of a textbook, titled "Dekiru." Language education in Hungary is influenced by the policies of the Council of Europe, which emphasize cultural as well as language education. In the `Dekiru\u27 textbook we define five intercultural competences and adopt a gradual approach to enhance them; referring to the education model developed by Byram and L&aacute;z&aacute;r, who have participated in the Council of Europe\u27s activities. In the textbook, intercultural competences are promoted by various methods, so that learners can gain modifiable and dynamic competences, rather than static knowledge. The goal of education for intercultural communicative competences is to change learners\u27 actions in practice; therefore, it is important to pay attention to the way the textbooks is used