11 research outputs found

    A phase 2 study of panobinostat with lenalidomide and weekly dexamethasone in myeloma.

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    Phase 3 studies combining histone deacetylase inhibitors with bortezomib were hampered by gastrointestinal (GI) intolerance, which was not observed when combined with immunomodulatory drugs. This study is a single-center phase 2 study of panobinostat with lenalidomide and dexamethasone (FRD). Twenty-seven relapsed multiple myeloma patients were enrolled. Twenty-two patients (81%) were lenalidomide refractory and 9 (33%), 14 (52%), and 7 (26%) were refractory to pomalidomide, bortezomib, and carfilzomib, respectively. High-risk molecular findings were present in 17 (63%) patients. Responses included 2 complete responses (CRs), 4 very good partial responses (VGPRs), 5 partial responses (PRs), and 9 minimal responses (MRs) for an overall response rate of 41%, clinical benefit rate of 74%, and a disease control rate of 96%. The median progression-free survival (PFS) was 7.1 months. In the 22 lenalidomide-refractory patients, there were 1 CR, 4 VGPRs, 3 PRs, and 7 MRs, with a median PFS of 6.5 months. Median overall survival was not reached. Grade 3/4 toxicities were primarily hematologic. Gene expression profiling of enrollment tumor samples revealed a set of 1989 genes associated with short (<90 days) PFS to therapy. MAGEA1 RNA and protein expression were correlated with short PFS, and laboratory studies demonstrated a role for MAGE-A in resistance to panobinostat-induced cell death. FRD demonstrates durable responses, even in high-risk, lenalidomide-refractory patients, indicating the essential role of panobinostat in attaining responses. MAGEA1 expression may represent a functional biomarker for resistance to panobinostat. In contrast to PANORAMA 1, there were no significant GI toxicities and primarily expected hematologic toxicities. This trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as #NCT00742027

    If we build it they will come: targeting the immune response to breast cancer.

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    Historically, breast cancer tumors have been considered immunologically quiescent, with the majority of tumors demonstrating low lymphocyte infiltration, low mutational burden, and modest objective response rates to anti-PD-1/PD-L1 monotherapy. Tumor and immunologic profiling has shed light on potential mechanisms of immune evasion in breast cancer, as well as unique aspects of the tumor microenvironment (TME). These include elements associated with antigen processing and presentation as well as immunosuppressive elements, which may be targeted therapeutically. Examples of such therapeutic strategies include efforts to (1) expand effector T-cells, natural killer (NK) cells and immunostimulatory dendritic cells (DCs), (2) improve antigen presentation, and (3) decrease inhibitory cytokines, tumor-associated M2 macrophages, regulatory T- and B-cells and myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSCs). The goal of these approaches is to alter the TME, thereby making breast tumors more responsive to immunotherapy. In this review, we summarize key developments in our understanding of antitumor immunity in breast cancer, as well as emerging therapeutic modalities that may leverage that understanding to overcome immunologic resistance

    Expansion of Outreach to Native Hawaii and Pacific Islander Communities to Increase Breast Cancer Screening and Clinical Trial Awareness in Underserved and Rural Oahu.

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    Introduction: Multiple barriers exist in the enrollment of racial and ethnic minority groups into breast cancer screening and clinical trials. Such barriers include the lack of knowledge, mistrust, and access. To increase participation of rural-dwelling Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders (NHPI) and other underserved minority groups in breast cancer screening and clinical trials, a pilot project was developed to augment community engagement, provide education, and gain insights into the cancer screening/clinical trial process. Objective: Engage rural Oahuʻs underserved communities in breast cancer screening and facilitate enrollment into the Digital Tomosynthesis Mammography and Digital Mammography in Screening Patients of Breast Cancer Trial (TMIST) utilizing a team comprising of a cultural congruent and gender concordant Community Health Educator (CHE) and medical oncology health care provider. Methods: We reviewed the community activities over the course of a year. The CHE facilitated outreach by speaking at numerous church events and other community gatherings. Results: Participants did not respond favorably to surveys on social determinants of health. Common reasons for their reluctance included lack of perceived importance and medical mistrust. When discussing verbiage that was intimidating or confusing such as clinical trial protocol consent language, TMIST study participants conveyed a strong sense of dehumanization. Conclusion: A total of 92 women were screened for the TMIST clinical trial. Of those, 12 were enrolled in TMIST and 32 participants received mammograms. Participant insight highlighted the importance of education using culturally sensitive language and community engagement to combat the lack of knowledge and mistrust. Continued development of education materials centered around community involvement will improve the accrual of NHPI participation in breast cancer screening/clinical trials. Desired Impact: We hope this project established a basis for equity in communities with low breast cancer screening and clinical trial participation rates. We intend to build upon the community partnerships forged during this pilot project.<p/

    Recruiting Cancer Survivors to a Mobile Mindfulness Intervention in the United States: Exploring Online and Face-to-Face Recruitment Strategies

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    Cancer survivorship research faces several recruitment challenges, such as accrual of a representative sample, as well as participant retention. Our study explores patterns in recruited demographics, patient-reported outcomes (PROs), and retention rates for a randomized controlled trial (RCT) utilizing a mobile mindfulness intervention for the well-being of cancer survivors. In total, 123 participants were recruited using traditional and online strategies. Using the chi-square test of independence, recruitment type was compared with demographic and clinical variables, PROs, and retention at Time 2 and Time 3. Online recruitment resulted in almost double the yield compared to traditional recruitment. Online-recruited participants were more often younger, from the continental U.S., Caucasian, diagnosed and treated less recently, at a later stage of diagnosis, diagnosed with blood cancer, without high blood pressure, and with less reported pain. The recruitment method was not significantly associated with retention. Online recruitment may capture a larger, broader survivor sample, but, similar to traditional recruitment, may also lead to selection biases depending on where efforts are focused. Future research should assess the reasons underlying the higher yield and retention rates of online recruitment and should evaluate how to apply a mix of traditional and online recruitment strategies to efficiently accrue samples that are representative of the survivor population

    Racial Disparities in Patient-Provider Communication During Telehealth Visits Versus Face-to-face Visits Among Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Patients With Cancer: Cross-sectional Analysis

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    BackgroundTelehealth visits increase patients’ access to care and are often rated as “just as good” as face-to-face visits by oncology patients. Telehealth visits have become increasingly more common in the care of patients with cancer since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. Asians and Pacific Islanders are two of the fastest growing racial groups in the United States, but there are few studies assessing patient satisfaction with telemedicine among these two racial groups. ObjectiveOur objective was to compare satisfaction with communication during telehealth visits versus face-to-face visits among oncology patients, with a specific focus on Asian patients and Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander (NHOPI) patients. MethodsWe surveyed a racially diverse group of patients who were treated at community cancer centers in Hawaii and had recently experienced a face-to-face visit or telehealth visit. Questions for assessing satisfaction with patient-physician communication were adapted from a previously published study of cancer survivors. Variables that impact communication, including age, sex, household income, education level, and cancer type and stage, were captured. Multivariable logistic models for patient satisfaction were created, with adjustments for sociodemographic factors. ResultsParticipants who attended a face-to-face visit reported higher levels of satisfaction in all communication measures than those reported by participants who underwent a telehealth encounter. The univariate analysis revealed lower levels of satisfaction during telehealth visits among Asian participants and NHOPI participants compared to those among White participants for all measures of communication (eg, when asked to what degree “[y]our physician listened carefully to you”). Asian patients and NHOPI patients were significantly less likely than White patients to strongly agree with the statement (P<.004 and P<.007, respectively). Racial differences in satisfaction with communication persisted in the multivariate analysis even after adjusting for sociodemographic factors. There were no significant racial differences in communication during face-to-face visits. ConclusionsAsian patients and NHOPI patients were significantly less content with patient-physician communication during telehealth visits when compared to White patients. This difference among racial groups was not seen in face-to-face visits. The observation that telehealth increases racial disparities in health care satisfaction should prompt further exploration

    Targeting Glutamatergic Signaling and the PI3 Kinase Pathway to Halt Melanoma Progression

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    Our group has previously reported that the majority of human melanomas (>60%) express the metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (GRM1) and that the glutamate release inhibitor riluzole, a drug currently used to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, can induce apoptosis in GRM1-expressing melanoma cells. Our group previously reported that in vitro riluzole treatment reduces cell growth in three-dimensional (3D) soft agar colony assays by 80% in cells with wildtype phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway activation. However, melanoma cell lines harboring constitutive activating mutations of the PI3K pathway (PTEN and NRAS mutations) showed only a 35% to 40% decrease in colony formation in soft agar in the presence of riluzole. In this study, we have continued our preclinical studies of riluzole and its effect on melanoma cells alone and in combination with inhibitors of the PI3 kinase pathway: the AKT inhibitor, API-2, and the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor, rapamycin. We modeled these combinatorial therapies on various melanoma cell lines in 3D and 2D systems and in vivo. Riluzole combined with mTOR inhibition is more effective at halting melanoma anchorage-independent growth and xenograft tumor progression than either agent alone. PI3K signaling changes associated with this combinatorial treatment shows that 3D (nanoculture) modeling of cell signaling more closely resembles in vivo signaling than monolayer models. Riluzole combined with mTOR inhibition is effective at halting tumor cell progression independent of BRAF mutational status. This makes this combinatorial therapy a potentially viable alternative for metastatic melanoma patients who are BRAF WT and are therefore ineligible for vemurafenib therapy