55 research outputs found

    Autour du complexe articulation sujet et culture

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    Freud explicitou, desde o início da psicanálise, que o sujeito é inseparável da cultura. A experiência subjetiva implica, necessariamente, a referência do sujeito ao Outro, objeto de amor e de ódio, e à linguagem. Neste artigo, buscamos abordar a contribuição da psicanálise à abordagem da cultura, ressaltando sua especificidade, que é a de que suas hipóteses têm origem na clínica. A partir da psicanálise, podemos observar que, se o mal-estar na cultura, devido às restrições que são impostas às pulsões, é inevitável, os adoecimentos psíquicos costumam apontar criticamente para aspectos “insalubres” da cultura em determinados momentos históricos.Freud explicitó, desde el inicio del psicoanálisis, que el sujeto es inseparable de la cultura. La experiencia subjetiva implica necesariamente la referencia del sujeto al otro, objeto del amor y odio, y al lenguaje. En este artículo, buscamos abordar la contribución del psicoanálisis al enfoque de la cultura, resaltando su especificidad, que es la de que sus hipótesis tienen origen en la clínica. A partir del psicoanálisis, podemos observar que, si el malestar en la cultura, debido a las restricciones impuestas a las pulsiones, es inevitable, las enfermedades psíquicas suelen señalar críticamente aspectos «insalubres» de la cultura en determinados momentos históricos.From the beginning of psychoanalysis, Freud explained that the subject is inseparable from culture. The subjective experience necessarily implies the reference of the subject to the Other, object of love and hate, and language. In this article, we discuss the contribution of psychoanalysis to the approach of culture, highlighting its specificity, which is that its hypotheses originate from the clinic. From psychoanalysis, we can observe that if the discontent present in culture is unavoidable, due to the constraints that are imposed on drives, psychic illnesses usually critically point to “unhealthy” aspects of culture at certain historical moments.Freud a expliqué, depuis le début de la psychanalyse, que le sujet est inséparable de la culture. L’expérience subjective implique nécessairement la référence du sujet à un autre, objet de l’amour et la haine, et le langage. Dans cet article, nous abordons la contribution de la psychanalyse à l’étude de la culture, mettant l’accent sur sa spécificité, qui est que ses hypothèses proviennent de la clinique. De la psychanalyse on voit que, si le malaise dans la culture, en raison des restrictions imposées aux pulsions, est inévitable, les maladies psychiques servent souvent à identifier critiquement les aspects « malsains » de la culture dans certains moments historiques

    Prilagodbene promjene u staničnim masnim kiselinama bakterija izdvojenim iz sjevernog Jadrana– odgovor na trofičke razlike

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    The adaptational changes in cellular fatty acids and morphology of γ-Proteobacteria belonging to different genera (Vibrio, halomonas, Pseudoalteromonas) isolated from northern Adriatic waters and cultured in four media (Marine Broth, R2 Broth and tenfold dilutions of both) were investigated. The bacterial strains with identical 16S rRNA sequences isolated from different waters used differ- ent mechanisms, or different extent of the same mechanism, to adapt their growth in equal culture media. In contrast, a similar growth strategy in each of the used cultures was employed by different strains isolated from the same water body. Divergence in nutrient quality and requirement in cul- tures from that presented in the bacterias’ natural environment induced important changes in cel- lular fatty acids; (i) unsaturation, (ii) cis to trans isomerisation, (iii) chain elongation (iv) branching and/or morphology (Winnie-the-Pooh effect) or even cell division blocking. The results strongly suggest that growth and the appropriate cellular response of bacteria in culture is predetermined by nutritional conditions in their true environment and can be useful for interpretation of trophic differences between proximate environments.Istražene su prilagodbene promjene u staničnim masnim kiselinama i morfologiji γ-Proteobacteria koje pripadaju različitim svojtama; Vibrio, Halomonas, Pseudoalteromonas; izoliranih iz sjevernog Jadrana i uzgojenim na četiri hranjive podloge (Marine Broth, R2 Broth i deseterostruko razrjeđenje od oba). Sojevi s jednakim 16S rRNK sekvencama izolirani iz različitih vodenih masa koristili su različite mehanizme ili jedan mehanizam različitog intenziteta kako bi prilagodili rast u istom mediju uzgoja. Nasuprot tome, sličnu strategiju rasta su koristili različiti sojevi izolirani iz iste vodene mase. Odstupanje u kvaliteti hranjiva i potreba u kulturi od onih prisutnih u prirodnom okolišu izaziva važne promjene u staničnim masnim kiselinama (i) nezasićenost, (ii) cis/trans izomerizacija, (iii) produljenje acilnih lanaca, (iv) razgranavanje acilnih lanaca ili/i promjene morfologije stanica (Winnie-The-Pooh učinak), te zaustavljanje dijeljenja stanica. Rezultati upućuju da su rast i odgovarajući stanični odgovor bakterija u kulturi unaprijed određeni stanjem hranjiva u prirodnom okolišu, te mogu poslužiti za interpretaciju trofičkih razlika između bliskih okoliša

    Intervenções sobre a linguagem: a produção de um esquecimento na colônia-brasilis

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    Starting from the lacanian notion that the unconscious is structured as a language, the intention of this article is to reflect from the formal prohibition of the Língua Geral Brasílica that occurred in the 18th century and its replacement by the Portuguese language as a result of a directive from the empire colonial. It is a psychoanalytic essay on this event, with contributions from linguistics, anthropology, sociology, decolonial studies, Tupi grammar and parallel texts on the subject. Not restricted to a historical debate, it is signaled how a forbidden language continues, unconsciously, being spoken, extracting from this an articulation between psychoanalysis, the unconscious and the radicality of the symbolic.Partiendo de la noción lacaniana de que el inconsciente se estructura como un lenguaje, la intención de este artículo es reflexionar sobre la prohibición formal de la Língua Geral Brasílica ocurrida en el siglo XVIII y su sustitución por la lengua portuguesa a raíz de una directriz del imperio colonial. Se trata de un ensayo psicoanalítico sobre este acontecimiento, con aportes de la lingüística, la antropología, la sociología, los estudios decoloniales, la gramática tupí y textos paralelos sobre el tema. No restringida a un debate histórico, muestra cómo se sigue hablando, inconscientemente, un lenguaje prohibido, extrayendo de allí una articulación entre el psicoanálisis, el inconsciente y la radicalidad de lo simbólico.En partant de la notion lacanienne selon laquelle l'inconscient est structuré comme un langage, l'intention de cet article est de réfléchir sur l'interdiction formelle de la Língua Geral Brasílica survenue au XVIIIe siècle et son remplacement par la langue portugaise à la suite d'une directive de l'empire colonial. Il s'agit d'un essai psychanalytique sur cet événement, avec des contributions de la linguistique, de l'anthropologie, de la sociologie, des études décoloniales, de la grammaire tupi et de textes parallèles sur le sujet. Ne se limitant pas à un débat historique, il montre comment un langage interdit continue, inconsciemment, à être parlé, en extrayant une articulation entre la psychanalyse, l'inconscient et la radicalité du symbolique.Partindo da noção lacaniana de que o inconsciente é estruturado como linguagem, a intenção deste artigo é a de refletir sobre a proibição formal da Língua Geral Brasílica ocorrida no século XVIII e a da sua substituição pela língua portuguesa por efeito de uma diretiva do império colonial. Trata-se de um ensaio psicanalítico sobre esse evento, contando para isso com aportes também da linguística, da antropologia, da sociologia, dos estudos decoloniais, da gramática do tupi e de textos paralelos sobre o tema. Não se restringindo a um debate histórico, sinaliza-se como uma língua proibida continua, inconscientemente, sendo falada, extraindo-se daí uma articulação entre a psicanálise, o inconsciente e a radicalidade do simbólico

    Interculturalidad y educación desde el sur: Contextos, experiencias y voces

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    Interculturalidad y educación desde el Sur. Contextos, experiencias y voces es un libro colectivo que corona once trabajos de investigación realizados por diecisiete autores con diferentes adscripciones institucionales que se articulan a través de grupos de trabajo latinoamericanos en torno al debate actual sobre la Interculturalidad y Educación. Y con ello obligan al lector a pensar simultáneamente en un conjunto de movimientos o desplazamientos teórico-conceptuales, en el despliegue de posicionamientos éticos, filosóficos, políticos y jurídicos, y en el desarrollo de metodologías de investigación novedosas, que nos posibiliten revelar y actuar sobre una diversidad de experiencias, modelos y programas que buscan potenciar los procesos interculturales en el Sur. La obra en su conjunto es un aporte a la creciente producción bibliográfica que se genera en la última década desde la perspectiva crítica de Latinoamérica

    5-hydroxymethylcytosine marks promoters in colon that resist DNA hypermethylation in cancer

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    The authors would like to acknowledge the support of The University of Cambridge, Cancer Research UK (CRUK SEB-Institute Group Award A ref10182; CRUK Senior fellowship C10112/A11388 to AEKI) and Hutchison Whampoa Limited. The Human Research Tissue Bank is supported by the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre. FF is a ULB Professor funded by grants from the F.N.R.S. and Télévie, the IUAP P7/03 programme, the ARC (AUWB-2010-2015 ULB-No 7), the WB Health program and the Fonds Gaston Ithier. Data access: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?token=jpwzvsowiyuamzs&acc=GSE47592Background : The discovery of cytosine hydroxymethylation (5hmC) as a mechanism that potentially controls DNA methylation changes typical of neoplasia prompted us to investigate its behaviour in colon cancer. 5hmC is globally reduced in proliferating cells such as colon tumours and the gut crypt progenitors, from which tumours can arise. Results : Here, we show that colorectal tumours and cancer cells express Ten-Eleven-Translocation (TET) transcripts at levels similar to normal tissues. Genome-wide analyses show that promoters marked by 5hmC in normal tissue, and those identified as TET2 targets in colorectal cancer cells, are resistant to methylation gain in cancer. In vitro studies of TET2 in cancer cells confirm that these promoters are resistant to methylation gain independently of sustained TET2 expression. We also find that a considerable number of the methylation gain-resistant promoters marked by 5hmC in normal colon overlap with those that are marked with poised bivalent histone modifications in embryonic stem cells. Conclusions : Together our results indicate that promoters that acquire 5hmC upon normal colon differentiation are innately resistant to neoplastic hypermethylation by mechanisms that do not require high levels of 5hmC in tumours. Our study highlights the potential of cytosine modifications as biomarkers of cancerous cell proliferation.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A simulation analysis to characterize the dynamics of vaccinating behaviour on contact networks

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human behavior influences infectious disease transmission, and numerous "prevalence-behavior" models have analyzed this interplay. These previous analyses assumed homogeneously mixing populations without spatial or social structure. However, spatial and social heterogeneity are known to significantly impact transmission dynamics and are particularly relevant for certain diseases. Previous work has demonstrated that social contact structure can change the individual incentive to vaccinate, thus enabling eradication of a disease under a voluntary vaccination policy when the corresponding homogeneous mixing model predicts that eradication is impossible due to free rider effects. Here, we extend this work and characterize the range of possible behavior-prevalence dynamics on a network.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We simulate transmission of a vaccine-prevetable infection through a random, static contact network. Individuals choose whether or not to vaccinate on any given day according to perceived risks of vaccination and infection.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We find three possible outcomes for behavior-prevalence dynamics on this type of network: small final number vaccinated and final epidemic size (due to rapid control through voluntary ring vaccination); large final number vaccinated and significant final epidemic size (due to imperfect voluntary ring vaccination), and little or no vaccination and large final epidemic size (corresponding to little or no voluntary ring vaccination). We also show that the social contact structure enables eradication under a broad range of assumptions, except when vaccine risk is sufficiently high, the disease risk is sufficiently low, or individuals vaccinate too late for the vaccine to be effective.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>For populations where infection can spread only through social contact network, relatively small differences in parameter values relating to perceived risk or vaccination behavior at the individual level can translate into large differences in population-level outcomes such as final size and final number vaccinated. The qualitative outcome of rational, self interested behaviour under a voluntary vaccination policy can vary substantially depending on interactions between social contact structure, perceived vaccine and disease risks, and the way that individual vaccination decision-making is modelled.</p