397 research outputs found

    Tumor Angiogenesis: A Focus on the Role of Cancer Stem Cells

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    Angiogenesis is the process of growth of new blood vessels. Tumor angiogenesis plays pivotal roles in tumor development, progression, and metastasis. The conventional notion of tumor vasculature is that new tumor blood vessels sprout from preexisting vasculature near the tumor; hence, tumor endothelial cells are derived from normal endothelial cells. However, recent evidence suggests that CD133‐positive cancer stem cells (CSCs) in glioblastomas generate tumor endothelial progenitor cells, which further differentiate into tumor endothelial cells. This chapter offers an overview of current knowledge on the role of CSCs in tumor angiogenesis. Furthermore, we discuss our recent discoveries related to human hepatoblastoma stem cells. Future efforts to elucidate the characteristics of tumor angiogenesis should enable the development of effective new anti‐angiogenic therapies

    Novel Methods to Study Angiogenesis Using Tissue Explants

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    Tissue explants of skeletal muscles, brain, kidney, liver and spleen from mice were cultured using collagen gel. Electron microscopic observation revealed that formation of capillary tubes with pericyte-like cells occurred only from the tissue explant of skeletal muscles. The capillary tubes formed in the collagen gel were positive for tomato lectin and platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule (PCAM)-1 antibody. Formation of capillary tubes in the rat was more predominant than in the mouse. Plasmalemmal vesicles were clearly observed in the capillary tubes from rat tissue explant. Muscle fiber-type differences were also observed. In the soleus muscle, the formation of capillary tubes was predominant than the tibialis anterior muscle. Using this culture model from the rat soleus muscle, effects of α-isoproterenol (β-adrenergic receptor agonist) and low-frequency electrical stimulation were examined on the formation of capillary tubes and fine structures of skeletal muscle explant. The formation of capillary tubes was promoted by α-isoproterenol administration. At low-frequency electrical stimulation, the formation of capillary tubes was inhibited. Both α-isoproterenol and electrical stimulation reduced the degeneration of skeletal muscles. This culture method of skeletal muscles may provide a useful model that can examine the effects of various drugs and physical stimulations


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    産前産後の母子にとって切れ目ない支援とは何かを明らかにすることを目的に、多様な困 難を抱えながら切れ目ない支援を受け続けることを可能とするケースについて検討した。質 的記述的研究デザイン。研究参加者は、研究参加同意が得られた出産1回経験者で、産後の 育児や生活による様々な困難感から出産した医院の助産師を中心とした支援を継続して受け 続けている30 歳台女性。インタビューを行い、育児の困難感や生活上での出来事とその時 に支援を求めた場面ごとに、助産師支援に対する女性の気持ちに焦点を当てて、支援を受け ることそれを継続して受けることの認識や動機などを抽出した。対象者は、妊娠前から精神 疾患既往歴や家族関係の難しさなど様々な困難を抱えていが、助産師による育児の行動の「モ デリング」、母乳栄養や子どもの成長を「相談」することと「支援」を受けることへの効果や、 「寄り添い」を受け「アドボケイト」されたと感じたこと、「傾聴」、「受容的態度」などを経 験したことで、専門職への「信頼」を感じたことが、支援を継続的に受け続けることを選択 の契機となっていた。早期産褥期のかかわりによる関係性の持ち方、アンカー的な態度によ る支援の方法が切れ目ない支援を展開するために必要であることが明らかになった

    Breadand Effervescent Beverage Productions with Local Microbes for the Local Revitalization

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    Local microbes such as yeasts fungi and bacilli, were isolated and used to apply for the food processing (bread making) and the production of an effervescent beverage (fruits kvass) for promotion of the local revitalization. Our yeast isolates could contribute to make the breads that can sell in alocal bakery shop.  Furthermore, the same yeasts could be used for making the fruit kvass (a Russian effervescent beverage which was fermented by yeast) with local fruit products (lemon, dry grape, mandarin orange and apple that were produced in Hiroshima prefecture in Japan). Development of merchandise having the local brand, which was made with only products of Hiroshima prefecture was attempted. Results of these activities demonstrate that the search of local microbes can help to establish the regional brand product related to its local area. They also showed that the local microbes have the potential ability to lead the local revitalization and the local brand product

    古宇田亮順のパネルシアター作品の分析(1) : 「シャボン玉とばせ」の鑑賞にみられる特性

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