21 research outputs found
Amidst viral Covid-19 emergency, the minister of education and culture has instructed the teachers or lecturers and learners to utilize the social media as online teaching-learning process. In this case, the researchers tried to find out the college learners’ reading interests through social media (WhatsApp group). This research applied a case study design in which the data sources were interview and self-report questionnaire. The result of interview showed the college learners were interests and fun, enjoy, confident. Additionally, the college learners also had much time to read, and got new experiences. The result of self-report questionnaire described almost all college learners felt happy, enthusiastic, enjoy, confident, satisfied, belonged to WhatsApp group, better communication, and also the college learners had much time to read, a great deal of information, and academic achievement. WhatsApp group has become online teaching-learning media that can raise the college learners’ reading interests amidst viral Covid-19 emergency. The educators and learners were suggested to use the social media such as WhatsApp group as online teaching-learning media during pandemic.Â
Analysis of Students’ Reading Skill in English for the ICT Module: A Case Study of Informatics Students at Madura University
This research is a case study that describes the analysis of students' reading ability in English for the ICT module. Based on the results of interviews and surveys of research locations, many students felt difficulties when reading English for the ICT module, even they do not understand the contents of the reading. Several things related to their English reading skills such as the ability to pronounce the words (Pronunciation), the ability to obtain information (Detail Information), and the ability to answer ICT questions, there are several steps taken by researchers, namely selecting English for the ICT module, compiling English for ICT questions, implementing English for ICT questions, assessing and evaluating the answers. This study was conducted to determine the level of students' reading ability in English for the ICT module which is oriented towards global world of work competition so that the researcher or teacher can provide solutions to improve the students’ English skill, especially in the field of their English reading ability. After the researcher implemented some strategies to improve the students’ reading comprehension in English for the ICT module, the researcher has found the improvement of students’ pronunciation when reading aloud, ability to obtain detail information, and the ability to answer ICT questions. On the other hand, the students felt interested, enthusiastic, and enjoyable to read English for the ICT module
Pelatihan Presentasi Materi Bahasa Inggris Menggunakan Prezi sebagai Media pembelajaran
Tujuan yang ingin dicapai melalui kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan wawasan dan pelatihan penggunaan media pembelajaran Prezi bagi siswa-siswi di SMA Negeri 3 Pamekasan. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dengan memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap usaha peningkatan kualitas pendidikan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pelatihan, dan diikuti oleh siswa-siswi kelas 10 SMAN 3 Pamekasan. Diharapkan dari pengabdian ini secara umum peserta akan memahami media pembelajaran Prezi. Peserta memahami jika menguasai media pembelajaran dan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan siswa dalam membuat media melalui aplikasi prezi untuk presentasi. Berdasarkan angket motivasi diketahui bahwa peserta merasa mampu untuk menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi Prezi untuk mengajar dan memilih Prezi untuk dijadikan media pembelajaran
Manajemen Pendidikan Berbasis Pembelajaran Inspiratif Dan Bermakna di Era Teknologi Digital
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis manajemen pendidikan berbasis pembelajaran inspiratif dan bermakna di era teknologi digital. Dimana pendidikan yang bermakna nantinya bisa memberikan inspirasi bagi peserta didik dalam dunia pendidikan di era serba digital, guna membangun suatu iklim pembelajaran yang menyenangkan, menginspirasi, bermakna serta terlaksana dengan efektif dan efiseien. Untuk mewujudkan tujuan penelitian diatas, maka peneliti memilih jenis penelitian studi pustaka dengan pendekatan filosofis atau analisis konten dengan mengumpulkan literatur terkait, baik buku, artikel dan literasi relevan lainnya sebagai sumber data. Adapun hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dalam menjadikan iklim pembelajaran yang bersifat bermakna dan inspiratif di era digital ini, maka aspek yang paling dasar yang wajib dipahami oleh para pendidik ialah bagaimana para pendidik bisa mendorong serta menarik minat untuk menyukai serta senang terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran serta materi yang disampaikan. Untuk mewujudkan hal itu, proses pendidikan mesti dimanajerial dengan baik yaitu melalui substansi manajerial terkait inovasi pada model pembelajaran era digital, menguasai konten knowledge dan teknologi knowledge serta menjalankan evaluasi serta inovasi dalam pembelajaran dengan bantuan media digital
Developing Teacher Professionalism Through Academic Supervision Activities of School Principle
The purpose of this research is to describe the development of teacher professionalism as a result of the principal's academic supervision activities. The research methodology employed is a qualitative method with a qualitative descriptive approach. Observation, interviews, and documentation studies were used as data gathering methods. Also, a qualitative analysis was performed while the activities of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion-making were in progress. The findings of this investigation suggest that school principals as supervisors have attempted to develop the potential and competence of teachers through teacher certification program activities which are attended by most teachers. The coaching program carried out by school principals for teachers consists of academic supervision activities, training (education and training), workshops, work meetings, PKG (teacher performance assessment), PKB (continuous professional assessment), technical guidance, and seminars. The outcomes of the teacher academic supervision activities carried out by the school principal show that the teacher development program activities through academic supervision activities have been progressing well. The problem preventing the principal's academic supervision from being put into effect is the learning method which is still teacher-centered so that it is monotonous and students become passive. The principal's strategy for achieving effective academic supervision is to conduct class observations and assign assignments to the teacher so that the teacher's academic abilities can be seen