18 research outputs found

    Comentarios del artículo: “Niveles de sedentarismo de una institución educativa en Popayán, Colombia”

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    Sr. Editor, recientemente leímos con interés el artículo publicado en la Revista Universidad y Salud en su volumen 21, número 3, denominado “Niveles de sedentarismo de una institución educativa en Popayán, Colombia, cuyo objetivo fue “determinar los niveles de sedentarismo de los estudiantes de una Institución Educativa de Popayán-Colombia”(1). Felicitamos a los autores por el gran valor y alta pertinencia del artículo en general, cuyos resultados contribuyen a elevar el nivel de conocimiento respecto a los niveles de sedentarismo relacionado a variables sociodemográficas, antropométricas y estilos de vida en niños y adolescentes, sin embargo, con el objetivo de aportar mayor e importante información nos gustaría exponer algunas reflexiones y complementar la información entregada a partir de los resultados, la discusión que se despliega del trabajo y la conclusión de este. Para realizar nuestros comentarios, nos permitimos en la Tabla 1, describir la clasificación para el Índice de Masa corporal (IMC), Circunferencia de Cintura (CC) e Índice Cintura/Cadera (ICC) según los estudios FUPRECOL sobre valores referenciales para escolares de Bogotá-Colombia(2,3)

    Perfil morfológico en levantadores de pesas federados de la región de Valparaíso, Chile

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    Introducción: En la halterofilia los perfiles antropométricos permiten una mejor planificación y ejecución del entrenamiento deportivo. Objetivo: Describir y comparar según sexo, el perfil antropométrico y somatotipo de levantadores de pesas federados de la región de Valparaíso, Chile. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal. Participaron 40 adultos levantadores de pesas. La evaluación antropométrica fue realizada utilizando el protocolo de medición y marcaje de la Sociedad Internacional de Avances en Cineantropometría; método pentacompartimental de Ross y Kerr y somatotipo de Heath-Carter. Se aplicó la T de Student para muestras independientes y U Mann-Whitney para comparar características antropométricas entre grupos. El poder estadístico y el tamaño efecto se calculó con “d” de Cohen. Resultados: Existen diferencias significativas entre grupos, para masa muscular relativa (p=0,003; d=0,96) y absoluta (p≤0,001; d=2,42); masa adiposa relativa (p≤0,001; d=1,46); masa ósea absoluta (p≤0,001; d=1,41); masa piel relativa (p≤0,001; d=1,96) y absoluta (p≤0,001; d=0,97); masa residual relativa (p=0,006; d=1,08) y absoluta (p≤0,001; d=2,09), mientras que la distribución del somatotipo clasifica al grupo masculino como Endo-Mesomorfo y al femenino como Mesomorfo–Endomorfo, observando diferencias significativas en el mesomorfismo (p≤0,001; d=1,48). Conclusiones: Existe un predominio del somatotipo mesomórfico, existiendo diferencias significativas en los componentes de composición corporal

    Ultralight vector dark matter search using data from the KAGRA O3GK run

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    Among the various candidates for dark matter (DM), ultralight vector DM can be probed by laser interferometric gravitational wave detectors through the measurement of oscillating length changes in the arm cavities. In this context, KAGRA has a unique feature due to differing compositions of its mirrors, enhancing the signal of vector DM in the length change in the auxiliary channels. Here we present the result of a search for U(1)B−L gauge boson DM using the KAGRA data from auxiliary length channels during the first joint observation run together with GEO600. By applying our search pipeline, which takes into account the stochastic nature of ultralight DM, upper bounds on the coupling strength between the U(1)B−L gauge boson and ordinary matter are obtained for a range of DM masses. While our constraints are less stringent than those derived from previous experiments, this study demonstrates the applicability of our method to the lower-mass vector DM search, which is made difficult in this measurement by the short observation time compared to the auto-correlation time scale of DM

    Actividad física y variabilidad del ritmo cardíaco en pacientes con síndrome metabólico. Revisión narrativa

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    The metabolic syndrome is not clearly defined, however, it considers a group of disorders that can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and type II diabetes. Currently its prevention and treatment has focused on reducing body weight through pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies. Regarding the latter, physical activity has been postulated as an effective way to improve risk factors related to the metabolic syndrome and autonomic balance. However, there is still no consensus about the effect of physical activity on the mechanisms of autonomic control in the metabolic syndrome. For this reason, the objective of this review was to describe the mechanisms that evidence the effect of physical activity as a measure of autonomic control in patients with metabolic syndrome. In this context, this review indicates that physical activity can restore the autonomic imbalance related to the metabolic syndrome, but, other studies are required to try to explain all the conditions to which the autonomic balance responds.A síndrome metabólica não está claramente definida, no entanto, considera um grupo de perturbações que podem aumentar o risco de doença cardíaca, AVC, e diabetes tipo II. Atualmente, a sua prevenção e tratamento tem-se concentrado na redução do peso corporal através de terapias farmacológicas e não farmacológicas. Relativamente a esta última, a atividade física foi postulada como uma forma eficaz de melhorar os fatores de risco relacionados com a síndrome metabólica e o equilíbrio autonómico; contudo, ainda não existe consenso sobre o efeito da atividade física nos mecanismos de controlo autonómico da síndrome metabólica. Por esta razão, esta revisão visa descrever os mecanismos que evidenciam o efeito da atividade física como medida de controlo autonómico em pacientes com síndrome metabólica. Neste contexto, esta revisão sugere que a atividade física pode restaurar o desequilíbrio autonómico relacionado com a síndrome metabólica, mas são necessários outros estudos para tentar explicar todas as condições às quais o equilíbrio autonómico responde.El síndrome metabólico considera a un grupo de trastornos que aumentan el riesgo de padecer enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. En este sentido, la prevención y tratamiento han centrado a la actividad física como un método eficaz para restaurar la variabilidad del ritmo cardiaco y disminuir los riesgos sobre la salud. Esta revisión se planteó como objetivo describir el comportamiento de la variabilidad del ritmo cardíaco frente a la práctica de actividad física en pacientes con síndrome metabólico. El síndrome metabólico se ha relacionado con un predominio simpático y una retirada parasimpática que presenta un riesgo de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles que puede ser restaurada con la práctica regular de actividad física. La actividad física puede restaurar la variabilidad del ritmo cardiaco relacionada al síndrome metabólico, no obstante, se requieren de otros estudios que intenten explicar todas las condiciones a las que responde el balance autonómico

    High-intensity Interval Training does not Improve Autonomic Balance in COVID-19 Quarantines

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    Background: the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the establishment of mobility restrictions and confinements, the impact of which has generated a drastic decrease in the time spent practicing physical activity, which favors inactivity, sedentary lifestyle, in addition to the risk of suffering chronic noncommunicable diseases. Objective: to analyze the effects of a remotely directed 4-week high-density interval training program on heart rate variability in young adult men confined by COVID-19. Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional and comparative study was carried out in which 8 adult men evaluated according to body mass index, a method for evaluating the intensity of physical activity carried out and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, previous intervention participated. A 30:30 high-density interval training program was developed for 4 weeks, with a frequency of 2 times a week for a period of 5 min duration. Low-frequency and high-frequency cardiac variability, the relationship between the two, and the standard deviation of the instantaneous variation of the RR intervals (SD1) were recorded. Results: significant pre and post evaluation mean changes were reported in low frequency (p = 0.009; d = 0.18), high frequency (p = 0.009; d = 0.18) and SD1 (p = 0.007; d = 0, 18), while no significant changes were reported in their relationship (p = 0.113; d = 0.16). Conclusion: 4 weeks of completion of a high-density interval training program do not generate acute adaptations on autonomic balance, the mean descriptive values reported being a possible chronic predictor of sedentary lifestyle caused by COVID-19 quarantines

    Variabilidad del ritmo cardiaco e índices antropométricos en hombres universitarios de Santiago de Chile

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    Introducción: La baja variabilidad del ritmo cardíaco (VRC) se ha asociado con desbalances autonómicos y riesgo cardiovascular en diversas poblaciones. Objetivo: Relacionar la variabilidad del ritmo cardíaco e índices antropométricos en hombres universitarios jóvenes, físicamente activos con bajo riesgo cardiometabólico. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal. Participaron 10 hombres de 23,15 ± 2,91 años con un índice de masa corporal (IMC) de 25,48 ± 2,19 kg/m2 y un índice Cintura-Cadera (IC-C) de 0,81±0,02. La VRC en reposo se midió en un período de 5 minutos. Se realizó un análisis correlacional entre el IMC e IC-C con la proporción baja/alta frecuencia (LF/HF), desviación estándar de la variación instantánea de intervalos RR (SD1) y complejidad de los intervalos RR (α-1). Además, se determinó el poder estadístico (1- β) y tamaño del efecto (“d” de Cohen). Resultados: El LF/HF sólo se relaciona significativamente con el IC-C (r=0,638; p=0,047; d=0,80), mientras que SD1 y α-1 no reportaron ninguna asociación con el IMC e IC-C. Conclusiones: Existe un predominio parasimpático que sugiere un mecanismo protector sobre el tejido adiposo intraabdominal relacionado al IC-C. Se requieren otros estudios que expliquen todas las variables moduladoras de la VRC

    Discovering HIV related information by means of association rules and machine learning

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    Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is still one of the main health problems worldwide. It is therefore essential to keep making progress in improving the prognosis and quality of life of affected patients. One way to advance along this pathway is to uncover connections between other disorders associated with HIV/AIDS-so that they can be anticipated and possibly mitigated. We propose to achieve this by using Association Rules (ARs). They allow us to represent the dependencies between a number of diseases and other specific diseases. However, classical techniques systematically generate every AR meeting some minimal conditions on data frequency, hence generating a vast amount of uninteresting ARs, which need to be filtered out. The lack of manually annotated ARs has favored unsupervised filtering, even though they produce limited results. In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised system, able to identify relevant ARs among HIV-related diseases with a minimal amount of annotated training data. Our system has been able to extract a good number of relationships between HIV-related diseases that have been previously detected in the literature but are scattered and are often little known. Furthermore, a number of plausible new relationships have shown up which deserve further investigation by qualified medical experts

    COVID-19 in hospitalized HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients : A matched study

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    CatedresObjectives: We compared the characteristics and clinical outcomes of hospitalized individuals with COVID-19 with [people with HIV (PWH)] and without (non-PWH) HIV co-infection in Spain during the first wave of the pandemic. Methods: This was a retrospective matched cohort study. People with HIV were identified by reviewing clinical records and laboratory registries of 10 922 patients in active-follow-up within the Spanish HIV Research Network (CoRIS) up to 30 June 2020. Each hospitalized PWH was matched with five non-PWH of the same age and sex randomly selected from COVID-19@Spain, a multicentre cohort of 4035 patients hospitalized with confirmed COVID-19. The main outcome was all-cause in-hospital mortality. Results: Forty-five PWH with PCR-confirmed COVID-19 were identified in CoRIS, 21 of whom were hospitalized. A total of 105 age/sex-matched controls were selected from the COVID-19@Spain cohort. The median age in both groups was 53 (Q1-Q3, 46-56) years, and 90.5% were men. In PWH, 19.1% were injecting drug users, 95.2% were on antiretroviral therapy, 94.4% had HIV-RNA < 50 copies/mL, and the median (Q1-Q3) CD4 count was 595 (349-798) cells/μL. No statistically significant differences were found between PWH and non-PWH in number of comorbidities, presenting signs and symptoms, laboratory parameters, radiology findings and severity scores on admission. Corticosteroids were administered to 33.3% and 27.4% of PWH and non-PWH, respectively (P = 0.580). Deaths during admission were documented in two (9.5%) PWH and 12 (11.4%) non-PWH (P = 0.800). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that well-controlled HIV infection does not modify the clinical presentation or worsen clinical outcomes of COVID-19 hospitalization

    How do women living with HIV experience menopause? Menopausal symptoms, anxiety and depression according to reproductive age in a multicenter cohort

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    CatedresBackground: To estimate the prevalence and severity of menopausal symptoms and anxiety/depression and to assess the differences according to menopausal status among women living with HIV aged 45-60 years from the cohort of Spanish HIV/AIDS Research Network (CoRIS). Methods: Women were interviewed by phone between September 2017 and December 2018 to determine whether they had experienced menopausal symptoms and anxiety/depression. The Menopause Rating Scale was used to evaluate the prevalence and severity of symptoms related to menopause in three subscales: somatic, psychologic and urogenital; and the 4-item Patient Health Questionnaire was used for anxiety/depression. Logistic regression models were used to estimate odds ratios (ORs) of association between menopausal status, and other potential risk factors, the presence and severity of somatic, psychological and urogenital symptoms and of anxiety/depression. Results: Of 251 women included, 137 (54.6%) were post-, 70 (27.9%) peri- and 44 (17.5%) pre-menopausal, respectively. Median age of onset menopause was 48 years (IQR 45-50). The proportions of pre-, peri- and post-menopausal women who had experienced any menopausal symptoms were 45.5%, 60.0% and 66.4%, respectively. Both peri- and post-menopause were associated with a higher likelihood of having somatic symptoms (aOR 3.01; 95% CI 1.38-6.55 and 2.63; 1.44-4.81, respectively), while post-menopause increased the likelihood of having psychological (2.16; 1.13-4.14) and urogenital symptoms (2.54; 1.42-4.85). By other hand, post-menopausal women had a statistically significant five-fold increase in the likelihood of presenting severe urogenital symptoms than pre-menopausal women (4.90; 1.74-13.84). No significant differences by menopausal status were found for anxiety/depression. Joint/muscle problems, exhaustion and sleeping disorders were the most commonly reported symptoms among all women. Differences in the prevalences of vaginal dryness (p = 0.002), joint/muscle complaints (p = 0.032), and sweating/flush (p = 0.032) were found among the three groups. Conclusions: Women living with HIV experienced a wide variety of menopausal symptoms, some of them initiated before women had any menstrual irregularity. We found a higher likelihood of somatic symptoms in peri- and post-menopausal women, while a higher likelihood of psychological and urogenital symptoms was found in post-menopausal women. Most somatic symptoms were of low or moderate severity, probably due to the good clinical and immunological situation of these women