297 research outputs found

    Memory: Theta Rhythm Couples Periodic Reactivation during Memory Retrieval

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    Memory retrieval involves the reactivation of memory traces distributed throughout the brain. New research suggests that these memory reactivations have an oscillatory nature and that they are coupled to preferential stages of the hippocampal theta cycle

    Complex networks in brain electrical activity

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    We analyze the complex networks associated with brain electrical activity. Multichannel EEG measurements are first processed to obtain 3D voxel activations using the tomographic algorithm LORETA. Then, the correlation of the current intensity activation between voxel pairs is computed to produce a voxel cross-correlation coefficient matrix. Using several correlation thresholds, the cross-correlation matrix is then transformed into a network connectivity matrix and analyzed. To study a specific example, we selected data from an earlier experiment focusing on the MMN brain wave. The resulting analysis highlights significant differences between the spatial activations associated with Standard and Deviant tones, with interesting physiological implications. When compared to random data networks, physiological networks are more connected, with longer links and shorter path lengths. Furthermore, as compared to the Deviant case, Standard data networks are more connected, with longer links and shorter path lengths--i.e., with a stronger ``small worlds'' character. The comparison between both networks shows that areas known to be activated in the MMN wave are connected. In particular, the analysis supports the idea that supra-temporal and inferior frontal data work together in the processing of the differences between sounds by highlighting an increased connectivity in the response to a novel sound.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures. Starlab preprint. This version is an attempt to include better figures (no content change

    Accessing forgotten memory traces from long-term memory via visual movements

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    Because memory retrieval often requires overt responses, it is difficult to determine to what extend forgetting occurs as a problem in explicit accessing of long-term memory traces. In this study, we used eye-tracking measures in combination with a behavioural task that favoured high forgetting rates to investigate the existence of memory traces from long-term memory in spite of failure in accessing them consciously. In 2 experiments, participants were encouraged to encode a large set of sound-picture56 location associations. In a later test, sounds were presented and participants were instructed to visually scan, before a verbal memory report, for the correct location of the associated pictures in an empty screen. We found the reactivation of associated memories by sound cues at test biased oculomotor behaviour towards locations congruent with memory representations, even when participants failed to consciously provide a memory report of it. These findings reveal the emergence of a memory-guided behaviour that can be used to map internal representations of forgotten memories from long-term memory

    I can get some satisfaction: Fuzzy ontologies for partial agreements in blockchain smart contracts

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    This paper proposes a novel extension of blockchain systems with fuzzy ontologies. The main advantage is to let the users have flexible restrictions, represented using fuzzy sets, and to develop smart contracts where there is a partial agreement among the involved parts. We propose a general architecture based on four fuzzy ontologies and a process to develop and run the smart contracts, based on a reduction to a well-known fuzzy ontology reasoning task (Best Satisfiability Degree). We also investigate different operators to compute Pareto-optimal solutions and implement our approach in the Ethereum blockchain

    Hippocampal Theta-Phase Modulation of Replay Correlates with Configural-Relational Short-Term Memory Performance

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    Thereis now growing evidencethatthe hippocampus generatestheta rhythmsthat can phase biasfast neural oscillationsinthe neocortex, allowing coordination of widespread fast oscillatory populations outside limbic areas. A recent magnetoencephalographic study showed that maintenance of configural-relational scene information in a delayed match-to-sample (DMS) task was associated with replay of that information during the delay period. The periodicity of the replay was coordinated by the phase of the ongoing theta rhythm, and the degree of theta coordination during the delay period was positively correlated with DMS performance. Here, we reanalyzed these data to investigate which brain regions were involved in generating the theta oscillations that coordinated the periodic replay of configural- relational information. We used a beamformer algorithm to produce estimates of regional theta rhythms and constructed volumetric images of the phase-locking between the local theta cycle and the instances of replay (in the 13- 80 Hz band). We found that individual differences in DMS performancefor configural-relational associations were relatedtothe degree of phase coupling of instances of cortical reactivations to theta oscillations generated in the right posterior hippocampus and the right inferior frontal gyrus. This demonstrates that the timing of memory reactivations in humans is biased toward hippocampal theta phas

    Weakly encoded memories due to acute sleep restriction can be rescued after one night of recovery sleep

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    Sleep is thought to play a complementary role in human memory processing: sleep loss impairs the formation of new memories during the following awake period and, conversely, normal sleep promotes the strengthening of the already encoded memories. However, whether sleep can strengthen deteriorated memories caused by insufficient sleep remains unknown. Here, we showed that sleep restriction in a group of participants caused a reduction in the stability of EEG activity patterns across multiple encoding of the same event during awake, compared with a group of participants that got a full night's sleep. The decrease of neural stability patterns in the sleep-restricted group was associated with higher slow oscillation-spindle coupling during a subsequent night of normal sleep duration, thereby suggesting the instantiation of restorative neural mechanisms adaptively supporting cognition and memory. Importantly, upon awaking, the two groups of participants showed equivalent retrieval accuracy supported by subtle differences in the reinstatement of encoding-related activity: it was longer lasting in sleep-restricted individuals than in controls. In addition, sustained reinstatement over time was associated with increased coupling between spindles and slow oscillations. Taken together, these results suggest that the strength of prior encoding might be an important moderator of memory consolidation during sleep. Supporting this view, spindles nesting in the slow oscillation increased the probability of correct recognition only for weakly encoded memories. Current results demonstrate the benefit that a full night's sleep can induce to impaired memory traces caused by an inadequate amount of sleep

    Population level inference for multivariate MEG analysis

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    Multivariate analysis is a very general and powerful technique for analysing Magnetoencephalography (MEG) data. An outstanding problem however is how to make inferences that are consistent over a group of subjects as to whether there are condition-specific differences in data features, and what are those features that maximise these differences. Here we propose a solution based on Canonical Variates Analysis (CVA) model scoring at the subject level and random effects Bayesian model selection at the group level. We apply this approach to beamformer reconstructed MEG data in source space. CVA estimates those multivariate patterns of activation that correlate most highly with the experimental design; the order of a CVA model is then determined by the number of significant canonical vectors. Random effects Bayesian model comparison then provides machinery for inferring the optimal order over the group of subjects. Absence of a multivariate dependence is indicated by the null model being the most likely. This approach can also be applied to CVA models with a fixed number of canonical vectors but supplied with different feature sets. We illustrate the method by identifying feature sets based on variable-dimension MEG power spectra in the primary visual cortex and fusiform gyrus that are maximally discriminative of data epochs before versus after visual stimulation

    Brain dynamics sustaining rapid rule extraction from speech

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    Language acquisition is a complex process that requires the synergic involvement of different cognitive functions, which include extracting and storing the words of the language and their embedded rules for progressive acquisition of grammatical information. As has been shown in other fields that study learning processes, synchronization mechanisms between neuronal assemblies might have a key role during language learning. In particular, studying these dynamics may help uncover whether different oscillatory patterns sustain more item-based learning of words and rule-based learning from speech input. Therefore, we tracked the modulation of oscillatory neural activity during the initial exposure to an artificial language, which contained embedded rules. We analyzed both spectral power variations, as a measure of local neuronal ensemble synchronization, as well as phase coherence patterns, as an index of the long-range coordination of these local groups of neurons. Synchronized activity in the gamma band (2040 Hz), previously reported to be related to the engagement of selective attention, showed a clear dissociation of local power and phase coherence between distant regions. In this frequency range, local synchrony characterized the subjects who were focused on word identification and was accompanied by increased coherence in the theta band (48 Hz). Only those subjects who were able to learn the embedded rules showed increased gamma band phase coherence between frontal, temporal, and parietal regions

    A simultaneous modulation of reactive and proactive inhibition processes by anodal tDCS on the right inferior frontal cortex

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    Proactive and reactive inhibitory processes are a fundamental part of executive functions, allowing a person to stop inappropriate responses when necessary and to adjust performance in in a long term in accordance to the goals of a task. In the current study, we manipulate, in a single task, both reactive and proactive inhibition mechanisms, and we investigate the within-subjects effect of increasing, by means of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), the involvement of the right inferior frontal cortex (rIFC). Our results show a simultaneous enhancement of these two cognitive mechanisms when modulating the neural activity of rIFC. Thus, the application of anodal tDCS increased reaction times on Go trials, indicating a possible increase in proactive inhibition. Concurrently, the stop-signal reaction time, as a covert index of the inhibitory process, was reduced, demonstrating an improvement in reactive inhibition. In summary, the current pattern of results validates the engagement of the rIFC in these two forms of inhibitory processes, proactive and reactive inhibition and it provides evidence that both processes can operate concurrently in the brain

    Functional coupling between CA3 and laterobasal amygdala supports schema dependent memory formation

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    The medial temporal lobe drives semantic congruence dependent memory formation. However, the exact roles of hippocampal subfields and surrounding brain regions remain unclear. Here, we used an established paradigm and high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging of the medial temporal lobe together with cytoarchitectonic probability estimates in healthy humans. Behaviorally, robust congruence effects emerged in young and older adults, indicating that schema dependent learning is unimpaired during healthy aging. Within the medial temporal lobe, semantic congruence was associated with hemodynamic activity in the subiculum, CA1, CA3 and dentate gyrus, as well as the entorhinal cortex and laterobasal amygdala. Importantly, a subsequent memory analysis showed increased activity for later remembered vs. later forgotten congruent items specifically within CA3, and this subfield showed enhanced functional connectivity to the laterobasal amygdala. As such, our findings extend current models on schema dependent learning by pinpointing the functional properties of subregions within the medial temporal lobe
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