8 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Hybrid Contract pada Akad Bai’ Al-Wafa’ Ma’al Ijarah dalam Produk Pembiayaan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan model hybrid contract pada akad Bai’ Al-Wafa’ Ma’al Ijarah dalam produk pembiayaan di BMT. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus pada BMT Mawaddah. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan pengurus dan anggota BMT serta analisis dokumen terkait akad Bai’ Al-Wafa’ Ma’al Ijarah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model hybrid contract pada akad Bai’ Al-Wafa’ Ma’al Ijarah dapat meningkatkan efektivitas pembiayaan dan meminimalkan risiko bagi BMT. Hybrid contract ini menggabungkan prinsip-prinsip dari dua jenis kontrak, yaitu Bai' al-wafa' dan Ijarah, sehingga dapat memperluas ruang lingkup pembiayaan yang ditawarkan oleh BMT. Selain itu, hybrid contract ini juga dapat mengurangi risiko default dan kerugian bagi BMT, karena terdapat jaminan dari pihak pengguna barang atau jasa yang disewakan. Meskipun demikian, penelitian ini juga menemukan beberapa kendala dalam penerapan hybrid contract pada akad Bai’ Al-Wafa’ Ma’al Ijarah di BMT Mawaddah, seperti kurangnya pemahaman dan kesadaran anggota BMT tentang hybrid contract, serta kendala dalam pelaksanaan akad tersebut. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlunya peningkatan pemahaman dan sosialisasi tentang hybrid contract pada akad Bai’ Al-Wafa’ Ma’al Ijarah kepada anggota BMT yang akan melakukan pembiayaan, serta perlu adanya bimbingan dalam pelaksanaan akad tersebut. (This research aims to analyze the application of the hybrid contract model on the Bai’ Al-Wafa’ Ma’al Ijarah contract in financing products at BMT. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach on BMT Mawaddah. Data were obtained through interviews with BMT officials and members, as well as the analysis of documents related to the Bai’ Al-Wafa’ Ma’al Ijarah contract. The results of the study indicate that the application of the hybrid contract model on the Bai’ Al-Wafa’ Ma’al Ijarah contract can improve financing effectiveness and minimize risks for BMT. This hybrid contract combines principles from two types of contracts, Bai' Al-Wafa' and Ijarah, thus expanding the scope of financing offered by BMT. Additionally, the hybrid contract can also reduce default and loss risks for BMT since there are guarantees from the lessee of the goods or services leased. However, this research also found some challenges in the implementation of the hybrid contract on the Bai’ Al-Wafa’ Ma’al Ijarah contract at BMT, such as a lack of understanding and awareness of the hybrid contract among BMT members, and difficulties in executing the contract. Therefore, this study recommends the need for increased understanding and socialization of the hybrid contract on the Bai’ Al-Wafa’ Ma’al Ijarah contract among BMT members, as well as the need for guidance and training in executing the contract.


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    Kiai is an elite who has a very respectable position and is influencing the development of Islamic society. Kiai in Indonesia has become one of the strategic elite and is a figure who has a wide and deep knowledge of Islamic teachings. At this point can be seen the strategic roles of kiai in the context of socio-political life in Bangkalan Madura. Based on the study, it was found that the kiai proved to be the number of re-enumerators for the sake of the social conditions it faced, albeit still using the medieval style of thought. in general kiai concentrate on the world of education, social-political relations tend to be abandoned, so that when the flow of globalization emerged, many stuttering kiai responded. It is analyzed by using theory.  Berger's social is referred to by the social framework in society. The research method used is qualitative phenomenology where data with observation and depth interview. The results of this study show the mindset of the people to construct the kiai politics and the factors that underlie the central role of kiai and politics.  Kiai merupakan suatu elit yang mempunyai kedudukan sangat terhormat dan  berpengaruh besar terhadap perkembangan masyarakat Islam. Kiai di Indonesia menjadi salah satu elit strategis dan merupakan figur yang memiliki pengetahuan luas dan mendalam tentang ajaran Islam. Pada titik inilah dapat dilihat peran-peran strategis kiai khususnya dalam aspek kehidupan sosial politik di Bangkalan Madura. Berdasarkan studi, ditemukan bahwa, kiai terbukti melakukan sejumlah penafisiran ulang demi kepentingan kondisi sosial yang dihadapinya, walaupun tetap menggunakan corak pemikiran abad pertengahan. Pada umumnya kiai memusatkan perhatiannya pada dunia pendidikan, urusan sosial politik cenderung diterlantarkan, sehingga ketika arus globalisasi muncul, banyak kiai yang tampak gagap menanggapinya. Hal ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori Konstruksi sosial Peter Berger yaitu digerakkan oleh frame pemikiran realitas sosial yang ada dalam masyarakat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah fenomenologi kualitatif dimana data dikumpulkan dengan observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa orientasi pembentukan pola fikir masyarakat mengkonstruksi politik kiai dan faktor- factor yang melatar belakangi peran sentral kiai dan politik. &nbsp


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    Islamic banking is growing rapidly, especially Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei Darussalam. This causes Islamic banking to be demanded to be more responsive to stakeholders. This then becomes the basis that Islamic banking must improve its social performance. Social performance is a form of corporate social responsibility to fulfill obligations that come from people's expectations of company behavior. Researchers are interested to find out whether there is an influence of disclosure of social performance on profitability in Islamic banks in Indonesia. This type of research is quantitative using secondary data and linear regression as a data analysis method. This study shows that there is an influence of disclosure of social performance on profitability of Islamic banks in Indonesia.Perbankan syariah tumbuh pesat terutama Malaysia, indonesia, and Brunei Darussalam. Hal ini menyebabbkan perbankan syariah dituntut untuk lebih responsif terhadap para pemangku kepentingan. Ini membuat perbankan syariah harus meningkatkan kinerja sosialnya sebagai pondasi dasarnya. Kinerja sosial adalah bentuk tanggung jawab sosial oleh perusahaan untuk terpenuhinya kewajiban dari ekspektasi masyarakat yang berasal dariperilaku perusahaan. Peneliti tertarik untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh pengungkapan kinerja sosial terhadap profitabilitas pada bank syariah di Indonesia. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder dan regresi linier sebagai metode analisis data. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh pengungkapan kinerja sosial terhadap profitabilitas pada bank syariah Indonesia


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    Money becomes a business commodity for profit without regard to normative realities and human ethics. The concept of time value of money remains a subject of debate among Muslim scholars because it is considered to provide justification for usury. In conventional economic practice the concept of time value of money is known, which is a concept of adopting a biological model that results in the value of money today being more valuable than in the future. At first glance, it appears that Islam sets a double standard by looking at time differently in two this case: on the one hand, Islam makes it part of the price in the case of deferred sales but eliminates any value in terms of loans. We believe that this issue requires a more comprehensive consideration to know, beyond this apparent duality, the true perception of Islam about the role of time economy

    The Agricultural Cooperation Contract System And Government Authority On The Wage Mechanism From An Islamic Perspective

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    Abstrak Simbiosis mutualisme terjadi dalam setiap akad pada transaksi ekonomi. Akad kerjasama dalam bidang pertanian yang sudah banyak diketahui dan dipraktikkan dalam kehidupan masyarakat adalah akad Mukhabarah dan Muzara’ah. Adanya akad Mukhabarah dan Muzara’ah ini sebagai solusi untuk memanfaatkan lahan yang terbengkalai menjadi lahan yang produktif dan memberikan keuntungan bagi kedua belah pihak. Selain itu perbedaan dalam keahlian dan tenaga yang dimiliki masing-masing orang menimbulkan konsekuensi adanya Ujrah dalam Ekonomi Islam. Kata Kunci: Kontrak Kerjasama Pertanian, Upah, PemerintahAbstract A mutualism symbiosis occurs in every contract in economic transactions. Cooperation agreements in the agricultural sector that are widely known and practiced in people's lives are the Mukhabarah and Muzara'ah contracts. The existence of this Mukhabarah and Muzara'ah agreement is a solution to make use of abandoned land to become productive land and provide benefits for both parties. In addition, differences in the expertise and energy of each person have consequences for the existence of Ujrah in Islamic Economics. Keywords: Agricultural Cooperation Contract, Wages, Governmen

    Dampak Pengaruh Kurs Valuta Asing Dan Inflasi Terhadap Jakarta Islamic Index

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    Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) is one of the sharia-based stock indexes in Indonesia that provides benefits for capital owners to make investments in accordance with Islamic sharia on the Stock Exchange. This study aims to analyze the Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Fluctuations (US Dollar and Euro) and Inflation on the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII), with an observation period during July 2017-August 2019. The data used in this study is time series data that is quantitative. which consists of data on the monthly closing value of the JII Variable, Inflation and data on the monthly closing value of the Rupiah exchange rate against the Dollar and EURO. The analytical method used is Multiple Linear Analysis, Hypothesis Testing, and Coefficient of Determination Test. The data processing is carried out using the SPSS 20.0 application. Based on the results of the t test, it partially shows that the value of the US Dollar Exchange Rate (US)variablehasapositiveandnotsignificanteffect,theEUROexchangeratevariablehasapositiveandinsignificanteffectwhiletheinflationvariablehasapositiveandinsignificanteffectontheJakartaIslamicIndexinthe2017−2019period..VariablesUS) variable has a positive and not significant effect, the EURO exchange rate variable has a positive and insignificant effect while the inflation variable has a positive and insignificant effect on the Jakarta Islamic Index in the 2017-2019 period. . Variables US, EURO, and inflation simultaneously or together do not have a positive and significant effect on the stock of the Jakarta Islamic Index