655 research outputs found

    European user trial of paging by satellite

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    British Telecom conceived the idea of adapting their existing paging service, together with the use of existing terrestrial pagers, to yield a one way data (i.e., paging) satellite service to mobiles. The user trial of paging by satellites was successful. It demonstrated that services could be provided over a wide geographical area to low priced terminals. Many lessons were learned in unexpected areas. These include the need for extensive liaison with all users involved, especially the drivers, to ensure they understood the potential benefits. There was a significant desire for a return acknowledgement channel or even a return data channel. Above all there is a need to ensure that the equipment can be taken across European borders and legitimately used in all European countries. The next step in a marketing assessment would be to consider the impact of two way data messaging such as INMARSAT-C

    The Visceral \u3cem\u3eRetia Mirabilia\u3c/em\u3e of Tuna and Sharks: An Annotated Translation and Discussion of the Eschricht and Müller 1835 Paper and Related Papers

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    The focus of this volume is an annotated translation of the classic work by J. Müller and D.F. Eschricht on the visceral anatomy of the bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, published in 1835. This text, with its outstanding figures, is to this day the definitive work on the anatomy of the bluefin viscera and especially on the circulation to and from the viscera. In addition, the text is historically important in that it represents the first comprehensive description of visceral relia mirabilia in a fish. In this work, Eschricht & Müller meticulously elucidate the pattern of blood flow to, within, and from the viscera. In addition they describe and speculate about the function of such peculiar anatomical structures such as: the visceral relia mirabilia, the radiating liver vessels and the unusually large visceral nerves seen in this species. We have annotated the translation in order to connect the findings of Eschricht & Müller with our current understanding of warm fishes. Eschricht & Müller published a supplement to the tuna article in which they describe the visceral anatomy of the common thresher shark, Alopias vulpinus. We provide an annotated translation of this text as well. The main point of the supplement is that the vascular arrangement of the thresher viscera is completely analogous to that in T. thynnus, and distinct from that found in the other warm sharks, such as Lamna nasus, implying that endothermy has evolved independently at least twice within elasmobranchs. Finally, to round out the historical aspect of this volume, we include two papers and their abstracts by John Davy, who is credited with the first body temperature measurements of warm fishes. Eschricht & Müller were aware of Davy\u27s measurements and discuss them briefly in their paper on tuna visceral anatomy. We also include plates from the 1923 paper by Kishinouye and sorne color photographs of the visceral relia from our dissections. The last two sections of this volume are facsimiles of the two texts by Eschricht & Müller as they appeared in their original form

    The emergence of multimorbidity as a matter of concern: a critical review

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    Unrequited: Asymmetry in Interorganizational Trust

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    Many studies of interorganizational relationships assume that trust between organizations is symmetric. In this essay, we explore the origins of this assumption and examine relevant quantitative and qualitative evidence from the literatures on strategy, marketing, supply chain management, and information systems. We conclude that no systematic evidence currently exists to support the assumption that interorganizational trust is typically symmetric. We explore how the possibility of asymmetry complicates interpretation of previous research on the effects of interorganizational trust. We encourage further research to identify conditions under which symmetry is likely, and offer a variety of strategies that scholars may use to deal with potential asymmetry

    Unrequited: Asymmetry in Interorganizational Trust

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    Many studies of interorganizational relationships assume that trust between organizations is symmetric. In this essay, we explore the origins of this assumption and examine relevant quantitative and qualitative evidence from the literatures on strategy, marketing, supply chain management, and information systems. We conclude that no systematic evidence currently exists to support the assumption that interorganizational trust is typically symmetric. We explore how the possibility of asymmetry complicates interpretation of previous research on the effects of interorganizational trust. We encourage further research to identify conditions under which symmetry is likely, and offer a variety of strategies that scholars may use to deal with potential asymmetry

    Cellular Mechanisms of Slime Gland Refilling in Pacific Hagfish (\u3cem\u3eEptatretus stoutii\u3c/em\u3e)

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    Hagfishes use their defensive slime to ward off gill-breathing predators. Slime gland refilling is a surprisingly slow process, and previous research has shown that the composition of the slime exudate changes significantly during refilling, which likely has consequences for the functionality of the slime. This study set out to expand our understanding of slime gland refilling by examining the cellular processes involved in refilling of the glands, as well as determining where in the gland the main slime cells – the gland thread cells and gland mucous cells – arise. Slime glands were electro-stimulated to exhaust their slime stores, left to refill for set periods of time, and harvested for histological and immunohistochemical examination. Whole slime glands, gland thread cell morphometrics and slime cell proportions were examined over the refilling cycle. Slime glands decreased significantly in size after exhaustion, but steadily increased in size over refilling. Gland thread cells were the limiting factor in slime gland refilling, taking longer to replenish and mature than gland mucous cells. Newly produced gland thread cells underwent most of their growth near the edge of the gland, and larger cells were found farthest from the edge of the gland. Immunohistochemical analysis also revealed proliferating cells only within the epithelial lining of the slime gland, suggesting that new slime cells originate from undifferentiated cells lining the gland. Our results provide an in-depth look at the cellular dynamics of slime gland refilling in Pacific hagfish, and provide a model for how slime glands refill at the cellular level

    Emptying and Refilling of Slime Glands in Atlantic (\u3cem\u3eMyxine glutinosa\u3c/em\u3e) and Pacific (\u3cem\u3eEptatretus stoutii\u3c/em\u3e) Hagfishes

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    Hagfishes are known for their unique defensive slime, which they use toward off gill-breathing predators. Although much is known about the slime cells (gland thread cells and gland mucous cells), little is known about how long slime gland refilling takes, or how slime composition changes with refilling or repeated stimulation of the same gland. Slime glands can be individually electrostimulated to release slime, and this technique was used to measure slime gland refilling times for Atlantic and Pacific hagfish. The amount of exudate produced, the composition of the exudate and the morphometrics of slime cells were analyzed during refilling, and as a function of stimulation number when full glands were stimulated in rapid succession. Complete refilling of slime glands for both species took 3–4 weeks, with Pacific hagfish achieving faster absolute rates of exudate recovery than Atlantic hagfish. We found significant changes in the composition of the exudate and in the morphometrics of slime cells from Pacific hagfish during refilling. Over successive stimulations of full Pacific hagfish glands, multiple boluses of exudate were released, with exudate composition, but not thread cell morphometrics, changing significantly. Finally, histological examination of slime glands revealed slime cells retained in glands after exhaustion. Discrepancies in the volume of cells released suggest that mechanisms other than contraction of the gland musculature alone may be involved in exudate ejection. Our results provide a first look at the process and timing of slime gland refilling in hagfishes, and raise new questions about how refilling is achieved at the cellular level

    A Test of Biochemical Symmorphosis in a Heterothermic Tissue: Bluefin Tuna White Muscle

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    To test predictions of biochemical symmorphosis, we measured the activity of seven consecutive glycolytic enzymes at three positions along the heterothermic white muscle of the bluefin tuna. Biochemical symmorphosis predicts that adjustments in sequential enzyme concentrations along a thermal gradient should occur as a function of the thermal sensitivity of the enzymes to ensure that no one enzyme in the pathway is in excess at any point along the gradient. We found no evidence for adjustments in enzyme quantity or quality along the thermal gradient, as well as no evidence for the prediction that the more temperature-sensitive enzymes would exhibit more dramatic compensation. Conservation of glycolytic flux in the cold exterior and warm interior muscle may be achieved by the near insensitivity of glyceraldehyde- 3-phosphate dehydrogenase to temperature in this tissue. This may have the added benefit of moderating flux during seasonal or transient changes in the thermal gradient. According to the strictest application of biochemical symmorphosis, such a mechanism represents adequate, yet suboptimal desig

    Cushing Syndrome in a 6-Month-Old Infant due to Adrenocortical Tumor

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    Cushing syndrome is rare in infancy and usually due to an adrenocortical tumor (ACT). We report an infant with Cushing syndrome due to adrenocortical carcinoma. The patient presented at six months of age with a three-month history of growth failure, rapid weight gain, acne, and irritability. Physical examination showed obesity, hypertension, and Cushingoid features. Biochemical evaluation showed very high serum cortisol, mildly elevated testosterone, and suppressed ACTH. Abdominal MRI revealed a heterogeneous right adrenal mass extending into the inferior vena cava. Evaluation for metastases was negative. The tumor was removed surgically en bloc. Pathologic examination demonstrated low mitotic rate, but capsular and vascular invasion. She received no adjuvant therapy. Her linear growth has improved and Cushingoid features resolved. Hormonal markers and quarterly PET scans have been negative for recurrence 24 months postoperatively. In conclusion, adrenocortical neoplasms in children are rare, but should be considered in the differential diagnosis of Cushing syndrome

    Negotiating networks of self-employed work: strategies of minority ethnic contractors

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    Within the increased flexible, contracted work in cities, employment is negotiated through network arrangements characterised by multiplicity, mobility and fluidity. For black and minority ethnic group members, this network labour becomes fraught as they negotiate both their own communities, which can be complex systems of conflicting networks, as well as non-BME networks which can be exclusionary. This discussion explores the networking experiences of BME individuals who are self-employed in portfolio work arrangements in Canada. The analysis draws from a theoretical frame of ‘racialisation’ (Mirchandani and Chan, 2007) to examine the social processes of continually constructing and positioning the Other as well as the self through representations in these networks. These positions and concomitant identities enroll BME workers in particular modes of social production, which order their roles and movement in the changing dynamics of material production in networked employment