11 research outputs found

    Open questions about the farmlands’ biodiversity preservation in the cities’ peripheries – a Wrocław case (Poland)

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    One of the necessary conditions for sustainable development is maintaining and developing environmental resources. The paper presents and discusses the idea that the field woods in the cities’ agricultural periphery, understood as habitats and not only a collection of trees, should be preserved and managed as a formal element of urban green infrastructure (GI). According to the authors, they should be seen as a great connecting element between urban green and the semi-natural areas outside. Even assuming the future land use transformation, it is worth preserving them from degradation just now. They play a role in protecting natural resources and the functions of ecosystems, expected from elements of GI, as they are a source of dispersion of various species of plants and animals benefit both for agricultural areas located further and for greenery in built-up areas. Using the authors’ own research on the farmland area situated within Wrocław administrative borders, and available literature, the following issues were considered: 1) the geographic and topographic characteristics of field woods, 2) evaluation of the role of field woods studied for the local biodiversity, 3) the risk factors for the degradation or disappearance of field woods and their biodiversity, 4) the legal regulations concerning the protection of field woods in Poland. Some legal and practical solutions are suggested

    A pilot study on improve the functioning of extensive green roofs in city centers using mosses

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    Most of environmental benefits of green roofs results from the presence of a vegetation layer. However vascular plants quickly die in harsh urban conditions. This paper presents research involving moss species appearing spontaneously on green roofs in cities to test whether we can create a vegetation layer with simplifi ed structure introducing that moss. It was checked using two transplant methods and three models of such roofs. Research evidenced that moss Ceratodon purpureus Hedw. is able to survive on green roofs in cities with high efficiency and can develop after transplant on roofs with a simple structure. Maximum weight of the moss layer during the year did not exceed 7.0 kg·m–2

    Employability of University Students: Introduction of the Concept and the Psychometric Properties of the Polish Self-Perceived Employability Scale

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    Higher education has been undergoing a number of changes in recent years, and its effect is to be not only the diploma but the competencies needed for professional work. The employment model has also changed – currently, employees change jobs more often, contracts are rather short-term, and work requires the acquisition of new competencies in line with the idea of lifelong learning. The Covid-19 reality complicated the job market, even more, making people to lose and change their jobs much more often and be prepared to work constantly in unstable hybrid reality. Consequently, studies should not so much prepare to undertake a specific job but provide competences that build “employability”. The aim of the research presented in the article is to adapt and prepare the Polish version of The Self-Perceived Employability Scale of Rothwell & Arnold (2007). 600 first-year students took part in the study. The research results indicated a significant two-factor model, and therefore a Polish version of the scale based on two subscales was developed, which has good psychometric properties. The scale differs from the original British version, which may be related to social and cultural differences. The changes have been discussed and approvedby the team and consulted with the author of the original version. The scale can be used to assess the perceived level of own employability for students of different years of study. Itsresults may form the basis for making decisions regarding the design of study programs and their evaluation in longitudinal studies

    Distribution of epiphytic bryophytes in Wroclaw in relation to urban-use complexes

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    Studies on epiphytic bryophyte species richness and diversity in various urban-use complexes in Wroclaw (excluding urban forests) were conducted in 2013-2016 to check the research hypothesis that, in spite of the observed phenomenon of return of bryophytic epiphytes to cities, urban parks still favor species richness and the diversity of bryophytic epiphytes in built-up areas. Epiphytes (38 species) were recorded in all distinguished urban-use complexes but with strongly differentiated frequency, and 64% of all the trees colonized with epiphytes were situated either along streets or inside urban green areas (32% in each). It was shown that the highest species richness (89% of all the species found), bryophyte total coverage and values of the diversity indices referred to the latter complex. 20 species revealed preferences to occur mostly or exclusively on trees situated in urban parks. The second urban-use complex, which visibly affected the distribution of epiphytes, was the complex of streets; Tortula muralis occurred only on trees along streets and six other species occurred more frequently in these complexes than in others: Orthotrichum diaphanum, O. pumilum, O. pallens, Ceratodon purpureus, Syntrichia virescens, Bryum argenteum. In general, epiphytes – which were recorded on more than 20 trees – colonized a large number of phorophytes, from 12 to 33. They also showed some tendencies to occupy trunks of some host tree species more frequently than others. Detailed data are provided

    Usefulness of Living Mulch in Rows in a Dwarf Pear, <i>Pyrus communis</i> L., Orchard

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    The key problem in the cultivation of densely planted dwarf orchards is the removal of weeds—trees’ competitors for habitat resources. There is an urgent need to look for ecological methods of weed control as an alternative to herbicides that are harmful to the environment. The use of living mulch (LM) in tree rows additionally improves soil quality but usually weakens tree growth and may reduce yield. The aim of this 11-year experiment was to assess the impact of the use of two different LMs in rows (Trifolium repens—Tr and Agrostis capillaris—Ac) on the growth, yield, and fruit quality of three pear cultivars on Quince S1 rootstock compared to herbicide fallow. The presence of LM did not significantly affect tree growth. There was no significant effect of either mulch on the cumulative yield. However, for the first 4–6 years, the yield was clearly lower than in the control, which changed in the later years of the experiment. When LMs were used, pear trees showed a significantly lower tendency to alternate fruiting. The average fruit weight was significantly lower in Tr, but the other parameters of external fruit quality did not differ significantly. Furthermore, a smaller share of ultra-small fruit was found with LM compared to the control. The LM did not significantly affect such parameters as the content of soluble solids, vitamin C, Ca, Mg, and P. The use of Ac in dwarf pear orchards with sowing in tree rows is recommended in the 2nd or 3rd year after planting at the earliest

    Epiphytic bryophytes in urban forests of Wrocław (SW Poland)

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    Data documenting the occurrence of epiphytic bryophytes in the urban forests of the Wroclaw city were collected and reported for the first time. Research was carried out in 2015-2016, in forest areas situated within the city administrative boundaries, to find whether some epiphytic species reported from the Wroclaw environs in the 19th century and presently considered to be primeval forest relicts occur in urban forests. The survey was carried out using the established network of 50 study plots randomly scattered within the urban forested areas. In total 42 species (4 liverworts and 38 mosses) were recorded on 467 trees; three of them are primeval forest relicts. In this paper, the host-tree preferences, distribution in the individual forests, relative frequency, abundance and exposure to compass directions of the studied taxa are analysed. Of the species described, only 17 are obligatory epiphytes, while 22 of them are character forest species. However, 82% of the latter were noted on a small number of tree trunks. Two moss taxa, Hypnum cupressiforme and Platygyrium repens, were most frequently found (on 76 and 50% of the trees, respectively). Among the species recorded in the studied area, there are five that have been showing some expansive tendencies in Europe in recent decades. The potential ability of these species to spread in urban areas is discussed in relation to their general ecological requirements

    Bryology Section (1978)

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    "Sekcja Briologiczna jest jedną z krócej działających sekcji PTB. Oficjalne zgłoszenie do Zarządu Głównego PTB w sprawie utworzenia Sekcji wystosowała jesienią 1978 r. prof. Irena Rejment- Grochowska (Uniwersytet Warszawski). Była to realizacja uchwały podjętej przez uczestników Krajowego Sympozjum Briologicznego, które odbyło się w dniach 21–23 września 1978 r. w Porąbce- Kozubniku z inicjatywy prof. Krzysztofa Rostańskiego (Uniwersytet Śląski) (Ryc. 11.9.1). W efekcie tych działań na zebraniu Zarządu Głównego PTB w dniu 9 grudnia 1978 r. powołana została Sekcja Briologiczna. Liczba członków w dniu założenia wynosiła 25, a pierwszą przewodniczącą została prof. Irena Rejment-Grochowska. Niestety, nie zdążyła wypracować formy działania utworzonej przez siebie Sekcji, bo nieoczekiwanie zmarła pół roku później, 6 maja 1979 roku. Jej obowiązki przejął prof. Jerzy Szweykowski." [...] (fragm.

    Self-Perceived Employability Scale – Polish Adaptation

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    Employability, understood as a set of achievements – skills, knowledge, personal qualities – that make graduates employable and successful in their profession, is more and more often a subject of research, both in the context of improving the educational offer of universities, as well as examining the quality of life and professional satisfaction of graduates. Employability is differentiated from employment – the state of having a job. In today’s unstable job market where temporary contracts and protean-type careers dominate – equipping graduates with the resources to effectively change or modify their career path is crucial. The paper aims to present the psychometric proprieties of a Polish adaptation of the A. Rothwell and Arnold Self-Perceived Employability Scale. The final version consists of 9 items and has good psychometric properties. The study of the perceived employability of students provides important knowledge regarding the graduates’ competencies, and it is an important factor in modifying the educational offer at universities and planning graduates’ satisfying careers in the contemporary unstable job market

    Sex differences in self-perceived employability and self-motivated strategies for learning in Polish first-year students.

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    Self-perceived employability (SPE) is defined as the ability to attain sustainable employment appropriate to one's qualification level (Rothwell 2008) and perceived as a crucial factor in university graduates' career development. Meanwhile, University students are mainly assessed through the lens of academic achievement, which depend, inter alia, on the self-motivated strategies for learning (MSL). Firstly, we tested hypothesised sex differences in SPE's and MSL's factors in a group of the first-year university students (n = 600) in a Central European context. Our analyses revealed that female students, despite their higher results in MSL's factors (self-regulation, learning strategies, intrinsic values, self-efficacy) presented lower internal SPE than male students. Secondly, we explored how much general SPE can be predicted from general MSL, taking into account sex as a moderator, finding that sex factor was not significant as a moderator. We can consider general MSL as a good predictor of general SPE in both sex groups. The results will provide evidence to support HEI curricular development and strategies for workplace attitude change to address existing sex inequalities. In addition, our findings relating to MSL will provide evidence to support the development of approaches to enhancing student employability with additional long term benefits in mental health and well-being

    Self-perceived employability scale – Polish adaptation

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    Employability, understood as a set of achievements – skills, knowledge, personal qualities – that make graduates employable and successful in their profession, is more and more often a subject of research, both in the context of improving the educational offer of universities, as well as examining the quality of life and professional satisfaction of graduates. Employability is differentiated from employment – the state of having a job. In today’s unstable job market where temporary contracts and protean-type careers dominate – equipping graduates with the resources to effectively change or modify their career path is crucial. The paper aims to present the psychometric proprieties of a Polish adaptation of the A. Rothwell and Arnold Self-Perceived Employability Scale. The final version consists of 9 items and has good psychometric properties. The study of the perceived employability of students provides important knowledge regarding the graduates’ competencies, and it is an important factor in modifying the educational offer at universities and planning graduates’ satisfying careers in the contemporary unstable job market