120 research outputs found

    The Role and Development of Technology-Intensive Suppliers in Resource-Based Economies: A Literature Review

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    Although primary industries are important to developing countries, they have been largely unable to contribute to rapid growth. Systematically strengthening the development of local technology-intensive suppliers (t-suppliers), however, may contribute to both reinforcing the industrial base and supporting the competitiveness of primary production. Indeed, the development of t-suppliers has been common in those resource-based economies which achieved a high level of development (Scandinavia, Canada, Australia). This paper explores the role of t-suppliers in natural resource-based economies. It outlines a theoretical framework for the analysis of the factors which foster or constrain their development and defines areas for an effective promotion of t-suppliers. The proposed model of analysis distinguishes between factors influencing the development of t-suppliers on the level of the main industry (MI), the level of supplier firms or firm-level and the level of external determinants with special reference to industrial policy factors.Technology-intensive suppliers, resource-based economies, developing countries, SME promotion, economic growth

    Validation of digit-length ratio (2D:4D) assessments on the basis of DXA-derived hand scans

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    Background: The second-to-fourth digit-length ratio (2D:4D) may be a correlate of prenatal sex steroids, and it has been linked to sporting prowess. The aim of the study was to validate dual-energy X-ray-absorptiometry (DXA) as a technique to assess 2D:4D in soccer players under 15 years of age (U-15). Methods: Paired X-ray and DXA scans of the left hands of 63 male U-15 elite soccer players (age: 14.0 ± 0.3 years) were performed, and 2D:4D was then compared between the two techniques. The 2D:4D measurements were performed twice by two blinded raters. Intrarater and interrater reliability, as well as agreement between the X-ray and the DXA assessments, were tested. Results: Intrarater reliabilities of both raters using X-ray with intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) of 0.97 and 0.90 were excellent. Using DXA, the ICCs were 0.90 and 0.91 thus also showing excellent reliability. Interrater reliabilities were excellent using both the X-ray (ICC of 0.94) and the DXA (ICC of 0.90), assessments respectively. Bland-Altman plots demonstrated that the 2D:4D ratios of the two raters did not differ significantly between the X-ray and the DXA assessments. The standard errors of estimate were 0.01 for both techniques. The 95% limits of agreement of ±0.018 (±2.0%) and ±0.023 (±2.6%), respectively, were within the acceptable tolerance of 5%, and showed very good agreement. Conclusion: DXA offered a replicable technique for assessing 2D:4D in youth soccer players. Therefore, the DXA technique seems to be an alternative method for evaluating 2D:4D in youth sports

    Development of Suppliers Within the Chilean Salmon Industry

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    The development of linkages among resource-based industries and local technology-intensive suppliers plays an important role in economic development. The objective of this article is to determine those factors that have been involved in the successful development of manufacture suppliers within the Chilean salmon industry. It analyses the industry-level and firm-level factors based on a theoretic-explorative and an empirical research. The results emphasise on the opportunities offered by high demand in atomised industries and on the role of the entrepreneur, the use of qualified labour and cooperation in the competitiveness of local suppliers at the firm-level.La generación de encadenamientos entre industrias basadas en recursos naturales y proveedores locales intensivos en tecnología juega un papel fundamental en el desarrollo económico. Este artículo determina, en base a un trabajo empírico, los factores presentes en el desarrollo exitoso de proveedores locales de manufacturas en la industria salmonicultora chilena. Dentro de los factores que han favorecido este desarrollo destacan el tamaño, el crecimiento y la atomización de la demanda de la industria salmonicultora; y el empresario, la cooperación y la calidad de la mano de obra dentro de las empresas proveedoras.The development of linkages among resource-based industries and local technology-intensive suppliers plays an important role in economic development. The objective of this article is to determine those factors that have been involved in the successful development of manufacture suppliers within the Chilean salmon industry. It analyses the industry-level and firm-level factors based on a theoretic-explorative and an empirical research. The results emphasise on the opportunities offered by high demand in atomised industries and on the role of the entrepreneur, the use of qualified labour and cooperation in the competitiveness of local suppliers at the firm-level

    Evaluating social games for kids and teenagers diagnosed with cancer

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    Serious games for health are interactive games with a focus on health care, physical and mental fitness. As it is assumed that social support can also indirectly influence patient's health condition, multiplayer online health games present an innovative approach of improving the player's health condition. In this paper we present the health game prototype "Adventures in Sophoria" developed at the University of Duisburg-Essen with the goal of facilitating the intercommunication of teenagers during cancer treatment. Two versions of the game were implemented, one explicitly referring to cancer and an implicit version with no cancer content. In a between-subjects experimental study with a clinical sample, both versions were compared. Additionally, parents and nursing staff were interviewed in order to evaluate the demand regarding health games. Results suggest that the implicit game version yielded higher enjoyment and acceptance compared to the explicit version. © 2011 IEEE

    Vom Medienliebling zum Medienopfer: Einfluss der Umbewertung von Politikern auf die Einstellungen zu den mit ihnen assoziierten Parteien

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    In der Medienberichterstattung kommt es nicht selten zur Umbewertung von Spitzenpolitikern. Schneller noch als Politiker durch positive Berichterstattung an Ansehen gewinnen, kann ihrem Ansehen mittels negativer Berichterstattung geschadet werden. Das Dissertationsprojekt geht der Fragestellung nach, wie negative Informationen über Politiker sich auf Einstellungen zu den mit diesen assoziierten politischen Parteien auswirken. Basierend auf den im Rahmen der Einstellungsforschung und den Politikwissenschaften gewonnenen Erkenntnissen wird angenommen, dass negative Informationen über Politiker zu einer Abwertung der mit diesen assoziierten politischen Parteien führen. Ein weiterer Fokus der Forschungsarbeit ist die Analyse der mediierenden Faktoren, die die Valenzübertragung von Politikern zu politischen Parteien bedingen. Anhand eines theorieintegrativen Ansatzes wird untersucht, ob und inwiefern die Glaubwürdigkeit einer Medienquelle einen Einfluss auf die Umbewertung von Politikern und politischen Parteien ausübt, wenn sie über erstere negative Informationen verbreitet. Um den Fragestellungen nachzugehen, wurden drei experimentelle Studien durchgeführt, in denen den Versuchspersonen neutrale oder negative Informationen zu Politikern von glaubwürdigen oder weniger glaubwürdigen Quellen dargeboten und die Einstellungen zu den Politikern und Parteien erhoben wurden. Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass die Glaubwürdigkeit einer Quelle weder einen Einfluss auf die Bewertung der Politiker noch einen Einfluss auf die Einstellungen zu den Parteien ausübt. Hinsichtlich des Einflusses der Abwertung von Politikern auf die Bewertung der mit ihnen assoziierten politischen Parteien sind gemischte Ergebnisse zu verzeichnen.It is not unusual that public opinion about politicians changes due to media coverage. Faster then politicians will beneficiate from positive media coverage they may also experience reputation loss as a consequence of negative news coverage. This doctoral thesis addresses the question of how negative information about politicians may affect their evaluations and the evaluation of political parties they represent. Based on social psychological models and political science research evidence, politicians devaluation and the devaluation of an associated political party is expected, if the politician is involved in a media scandal. This work also addresses the moderating role of media credibility and recipient’s involvement on the impact of unfavorable political information. Despite empirical evidence indicating that voter behavior is partially determined by a candidate image, it is still unknown under which circumstances negative media coverage about candidates can influence the evaluations of political parties. To address this question three different experimental studies were conducted. The experimental manipulation consisted in presenting politicians with negative information from either a high or a low credible source and assessing attitudes towards politicians and their political parties. Results reveal that source credibility has no impact on politicians and political parties devaluation induced by negative politician information. Regarding the influence of negative politician information on political parties evaluation, mixed results were found

    Rediseno y mejoramiento del sistema de produccion para una empresa dedicada al diseno y fabricacion de lineas de transportadores

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    129 p.El trabajo expuesto trata sobre el proyecto de memoria realizado en la empresa Sidel Chile S.A., el cual está enfocado en rediseñar algunos procesos de la empresa y así ayudar a mejorar sus niveles de productividad, esto debido a la existencia de varios problemas, entre ellos: un layout deficiente, una inadecuada planificación y control de la producción, y un deficiente plan de requerimientos de materiales, lo cual en suma, termina creando un desorden evidente en el proceso productivo. Basándose en los problemas recién expuestos, se plantearon dos objetivos principales: “Diseñar un layout del área de producción que optimice los recorridos y ofrezca condiciones de seguridad apropiadas para los trabajadores” y “mejorar el sistema de planificación y control de la producción de líneas de transportadores de acuerdo a las nuevas necesidades de la empresa”. La metodología utilizada para elaborar este proyecto, comienza con el desarrollo de una propuesta inicial que consiste en recopilar información necesaria para estructurar el diagnóstico y buscar el enfoque a la problemática de las áreas de trabajo a mejorar, mediante la metodología planificación de proyectos orientada a objetivos (ZOPP). Luego se desarrolla una etapa de medición, mediante el método de muestreo de trabajo, el cual permite visualizar estaciones de trabajo y tiempos muertos; para ello se observa a las personas que trabajan en el taller en dos escenarios: uno en época de trabajo y otro en época sin trabajo, consistente en un periodo sin materiales suficientes para realizar actividades productivas. Posterior a ello, se desarrolla el análisis del layout existente. A continuación, se realiza la definición y medición de indicadores en base a los objetivos específicos planteados. En seguida, se analizan los procedimientos del sistema productivo de la empresa. Finalmente, se elaboran propuestas de rediseño y procedimientos. Como resultado del diagnóstico, se determina la proporción de tiempos muertos para los dos escenarios: en época de trabajo se obtiene un 21% de tiempos muertos respecto al tiempo total muestreado, compuesto principalmente por el tiempo que toma ejecutar las actividades no productivas, que son producto de Procedimientos inadecuados: por otro lado, el segundo escenario, época sin sin trabajo, muestra una proporción del 40% en actividades no productivas y las clasificadas en la categoría sin actividad, esto último debido principalmente a la falta de materiales primordiales para el desarrollo de las actividades productivas. Ambas proporciones de tiempos muertos arrojan un impacto del 25% del total de los costos anuales por concepto de horas hombre. Dentro de los resultados esperados se tiene los siguientes: Layout rediseñado que minimiza un 12% los desplazamientos, procedimiento de producción modificado agregándolo un diagrama de flujo e información actualizada, además se elaboran los siguientes procedimientos: devolución de materiales, informar disponibilidad de piezas, solicitud de piezas faltantes, entregar información de faltantes, solicitar información, entregar piezas no conformidad. Conjuntamente, se corrobora la adecuada planificación agregada de personal, respaldando la decisión de externalizar la mano de obra, exceptuando aquella que requiera experticia especial (estratégica). Sólo si la productividad de un externo es menor a un 29% respecto a un trabajador de Sidel es necesario contratar una persona de planta. Se sugiere intervenir la planificación de requerimiento de materiales, los cuales son responsables del 4% del total de los costos por concepto de horas hombres, vinculados a la no disponibilidad de material para fabricación./ ABSTRACT: The exposed regards a project carried out in the company Sidel Chile S.A. This project focuses on re-designing some processes of the company in order to help improve its productivity levels, since the existence of several problems; among them: a deficient layout, inadequate planning and control of the production, and a deficient plan of material requests; as a result, a clear disorder inthe productive process. Based on the newly exposed problems, these facts led to state this project’s general objectives: "To design a layout of the area of production that optimizes the trips and offers safety conditions adapted for the employees” and “to improve the system of planning and control of the conveyors’ production in accordance with the new needs of the company”. The followup methodology to prepare this project begins with the development of an inicial proposal which consists of gathering necessary information to structure the diagnosis and to look for the approach to the problems of the areas of work to be improved, by means of the Goal Oriented Project Planning (ZOPP) methodology. Then, a measurement stage is developed through the method of work sampling, which allows to visualize workstations and dead times. With this object, the people who are employed at the workshop were observed in two stages: on the one hand, the stage of work and the other, the stage without work characterized as a period without sufficient materials to develop productive activities. Later to it, an analysis of the current layout is developed. Next, the definition and measurement of indicators are realized based on the established specific goals. Besides, the procedures of the productive system of the company were analyzed so as to prepare proposals of redesign and procedures. As result of the investigation, it is determined that the proportion of dead times for these two stages: in the period of work, 21 % of inactive capacity is recorded in relation to the whole time, composed mainly by the time that takes to execute not productive activities, which are a product of inadequate procedures; on the other hand, the second stage, stage without work, shows a proportion of 40 % in not productive activities and classified under the category without activity, the above mentioned owed principally to the absence of essential materials for the development of the productive activities. Both proportions of dead times throw an impact of 25% of the whole of the annual costs for man-hours concept. Inside the awaited results the following ones are had: Re-designed Layout that minimizes 12 % the displacements, modified procedure of production it adding a flowchart and updated information, also the following procedures are prepared:materials return, to inform availability of pieces, request of lacking pieces, to deliver information of lacking, to request information, to deliver pieces not conformity. Jointly, the suitable agrégate personnel planning is corroborated, endorsing the decision to outsource the labor, excepting that one that needs expertise special (strategic). Only if the productivity of a day pupil is minor to 29% with regard to one to work of Sidel is necessary to hire a plant person. It is suggested to take control of the planning of request of materials which are responsible for 4% of the whole of the costs for hours concept men linked to not availability of material for manufacture

    How to improve technical and tactical actions of dominant and non-dominant players in children’s football?

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    As young football players develop important technical and tactical skills during competitive matches, this study investigated quantity and quality of technical and tactical actions in real game conditions in a 4v4 compared to the traditional 7v7 match format. In total, three matches of each format were played by 103 young football players (10.3±0.6 years) and video monitored for subsequent manual tagging of technical and tactical events. Based on the number of technical and tactical actions in the 7v7 matches, players were classified as dominant or non-dominant and changes in these subgroups were assessed during the 4v4 match format. The 4v4 match format significantly (P<0.001) increased total number of actions per player per minute compared to the 7v7 matches (5.59±1.44 and 2.78±0.73, respectively) and the number of successful (2.88±0.92 and 1.15±0.49, respectively) and unsuccessful (1.05±0.42 and 0.67±0.23, respectively) actions. Both dominant and non-dominant players increased their number of actions during the 4v4 compared to 7v7 match format. Despite a missing significant interaction effect, there was a larger percentage increase in number of actions for the non-dominant players (143%) compared to dominant players (72%) in 4v4. The 4v4 match format shows twice as many technical and tactical actions in real game conditions and, therefore, may improve players' skill development