305 research outputs found

    Sonographic cervical volumetry in higher order multiple gestation

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    Objective:The aim of this study of multifetal pregnancies was the comparison of three-dimensional (3D) volumetry of the cervix, conventional sonographic cervical length measurement and clinical assessment. Methods 10 mothers were investigated in an observational study between 5/1999 and 9/2000. A total of 34 consecutive 2D-and 3D-transabdominal ultrasound measurements were performed. Results: Volumetry of the cervix was possible in all 34 exams. 2D-cervical length assessment could not be obtained in 6% because the presenting fetal part obstructed the sonographic plane. Both methods allowed equal judgement of the configuration of the cervix. A significant correlation was found between mean 2D-cervical length (28.7 mm, 7.7 SD) and mean cervical volume (30.0 cm(3), 16.0 SD). Parity, subjective preterm labor or need of tocolytics showed no correlation with any biometrical parameter studied. Conclusion: Volumetry was superior for the assessment of cervical biometry and conformation in women when the transabdominal 2D-plane was obstructed. When cervical length was obtainable by a conventional scan, the technically more complex 3D-imaging did not provide further information. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Organisationale Agilität von Buchverlagen: Forschungsstand

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    Book Publishing is a high-risk business since book publishing houses need to drop most of their product range every half of the year and create new titles. Planning success therefore is a very hard thing to do and is stated as “erratic”. In addition Book publishing houses not only aim at economic success but also at creating culture. These special con- ditions have led to the demand of a dual organisation with efficient, hierarchical business processes on the one hand and decentralized, non- hierarchical creatives processes on the other. However, there has been no real discussion in media management literature how this should be achieved and how those both systems can work together effectively in one company. Furthermore Book Publishing has seen tremendous shifts in the last years: With customer behaviour and media consumption habits changing more quickly than ever book publishing needs to be more customer oriented while media convergence and the demand for content in a multitude of formats (e.g. printed books, apps, E-Books, websites) are demanding new and flexible organisational answers. A possible approach for finding new and adaptable practices is the concept of organizational agility, which was created for companies in highly- innovative and fast changing environments in manufacturing in the 1970ies and lived up to widespread use in IT-companies and IT-related research accordingly since the 1990ies and during the 2000s. This Literature Review aims at summarizing the status of organizational research in the media economy and especially the book publishing eco- nomy as well as describing the status of organizational agility in research both from a manufacturing and IT-management view. It shows that the organizational perspective on book publishing lacks research and opens the question if and how organizational agility and agile frameworks can help book publishing houses to maintain and gain adaptability

    Der Nutzen von Geographischen Informationssystemen in Betrieben industrieller Fertigung

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    Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, ob der Einsatz eines GIS in Betrieben industrieller Fertigung einen Mehrwert bringt. Zu diesem Thema existiert bis dato nur eine beschränkte Auswahl an Literatur, die in dieser Arbeit zusammengefasst wurde. Weiters beschreibt die Arbeit mögliche Einsatzgebiete, aus Sicht des Autors, aus denen dann einige Beispiele in die Praxis umgesetzt wurden. Diese Visualisierungen wurden Mitarbeitern aus einem Industriebetrieb im Zuge von Interviews vorgelegt. Aufgrund der geringen Anzahl an Beiträgen in der Literatur schafft es die Arbeit nicht, einen Nutzen durch den Einsatz eines GIS in Betrieben industrieller Fertigung zu beweisen, jedoch zeigt die Arbeit ein breites Betätigungsfeld für weitere Forschungsarbeiten zu dem Themenkomplex auf.This paper seeks to find an answer whether or not the use of GIS in manufacturing companies is beneficial. This topic has not yet been reviewed often in scientific papers. The few works focusing on this issue are summarized in this thesis. The paper also includes possible areas where, from the view of the author, the implementation of GIS-functions would be helpful. Some of these ideas have been realized and where shown to employees of a manufacturing company during interviews. Due to the lack of literature on the topic the author of this paper was not able to verify that the use of GIS is beneficial. Nevertheless the paper shows a broad area where further research could prove this theory

    Memorial do trabalho de conclusĂŁo de curso Ă“pera do malandro: um musical de Chico Buarque de Hollanda

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    Baseado na Ópera dos mendigos (1728), de John Gay, e na Ópera dos três vinténs (1928), de Bertolt Brecht e Kurt Weill, Chico Buarque situa sua história durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, período do Estado Novo de Getúlio Vargas. O núcleo da trama se passa no bairro boêmio da Lapa. Segundo Chico Buarque, "o nosso trabalho tem a estrutura da peça de Gay, o enfoque crítico de Brecht, mas é essencialmente brasileiro.

    The influence of coaching on physical activity. Development, communication and evaluation of coaching for sports-related self-regulation

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    Trotz der nachweislich positiven Wirkung regelmäßiger sportlicher Aktivität findet man einen gewohnheitsmäßig aktiven Lebensstil nur bei einer Minderheit der Bevölkerung. Die massenmedialen Interventionen zur Bewegungsförderung übersehen immer noch, dass Angebot und Distribution von Interventionsmaßnahmen zielgruppenspezifisch vermittelt werden müssen, um den Erreichungs- und Wirkungsgrad der Maßnahmen zu verbessern. Die Gestaltung einer zielgruppenspezifischen Intervention kann durch das Coaching zur sportbezogenen Ziel- und Handlungsregulation verwirklicht werden. Einerseits werden im Coaching die Einflüsse der Lebenswelt einer Person berücksichtigt, andererseits werden gezielt die individuellen selbstregulatorischen Fähigkeiten des Klienten gefördert. Inhalt dieser Arbeit war es, ein Coaching zur Implementierung und Aufrechterhaltung von Sportaktivität theoriegeleitet zu entwickeln, das Konzept an Multiplikatoren zu vermitteln und sowohl den Prozess als auch die Ergebnisse des Coachings zu evaluieren. Teilnehmer der Studie waren 13 sportpädagogisch ausgebildete Fachkräfte, die die Coachings mit je zwei Besuchern eines Fitness-Studios durchführten. Nach sieben Coaching-Sitzungen in einem Zeitraum von zehn Wochen wurde entsprechend des dynamischen Selbstregulationsmodells die Evaluation des Coachings auf drei Ebenen durchgeführt: Als psychometrische Variablen wurden die sportbezogene Selbstwirksamkeit und die sportbezogene Selbstkonkordanz herangezogen; auf der biometrischen Ebene wurden Gewicht, Blutdruck sowie Ruhe- und Belastungspuls gemessen; schließlich konnten die Häufigkeit und die Stabilität der sportlichen Aktivität durch die Verwaltungssysteme der Fitness-Studios objektiv gemessen werden. Der Erfassung der Variablen lag ein Ein-Gruppen-Prätest-Posttest-Design zu Grunde. Nach weiteren zehn Wochen erfolgte eine Follow-up-Erhebung zum Trainingsverhalten. Um den Effekt des Coachings auf die Veränderung im Trainingsverhalten nachzuweisen, wurde ein ABA-Einzelfallversuchsplan eingesetzt. Ergänzend erfolgte die systematische Darstellung der Fallgeschichten von fünf Klienten. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie dokumentieren den Wert einer personenbezogenen Intervention in Form eines Coachings zur Förderung der sportlichen Aktivität. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass das Coaching einen positiven und nachhaltigen Effekt auf die Trainingshäufigkeit und Trainingsstabilität der Klienten hatte. Sowohl der Gesamtwert der sportbezogenen Selbstwirksamkeit als auch der sportbezogenen Selbstkonkordanz stiegen nach dem Coaching signifikant an. Durch die Prozessevaluation wurden konkrete Hinweise zur methodischen Gestaltung von Interventionen zur Förderung von Sportaktivität ermittelt. Qualitative Ergebnisse geben Aufschluss darüber, mit welchen Strategien sich die Klienten unterstützten, um ihr Zielverhalten auszuführen. Implikationen für die Übertragung der Ergebnisse in die Praxis sowie für die weitere Forschung wurden diskutiert.Despite proven positive effects of regular physical activity, a habitual active lifestyle can only be found with a minority of the population. The intervention of the mass-media in order to increase physical activity still misses out on the fact that, in order to improve the level of achievement and effectiveness, the offer and the distribution of intervention have to be addressed specifically to the target group. One way to increase the match between the measure and the person is the coaching towards sports related self-regulation. Influences of of a person´s lifestyle are considered during coaching as well as individual characteristics of self-regulating abilities which support the habitual implementation of physical activity. The objective of this study was to develop a theory-based coaching for the implementation and maintenance of physical activity, to communicate the concept to multipliers, and to evaluate the process as well as the result of the coaching. The participants of the study were 13 experts trained in sports education who each coached two gym-users. After seven sessions in a period of ten weeks three levels of evaluation were carried out according to the Model of Dynamic Self-Regulation: as psychometric variables, the sports-related self-efficacy and self-concordance were evaluated; on the biometric level, weight, blood pressure and heart rate during rest periods and physical training were measured; finally, the frequency and the stability of physical activity could be analysed objectively through the administration systems of the gym. A One-Group-Pretest-Posttest-Design was used to collect the variables. After another ten weeks, a follow-up-test about the training behaviour was made. In order to prove the change in training behaviour, an ABA-singlecase-testplan was used. Additionally, the cases of five clients were described systematically. The results of the present study document the value of a person-related intervention through coachings to promote physical acticity. It could be proved, that coaching has a positive and lasting effect on the frequency and stability of the clients´ training. The overall value of the sports-related self-efficacy as well as the sports-related self-concordance showed a significant increase after the coaching. The process evaluation revealed specific cues to the methodical development of interventions in order to increase physical activity. The qualitive results of the study supply information about the clients´ strategies for supporting their intention to take regular exercise. Implications of the transfer of the results into practice as well as for future research are discussed

    Desenvolvimento de um protĂłtipo de incubadora para ovos de galinha

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Araranguá. Engenharia da Computação.O objetivo deste trabalho é explorar o papel da computação e seu uso em aplicações do setor produtivo do estado de Santa Catarina. Como estudo de caso foi selecionado o problema da avicultura intensiva que consiste em melhorar a taxa de eclosão de ovos ao monitorar e influenciar o ambiente de criação. Desta forma, foi proposto um sistema eletrônico para monitorar e controlar remotamente o ambiente onde ocorre a chocagem de ovos. No sistema proposto é possível criar um ambiente com condições estáveis e adequadas para o desenvolvimento do embrião de uma determinada espécie de ave. Com este sistema, o trabalho do técnico responsável pelo manejo é facilitado pois permite que este seja capaz de realizar o seu trabalho afastado do local de criação e consequentemente controlar diversos locais de criação à distância. O protótipo utiliza a técnica de controle PID para controlar a temperatura da incubadora e armazena os dados coletados num banco de dados ao longo do tempo. Através de uma interface gráfica com o usuário, os mesmos dados sensoriais são apresentados graficamente (temperatura, umidade e nível de gases) ao longo do tempo para rápida inspeção e identificação de instabilidades ou condições de ambiente adversas. Na implementação foi utilizado software livre e hardware de baixo custo para construir um protótipo funcional como prova de conceito visando o mercado de pequenos cri- adores. Com este protótipo foram realizados experimentos empíricos para avaliar o funcionamento do dispositivo e viabilidade da solução proposta

    The relationship between attachment, primary emotions and positive/negative spirituality: a path analysis

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    ObjectiveThe present study investigates what may influence individuals to experience their religiosity/spirituality as either subjectively positive [religious or spiritual (r/s) wellbeing] or as negative (r/s struggles). Drawing on existing literature attachment insecurity and the seven primary emotions as outlined by Jaak Panksepp in Affective Neuroscience are identified as likely influences.MethodsThe final sample consisted of 340 participants (age: M = 36, SD = 14.2; 68.5% = female), among which 65% self-identified as religious/spiritual. A path analysis was conducted to test a proposed mediation model in which the expected effects of primary emotions (B-ANPS) on r/s wellbeing (MI-RSWB) and r/s struggles (RSSS) were mediated through attachment insecurity (ECR-RD8).ResultsThe data indicated that attachment insecurity fully mediated the relationships between the primary emotions SADNESS and LUST with r/s struggles. Furthermore, the primary emotions FEAR and ANGER displayed small direct effects on both r/s struggles and r/s wellbeing. Overall, the model, which demonstrated excellent model fit, was able to explain 30% of the variance of r/s struggles, 24% of attachment insecurity and 5% of r/s wellbeing.ConclusionsThe findings suggest that primary emotions such as SADNESS and LUST substantially explain r/s struggles and that these relationships seem to be mediated through attachment. Moreover, r/s struggles seem to be qualitatively distinct from r/s wellbeing. Finally, a moderate link between LUST and attachment suggests that sexuality plays a significant role in (adult) attachment processes

    Estudo sobre o Tamanho dos Clusters e seus Efeitos no Cálculo do MQ

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    A função objetivo Modularization Quality (MQ) é muito utilizada para guiar buscas heurísticas na resolução do problema de modularização de software. Este trabalho faz um estudo sobre os efeitos da introdução de uma restrição nos tamanhos máximo e mínimo de cada cluster. O algoritmo proposto com esta restrição obteve resultados piores que o original, tanto na qualidade das soluções quanto no tempo de execução. Durante a avaliação dos resultados foi possível observar uma tendência do MQ em avaliar melhor soluções que possuam clusters com menos elementos

    Is there an affective neuroscience of spirituality? The development and validation of the OCEANic feelings scale

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    BackgroundOceanic feelings represent a phenomenological structure of affective sensations that characteristically involve feelings of self-dissolution and feelings of unity and transcendence. This study presents the preliminary version of a self-report instrument to measure individual dispositions toward oceanic feelings in order to enable further research within the concept of primary emotions postulated by Jaak Panksepp.MethodsA first version of the questionnaire was applied to a total sample of 926 German-speaking adults of the general population. After performing item analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) in a first study (N = 300), the questionnaire was shortened. In a second study (N = 626), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted and emerged scales were related to the already established instruments for the assessment of primary emotions (BANPS-GL) and Big Five personality traits (BFI-44).ResultsThe OCEANic scale exhibited reliabilities ranging from Cronbach’s α = 0.82 (positive) to α = 0.88 (negative) and plausible correlations with behavioral traits related to the seven affective neurobiological systems (ANGER, FEAR, CARE, SEEK, PLAY, SADNESS, and LUST) as well as with personality factors measured by the Big Five Inventory. For CFA, a bifactorial model with an overall factor demonstrated good fit: RMSEA = 0.00 (90% CI:0.00, 0.03); TLI = 1.00; CFI = 1.00; NFI = 0.99.DiscussionThe OCEANic scale enables the operationalization of oceanic feelings comprising two subscales and one total scale. The results indicate good reliability and acceptable factorial validity. Establishment and further validation of the OCEANic scale within future research will be needed to fully understand the role of oceanic feelings within the human affective life, especially the personality trait of spirituality

    Influence of anxious attachment on the relationship between primary emotions and substance-related addictive behaviors

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    ObjectivesTo date there is no universally accepted model that describes the development of substance related addictive behavior. In order to address this gap, the study sought to examine whether the association between primary emotions and the inclination toward addictive behavior is mediated by an anxious attachment style.MethodsThe total sample consisted of 900 German speaking non-clinical adults (age: M = 27; SD = 9.60; 71.6% female). Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was applied to examine the connection between the primary emotions (SADNESS and ANGER), and the latent variables attachment anxiety and symptoms of addictive behavior.ResultsSubstance use symptomatology was correlated with higher attachment anxiety (r = 0.15), SADNESS (r = 0.15), and ANGER (r = 0.11). The effect of SADNESS on addictive behavior is mediated by attachment anxiety (p < 0.01) whereas ANGER had a direct effect on addictive behavior (p < 0.01). The final SEM explains 4% of the variance of addictive behaviors and 22% of attachment anxiety.ConclusionOur findings suggest that both SADNESS and ANGER, along with attachment anxiety, are dispositions that contribute to the risk of engaging in addictive behavior. However, while ANGER directly influences addictive behavior, SADNESS acts through its impact on attachment anxiety
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