4 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan, Budaya Organisasi dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Guru dengan Komitmen Organisasi sebagai Moderating

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    The aim of this study are to investigate the influence of leadership, organization culture, job satisfaction, to teachers productivity of Muhammadiyah High School 1 Klaten with organization commitment as a moderating variable. The Hypotheses which have been formulated are: there is influence of leadership, organization culture, and job satisfaction, towards organization commitment as a moderating variable to productivity of employees of Muhammadiyah High School 1 Klaten. The research is a survey to employees of Muhammadiyah High School 1 Klaten with 60 teachers as sample. Data have been collected with questionnaires processed with, assumption of regression test, the path analysis, t test, F test and test of R2. The t test result shows that leadership, organization culture, job satisfaction, and organization commitment have influenced to productivity of employees of Muhammadiyah High School 1 Klaten partially. The F test result shows that the leadership, organization culture, job satisfaction, and organization commitment have inluenced to productivity of employees of Muhammadiyah High School 1 Klaten simultaneously. Keyword: leadership, organization culture, job satisfaction, organization commitment and productivity

    Evaluasi Keamanan Ikan Asap Di Dusun I Epil Kecamatan Lais Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin

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    The objective research was to identify and analyze the safety level of smoked fish at traditional processing unit of Epil I, District of Lais, Musi Banyuasin. The research method used descriptive method. Sample was taken from three producers of smoked fish at traditional processing unit of Epil I, District of Lais, Musi Banyuasin. The highest water content of smoked fish was at the third producer (13.13+0.21%) and the lower at the first producer (10.14+3.65%). The highest salt content of smoked fish was at the first producer (0.87+0.35%) and the lower at the third producer (0.84+0.25%). The highest water activity was at the third producer (0.57+0.08) and the lower at the first producer (0.44+0.11). The highest peroxide was at the second producer (5.38+3.15 mg/kg) and the lower at the first producer (5.07+2.47 mg/kg). The highest mold test was at the third producer (3820 cfu/g) and the lower at the first Producer (2560 cfu/g). The highest heavy metal was at the third producer (11.96+9.54 mg/kg) and the lowes at the first producer is 7.11+7.16 mg/kg

    Budidaya Benih Ikan Kerapu pada Kolam Terpal melalui Teknologi Penangkaran di Kota Langsa

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    Pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan anggota pokdakan dalam teknik pembenihan ikan kerapu melalui teknologi penangkatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan edukatif dan introduksi teknologi pada kelompok pembudidaya rezeki abral azizi gampong cinta raja kecamatan langsa timur kota langsa. Melalui serangkaian tahapan kegiatan seperti koordinasi, sosialisasi, perakitan kolam terpal, uji coba penggunaan kolam terpal, penata usahaan administrasi dan keuangan pendampingan serta monitoring dan evaluasi. Seluruh tahapan kegiatan yang tercatat melalui hasil lembar post test menunjukkan 9 anggota kelompok (64,2%) sangat memahami teknologi penangkaran , 5 anggota kelompok (35,7%) memahami teknik pemasangan kolam terpal, 7 anggota kelompok (50%) memahami teknologi pembenihan dan 7 anggota kelompok (50%) memahami teknik pengelolaan air pada kolam terpal. Hasil pendampingan memperlihatkan sebanyak 7 (50%) anggota pokdakan sangat mengetahui teknik pembenihan ikan kerapu dengan baik dan 7 anggota lainnya (50%) cukup mengetahui teknik pembenihan itu. Disimpulkan pengetahuan anggota kelompok dalam teknik pembenihan meningkat dan mampu menghasilkan benih ikan kerapu berkualitas baik pada kolam terpal sehingga menciptakan kemandirian benih bagi kelompok