35 research outputs found

    Pendidikan Agama pada Siswa Muslim dan Non-Muslim di SMAN 1 Tanjunganom Nganjuk

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    Abstrak   Pendidikan agama menjadi kebutuhan dasar bagi siswa. Sekolah berkewajiban memberikan pendidikan agama pada setiap siswa pada semua satuan pendidikan. Tulisan ini mengangkat (1) urgensi pendidikan agama bagi siswa, (2) landasan dan aspek yang mendungkung pelaksanaan pendidikan agama, dan (3) implementasi pendidikan agama pada siswa muslim dan non-muslim. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan; (1) pendidikan agama sangat penting bagi siswa muslin atau pun non-muslim. Agama menjadi petunjuk bagi para penganutnya, dengan belajar agama kehidupan siswa lebih terarah, (2) keberdaan undang-undang menjadi landasan yuridis bagi pelaksanaan kebijakan pendidikan agama. Aspek yang mendukung pelaksanaan pendidikan agama yakni: guru yang professional; sarana dan prasarana; buku di perpustakaan; kegiatan salat berjamaah dan salat Jumat; dan peringatan hari besar Islam, (3) implementasi pendidikan Agama berjalan dengan baik. Siswa muslim belajar agama pada jam yang sudah terjadwalkan, sedangkan siswa non muslim belajar agama pada hari Jumat, di saat siswa muslim melaksanakan salat Jumat. Dari 11 siswa mereka belajar dalam satu ruangan yang sama, sehingga dalam prakteknya hampir sama dengan pembelajaran kelas rangkap. Dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan agama semua guru agama mempersiapkan perangkat pembelajaran dengan baik. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Agama, Siswa Muslim dan Non-Muslim, Undang-undang Sisdiknas

    Persepsi Metode Yanbu’a dan Pengaruh Terhadap Hasil Belajar Membaca Al Qur’an di TPQ Raudlatul Mubtadi-ien Kediri

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    A quantitative approach is used in this research using non-parametric statistical analysis of the Kendall tau formula. This form of research is based on field research conducted at TPQ Raudlatul Mubtadi-ien Kediri. The researcher used the data collection method by interviewing and distributing questionnaires with a sample of 48% of the 125 students, who were studied, namely the students of TPQ Raudlatul Mubtadi-ien Kediri who were class II and III ibtida 'who recited with the yanbu'a method. In this study, the researcher will look for the influence of the yanbu'a learning method on the reading potential of the students of TPQ Raudlatul Mubtadi-ien. This Al Qur'an reading program is available at the TPQ Raudlatul Mubtadi-ien from kindergarten to ibtida 'class III. The findings of this research are balanced students' perceptions and reading potential of the Qur'an at a high level, however, in the hypothesis test it is rejected with a value of 0.106 with a significance of 0.130, which means that most of the students do not understand and are not aware of learning with the yanbu'a method, students only focus on the Koran

    Relasi Nilai Mata Kuliah Tasawuf dengan Akhlak Mahasiswa Institut Agama Islam Tribakti (IAIT) Kediri

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    This paper is to answer the relationship between the value of sufism courses with the morals of students. This research is a quantitative approach with field research conducted at IAIT Kediri. Researchers used data collection methods with documentation and distributed questionnaires with a sample of 69 students from 115 students. Research findings, sufism is one of the subjects at IAIT Kediri. Students have high academic grades and a moderate level of morals. Researchers found the relationship between the value of sufism science subjects and the morals of students obtained r count value of 0.139 with a significance of 0.051 so Ha is accepted if using a standard probability of 10%. This means that there is a positive relationship between the value of sufism subjects and the morals of students. The higher the value of sufism courses, the better the morals. Although the magnitude of the correlation coefficient is very weak

    Deradicalization in Textbooks of Islamic Religious Education Material with Radicalism in Schools

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    This article is limited to a literature study dealing with radicalization in educational institutions. More specifically, the authors want to add as much information as possible, so that this paper strengthens the study of literature and data that can strengthen further research. The preliminary results are as follows: radicalism enters through textbooks, by changing the religious understanding of teachers and students, the books used are official books published by the government and private institutions through worksheets. Based on the above problems, the author has indeed tried to look back at some of the teaching materials for Islamic religious education which are mixed with radical ideas as revised by the government and by the community to improve textbooks so that radical understanding can be lost. So it is necessary to reorientate the handling of radicalization which has been done and understood by great people. Efforts to stem radicalism, which have so far been more focused on terrorists or warfighters, have not been carried out much as an understood precaution and radical action

    Value Of Religiusity In The Mujahadah Tradition; Study at Ulul Albab Nganjuk Islamic Vocational School

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    This paper aims to examine the values ​​of religiosity through the mujahadah tradition at Islamic Vocational School Ulul Albab Nganjuk. This research departs from two research questions, "How is the mujahadah tradition in Ulul Albab Nganjuk Islamic Vocational School? What are the religious values ​​contained in the mujahadah tradition at SMK Islam Ulul Albab Nganjuk?". This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach.  This research conducted in Ulul Albab Islamic Vocational School. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews and partisipan observation. With these two questions, the results of the study found that (1) the mujahadah tradition is a behavior to fight lust, as an effort to combat all bad attitudes caused by lust of anger. Meanwhile, the mujahadah tradition at Ulul Albab Islamic Vocational School contains the recitation of Hizbul Quran and Rotib Hadad, then continued with sunnah prayers, reading rotib istigasah then tausiyah after that it is continued with dhuhur prayer in congregation and ends with mushofahah. (2) Mujahadah which is held at Ulul Albab Islamic Vocational School is intended so that all students can become better individuals and so that their spiritual souls can increase, and also so that their spirituality will mature. The results of observations on the implementation of the mujahadah at Ulul Albab Islamic Vocational School show that students' awareness of the importance of the mujahada is still lacking, but in its implementation they are very enthusiastic and happy in doing it, although the changes seen are still not optimal


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    Artikel ini mengulas tentang moderasi Islam pada perguruan tinggi. Ada beberapa perguruan tinggi akhir terpapar paham radikal. Ketika kondisi ini terjadi maka diperlukan cara dalam mengatasi paham radikal pada beberapa perguruan tinggi. Ada dua perguruan tinggi yang mengembangkan mata kuliah pendidikan agama islam dengan beroretasi pembetukan muslim moderat. Di dua kampus tersebut mengembangkan mata kuliah Pendidikan Agama Islam berdasarkan kebutuhan mahasiswa. Mata kuliah tersebut diberi nama Agama Islam (AI) diajarkan di Universitas Islam Malang selama 6 semester sedangkan Al Islam dan Kemuhamadiyyahan (AIK) diajarkan di Universitas Muhamadiyah Malang selama 4 semester. Dua mata kuliah ini diajarkan hanya pada program studi umum, yang dirasa kurang muatan agamanya. Dua mata kuliah ini ajarkan kepada semua mahasiswa, baik mahasiswa muslim ataupun non muslim.

    Dampak Post-Truth di Media Sosial

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    This article reviews the background of the emergence of Post-truth and the impact of Post-truth. This lecture uses literature review by examining various sources of reading in mass media and social media. The results of this paper explain that in Indonesia Post-truth auctioning and post-election 2019 is rife on social media. Post-truth on social media does not stop there but continues to roll on various problems that exist in this country. Starting is an ethnicity, religion, and race. Hoaxes and hate speech using social media platforms as a means of spreading are not trivial matters, because the series of attacks may continue to surge. The pressure from social media often forms wild and uncontrollable opinions, which are hoped to be exploited by some groups for certain interests

    Akar Sejarah Moderasi Islam Pada Nahdlatul Ulama

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    Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang sejarah moderasi islam dalam organisasi Nahdlatul Ulama. NU sebagai organisasi islam terbesar di Indonesia memiliki komitmen yang kuat dalam mengusung islam moderat. NU lahir atas respons terhadap perkembangan politik eksternal. Perkembangan internasional telah mengarah pada pembentukan NU, sementara keadaan sosial-keagamaan dan politik negara ini hanya bagian dari alasan untuk mendirikan organisasi ini. Salah satu faktor terpenting yang mengarah pada pembentukan NU adalah masalah representasi dalam melindungi kepentingan muslim tradisionalis yang merasa terancam oleh kebangkitan gerakan Wahhabi yang dikenal radikal yang telah menguasan kawasan Jazirah Arab. Pada perkembangann berikut dengan penguatan arus globalisasi, terutama globalisasi budaya, baik dalam bentuk urbanisasi dan westernisasi, diperlukan pula moderasi Islam sebagai arusutama dalam menjaga Islam. maka NU mengusung konsep Islam Nusantara untuk membendung arus globalisasi. &nbsp

    Tlatah dan Tradisi Keagamaan Islam Mataraman

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    Tulisan ini menjelaskan tlatah tradisi mataraman, proses dialogis antara budaya dan Islam dan tradisi keagamaan Islam Mataraman. Kesimpulan tulisan ini, pertama tradisi tlatah dan Mataraman pertama terkait dengan kerajaan Mataram. Dalam hal wilayah Mataraman, terletak di bagian barat Jawa Timur yang berbatasan dengan Jawa Tengah. Dari aspek sosial-politik wilayah ini memiliki pengaruh dari pekerjaan pra-Islam Mataram hingga zaman Islam. Kedua, proses pencerahan budaya terjadi melalui proses dialogis. Perjalanan menganeksasi tradisi dan budaya dengan Islam mengalami pasang surut, terkadang damai dan kadang konflik. Ketiga, tradisi keagamaan Mataraman dalam aspek-aspek tertentu memiliki persamaan. Tradisi seperti sekaten, gerebek, tahlilan, surowan dan nyadranan. Tradisi-tradisi ini dijalankan dan dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat yang dulunya berada di bawah kekuasaan kerajaan Mataram. Tradisi ini telah dimodifikasi oleh Walisongo sehingga nuansa agama Hindu-Budha yang dianggap syirik telah diubah menjadi konten Islam. Proses akulturasi melewati periode panjang berabad-abad yang melahirkan karakter masyarakat yang unik di wilayah mataraman.Tulisan ini menjelaskan tlatah tradisi mataraman, proses dialogis antara budaya dan Islam dan tradisi keagamaan Islam Mataraman. Kesimpulan tulisan ini, pertama tradisi tlatah dan Mataraman pertama terkait dengan kerajaan Mataram. Dalam hal wilayah Mataraman, terletak di bagian barat Jawa Timur yang berbatasan dengan Jawa Tengah. Dari aspek sosial-politik wilayah ini memiliki pengaruh dari pekerjaan pra-Islam Mataram hingga zaman Islam. Kedua, proses pencerahan budaya terjadi melalui proses dialogis. Perjalanan menganeksasi tradisi dan budaya dengan Islam mengalami pasang surut, terkadang damai dan kadang konflik. Ketiga, tradisi keagamaan Mataraman dalam aspek-aspek tertentu memiliki persamaan. Tradisi seperti sekaten, gerebek, tahlilan, surowan dan nyadranan. Tradisi-tradisi ini dijalankan dan dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat yang dulunya berada di bawah kekuasaan kerajaan Mataram. Tradisi ini telah dimodifikasi oleh Walisongo sehingga nuansa agama Hindu-Budha yang dianggap syirik telah diubah menjadi konten Islam. Proses akulturasi melewati periode panjang berabad-abad yang melahirkan karakter masyarakat yang unik di wilayah mataraman

    Meta Analisis: Deferensiasi Gaya Belajar dengan Metode Pembelajaran

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    This paper intends to review with the student's learning style dimensions of divergent and convergent. Both interact with the methods of debate and methods of discussion. Differences in learning styles impact on student learning, student learning outcomes specify a maximum learning. Therefore, teachers need to understand the learning style that is owned by the students, before applying the learning method that will be chosen. This paper concludes convergent learning style has a stronger interaction with the method of debate while the divergent learning style has a stronger interaction with the method of discussionThis paper intends to review with the student's learning style dimensions of divergent and convergent. Both interact with the methods of debate and methods of discussion. Differences in learning styles impact on student learning, student learning outcomes specify a maximum learning. Therefore, teachers need to understand the learning style that is owned by the students, before applying the learning method that will be chosen. This paper concludes convergent learning style has a stronger interaction with the method of debate while the divergent learning style has a stronger interaction with the method of discussio