140 research outputs found

    Re-examining Dutch Orientalism in Constructing Indonesian Islam

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    Book Review:Book title:The Makings of Indonesian Islam: Orientalism and the Narration of a Sufi PastAuthor:Michael LaffanNo. of Pages:xx + 301Year:2011Publisher:Princeton University Pres

    Qiyas Sebagai Salah Satu Metode Istinbāṭ Al-Ḥukm

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    One of the methods of deriving Islamic law which is widely known in the study of usul fiqh is qiyas. Qiyas is very popular among the scholars of Shafi\u27i. In simple terms, qiyas can be interpreted as an attempt to equate the law of a case that does not have a legal naṣṣ to the case that already has a legal naṣṣ, because of the equation of \u27illat. This article try to study qiyas as one method in istinbāṭ al-ḥukm by describing several aspects including the elements, requirements and steps that must be passed by a mujtahid who want to derive Islamic law through qiyas method

    Mekanisme Komunikasi Data Gateway Multi-terminal Jaringan Wireless Adhoc untuk Pengembangan Komunikasi dan Navigasi Kapal Nelayan

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    Kebutuhan sarana komunikasi dan navigasi yang memadai untuk menggali potensi perikanan dan kelautan wilayah perairan Indonesia sangat besar. Ketersediaan teknologi untuk mencari daerah potensi penangkapan ikan melalui berbagai media informasi yang tersedia saat ini masih memiliki keterbatasan akses teknologi, biaya mahal serta kerumitan layanan sehingga jarang digunakan khususnya oleh kapal-kapal nelayan tradisional. Suatu sistem komunikasi dan navigasi alternatif bagi kapal nelayan tradisional diharapkan menjawab permasalahan diatas. Makalah ini meneliti mekanisme komunikasi data menggunakan konsep metode akses protokol 802.11 yang merupakan pengembangan implementasi sistem komunikasi dan navigasi untuk diterapkan pada kapal nelayan. Teknologi yang dikembangkan berfokus pada model pengiriman informasi antara terminal elektronik yang berada pada kapal dan ke base station di darat sebagai gateway lewat kanal VHF jaringan wireless adhoc. Sistem ini akan memberikan berbagai informasi penting pada setiap terminal dan base station. Konsep metode akses protokol 802.11 diterapkan dalam proses pengiriman paket. Protokol ini menggunakan standar MAC sublayer yang bekerja dengan metode first-in-first-out (FIFO) transmission queue untuk menentukan bagaimana kanal dialokasikan dan fungsi koordinasi DCF (distributed coordination function) yang menentukan kapan stasiun diizinkan untuk mengirim dan mungkin dapat menerima data melalui saluran nirkabel. Pada komunikasi data, proses RTS/CTS (Request to Send/Clear to Send) akan mereduksi tabrakan frame karena kasus hidden node yang mungkin terjadi. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan memberikan suatu mekanisme komunikasi data yang tepat untuk implementasi sistem komunikasi dan navigasi alternatif pada kapal laut sehingga membantu nelayan tradisional memperoleh informasi dengan mudah, biaya terjangkau dan andal

    The establishment of minimum luminous range for existing lighthouses in the age of global navigation satellite system by limiting the luminous range within geographical range

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    Long range marine aids to navigation is not required by current marine navigational practice, therefore luminous range of lighthouses should be reduced. The objective of this study is to determine a minimum luminous range for major lighthouses. The minimum luminous ranges is determined by conducting two steps, namely by modifying the existing geographical range formula and determine a strong linear correlation between light intensity and luminous range with the lowest gradient as possible in a linear graph. The application of minimum luminous range would eliminate the loom of light beyond the lighthouse's geographical range, which is not necessary for current navigational practice. This method is applied to seven major lighthouses in Peninsular Malaysia, which resulted minimum luminous range that ranging from 12.2 nm to 14 nm. The existing luminous ranges of these lighthouses are ranging from 18 nm to 25 nm. These new minimum luminous ranges are sufficient for mariners who primarily rely on GNSS, reduce service provider operational cost and may sustain lighthouses operation in the future

    Belenggu Tengkulak Atas Petani Pembudidaya Lele: Relasi Patron-klien Budidaya Lele di Wonotunggal Jawa Tengah

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    Within the context of Indonesia as a muslim majority country, Islamic teaching has been widely implemented throughout the country. As a result, Islamic values have become the foundation and basic values within societal economic practices. These values, among others, include social and economic justice and equality. However, these values are not always implemented when people\u27s injustice and greed are in play. One of the cases that can provide example in this case is the relationship between catfish farmers and distributors in Wonotunggal, Batang, Central Java. As a commodity with high economical value, many farmers grow catfish. Thus, there was a big need for catfish distributors to facilitate the rising numbers of catfish farmers, to help them sell the catfish. However, there were many distributors who made attempt to control the market, which give disadvantages to the farmers. One of the examples of such disadvantageous practices is \u27ijon\u27, or lending money to the farmers with high interest. As a result many farmers were trapped into debt. This study aims at exploring the relationship between catfish farmers and distributors in Siwatu Village, Wonotunggal, Batang

    Cedaw and the Rights of Kinship in Islamic Family Law

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    The following article traces the issues of Human Rights (HAM) has always been the center of attention, including in relation to family law in Islam. The principles of equality, equal rights, and equal position for the relationship of husband and wife become a topic of interest for many people. The birth of the CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women), proves that the International community to pay more attention to this issue. Islam, as a religion which contains a comprehensive way of life certainly had her cover of this issue through the principles of Islamic family, because Islam was very attentive to the importance of the institution of family as one unit in society. The result of this article has been revealed that the basic principles of Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) for instances equality, equal position and equal rights in accordance with the principles of Islamic law

    Oleuropein Is Responsible for the Major Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Olive Leaf Extract

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    Olive leaves are rich in polyphenolic compounds that are known to have antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antiinflammatory activities. Therefore, olive leaf extract (OLE) is considered as a natural supplement. In this study we evaluated the antibacterial and the anti-inflammatory effect of OLE and its individual phenolic components in vitro. Polymorphonuclear cells (PMNCs) were isolated from the whole blood using Histopaque solution and cultured in RPMI-enriched medium. Tumor necrosis factor a (TNFa) level was determined by ELISA after 24 h of lipopolysaccharide stimulation. The antibacterial activity of OLE was determined by well diffusion assay. We found a significant decrease in TNFa secretion level in PMNCs culture treated with OLE. Oleuropein is the only OLE component that has shown anti-inflammatory effects at a concentration of 20 lg/mL. Furthermore, OLE exhibited antibacterial activity against some gram positive bacterial strains; however, gram negative bacterial strains were resistant to OLE. Downregulation of TNFa secretion in PMNCs culture in response to OLE treatment indicates that this polyphenol-rich extract has an anti-inflammatory effect, and oleuropein is the major OLE component responsible for this effect. The antibacterial activity of OLE is limited to gram positive bacteria.Our thanks are due to all laboratory members who participated in this study

    Carbonization cbn550 effect on tensile properties of composite for marine structure application

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    The composites have gained commercial success, where strength, stiffness, durability and light weight are required as well as retardant capacity. Improvement has been made such new series of resin such as vinyl ester and epoxy type[1, 2]. However 95% of pleasure vessels and boats under 60 feet today are still made with polyester resin. The main consideration for most composite builders is cost, with performance and more importantly value for money often being a secondary consideration. Therefore, this study investigate the tensile - mechanical effects of mixing carbon black CBN550 with wax and non-wax type resin and manufactured according to fiber orientation of [0°] and [90°]. The 10% CBN550 exhibit highest reading for stress under [90°] fiber orientation and the lowest reading when arranged at [0°] fiber orientation. The preliminary study on CBN550 flammability has indicated the suitability for this study to pursue in. The structural composites samples of 1000 mm by 1000 mm prepared which consist of 10 of composite mats layer in combination of CSM 450 g/m2 and Woven Roving 600 g/m2. The carbon black (CB) volume fraction range from/with 0% to 20% volume fractions. Optical observation revealed the most suitable fraction of CBN550 in wax polyester resin is at 10% and non-wax polyester resin is also at 10%. The fire resistance behaviour of this CBN550 - CSM 450 g/m2 - Woven Roving 600 g/m2 composite (polyester wax) and polyester non wax was investigated previously as per[3]. This results are in line with the finding of the maximum load where the highest reading was recorded by the 10%CBN550 specimen. This study showed that the introduction of carbon black into the resin mixture helps reinforce the matrix materials. The results suggested that CBN550 mixture should attend to next level of experiment investigation such as oxygen content, TG value, microstructure and other mechanical destructive test. The CBN550 could be a suitable candidate for fire retardance application in marine composite structure

    The effect of N550 carbon black in polyester resin for fire-retardant application in marine composite

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    This paper presents the experimental investigation on the influence of N550 carbon black (CBN550) series in polyester resin (wax and non -wax type). The CBN550 was added into polyester resin at different weight percentages with a curing agent. The investigation is mainlyto study the effect on fire retardance application in marine composite structure. The fire-resistant structural composites samples of 1000 mm by 1000 mm prepared which consist of 10 of composite mats layer in combination of CSM 450 g/m2 and Woven Roving 600 g/m2. The carbon black (CB) volume fraction range from/with 0% to 20% volume fractions. Optical observation revealed the most suitable fraction of CBN550 in wax polyester resin is at 10% and non-wax polyester resin is also at 10%. The fire resistance behavior of this CBN550 - CSM 450 g/m2 - Woven Roving 600 g/m2 composite (polyester wax) and polyester non wax was investigated by Fire Test Procedure Code-Resolution A.653 [1]. Though smaller filler size escalates the rheological behavior and values outstandingly at initial reading compare to large particles but it slow down the curing processdue to its small particle size, large surface area and high dispersion rate. Experimental data showed the retardance level has been increased up to 56.66% in non-wax type polyester resin (10%/CBN550) and 30.14% in wax polyester resin (10%/CBN550). The improvement in fire resistance points are due to the presence of CBN550 which acts as a positive additive in both polyester resin wax and non-wax. Filling CBN550 in polyester resin also reduces the cost of theend products.The preliminary results suggested that CBN550should attend to next level of experiment investigation such as oxygen content, TG value, microstructure as well as mechanical destructive test. The CBN550 could be a suitable candidate for fire retardance application in marine composite structure.In conclusion, crystallinity of polyester resin increases with additional of CB particles

    Graph of fuzzy topographic topological mapping in relation to k- fibonacci sequence

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    A generated n-sequence of fuzzy topographic topological mapping, FTTMn, is a combination of n number of FTTM's graphs. An assembly graph is a graph whereby its vertices have valency of one or four. A Hamiltonian path is a path that visits every vertex of the graph exactly once. In this paper, we prove that assembly graphs exist in FTTMn and establish their relations to the Hamiltonian polygonal paths. Finally, the relation between the Hamiltonian polygonal paths induced from FTTMn to the k-Fibonacci sequence is established and their upper and lower bounds' number of paths is determined