52,971 research outputs found

    Impacts of Fire Emissions and Transport Pathways on the Interannual Variation of CO In the Tropical Upper Troposphere

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    This study investigates the impacts of fire emission, convection, various climate conditions and transport pathways on the interannual variation of carbon monoxide (CO) in the tropical upper troposphere (UT), by evaluating the field correlation between these fields using multi-satellite observations and principle component analysis, and the transport pathway auto-identification method developed in our previous study. The rotated empirical orthogonal function (REOF) and singular value decomposition (SVD) methods are used to identify the dominant modes of CO interannual variation in the tropical UT and to study the coupled relationship between UT CO and its governing factors. Both REOF and SVD results confirm that Indonesia is the most significant land region that affects the interannual variation of CO in the tropical UT, and El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the dominant climate condition that affects the relationships between surface CO emission, convection and UT CO. In addition, our results also show that the impact of El Nino on the anomalous CO pattern in the tropical UT varies strongly, primarily due to different anomalous emission and convection patterns associated with different El Nino events. In contrast, the anomalous CO pattern in the tropical UT during La Nina period appears to be less variable among different events. Transport pathway analysis suggests that the average CO transported by the "local convection" pathway (Delta COlocal) accounts for the differences of UT CO between different ENSO phases over the tropical continents during biomass burning season. Delta COlocal is generally higher over Indonesia-Australia and lower over South America during El Nino years than during La Nina years. The other pathway ("advection within the lower troposphere followed by convective vertical transport") occurs more frequently over the west-central Pacific during El Nino years than during La Nina years, which may account for the UT CO differences over this region between different ENSO phases.NASA Aura Science Team (AST) program NNX09AD85GJackson School of Geosciences at the University of Texas at AustinJet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under NASAGeological Science

    Subtropical middle atmosphere dynamics observed by the Chung Li radar

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    The Chung Li Radar (24.91 N; 121.24 E) has been operating since 1986. A five beam observational configuration was used on a regular basis to study the various dynamics processes in the atmosphere-lower stratosphere height region. Due to its geographical location, the annual Typhoon and Mei-Yu seasons provide good opportunities to study the various interesting dynamic processes such as instabilities, generation of gravity waves, wave mean field interaction, etc. Three dimensional air motions due to these fronts are presented. Special cases of gravity wave generation, propagation and their effects on the turbulent layers are discussed

    Evidence from the Very Long Baseline Array that J1502SE/SW are Double Hotspots, not a Supermassive Binary Black Hole

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    SDSS J150243.09+111557.3 is a merging system at z = 0.39 that hosts two confirmed AGN, one unobscured and one dust-obscured, offset by several kiloparsecs. Deane et al. recently reported evidence from the European VLBI Network (EVN) that the dust-obscured AGN exhibits two flat-spectrum radio sources, J1502SE/SW, offset by 26 mas (140 pc), with each source being energized by its own supermassive black hole (BH). This intriguing interpretation of a close binary BH was reached after ruling out a double-hotspot scenario, wherein both hotspots are energized by a single, central BH, a configuration occuring in the well-studied Compact Symmetric Objects. When observed with sufficient sensitivity and resolution, an object with double hotspots should have an edge-brightened structure. We report evidence from the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) for just such a structure in an image of the obscured AGN with higher sensitivity and resolution than the EVN images. We thus conclude that a double-hotspot scenario should be reconsidered as a viable interpretation for J1502SE/SW, and suggest further VLBA tests of that scenario. A double-hotspot scenario could have broad implications for feedback in obscured AGNs. We also report a VLBA detection of high-brightness-temperature emssion from the unobscured AGN that is offset several kiloparsecs from J1502SE/SW.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, accepted by ApJL on 2014 July 2

    Potential distribution surrounding a photo- emitting plate in a dilute plasma

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    Potential distribution in photo-emitting plate in dilute plasma

    Geographic and Seasonal Distributions of CO Transport Pathways and Their Roles in Determining CO Centers in the Upper Troposphere

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    Past studies have identified a variety of pathways by which carbon monoxide (CO) may be transported from the surface to the tropical upper troposphere (UT); however, the relative roles that these transport pathways play in determining the distribution and seasonality of CO in the tropical UT remain unclear. We have developed a method to automate the identification of two pathways ('local convection' and 'advection within the lower troposphere (LT) followed by convective vertical transport') involved in CO transport from the surface to the UT. This method is based on the joint application of instantaneous along-track, co-located, A-Train satellite measurements. Using this method, we find that the locations and seasonality of the UT CO maxima in the tropics were strongly correlated with the frequency of local convective transport during 2007. We also find that the 'local convection' pathway (convective transport that occurred within a fire region) typically transported significantly more CO to the UT than the 'LT advection -> convection' pathway (advection of CO within the LT from a fire region to a convective region prior to convective transport). To leading order, the seasonality of CO concentrations in the tropical UT reflected the seasonality of the 'local convection' transport pathway during 2007. The UT CO maxima occurred over Central Africa during boreal spring and over South America during austral spring. Occurrence of the 'local convection' transport pathway in these two regions also peaked during these seasons. During boreal winter and summer, surface CO emission and convection were located in opposite hemispheres, which limited the effectiveness of transport to the UT. During these seasons, CO transport from the surface to the UT typically occurred via the 'LT advection -> convection' pathway.NASA Aura Science Team NNX09AD85GJackson School of Geosciences at the University of Texas at AustinNASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of TechnologyGeological Science

    Beyond relativistic mean-field studies of low-lying states in neutron-deficient krypton isotopes

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    Neutron-deficient krypton isotopes are of particular interest due to the coexistence of oblate and prolate shapes in low-lying states and the transition of ground-state from one dominate shape to another as a function of neutron number. A detailed interpretation of these phenomena in neutron-deficient Kr isotopes requires the use of a method going beyond a mean-field approach that permits to determine spectra and transition probabilities. The aim of this work is to provide a systematic calculation of low-lying state in the even-even 68-86Kr isotopes and to understand the shape coexistence phenomenon and the onset of large collectivity around N=40 from beyond relativistic mean-field studies. The starting point of our method is a set of relativistic mean-field+BCS wave functions generated with a constraint on triaxial deformations (beta, gamma). The excitation energies and electric multipole transition strengths of low-lying states are calculated by solving a five-dimensional collective Hamiltonian (5DCH) with parameters determined by the mean-field wave functions. To examine the role of triaxiality, a configuration mixing of both particle number (PN) and angular momentum (AM) projected axially deformed states is also carried out within the exact generator coordinate method (GCM) based on the same energy density functional. The energy surfaces, the excitation energies of 0^+_2, 2^+_1, 2^+_2 states, as well as the E0 and E2 transition strengths are compared with the results of similar 5DCH calculations but with parameters determined by the non-relativistic mean-field wave functions, as well as with the available data...Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure

    On the use of colour reflectivity plots to monitor the structure of the troposphere and stratosphere

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    The radar reflectivity, defined as the range squared corrected power of VHF radar echoes, can be used to monitor and study the temporal development of inversion layer, frontal boundaries and convective turbulence. From typical featurs of upward or downward motion of reflectivity structures, the advection/convection of cold and warm air can be predicted. High resolution color plots appear to be useful to trace and to study the life history of these structures, particularly their persistency, descent and ascent. These displays allow an immediate determination of the tropopause height as well as the determination of the tropopause structure. The life history of warm fronts, cold fronts, and occlusions can be traced, and these reflectivity plots allow detection of even very weak events which cannot be seen in the traditional meteorological data sets. The life history of convective turbulence, particular evolving from the planetary boundary layer, can be tracked quite easily. Its development into strong convection reaching the middle troposphere can be followed and predicted

    Equilibruim approach of asset pricing under Lévy process

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    This work considers the equilibrium approach of asset pricing for Lévy process. It derives the equity premium and pricing kernel analytically for the stock price process, obtains an equilibrium option pricing formula, and explains some empirical evidence such as the negative variance risk premium, implied volatility smirk, and negative skewness risk premium by comparing the physical and risk-neutral distributions of the log return. Different from most of the current studies in equilibrium pricing under jump diffusion models, this work models the underlying asset price as the exponential of a Lévy process and thus allows nearly an arbitrage distribution of the jump component. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.postprin

    Resolving Land Disputes in East Asia: Exploring the Limits of Law

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    Land disputes are increasing in East Asia as economic and demographic growth intensifies the demand for farmland and urban spaces. Nowhere is this more evident than in China and Vietnam. Reforms that brought Socialist Asia into the globalized economy and returned private property have also sparked intense competition between farmers and residents with outsiders, such as private developers and government agencies. From a legal perspective, the proliferation of land disputes is puzzling, because it is occurring at the same time as governments in China and Vietnam are clarifying property rights and improving formal dispute resolution institutions, such as the courts. Rather than promoting uniformity, order, and predictability, this paper shows that law reforms have produced mixed results. Land claims and property rights often conflict, producing unpredictable and multi-layered dispute resolution processes. Highly ambiguous and contested patterns of land access persist in these countries. Consequently, courts and administrative agencies such as grand mediation struggle to use property rights to find lasting solutions to land disputes. This paper draws on a body of empirical studies to explore why state laws and institutions struggle to gain the upper hand in many land cases.preprin