37,482 research outputs found

    On the Goertler instability in hypersonic flows: Sutherland law fluids and real gas effects

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    The Goertler vortex instability mechanism in a hypersonic boundary layer on a curved wall is investigated. The precise roles of the effects of boundary layer growth, wall cooling, and gas dissociation is clarified in the determination of stability properties. It is first assumed that the fluid is an ideal gas with viscosity given by Sutherland's law. It is shown that when the free stream Mach number M is large, the boundary layer divides into two sublayers: a wall layer of O(M sup 3/2) thickness over which the basic state temperature is O(M squared) and a temperature adjustment layer of O(1) thickness over which the basic state temperature decreases monotonically to its free stream value. Goertler vortices which have wavelengths comparable with the boundary layer thickness are referred to as wall modes. It is shown that their downstream evolution is governed by a set of parabolic partial differential equations and that they have the usual features of Goertler vortices in incompressible boundary layers. As the local wavenumber increases, the neutral Goertler number decreases and the center of vortex activity moves towards the temperature adjustment layer. Goertler vortices with wavenumbers of order one or larger must necessarily be trapped in the temperature adjustment layer and it is this mode which is most dangerous. For this mode, it was found that the leading order term in the Goertler number expansion is independent of the wavenumber and is due to the curvature of the basic state. This term is also the asymptotic limit of the neutral Goertler numbers of the wall mode. To determine the higher order corrections terms in the Goertler number expansion, two wall curvature cases are distinguished. Real gas effects were investigated by assuming that the fluid is an ideal dissociating gas. It was found that both gas dissociation and wall cooling are destabilizing for the mode trapped in the temperature adjustment layer, but for the wall mode trapped near the wall the effect of gas dissociation can be either destabilizing or stabilizing

    Nonperturbative signatures in pair production for general elliptic polarization fields

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    The momentum signatures in nonperturbative multiphoton pair production for general elliptic polarization electric fields are investigated by employing the real-time Dirac-Heisenberg-Wigner formalism. For a linearly polarized electric field we find that the positions of the nodes in momenta spectra of created pairs depend only on the electric field frequency. The polarization of external fields could not only change the node structures or even make the nodes disappear but also change the thresholds of pair production. The momentum signatures associated to the node positions in which the even-number-photon pair creation process is forbid could be used to distinguish the orbital angular momentum of created pairs on the momenta spectra. These distinguishable momentum signatures could be relevant for providing the output information of created particles and also the input information of ultrashort laser pulses.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Hemodynamic evaluation using four-dimensional flow magnetic resonance imaging for a patient with multichanneled aortic dissection

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    The hemodynamic function of multichanneled aortic dissection (MCAD) requires close monitoring and effective management to avoid potentially catastrophic sequelae. This report describes a 47-year-old man who underwent endovascular repair based on findings from four-dimensional (4D) flow magnetic resonance imaging of an MCAD. The acquired 4D flow data revealed complex, bidirectional flow patterns in the false lumens and accelerated blood flow in the compressed true lumen. The collapsed abdominal true lumen expanded unsatisfactorily after primary tear repair, which required further remodeling with bare stents. This case study demonstrates that hemodynamic analysis using 4D flow magnetic resonance imaging can help understand the complex pathologic changes of MCAD

    Momentum Distribution of Near-Zero-Energy Photoelectrons in the Strong-Field Tunneling Ionization in the Long Wavelength Limit

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    We investigate the ionization dynamics of Argon atoms irradiated by an ultrashort intense laser of a wavelength up to 3100 nm, addressing the momentum distribution of the photoelectrons with near-zero-energy. We find a surprising accumulation in the momentum distribution corresponding to meV energy and a \textquotedblleft V"-like structure at the slightly larger transverse momenta. Semiclassical simulations indicate the crucial role of the Coulomb attraction between the escaping electron and the remaining ion at extremely large distance. Tracing back classical trajectories, we find the tunneling electrons born in a certain window of the field phase and transverse velocity are responsible for the striking accumulation. Our theoretical results are consistent with recent meV-resolved high-precision measurements.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Topological Insulators from Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking Induced by Electron Correlation on Pyrochlore Lattices

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    We study an extended Hubbard model with the nearest-neighbor Coulomb interaction on the pyrochlore lattice at half filling. An interaction-driven insulating phase with nontrivial Z_2 invariants emerges at the Hartree-Fock mean-field level in the phase diagram. This topological insulator phase competes with other ordered states and survives in a parameter region surrounded by a semimetal, antiferromagnetic and charge ordered insulators. The symmetries of these phases are group-theoretically analyzed. We also show that the ferromagnetic interaction enhances the stability of the topological phase.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    The Influences of Outflow on the Dynamics of Inflow

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    Both numerical simulations and observations indicate that in an advection-dominated accretion flow most of the accretion material supplied at the outer boundary will not reach the inner boundary. Rather, they are lost via outflow. Previously, the influence of outflow on the dynamics of inflow is taken into account only by adopting a radius-dependent mass accretion rate M˙=M˙0(r/rout)s\dot{M}=\dot{M}_0 (r/r_{\rm out})^s with s>0s>0. In this paper, based on a 1.5 dimensional description to the accretion flow, we investigate this problem in more detail by considering the interchange of mass, radial and azimuthal momentum, and the energy between the outflow and inflow. The physical quantities of the outflow is parameterized based on our current understandings to the properties of outflow mainly from numerical simulations of accretion flows. Our results indicate that under reasonable assumptions to the properties of outflow, the main influence of outflow has been properly included by adopting M˙=M˙0(r/rout)s\dot{M}=\dot{M}_0 (r/r_{\rm out})^s.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures. accepted for publication in Ap

    States interpolating between number and coherent states and their interaction with atomic systems

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    Using the eigenvalue definition of binomial states we construct new intermediate number-coherent states which reduce to number and coherent states in two different limits. We reveal the connection of these intermediate states with photon-added coherent states and investigate their non-classical properties and quasi-probability distributions in detail. It is of interest to note that these new states, which interpolate between coherent states and number states, neither of which exhibit squeezing, are nevertheless squeezed states. A scheme to produce these states is proposed. We also study the interaction of these states with atomic systems in the framework of the two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model, and describe the response of the atomic system as it varies between the pure Rabi oscillation and the collapse-revival mode and investigate field observables such as photon number distribution, entropy and the Q-function.Comment: 26 pages, 29 EPS figures, Latex, Accepted for publication in J.Phys.

    Design and Fabrication of Three-Dimensional Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering of Human Heart Valves

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    We developed a new fabrication technique for 3-dimensional scaffolds for tissue engineering of human heart valve tissue. A human aortic homograft was scanned with an X-ray computer tomograph. The data derived from the X-ray computed tomogram were processed by a computer-aided design program to reconstruct a human heart valve 3-dimensionally. Based on this stereolithographic model, a silicone valve model resembling a human aortic valve was generated. By taking advantage of the thermoplastic properties of polyglycolic acid as scaffold material, we molded a 3-dimensional scaffold for tissue engineering of human heart valves. The valve scaffold showed a deviation of only +/- 3-4% in height, length and inner diameter compared with the homograft. The newly developed technique allows fabricating custom-made, patient-specific polymeric cardiovascular scaffolds for tissue engineering without requiring any suture materials. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Base

    Representation of Berry phase by the trajectories of Majorana stars

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    The Majorana's stellar representation, which represents the evolution of a quantum state with the trajectories of the Majorana stars on a Bloch sphere, provides an intuitive way to study a physical system with high dimensional projective Hilbert space. In this Letter, we study the Berry phase by these stars and their loops on the Bloch sphere. It is shown that the Berry phase of a general spin state can be expressed by an elegant formula with the solid angles of Majorana star loops. Furthermore, these results can be naturally used to a general state with arbitrary dimensions. To demonstrate our theory, we study a two mode interacting boson system. Finally, the relation between stars' correlations and quantum entanglement is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure