28 research outputs found

    Characteristics of natural background radiation in the Polkowice-Sieroszowice mine, Poland

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    Natural radioactivity in underground locations is the main parameter for the safety of work (occupational hazards) and for the success of experiments in physics or biology requiring unique conditions. The characterization of natural prominence was carried out in the Conceptual Lab development in one of KGHM deep copper mines co‐ordinated by KGHM Cuprum R&D. Natural radioactivity studies were performed and included in situ gamma spectrometry, neutron flux measurements, radon concentration, and alpha and gamma laboratory spectrometry measurements of rock samples. At a depth of 1014.4 m (2941.8 m w.e.) within the anhydrite layer, a neutron flux of 2.0 ± 0.2 × 10−6 cm−2 s−1, a gamma‐ray dose of 0.008 ± 0.001 μSv/h, a photon flux density of 0.64 ± 0.20 cm−2 s−1, and a radon concentration of 6.6 Bq/m3 were determined. Laboratory analyses of 226,228Ra, 40K, and 238,234U concentrations in collected rock samples showed low values. The exceptionally low level of natural radioactivity in the Polkowice‐Sieroszowice mine makes this location a unique place for scientific research

    Near-Field Measurement of Six Degrees of Freedom Mining-Induced Tremors in Lower Silesian Copper Basin

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    The impact of seismicity on structures is one of the key problems of civil engineering. According to recent knowledge, the reliable analysis should be based on both rotational and translational components of the seismic wave. To determine the six degrees of freedom (6-DoF) characteristic of mining-induced seismicity, two sets of seismic posts were installed in the Lower Silesian Copper Basin, Poland. Long-term continuous 6-DoF measurements were conducted with the use of the R-1 rotational seismometer and EP-300 translational seismometer. In result data collection, the waveforms generated by 39 high-energy seismic events were recorded. The characteristic of the rotational component of the seismic waves were described in terms of their amplitude and frequency characteristics and were compared with translational measurements. The analysis indicated that the characteristic of the rotational component of the seismic wave differs significantly in comparison to translational ones, both in terms of their amplitude and frequency distribution. Also, attenuation of rotational and translational components was qualitatively compared. Finally, the empirical formulas for seismic rotation prediction in the Lower Silesian Copper Basin were developed and validated

    The effect of selected rockburst prevention measures on seismic activity – Case study from the Rudna copper mine

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    In order to face threats from mining tremors a number of organizational and technical prevention methods are applied in underground mines. Unfortunately, most of these methods are based on the experience of crew and there is uncertainty whether in practice all of the executed operations are suitable and necessary in the given conditions. Analysis were performed for one of the mining districts of the Rudna copper mine, Poland. In this paper, selected methods of rockburst prevention in the G-4/8 district are described and the recorded seismicity is analysed. On the basis of the data provided by the personnel of the mine, maps of mining progress were generated. This permitted the mined out areas as well as backfilled excavations to be calculated as a function of time. The results were presented in quarterly periods. Furthermore, the seismicity recorded was correlated with the rate of mining progress, the rate of mined out zones and the active rockburst prevention effectiveness. Finally, it was concluded that correlation between the opening area and energy of seismic events may be observed under the mining panel conditions considered. A similar conclusion applied as regards the quarterly speed of mining and the frequency of event occurrence. Keywords: Rockburst prevention, Seismic activity, Mining-induced tremor

    Monitoring of the stability of underground workings in Polish copper mines conditions

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    One of the problems associated with the excavation of deposit in underground mines is the local disturbance in a state of unstable equilibrium results in the sudden release of energy, mainly in the form of roof falls. The scale and intensity of this type of events depends on a number of factors. To minimize the risk of instability occurrence, continuous observations of the roof strata condition are recommended. Different roof strata observation methods used in the Polish copper mines have been analysed within the framework of presented paper. In addition, selected prospective methods, which could significantly increase efficiency of rock fall prevention are presented

    Effect of Near-Wave Field Mining Tremors on the Rock Bolt Support Behaviour within Stress Domain

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    One of the most serious hazard in the underground copper mining in Poland is the roof fall hazard. The scale and intensity of this type of events depends on several factors. Due to seismic activity, weaker roof strata can loosen and deform, generating additional load on the rock bolt support. The type of load depends strictly on the course of stratum deformation as well as on the intensity of the dynamic effect in the form of a seismic wave. Continuous monitoring is then necessary to determine the risk level of stability loss within existing excavations in order to minimize the probability of serious accidents. The following study analyses the impact of tremors recorded within the near-wave field upon the stress change in the instrumented rock bolts

    Application of MEMS-Based Accelerometers for Near-Field Monitoring of Blasting-Induced Seismicity

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    Proper monitoring of seismic risk and reliable evaluation of destress blasting efficiency requires a well-developed seismic network surrounding the analyzed area. Unfortunately, the construction of a dense seismic monitoring system using standard types of seismometers and accelerometers is associated with high costs of seismic network development and maintenance. Significant improvements in this regard may be potentially achieved by replacing expensive monitoring devices with other cost-effective sensors such as MEMS-based accelerometers. Nevertheless, this topic has not been sufficiently investigated yet, and the usefulness of such devices for monitoring seismicity in deep underground mines has not been recognized. The goal of this paper was to perform preliminary measurements of blasting-induced seismicity in the near-wave field with the use of a single three-axial MEMS-based accelerometer and three uniaxial seismometers. The collected seismic records induced by multi-face blasting were compared in time and frequency domains. In the time domain, the values of 3D peak motion plots were analyzed, and the possibility of identification of subsequent delay times in recorded waveforms was investigated. In the case of frequency distribution, the Power Spectrum Density plots were calculated and compared. The results of the analysis proved that MEMS-based accelerometers provide reliable results and may be successfully implemented for regular use in underground seismic monitoring systems

    Preliminary measurements of rotational components of seismic vibration in the Legnica-Głogów Copper Basin region

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    Metody sejsmiczne są powszechnie stosowane w górnictwie, geofizyce oraz inżynierii lądowej. Aktualnie pomiary sejsmiczne prowadzi się głównie w zakresie rejestracji prędkości i przyspieszeń trzech składowych translacyjnych drgań. Wiedząc jednak, że pełny opis ruchu fali sejsmicznej, oprócz wspomnianych składowych translacyjnych, zawiera również trzy składowe rotacyjne, konieczne było podjęcie działań mających na celu pomiar i określenie charakteru tych ostatnich. Jeszcze do niedawna analiza rotacyjnych fal sejsmicznych prowadzona była wyłącznie w sferze teoretycznej, gdyż brakowało narzędzi umożliwiających rejestrację prędkości obrotowej cząstek gruntu, na poziomie często nieprzekraczającym ułamków μrad/s. Obecnie jednak sejsmologia rotacyjna jest zagadnieniem cieszącym się ogromnym zainteresowaniem, co wynika z pojawienia się na rynku czujników umożliwiających bezpośredni pomiar składowych obrotowych drgań sejsmicznych. Brak jest jednak kompleksowych opracowań w zakresie analizy tychże składowych w przypadku drgań indukowanych działalnością górniczą. W niniejszym opracowaniu przedstawiono wyniki pilotażowych pomiarów składowych rotacyjnych drgań. Analizie poddano zapisy wstrząsów górniczych oenergii w zakresie od 3 × 103J do 1,5 × 107J. Zarejestrowane wartości obrotu zostały skorelowane z zapisami drgań translacyjnych w celu określenia różnic w ich podstawowych parametrach takich jak czas trwania, częstotliwość i rozkład amplitudowy.A proper description of ground motions generated by seismic and paraseismic events requires gathering data of six components of seismic waves. Three of them, the so called translational waves, are well researched and identified. Unfortunately, until recently, the remaining three components named as rotational waves were generally estimated with the use of indirect methods based on theoretical calculations. This was related mostly with the lack of proper instruments for the recording of rotational seismic waves. Thus, rotational waves were not fully recognized thus far. Recently, several types of advanced instruments for direct measurements of rotation were invented. Based on the measurements of strong ground motions it was indicated that the amplitude of the rotational components in close distances from the seismic source can be significantly larger than expected. Apart from this, there is still a lack of analyses considering the characteristic of rotational seismic waves generated by induced seismic events. In this paper, the results of preliminary measurements of rotational motions generated by induced seismic waves were presented. Ground movements related with mining tremors were analyzed in terms of amplitude, frequency and duration

    Second Life of Post-Mining Infrastructure in Light of the Circular Economy and Sustainable Development : Recent Advances and Perspectives

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    Current EU policy will force a significant reduction of hard coal mines in the near future due to environmental restrictions. There are also numerous non-coal underground mines that will be excavated in the next few years. Taking the above into consideration, it is worth starting to plan further steps in terms of reclamation of these facilities. Within this manuscript, both recently used and novel approaches to underground space reclamation have been reviewed. Selected methods of reclamation were analyzed in terms of their strengths and weaknesses, and the results were compared with the effect of a commonly used approaches (i.e., filling or flooding of underground space after mine termination). The analysis has been performed in the scope of sustainable development. Taking into account the opinion of many stakeholder groups and underground facilities, reuse was considered as an action aimed at fulfilling sustainable development goals and the circular economy concept. Based on numerous surveys, the challenges and opportunities have been determined as well. Finally, most perspectives concerning underground mine reclamation, including environmental impact, social acceptance, and profitability have been proposed and described

    Novel approach for the destress blasting in hard rock underground copper mines

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    The present study investigates the possibility of developing a novel method for reducing seismicity and rockbursts in deep underground mines based on modifying drilling and blasting patterns. The main goal was to develop and implement firing patterns for multi-face production blasting, which allow increasing the capability of inducing stress relief in the rock mass, manifested in the seismic event. This method may improve stability control in underground workings, and mitigate risks associated with the dynamic effects of rock mass pressure compared with currently used methods. Thus, the seismic energy may be released immediately after blasting in a controlled way. For this purpose, underground tests using modified blasting patterns and precise electronic detonators were carried out. Vibration data recorded from the multi-face blasting in the considered trial panels were assessed in the scope of amplitude distribution. Results of trials have proven that the method is promising and should be further developed to improve the effectiveness of rockburst prevention in deep hard rock mines