12 research outputs found

    Maastrichtian to Palaeocene and Eocene pelagic carbonates on the island of Svetac (central Adriatic, Croatia)

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    Maastrichtian to Palaeocene pelagic carbonates on the central Adriatic island of Svetac (Sveti Andrija) are the only outcrops reported to date that document pelagic deposition during the Cretaceous–Palaeogene (K–Pg) transition within the Adriatic Basin. An approximately 3 m thick succession at the Smokvica locality contains a rich and diverse planktonic foraminiferal assemblage which allows dating of the succession and the recognition of some biostratigraphic zones. The lower part of the Smokvica section consists of 1.5 m thick pelagic biomicrite characterized by the abundance of late Maastrichtian planktonic foraminifera that indicate the Abathomphalus mayaroensis Zone. An intercalation of intraclastic floatstone <0.5 m in thickness occurring on top of Maastrichtian pelagic biomicrite is characterized by unsorted pelagic intraclasts floating within the pelagic matrix, and both components only contain Maastrichtian planktonic foraminifera.The floatstone is overlain by another <0.5 m thick intraclastic-bioclastic floatstone characterized by rounded pelagic intraclasts (plasticlasts) containing Maastrichtian planktonic foraminifera floating in the pelagic matrix. The matrix of the later floatstone contains Maastrichtian and Palaeocene planktonic foraminifera mixed together. Thus, the transition from the Maastrichtian to the Palaeocene is not continuous but is characterized by amalgamated debrites that are related to at least two separated re-depositional events within the basin. The overlying pure pelagic biomicrite is rich in planktonic foraminifera that indicates the Palaeocene P3 Zone. A few metres apart, after the covered interval, there are also Eocene pelagic biomicrites with planktonic foraminifera which indicate the Eocene E9 Zone, characterized by the co-appearance of benthic foraminifera (Discocyclina) floating within the pelagic matrix. It is assumed that a Maastrichtian opening of the deep-water environment connected to the Adriatic Basin within the former Adriatic Carbonate Platform west of the island of Vis could be related to a re-activation of an inherited transverse fault zone.</p

    Cenomanian–Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE2) Imprint on the Northwestern part of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform and a Coeval Intra-Platform Basin (Istria and Premuda Island, Croatia)

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    The Cenomanian–Turonian boundary (CTB) on the intra-Tethyan Adriatic Carbonate Platform (AdCP) is generally characterised by a transition between microbially laminated and/or bioclastic limestones to calcisphere-rich massive limestone with bioturbated intervals, organic-rich interbeds, firmgrounds, as well as neptunian dikes, carbonate turbidites, tempestites and slumped structures. Compilation of the results from two study sites in the northwestern part of the AdCP and from previous research (on Istria Peninsula and islands in the Adriatic Sea in Croatia) provides a more complete overview of geological events and paleoenvironmental conditions that transformed the formerly contiguous shallow-marine environments during this time period. For the first time, a comparison between protected inner-platform area (Barban section) and a coeval intra-platform basin (Premuda Island section) during the CTB was made. This study utilized a combination of litho-, bio-, and microfacies studies with SEM, EDS, TOC, δ13C and δ18O stable isotope analyses. The stratigraphic successions start with shallow-marine carbonate deposits of the Milna Formation that is conformably overlain by the drowned-platform deposits of the Sveti Duh Formation on the platform and by the Veli Rat Formation in the contemporaneously developed intraplatform basin. These deposits are in turn overlain by the Gornji Humac Formation, which represents re-establishment of shallow-marine depositional systems on the AdCP, whereas the deeper water environment persisted in the intra-platform basin until the Santonian. Despite diagenetic modifications of shallow-marine carbonate deposits, the results of TOC and stable isotope analyses indicate the influence of global Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2). Combination of local and regional synsedimentary tectonics and global Late Cretaceous sea-level changes accompanied by anoxic and hypoxic conditions, extinction of numerous benthic foraminifera, diversification and expansion of planktonic foraminifera and calcareous dinoflagellates, provide new insights into the character of the CTB interval in this part of the Tethyan realm

    Geological and structural setting of the Vinodol Valley (NW Adriatic, Croatia): insights into its tectonic evolution based on structural investigations

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    The area of the Vinodol Valley and Bakar Bay represents a NW‒SE oriented valley in the NW Adriatic characterised by prominent historical and instrumentally recorded seismicity. As part of the greater geodynamic domain including the Ilirska Bistrica–Rijeka–Senj seismogenic fault zone, new geological and structural data addressing the tectonic evolution of the area were collected in order to better understand the focal mechanisms of previous earthquakes and to enable identification of potential seismogenic sources. Mapped informal lithostratigraphic units mostly correspond to the Upper Cretaceous, Palaeogene and Quaternary successions described in other parts of the External Dinarides. However, a shorter stratigraphic range of the Gornji Humac fm., the youngest Cretaceous unit in the study area, was determined and suggests that the uplifted area in the central NW part of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform already comprised several thousand km2 (from W and NW Istria to Krk and Vinodol area) at the end of the Turonian. Structural measurements of the fault planes in the study area generally correspond to the existing structural model of the tectonic evolution of the Dinarides. However, in contrast to the SW vergences typical of the Dinarides, NE-vergent reverse structures are common, especially along the SW margin of the Vinodol Valley. Cross-cutting relationships suggest that transpressional (NW–SE and NE–SW striking dextral and sinistral faults) and extensional features (NW–SE and NE–SW striking normal faults) are structurally concurrent or younger than the reverse faults, suggesting a change in the palaeostress field during the Neogene–Quaternary, with prevalent transpression and radial extension. Comparison of results of the palaeostress field analysis and the constructed synthetic focal mechanisms on one side, with available focal mechanism solutions for earthquakes within the Ilirska Bistrica–Rijeka–Senj seismogenic fault zone on the other, shows a favourable orientation of the observed NW‒SE and NE‒SW striking faults with respect to the recent compressional/transpressional stress field (N‒S oriented P-axis), indicating these as potential seismogenic sources within the study area.</p

    The Cenomanian–Turonian Boundary in the Northwestern Part of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform (Ćićarija Mtn., Istria, Croatia): Characteristics and Implications

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    The Cenomanian–Turonian boundary (CTB) in the Ćićarija Mountain region (northern Istria, Croatia) is characterized by calcisphere limestone successions with a firmground and glauconite horizon, bioturbated intervals, tempestites, and slumped structures as well as microbially laminated and organic-rich interbeds deposited in the northwestern part of the intra-Tethyan Adriatic Carbonate Platform (AdCP). Compilation of the results from three studied sections (Vodice–Jelovica, Martinjak and Planik) of litho-, bio-, and microfacies analyses, X-ray diffraction, SEM, EDS, and stable isotope analyses allowed reconstruction of marine paleoenvironmental conditions during this time period. Shallow-marine carbonate deposits of the Milna Formation underlie a drowned-platform succession of the Sveti (Sv.) Duh Formation. The contact between these two formations is sharp and commonly marked by slumped deposits. The Sv. Duh Formation consists of about 100 m of calcisphere wackestone enriched in organic matter. The results of preliminary δ13C and δ18O stable isotope analyses indicate the influence of the global Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE2) on the deposition of this carbonate succession. Anoxic and hypoxic conditions in the water column lead to major changes in the shallow-marine carbonate system of the AdCP. Numerous benthic foraminifera declined during that time, but planktonic foraminifera and calcareous dinoflagellates diversified and expanded greatly. The results of this research provide new insights into the character of the CTB interval in this part of the Tethyan realm. Local and regional synsedimentary tectonics combined with global upper Cretaceous sea-level dynamics allows the correlation of the investigated deeper-marine lithostratigraphic units with OAE2

    Cenomanian–Turonian oceanic anoxic event (OAE2) imprint on the northwestern part of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform and a coeval intra-platform basin (Istria and Premuda Island, Croatia)

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    The Cenomanian–Turonian boundary (CTB) on the intra-Tethyan Adriatic Carbonate Platform (AdCP) is generally characterised by a transition between microbially laminated and/or bioclastic limestones to calcisphere-rich massive limestone with bioturbated intervals, organic-rich interbeds, firmgrounds, as well as neptunian dikes, carbonate turbidites, tempestites and slumped structures. Compilation of the results from two study sites in the northwestern part of the AdCP and from previous research (on Istria Peninsula and islands in the Adriatic Sea in Croatia) provides a more complete overview of geological events and paleoenvironmental conditions that transformed the formerly contiguous shallow-marine environments during this time period. For the first time, a comparison between protected inner-platform area (Barban section) and a coeval intra-platform basin (Premuda Island section) during the CTB was made. This study utilized a combination of litho-, bio-, and microfacies studies with SEM, EDS, TOC, δ13C and δ18O stable isotope analyses. The stratigraphic successions start with shallow-marine carbonate deposits of the Milna Formation that is conformably overlain by the drowned-platform deposits of the Sveti Duh Formation on the platform and by the Veli Rat Formation in the contemporaneously developed intraplatform basin. These deposits are in turn overlain by the Gornji Humac Formation, which represents re-establishment of shallow-marine depositional systems on the AdCP, whereas the deeper water environment persisted in the intra-platform basin until the Santonian. Despite diagenetic modifications of shallow-marine carbonate deposits, the results of TOC and stable isotope analyses indicate the influence of global Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2). Combination of local and regional synsedimentary tectonics and global Late Cretaceous sea-level changes accompanied by anoxic and hypoxic conditions, extinction of numerous benthic foraminifera, diversification and expansion of planktonic foraminifera and calcareous dinoflagellates, provide new insights into the character of the CTB interval in this part of the Tethyan realm

    Active tectonics in the Kvarner region (External Dinarides, Croatia) – an alternative approach based on new focused geological mapping, 3D seismological and shallow seismic imaging data

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    Active tectonics in long-lived orogenic belts usually manifests on the preexisting inherited structures. In the Kvarner region of the External Dinarides, an area with low-to-moderate seismicity related to the Adriatic microplate (Adria) northward movement, we deal with faults in predominantly carbonate rocks within tectonically complex NW-SE striking foldand-thrust belt, which makes the identification and parametrization of the active structures challenging. Moreover, anthropogenic modifications greatly complicate access to the surface geological and geomorphological data. This paper demonstrates results of focused multidisciplinary research, from surface geological mapping and offshore shallow seismic surveys to earthquake focal mechanisms, as an active fault identification and parametrization kit, with a final goal to produce an acrossmethodological integrated model of the identified features in the future. Reverse, normal, and strike-slip orogen-parallel (longitudinal) to transverse faults were identified during geological mapping, but there is no clear evidence of their mutual relations and possible recent activity. The focal mechanisms calculated from the instrumental record include weak-to-moderate earthquakes and show solutions for all faulting types in the upper crust, compatible with the NE-SW oriented principal stress direction, with the stronger events favoring reverse and strike-slip faulting. The 3D spatial and temporal distribution of recent earthquake hypocenters indicate their clustering along predominantly subvertical transversal and steeply NE-dipping longitudinal planes. High-resolution shallow seismic geoacoustical survey (subbottom profiler) of the Quaternary sediments in the Rijeka Bay revealed local tectonic deformations of the stratified Late Pleistocene deposits that, along with overlaying mass-transport deposits, could imply prehistorical strong earthquake effects. Neotectonic faults onshore are tentatively recognized as highly fractured zones characterized by enhanced weathering, but there is no evidence for its recent activity. Thus, it seems that the active faults are blind and situated below the thin-skinned and highly deformed early-orogenic tectonic cover of the Adria. A strain accumulating deeper in the crust is probably irregularly redistributed near the surface along the preexisting fault network formed during the earlier phases of the Dinaric orogenesis. The results indicate a need for further multidisciplinary research that will contribute to a better seismic hazard assessment in the densely populated region that is also covered by strategic infrastructure

    Potential Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary tsunami deposit in the intra-Tethyan Adriatic carbonate platform section of Hvar (Croatia)

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    An exceptional 47-m-thick succession of Maastrichtian to Paleocene inner-platform carbonates is exposed on the Dalmatian island of Hvar (Adriatic Sea, Croatia) in a seaside locality called Majerovica. The middle part of this succession is an similar to 5-m-thick intraformational massive deposit, which is underlain by well-bedded peritidal innerplatform limestones containing latest Maastrichtian rudists and shallow-water benthic foraminifera. This deposit includes a polygenic, matrix-supported carbonate breccia characterized by ripped-up platform limestone lithoclasts, up to boulder sized, and polygenic microbreccia in a muddy matrix. The microbreccia contains rare small intraclasts of pelagic mudstone containing terminal Maastrichtian planktonic foraminifera. The deposit is overlain in turn by mudstone containing a planktonic foraminiferal association belonging to the P0 and Pa zones of the basal Paleogene, and by shallow-water muddy limestones containing planktonic foraminifera belonging to the P1 zone. While facies suggest that the deposit was emplaced over the inner platform by a single large tsunami, the biostratigraphic assessment of this section and the presence of enhanced concentrations of platinum group elements, such as iridium, in the topmost part of the massive deposit lend support to the hypothesis that this tsunamite is related to the Chicxulub impact in Yucatan. This is potentially the first case of a tropical carbonate platform sedimentary succession recording the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary event, which provides a new constraint for modeling both the western Tethyan paleogeography and the catastrophic aftermaths of the Chicxulub impact-at the end of the Mesozoic Era