346 research outputs found

    Detached house with design office in Svitavy

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    Projekt řeší rodinný dům s projekční kanceláří ve Svitavách. Objekt je částečně podsklepený a má 3 nadzemní podlaží s plochou střechou. Je osazený do rovinného terénu. V suterénu je situována kotelna, herna, sklad a komora. První nadzemní podlaží je určeno k provozním účelům. Je zde projekční kancelář a garáž pro 2 osobní automobily. V druhém a třetím nadzemním podlaží se nachází byty.The project addresses the house with design office in Svitavy. The building has a partial basement and 3 floors with a flat roof. The house is situated in a flat terrain. In the basement there are boiler room, game room, store room and closet. The first floor is designed for operational purposes. There is a design office and a garage for 2 cars. On the second and third floors apartments are located.

    Fixed point theorems for sum of nonlinear mappings

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    Research note: The educational gradient of divorce in the Czech Republic during the late post-socialist transition

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    Objective: This study aims to describe the educational gradient and the role of educational homogamy in divorce risk in the Czech Republic. Background: The Czech Republic underwent a social transformation in the 1990s, which resulted in a significant change in many demographic trends. In contrast, the divorce trend seems to have been less affected. My aim is to describe the evolution of the patterns of the educational gradient of divorce during the late phase of the post-communist transformation. Method: Register data on marriages contracted in 1995, 2000, and 2005 were supplemented with divorce register records up to 2020. Besides the duration of the marriage, the data contains information on the education, age, and marital status of both partners at the time of marriage. The Kaplan-Meier curves and the Cox regression are used for the analysis. Results: The risk of divorce is substantially higher for the less educated, and this holds across all three marriage cohorts observed here. Homogamous marriages are not the most stable ones. From an individual's perspective, marriage with a more educated partner shows the highest stability. Conclusion: This analysis confirmed the stability of the negative educational gradient of marriages contracted during the late phase of the post-communist transition period in the Czech Republic. It refutes the notion that the higher relative education of the woman or man in the couple destabilises partnerships.Fragestellung: Das Ziel dieser Studie ist es, den Bildungsgradienten und die Rolle der Bildungshomogamie in Scheidungen in der Tschechischen Republik zu beschreiben. Hintergrund: Die Tschechische Republik durchlief einen sozialen Wandel in den 1990ern, was eine signifikante Änderung in vielen demographischen Trends zur Folge hatte. Im Gegensatz dazu scheinen die Scheidungstrends weniger beeinflusst zu sein. Mein Ziel ist es, die Entwicklungen in den Mustern des Bildungsgradienten von Scheidungen während der späten Phase des post-kommunistischen Wandels zu beschreiben. Methode: Registerdaten über Eheschließungen in den Jahren 1995, 2000, und 2005 wurden mit Scheidungsregisterdaten bis einschließlich 2020 ergänzt. Die Daten enthalten Informationen zur Dauer der Ehe, Bildung, Alter und Familienstatus beider Partner zum Zeitpunkt der Ehe. Die Kaplan-Meier-Kurve und die Cox-Regression wurden für die Analyse genutzt. Ergebnisse: Das Risiko einer Scheidung ist erheblich höher für weniger gebildete Menschen und das zeigt sich in allen drei Ehekohorten. Homogame Ehen sind nicht die stabilsten. Aus der Perspektive eines Individuums, sind die Ehen mit einem höher gebildeteren Partner am stabilsten. Schlussfolgerung: Diese Analyse bestätigte die Stabilität der negativen Bildungsgradienten von Ehen, die geschlossen wurden, während der späten Phase des post-kommunistischen Wandels in der Tschechischen Republik. Dies entkräftet die Ansicht, dass die höhere relative Bildung von der Frau oder des Mannes in der Beziehung, die Partnerschaft destabilisiert

    Remarks on the solvability and nonsolvability of weakly nonlinear equations

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    Further remark on a theorem by E. M. Landesman and A. C. Lazer

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    Public Attitudes Toward Shared Custody : The Czech Republic

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    In the beginning of the existence of divorce as a social institution, parenthood was not as deeply problematized as the moral aspects of the partnership. In contrast, current public and scientific debates are most frequently involved in the questions of the impact of divorce on the children. Shared custody can be understood as a result of this cultural shift. The knowledge about public attitudes toward this topic and its social differentiation is limited. This study presents a unique source of data on shared custody attitudes from EVS (European Values Study) and CHPS (Czech Household Panel Survey) surveys conducted recently in the Czech Republic. The results show there is a substantive distinction between the attitudes of men and women and that the acceptance of shared custody is higher in younger age groups. No differences according to the social and economic status of respondents and their family backgrounds were found. Concerning the broader attitudinal contingency, we found no relationship between egalitarian gender attitudes and the acceptance of shared custody, but conservative attitudes toward divorce consequences increase the acceptance of shared custody.In the beginning of the existence of divorce as a social institution, parenthood was not as deeply problematized as the moral aspects of the partnership. In contrast, current public and scientific debates are most frequently involved in the questions of the impact of divorce on the children. Shared custody can be understood as a result of this cultural shift. The knowledge about public attitudes toward this topic and its social differentiation is limited. This study presents a unique source of data on shared custody attitudes from EVS (European Values Study) and CHPS (Czech Household Panel Survey) surveys conducted recently in the Czech Republic. The results show there is a substantive distinction between the attitudes of men and women and that the acceptance of shared custody is higher in younger age groups. No differences according to the social and economic status of respondents and their family backgrounds were found. Concerning the broader attitudinal contingency, we found no relationship between egalitarian gender attitudes and the acceptance of shared custody, but conservative attitudes toward divorce consequences increase the acceptance of shared custody

    The influence of air ionization on the laser beam propagation

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá šířením světla, respektive elektromagnetické vlny v ionizovaném prostředí a vlivem koncentrace iontů na změnu permitivity materiálu a rychlosti šíření vlny v tomto prostředí. Je zde popsána elektromagnetická vlna a její vlastnosti ve vakuu, prostředí a poté v prostředí ionizovaném. Je provedena teoretická analýza vlivu ionizace na šíření vlny. Vliv ionizace vzduchu na rychlost šíření světla je prokázán experimentálně.The semester project deals with the mechanisms of propagation of electromagnetic wave in ionized environment. The focus is placed on the propagation of light in ionized air. The air ionization influences its properties in the view of its material parameter – permittivity. The change of air permittivity results in the light speed reduction. The theoretical analysis of light propagation is carried out in the work in the view of impact on the light speed. The light speed reduction in ionized air is experimentally verified. The conclusions on the practical utilization of this ionization measurement method are given.

    Numerical investigation of dynamic capillary pressure in two-phase flow in porous medium

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    summary:In order to investigate effects of the dynamic capillary pressure-saturation relationship used in the modelling of a flow in porous media, a one-dimensional fully implicit numerical scheme is proposed. The numerical scheme is used to simulate an experimental procedure using a measured dataset for the sand and fluid properties. Results of simulations using different models for the dynamic effect term in capillary pressure-saturation relationship are presented and discussed


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