12 research outputs found

    Accurate salient object detection via dense recurrent connections and residual-based hierarchical feature integration

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    Recently, the convolutional neural network (CNN) has achieved great progress in many computer vision tasks including object detection, image restoration, and scene understanding. In this paper, we propose a novel CNN-based saliency detection method through dense recurrent connections and residual-based hierarchical feature integration. Inspired by the recent neurobiological finding that abundant recurrent connections exist in the human visual system, we firstly propose a novel dense recurrent CNN module (D-RCNN) to learn informative saliency cues by incorporating dense recurrent connections into sub-layers of convolutional stages. Then we present a residual-based architecture with short connections for deep supervision which hierarchically combines both coarse-level and fine-level feature representations. Our end-to-end method takes raw RGB images as input and directly outputs saliency maps without relying on any time-consuming pre/post-processing techniques. Extensive qualitative and quantitative evaluation results on four widely tested benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method can achieve more accurate saliency detection results solutions with significantly fewer model parameters

    Nighttime Image Dehazing Based on Multi-Scale Gated Fusion Network

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    In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm to directly restore a clear image from a hazy input, which can be adapted for nighttime image dehazing. The proposed algorithm hinges on a trainable neural network realized in an encoder–decoder architecture. The encoder is exploited to capture the context of the derived input images, while the decoder is employed to estimate the contribution of each input to the final dehazed result using the learned representations attributed to the encoder. The constructed network adopts a novel fusion-based strategy which derives three inputs from an original input by applying white balance (WB), contrast enhancing (CE), and gamma correction (GC). We compute pixel-wise confidence maps based on the appearance differences between these different inputs to blend the information of the derived inputs and preserve the regions with pleasant visibility. The final clear image is generated by gating the important features of the derived inputs. To train the network, we introduce a multi-scale approach to avoid the halo artifacts. Extensive experimental results on both synthetic and real-world images demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against the state-of-the-art dehazing for nighttime images

    ESKN: Enhanced selective kernel network for single image super-resolution

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    For single image super-resolution (SISR), one recent research direction is to build an effective multi-scale context extraction pipeline via parallel convolutional streams. Although very competitive SR performance has been achieved, effective solutions for extracting and integrating multi-scale context are still under-explored. We propose an enhanced selective kernel module (ESKM) to address this challenging problem and build a network that achieves high-quality SISR. The key of the proposed ESKM is to perform self-learned filter-oriented weights re-calibration to better extract insignificant but important features which are critical for high-accuracy SISR tasks. Moreover, we replace the Softmax operation with Sigmoid for more flexible weights learning and remove the dimension reduction/expansion component to build a direct correspondence between channels and their weights. We also design a symmetric connection scheme (SCS) to better fuse the hierarchical features extracted from different convolutional stages. More specifically, the low-level features are adjusted via a spatial attention module to achieve more effective fusion with high-level semantic features. We then stack multiple ESKMs via SCS to build our new network, named Enhanced Selective Kernel Network (ESKN). Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed ESKN model, outperforming the state-of-the-art SISR methods in terms of restoration quality and network complexity

    A deep learning-based surface defect inspection system using multi-scale and channel-compressed features

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    In machine vision-based surface inspection tasks, defects are typically considered as local anomalies in homogeneous background. However, industrial workpieces commonly contain complex structures, including hallow regions, welding joints, or rivet holes. Such obvious structural interference will inevitably cause cluttered background and mislead the classification results. Moreover, the sizes of various surface defects might change significantly. Last but not the least, it is extremely time-consuming and not scalable to capture large-scale defect datasets to train deep CNN models. To address the challenges mentioned above, we firstly proposed to incorporate multiple convolutional layers with different kernel sizes to increase the receptive field and to generate multi-scale features. As a result, the proposed model can better handle cluttered background and defects of various sizes. Also, we purposely compress the size of parameters in the newly added convolutional layers for better learning of defect-related features using a limited number of training samples. Evaluated in a newly constructed surface defect dataset (images contain complex structures and defects of various sizes), our proposed model achieves more accurate recognition results compared with the state-of-the-art surface defect classifiers. Moreover, it is a light-weight model and can deliver real-time processing speed (>100fps) on a computer equipped with a single NVIDIA TITAN X Graphics Processing Unit (12G memory

    Fusion of multi-light source illuminated images for effective defect inspection on highly reflective surfaces

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    It is observed that a human inspector can obtain better visual observations of surface defects via changing the lighting/viewing directions from time to time. Accordingly, we first build a multi-light source illumination/acquisition system to capture images of workpieces under individual lighting directions and then propose a multi-stream CNN model to process multi-light source illuminated images for high-accuracy surface defect classification on highly reflective metal. Moreover, we present two effective techniques including individual stream deep supervision and channel attention (CA) based feature re-calibration to generate and select the most discriminative features on multi-light source illuminated images for the subsequent defect classification task. Comparative evaluation results demonstrate that our proposed method is capable of generating more accurate recognition results via the fusion of complementary features extracted on images illuminated by multi-light sources. Furthermore, our proposed light-weight CNN model can process more than 20 input frames per second on a single NVIDIA Quadro P6000 GPU (24G RAM) and is faster than a human inspector. Source codes and the newly constructed multi-light source illuminated dataset will be accessible to the public

    A deep-learning-based approach for fast and robust steel surface defects classification

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    Automatic visual recognition of steel surface defects provides critical functionality to facilitate quality control of steel strip production. In this paper, we present a compact yet effective convolutional neural network (CNN)model, which emphasizes the training of low-level features and incorporates multiple receptive fields, to achieve fast and accurate steel surface defect classification. Our proposed method adopts the pre-trained SqueezeNet as the backbone architecture. It only requires a small amount of defect-specific training samples to achieve high-accuracy recognition on a diversity-enhanced testing dataset of steel surface defects which contains severe non-uniform illumination, camera noise, and motion blur. Moreover, our proposed light-weight CNN model can meet the requirement of real-time online inspection, running over 100 fps on a computer equipped with a single NVIDIA TITAN X Graphics Processing Unit (12G memory). Codes and a diversity-enhanced testing dataset will be made publicly available

    A Surface Defect Inspection Model via Rich Feature Extraction and Residual-Based Progressive Integration CNN

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    Surface defect inspection is vital for the quality control of products and the fault diagnosis of equipment. Defect inspection remains challenging due to the low level of automation in some manufacturing plants and the difficulty in identifying defects. To improve the automation and intelligence levels of defect inspection, a CNN model is proposed for the high-precision defect inspection of USB components in the actual demands of factories. First, the defect inspection system was built, and a dataset named USB-SG, which contained five types of defects—dents, scratches, spots, stains, and normal—was established. The pixel-level defect ground-truth annotations were manually marked. This paper puts forward a CNN model for solving the problem of defect inspection tasks, and three strategies are proposed to improve the model’s performance. The proposed model is built based on the lightweight SqueezeNet network, and a rich feature extraction block is designed to capture semantic and detailed information. Residual-based progressive feature integration is proposed to fuse the extracted features, which can reduce the difficulty of model fine-tuning and improve the generalization ability. Finally, a multi-step deep supervision scheme is proposed to supervise the feature integration process. The experiments on the USB-SG dataset prove that the model proposed in this paper has better performance than that of other methods, and the running speed can meet the real-time demand, which has broad application prospects in the industrial inspection scene