3,383 research outputs found

    The Impact of Hydrodynamic Mixing on Supernova Progenitors

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    Recent multidimensional hydrodynamic simulations have demonstrated the importance of hydrodynamic motions in the convective boundary and radiative regions of stars to transport of energy, momentum, and composition. The impact of these processes increases with stellar mass. Stellar models which approximate this physics have been tested on several classes of observational problems. In this paper we examine the implications of the improved treatment on supernova progenitors. The improved models predict substantially different interior structures. We present pre-supernova conditions and simple explosion calculations from stellar models with and without the improved mixing treatment at 23 solar masses. The results differ substantially.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Social suffering and the psychological impact of structural violence and economic oppression in an ongoing conflict setting: The Gaza Strip

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    Structural violence and economic oppression (e.g. control over resources, politically engineered poverty and unemployment) are common features of warfare, yet there is a lack of research exploring the impact this has on civilian wellbeing in conflict‐affected areas. This study, embedded within a human rights and community liberation psychology framework, aims to address this need by studying young Palestinian university graduates living under military blockade and occupation in the Gaza Strip. Semi‐structured interviews were conducted. Thematic analysis indicated that economic and political domains adversely affected multiple aspects of civilian life and wellbeing. The findings revealed the deleterious effects of structural violence and economic oppression which created: human insecurity; poor psychological wellbeing and quality of life; existential, psychological and social suffering; humiliation; injuries to dignity; multiple losses; and led to life being experienced as ‘on hold’. Local expressions and idioms to express distress were identified. The findings contributed to unique insights regarding how continual, systemic, and structural oppression can be potentially more psychologically detrimental than specific incidents of conflict and violence. The implications and the relevance of the findings to mental health and disaster relief are considered. Interventions providing human security and economic security should be prioritised

    Elemental bio-imaging of thorium, uranium, and plutonium in tissues from occupationally exposed former nuclear workers

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    Internal exposure from naturally occurring radionuclides (including the inhaled long-lived actinides 232Th and 238U) is a component of the ubiquitous background radiation dose (National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. Ionizing radiation exposure of the population of the United States; NCRP Report No. 160; NCRP: Bethesda, MD, 2009). It is of interest to compare the concentration distribution of these natural ?-emitters in the lungs and respiratory lymph nodes with those resulting from occupational exposure, including exposure to anthropogenic plutonium and depleted and enriched uranium. This study examines the application of laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) to quantifying and visualizing the mass distribution of uranium and thorium isotopes from both occupational and natural background exposure in human respiratory tissues and, for the first time, extends this application to the direct imaging of plutonium isotopes. Sections of lymphatic and lung tissues taken from deceased former nuclear workers with a known history of occupational exposure to specific actinide elements (uranium, plutonium, or americium) were analyzed by LA-ICPMS. Using a previously developed LA-ICPMS protocol for elemental bio-imaging of trace elements in human tissue and a new software tool, we generated images of thorium (232Th), uranium (235U and 238U), and plutonium (239Pu and 240Pu) mass distributions in sections of tissue. We used a laboratory-produced matrix-matched standard to quantify the 232Th, 235U, and 238U concentrations. The plutonium isotopes 239Pu and 240Pu were detected by LA-ICPMS in 65 ?m diameter localized regions of both a paratracheal lymph node and a sample of lung tissue from a person who was occupationally exposed to refractory plutonium (plutonium dioxide). The average (overall) 239Pu concentration in the lymph node was 39.2 ng/g, measured by high purity germanium (HPGe) ?-spectrometry (Lynch, T. P.; Tolmachev, S. Y.; James, A. C. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 2009, 134, 94?101). Localized mass concentrations of thorium (232Th) and uranium (238U) in lymph node tissue from a person not occupationally exposed to these elements (chronic natural background inhalation exposure) ranged up to 400 and 375 ng/g, respectively. In lung samples of occupationally nonexposed to thorium and uranium workers, 232Th and 238U concentrations ranged up to 200 and 170 ng/g, respectively. In a person occupationally exposed to air-oxidized uranium metal (Adley, F. E.; Gill, W. E.; Scott, R. H. Study of atmospheric contaminiation in the melt plant buiding. HW-23352(Rev.); United States Atomic Energy Commission: Oakridge, TN, 1952, p 1?97), the maximum 235U and 238U isotopic mass concentrations in a lymph node, measured at higher resolution (with a 30 ?m laser spot diameter), were 70 and 8500 ng/g, respectively. The ratio of these simultaneously measured mass concentrations signifies natural uranium. The current technique was not sufficiently sensitive, even with a 65 ?m laser spot diameter, to detect 241Am (at an overall tissue concentration of 0.024 ng/g, i.e., 3 Bq/g). © 2010 American Chemical Society

    What Can the Accretion Induced Collapse of White Dwarfs Really Explain?

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    The accretion induced collapse (AIC) of a white dwarf into a neutron star has been invoked to explain gamma-ray bursts, Type Ia supernovae, and a number of problematic neutron star populations and specific binary systems. The ejecta from this collapse has also been claimed as a source of r-process nucleosynthesis. So far, most AIC studies have focussed on determining the event rates from binary evolution models and less attention has been directed toward understanding the collapse itself. However, the collapse of a white dwarf into a neutron star is followed by the ejection of rare neutron-rich isotopes. The observed abundance of these chemical elements may set a more reliable limit on the rate at which AICs have taken place over the history of the galaxy. In this paper, we present a thorough study of the collapse of a massive white dwarf in 1- and 2-dimensions and determine the amount and composition of the ejected material. We discuss the importance of the input physics (equation of state, neutrino transport, rotation) in determining these quantities. These simulations affirm that AICs are too baryon rich to produce gamm-ray bursts and do not eject enough nickel to explain Type Ia supernovae (with the possible exception of a small subclass of extremely low-luminosity Type Ias). Although nucleosynthesis constraints limit the number of neutron stars formed via AICs to <0.1% of the total galactic neutron star population, AICs remain a viable scenario for forming systems of neutron stars which are difficult to explain with Type II core-collapse supernovae.Comment: Latex File, aaspp4 style, 18 pages total (5 figures), accepted by Ap

    Crater lake cichlids individually specialize along the benthic-limnetic axis

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    A common pattern of adaptive diversification in freshwater fishes is the repeated evolution of elongated open water (limnetic) species and high-bodied shore (benthic) species from generalist ancestors. Studies on phenotype-diet correlations have suggested that population-wide individual specialization occurs at an early evolutionary and ecological stage of divergence and niche partitioning. This variable restricted niche use across individuals can provide the raw material for earliest stages of sympatric divergence. We investigated variation in morphology and diet as well as their correlations along the benthic-limnetic axis in an extremely young Midas cichlid species, Amphilophus tolteca, endemic to the Nicaraguan crater lake Asososca Managua. We found that A. tolteca varied continuously in ecologically relevant traits such as body shape and lower pharyngeal jaw morphology. The correlation of these phenotypes with niche suggested that individuals are specialized along the benthic-limnetic axis. No genetic differentiation within the crater lake was detected based on genotypes from 13 microsatellite loci. Overall, we found that individual specialization in this young crater lake species encompasses the limnetic- as well as the benthic macro-habitat. Yet there is no evidence for any diversification within the species, making this a candidate system for studying what might be the early stages preceding sympatric divergence

    Galactic center at very high-energies

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    Employing data collected during the first 25 months' observations by the Fermi-LAT, we describe and subsequently seek to model the very high energy (>300 MeV) emission from the central few parsecs of our Galaxy. We analyze the morphological, spectral and temporal characteristics of the central source, 1FGL J1745.6-2900. Remarkably, the data show a clear, statistically significant signal at energies above 10 GeV, where the Fermi-LAT has an excellent angular resolution comparable to the angular resolution of HESS at TeV energies, which makes meaningful the joint analysis of the Fermi and HESS data. Our analysis does not show statistically significant variability of 1FGL J1745.6-2900. Using the combination of Fermi data on 1FGL J1745.6-2900 and HESS data on the coincident, TeV source HESS J1745-290, we show that the spectrum of the central gamma-ray source is inflected with a relatively steep spectral region matching between the flatter spectrum found at both low and high energies. We seek to model the gamma-ray production in the inner 10 pc of the Galaxy and examine, in particular, cosmic ray (CR) proton propagation scenarios that reproduce the observed spectrum of the central source. We show that a model that instantiates a transition from diffusive propagation of the CR protons at low energy to almost rectilinear propagation at high energies (given a reasonable energy-dependence of the assumed diffusion coefficient) can well explain the spectral phenomenology. In general, however, we find considerable degeneracy between different parameter choices which will only be broken with the addition of morphological information that gamma-ray telescopes cannot deliver given current angular resolution limits.We argue that a future analysis done in combination with higher-resolution radio continuum data holds out the promise of breaking this degeneracy.Comment: submitted to Ap

    Factors affecting internal standard selection for quantitative elemental bio-imaging of soft tissues by LA-ICP-MS

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    Element response variations under different laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) operating conditions were investigated to identify important factors for selecting an internal standard (IS) for quantitative elemental bio-imaging. Analytes covering a range of atomic masses and first ionisation potentials (FIP) were selected to investigate the signal response variation with changes in laser spot diameter, mass bias and cell sampling position. In all cases, an IS improved experimental precision regardless of a close match in element mass or FIP but optimal analyte/IS combinations depended on the difference in masses of the analyte and IS. Particular attention was paid to 13C as this isotope is typically used as an IS in elemental bio-imaging applications. Despite its non-ideal IS characteristics (often different mass and FIP to many analytes), possibility of abundance sensitivity effects and poor signal-to-background ratio, 13C was a suitable IS candidate exhibiting a linear response with respect to the mass ablated, apparent independence from the high abundance of the adjacent 14N mass peak and effective analyte normalisation after background subtraction as long as the 13C signal from the sample was at least 6% of the gross signal. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry
