261 research outputs found

    Development of the Tri-ATHLETE Lunar Vehicle Prototype

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    The Tri-ATHLETE (All Terrain Hex Limed Extra Terrestrial Explorer) vehicle is the second generation of a wheel-on-limb vehicle being developed to support the return of humans to the lunar surface. This paper describes the design, assembly, and test of the Tri-ATHLETE robotic system with a specific emphasis on the limb joint actuators. The design and implementation of the structural components is discussed, and a novel and low cost approach to approximating flight-like cabling is also presented. The paper concludes with a discussion of the "second system effect" and other lessons learned as well as results from a three week long field trial of the vehicle in the Arizona desert

    Vibrational Spectroscopy of Selected Natural Uranyl Vanadates

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    Raman spectroscopy has been used to study a selection of uranyl vanadate minerals including carnotite, curienite, francevillite, tyuyamunite and metatyuyamunite. The minerals are characterised by an intense band in the 800 to 824 cm-1 region, assigned to the ν1 symmetric stretching vibrations of the (UO2)2+ units. A second intense band is observed in the 965 to 985 cm-1 range and is attributed to the ν1 (VO3) symmetric stretching vibrations in the (V2O8) units. This band is split with a second component observed at around 963 cm-1. A band of very low intensity is observed around 948 cm-1 and is assigned to the ν3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations of the (VO3) units. Bands in the range 608-655 cm-1 may be attributed to molecular water librational modes or the stretching modes ○(V2O2) units. Bands in the range 573-583 cm-1 may be connected with the ○ (U-Oequatorial) vibrations or ○ (V2O2) units. Bands located in the range 467-539 cm-1 may be also attributed to the ○ (U-Oequatorial) units vibrations. The bending modes of the (VO3) units are observed in the 463 to 480 cm-1 range – there may be some coincidence with ○ (U-Oequatorial). The bending modes of the (V2O2) in the (V2O8) units are located in a series of bands around 407, 365 and 347 cm-1 (ν2). Two intense bands are observed in the 304 to 312 cm-1 range and 241 to 264 cm-1 range and are assigned to the doubly degenerate ν2 modes of the (UO2)2+ units. The study of the vibrational spectroscopy of uranyl vanadates is complicated by the overlap of bands from the (VO3) and (UO2)2+ units. Raman spectroscopy has proven most useful in assigning bands to these two units since Raman bands are sharp and well separated as compared with infrared bands. The uranyl vanadate minerals are often found as crystals on a host matrix and Raman spectroscopy enables their in-situ characterisation without sample preparation

    Generalized Nanosatellite Avionics Testbed Lab

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    The Generalized Nanosatellite Avionics Testbed (G-NAT) lab at NASA Ames Research Center provides a flexible, easily accessible platform for developing hardware and software for advanced small spacecraft. A collaboration between the Mission Design Division and the Intelligent Systems Division, the objective of the lab is to provide testing data and general test protocols for advanced sensors, actuators, and processors for CubeSat-class spacecraft. By developing test schemes for advanced components outside of the standard mission lifecycle, the lab is able to help reduce the risk carried by advanced nanosatellite or CubeSat missions. Such missions are often allocated very little time for testing, and too often the test facilities must be custom-built for the needs of the mission at hand. The G-NAT lab helps to eliminate these problems by providing an existing suite of testbeds that combines easily accessible, commercial-offthe- shelf (COTS) processors with a collection of existing sensors and actuators

    Macrolides and community-acquired pneumonia: is quorum sensing the key?

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    Combination therapy with two antimicrobial agents is superior to monotherapy in severe community-acquired pneumonia, and recent data suggest that addition of a macrolide as the second antibiotic might be superior to other combinations. This observation requires confirmation in a randomised control trial, but this group of antibiotics have pleiotropic effects that extend beyond bacterial killing. Macrolides inhibit bacterial cell-to-cell communication or quorum sensing, which not only might be an important mechanism of action for these drugs in severe infections but may also provide a novel target for the development of new anti-infective drugs

    Urge to Gamble in Problem Gamblers Exposed to a Casino Environment

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    Cue-reactivity has received increased attention in addiction research, though not for gambling in particular. We examined cue reactivity in 18 problem gamblers by accompanying them to a gaming casino and measuring their subjective urge to gamble over a 1-h period. Half of the sample was additionally exposed to a gambling-specific negative mood induction (NMI) manipulation via guided imagery. Overall, about two-thirds of the sample reported moderate to high-gambling urges during the casino exposure. Additionally, the NMI reduced cue-reactivity. Finally, gambling urges in both groups decreased over the course of the exposure sessions. These findings suggest that a majority of problem gamblers experience the urge to gamble when exposed to gambling cues and that the intensity of these urges decrease with time, especially in the presence of a gambling-relevant NMI. Cue exposure should be studied further as a potential tool in the treatment of problem gambling
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