624 research outputs found

    Verbing and nouning in French : toward an ecologically valid approach to sentence processing

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    La preĢsente theĢ€se utilise la technique des potentiels eĢvoqueĢs afin dā€™eĢtudier les meĢchanismes neurocognitifs qui sous-tendent la compreĢhension de la phrase. Plus particulieĢ€rement, cette recherche vise aĢ€ clarifier lā€™interaction entre les processus syntaxiques et seĢmantiques chez les locuteurs natifs et les apprenants dā€™une deuxieĢ€me langue (L2). Le modeĢ€le ā€œsyntaxe en premierā€ (Friederici, 2002, 2011) preĢdit que les cateĢgories syntaxiques sont analyseĢes de facĢ§on preĢcoce: ce stade est refleĢteĢ par la composante ELAN (Early anterior negativity, NeĢgativiteĢ anteĢrieure gauche), qui est induite par les erreurs de cateĢgorie syntaxique. De plus, ces erreurs semblent empeĢ‚cher lā€™apparition de la composante N400 qui refleĢ€te les processus lexico-seĢmantiques. Ce pheĢnomeĢ€ne est deĢfini comme le bloquage seĢmantique (Friederici et al., 1999). Cependant, la plupart des eĢtudes qui observent la ELAN utilisent des protocoles expeĢrimentaux probleĢmatiques dans lesquels les diffeĢrences entre les contextes qui preĢceĢ€dent la cible pourraient eĢ‚tre aĢ€ lā€™origine de reĢsultats fallacieux expliquant aĢ€ la fois lā€™apparente ā€œELANā€ et lā€™absence de N400 (Steinhauer & Drury, 2012). La premieĢ€re eĢtude reĢeĢevalue lā€™approche de la ā€œsyntaxe en premierā€ en adoptant un paradigme expeĢriemental novateur en francĢ§ais qui introduit des erreurs de cateĢgorie syntaxique et les anomalies de seĢmantique lexicale. Ce dessin expeĢrimental eĢquilibreĢ controĢ‚le aĢ€ la fois le mot-cible (nom vs. verbe) et le contexte qui le preĢceĢ€de. Les reĢsultats reĢcolteĢs aupreĢ€s de locuteurs natifs du francĢ§ais queĢbeĢcois ont reĢveĢleĢ un complexe N400-P600 en reĢponse aĢ€ toutes les anomalies, en contradiction avec les preĢdictions du modeĢ€le de Friederici. Les effets additifs des manipulations syntaxique et seĢmantique sur la N400 suggeĢ€rent la deĢtection dā€™une incoheĢrence entre la racine du mot qui avait eĢteĢ preĢdite et la cible, dā€™une part, et lā€™activation lexico-seĢmantique, dā€™autre part. Les reĢponses individuelles se sont pas caracteĢriseĢes par une dominance vers la N400 ou la P600: au contraire, une onde biphasique est preĢsente chez la majoriteĢ des participants. Cette activation peut donc eĢ‚tre consideĢreĢe comme un index fiable des meĢcanismes qui sous-tendent le traitement des structures syntagmatiques. La deuxieĢ€me eĢtude se concentre sur les meĢ‚me processus chez les apprenants tardifs du francĢ§ais L2. Lā€™hypotheĢ€se de la convergence (Green, 2003 ; Steinhauer, 2014) preĢdit que les apprenants dā€™une L2, sā€™ils atteignent un niveau avanceĢ, mettent en place des processus de traitement en ligne similaires aux locuteurs natifs. Cependant, il est difficile de consideĢrer en meĢ‚me temps un grand nombre de facteurs qui se rapportent aĢ€ leurs compeĢtences linguistiques, aĢ€ lā€™exposition aĢ€ la L2 et aĢ€ lā€™aĢ‚ge dā€™acquisition. Cette eĢtude continue dā€™explorer les diffeĢrences inter-individuelles en modeĢlisant les donneĢes de potentiels-eĢvoqueĢs avec les ForeĢ‚ts aleĢatoires, qui ont reĢveĢleĢ que le pourcentage dā€™explosition au francĢ§ais ansi que le niveau de langue sont les preĢdicteurs les plus fiables pour expliquer les reĢponses eĢlectrophysiologiques des participants. Plus ceux-ci sont eĢleveĢs, plus lā€™amplitude des composantes N400 et P600 augmente, ce qui confirme en partie les preĢdictions faites par lā€™hypotheĢ€se de la convergence. En conclusion, le modeĢ€le de la ā€œsyntaxe en premierā€ nā€™est pas viable et doit eĢ‚tre remplaceĢ. Nous suggeĢrons un nouveau paradigme baseĢ sur une approche preĢdictive, ouĢ€ les informations seĢmantiques et syntaxiques sont activeĢes en paralleĢ€le dans un premier temps, puis inteĢgreĢes via un recrutement de meĢcanismes controĢ‚leĢs. Ces derniers sont modeĢreĢs par les capaciteĢs inter-individuelles refleĢteĢes par lā€™exposition et la performance.The present thesis uses event-related potentials (ERPs) to investigate neurocognitve mechanisms underlying sentence comprehension. In particular, these two experiments seek to clarify the interplay between syntactic and semantic processes in native speakers and second language learners. Friedericiā€™s (2002, 2011) ā€œsyntax-firstā€ model predicts that syntactic categories are analyzed at the earliest stages of speech perception reflected by the ELAN (Early left anterior negativity), reported for syntactic category violations. Further, syntactic category violations seem to prevent the appearance of N400s (linked to lexical-semantic processing), a phenomenon known as ā€œsemantic blockingā€ (Friederici et al., 1999). However, a review article by Steinhauer and Drury (2012) argued that most ELAN studies used flawed designs, where pre-target context differences may have caused ELAN-like artifacts as well as the absence of N400s. The first study reevaluates syntax-first approaches to sentence processing by implementing a novel paradigm in French that included correct sentences, pure syntactic category violations, lexical-semantic anomalies, and combined anomalies. This balanced design systematically controlled for target word (noun vs. verb) and the context immediately preceding it. Group results from native speakers of Quebec French revealed an N400-P600 complex in response to all anomalous conditions, providing strong evidence against the syntax-first and semantic blocking hypotheses. Additive effects of syntactic category and lexical-semantic anomalies on the N400 may reflect a mismatch detection between a predicted word-stem and the actual target, in parallel with lexical-semantic retrieval. An interactive rather than additive effect on the P600 reveals that the same neurocognitive resources are recruited for syntactic and semantic integration. Analyses of individual data showed that participants did not rely on one single cognitive mechanism reflected by either the N400 or the P600 effect but on both, suggesting that the biphasic N400-P600 ERP wave can indeed be considered to be an index of phrase-structure violation processing in most individuals. The second study investigates the underlying mechanisms of phrase-structure building in late second language learners of French. The convergence hypothesis (Green, 2003; Steinhauer, 2014) predicts that second language learners can achieve native-like online- processing with sufficient proficiency. However, considering together different factors that relate to proficiency, exposure, and age of acquisition has proven challenging. This study further explores individual data modeling using a Random Forests approach. It revealed that daily usage and proficiency are the most reliable predictors in explaining the ERP responses, with N400 and P600 effects getting larger as these variables increased, partly confirming and extending the convergence hypothesis. This thesis demonstrates that the ā€œsyntax-firstā€ model is not viable and should be replaced. A new account is suggested, based on predictive approaches, where semantic and syntactic information are first used in parallel to facilitate retrieval, and then controlled mechanisms are recruited to analyze sentences at the interface of syntax and semantics. Those mechanisms are mediated by inter-individual abilities reflected by language exposure and performance

    Long-distance anticipatory vowel-to-vowel assimilatory effects in French and Japanese

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    This paper examines language-specific differences in anticipatory vowel-to-vowel coarticulation using two non-stress languages. Native speakers of Standard French (n=6) and Tokyo Japanese (n=5) served as subjects to a production study. To investigate possible long-distance effects between and beyond adjacent vowels, linguistic material consisting of /ba.bV/ and /ba.ba.bV/ was embedded within a carrier sentence in each language. The word-final trigger vowel (V) is /a/, /i/ or /u/. Acoustic analysis of continuous F1 and F2 trajectories as well as singlepoint formant measurements revealed opposite patterns in the two languages. Strong anticipatory effects in vowels up to 2 preceding syllables were observed in French. However, Japanese displayed few statistically significant anticipatory effects in any vowel preceding any trigger. We interpret the results as an indication that there are two rather different types of contextual phonetic variability. We also assert not all phonetic assimilatory effects in ā€œcoarticulationā€ are due to articulatory overlap.postprin

    The priming of priming : Evidence that the N400 reflects context-dependent post-retrieval word integration in working memory

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    Which cognitive processes are reflected by the N400 in ERPs is still controversial. Various recent articles(Lau et al., 2008; Brouwer et al., 2012) have revived the idea that only lexical pre-activation processes(such as automatic spreading activation, ASA) are strongly supported, while post-lexical integrative pro-cesses are not. Challenging this view, the present ERP study replicates a behavioral study by McKoon andRatcliff (1995) who demonstrated that a prime-target pair such as finger āˆ’ hand shows stronger primingwhen a majority of other pairs in the list share the analogous semantic relationship (here: part-whole),even at short stimulus onset asynchronies (250 ms). We created lists with four different types of semanticrelationship (synonyms, part-whole, category-member, and opposites) and compared priming for pairsin a consistent list with those in an inconsistent list as well as unrelated items. Highly significant N400reductions were found for both relatedness priming (unrelated vs. inconsistent) and relational priming(inconsistent vs. consistent). These data are taken as strong evidence that N400 priming effects are notexclusively carried by ASA-like mechanisms during lexical retrieval but also include post-lexical inte-gration in working memory. We link the present findings to a neurocomputational model for relationalreasoning (Knowlton et al., 2012) and to recent discussions of context-dependent conceptual activations(Yee and Thompson-Schill, 2016)

    Targeted rapid amplification of cDNA ends (T-RACE)ā€”an improved RACE reaction through degradation of non-target sequences

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    Amplification of the 5ā€² ends of cDNA, although simple in theory, can often be difficult to achieve. We describe a novel method for the specific amplification of cDNA ends. An oligo-dT adapter incorporating a dUTP-containing PCR primer primes first-strand cDNA synthesis incorporating dUTP. Using the Cap finder approach, another distinct dUTP containing adapter is added to the 3ā€² end of the newly synthesized cDNA. Second-strand synthesis incorporating dUTP is achieved by PCR, using dUTP-containing primers complimentary to the adapter sequences incorporated in the cDNA ends. The double-stranded cDNA-containing dUTP serves as a universal template for the specific amplification of the 3ā€² or 5ā€² end of any gene. To amplify the ends of cDNA, asymmetric PCR is performed using a single gene-specific primer and standard dNTPs. The asymmetric PCR product is purified and non-target transcripts containing dUTP degraded by Uracil DNA glycosylase, leaving only those transcripts produced during the asymmetric PCR. Subsequent PCR using a nested gene-specific primer and the 3ā€² or 5ā€² T-RACE primer results in specific amplification of cDNA ends. This method can be used to specifically amplify the 3ā€² and 5ā€² ends of numerous cDNAs from a single cDNA synthesis reaction

    Revisiting Date and Party Hubs: Novel Approaches to Role Assignment in Protein Interaction Networks

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    The idea of 'date' and 'party' hubs has been influential in the study of protein-protein interaction networks. Date hubs display low co-expression with their partners, whilst party hubs have high co-expression. It was proposed that party hubs are local coordinators whereas date hubs are global connectors. Here we show that the reported importance of date hubs to network connectivity can in fact be attributed to a tiny subset of them. Crucially, these few, extremely central, hubs do not display particularly low expression correlation, undermining the idea of a link between this quantity and hub function. The date/party distinction was originally motivated by an approximately bimodal distribution of hub co-expression; we show that this feature is not always robust to methodological changes. Additionally, topological properties of hubs do not in general correlate with co-expression. Thus, we suggest that a date/party dichotomy is not meaningful and it might be more useful to conceive of roles for protein-protein interactions rather than individual proteins. We find significant correlations between interaction centrality and the functional similarity of the interacting proteins.Comment: 27 pages, 5 main figures, 4 supplementary figure

    Atmospheric Escape From Three Terrestrial Planets in the L 98-59 System

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    A critically important process affecting the climate evolution and potential habitability of an exoplanet is atmospheric escape, in which high-energy radiation from a star drives the escape of hydrogen atoms and other light elements from a planet's atmosphere. L 98-59 is a benchmark system for studying such atmospheric processes, with three transiting terrestrial-size planets receiving Venus-like instellations (4-25 SāŠ•_\oplus) from their M3 host star. We use the VPLanet model to simulate the evolution of the L 98-59 system and the atmospheric escape of its inner three small planets, given different assumed initial water quantities. We find that, regardless of their initial water content, all three planets accumulate significant quantities of oxygen due to efficient water photolysis and hydrogen loss. All three planets also receive enough XUV flux to drive rapid water loss, which considerably affects their developing climates and atmospheres. Even in scenarios of low initial water content, our results suggest that the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will be sensitive to observations of retained oxygen on the L 98-59 planets in its future scheduled observations, with planets b and c being the most likely targets to possess an extended atmosphere. Our results constrain the atmospheric evolution of these small rocky planets, and they provide context for current and future observations of the L 98-59 system to generalize our understanding of multi-terrestrial planet systems.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa
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