917 research outputs found

    Investigation of Using Natural Aromatizers of Lemon Essential Oil in Ayurvedic Culinary

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    There was considered a possibility of using natural aromatizers in ayurvedic culinary, namely fractions that act as a product of lemon essential oil. There was presented the component ratio and characteristic of a fragrance of a terpene fraction and terpenoid one, obtained by the gas-chromatographic analysis on a nozzle column with a stable dynonyl phthalate fraction by the standard method.A classic salad sauce “Vinaigrette” was chosen as a research subject. The introduction of natural aromatizers was conducted at the final stage of mixing olive oil and other ingredients of the dish. The optimal amount of aromatizers was determined empirically by sensor analysis results. During the studies, it has been established, that a fraction of lemon essential oil No. 1 must be introduced in amount 0,1 g for 1000 g of the ready product, a fraction of lemon essential oil No. 2 – 0,125 g for 1000 g of the ready product.As far as terpenes and terpenoids of lemon essential oil are natural substances of the initial raw material, stimulating food juices extraction, it allows to state about the activation of so-called “digestive fire” at using the aromatized sauce

    Swahili Poetic Tradition: Main Stages of Development (on Example of Tendi and Mashairi Genres)

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    The stages of development of the main traditional Swahili poetic genres of tendi and mashairi, starting from the period of their formation and ending with the current state are discussed in the article. On the example of the most significant works of classics and modernity, the formal and stylistic features of the studied genres are analyzed, the question is raised about their continuity and innovative techniques in the context of non-literary factors. The conclusion is made about the development of genres within the framework of a change in the types of artistic consciousness, which manifests itself as the East African society establishes and develops — from awareness of one’s own national identity to an ever-greater inclusion in the global literary process. The last stage of the destruction of tradition, the rejection of the traditional form for today, was expressed in the phenomenon of the transformation of the form of the Old Swahili verse, which is demonstrated in the article on the example of the most prominent representatives of the so-called modernist poetry in Swahili. It is concluded in the article on the role of the author, whose figure manifests itself in different ways at each of the stages of development of Swahili poetry: from controversial authorship at the stage of formation of literature to pronounced features that characterize the specific unique authorial style at the later stages of the development of the studied poetry

    Batch pulping on the basis of natural substandard siliceous materials

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    It is shown that using silica sand of Tugansk deposit (Tomsk region) and marshalite of Elbash deposit (Novosibirsk region) having more developed specific surface in comparison with silica sand of Tashlin deposit (Ulyanovsk region) in combination with their grain defective structure provides an increase of batch chemical activity at the stage of silica- and glass-formation. The effective method of preparing glass batch using substandard fine-dispersed siliceous materials in glass production is their compaction

    Особливості договору емфітевзису за законодавством України

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    Фролова Н. В. Особливості договору емфітевзису за законодавством України / Н. В. Фролова // Правове життя сучасної України : матеріали Міжнар. наук. конф. проф.-викл. та аспірант. складу (м. Одеса, 16-17 травня 2013 р.) / відп. за вип. В. М. Дрьомін ; НУ "ОЮА". Півд. регіон. центр НАПрН України. - Одеса : Фенікс, 2013. - Т. 1. - С. 623-625

    Biofeedback control for detect regulatory rhythm in patients neurocirculatory astenia

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    Anglophone Poetry in Kenya at the Turn of the Century: Past Experience and Artistic Transformation

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    The main trends in the development of the English-language poetry of Kenya at the turn of the XX—XXI centuries are considered. The main material is a collection of poems by Kenyan poets, first published in the early 2000s. Particular attention is paid to the ideological and artistic transformation in the work of the young generation of Kenyan poets of the key directions in the development of Kenyan English-language poetry, which developed in the first half of the XX century. The novelty of the research lies in the conclusion about the continuity of the experience of the older generation poets by the English-speaking Kenyan poets, which is expressed in the development of two key directions of the development of Kenyan English-language poetry: socio-political and philosophical-lyric. At the same time, a fundamental change in the artistic method and style transformation is noted in the work of the new generation of Kenyan authors: unlike their predecessors, young Kenyan poets are increasingly gravitating towards the use of rhyme, expressed allegory and imagery, and also adopting previously untested techniques, for example, the use of elements of youth subculture. New material has been brought in, many names are first introduced into the everyday life of domestic and world African studies