56 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the study: The main objective of the study was the analysis of key labor market request content for the secondary education system, the level of employers' expectations compliance and actual learning outcomes, the research of resources and partnership interaction limitations of all interesting subjects in the process of an educational order development. Methodology: The main method was the questionnaire survey of experts (individual entrepreneurs, the heads of industrial and structural divisions) of Moscow (N = 316). The results of the expert survey showed the interest of employers in close cooperation with school in order to reflect the interests of the labor market in the educational order adequately. Results: The most motivated group is a small business, the leaders of the lowest level in the sphere of trade and service, who directly interact with the school graduates in the process of their early start of labor activity. The experts noted the problems in the development of the social competencies among schoolchildren: excessive self-esteem, an excessive level of claims, low level of willingness to work in a team, the lack of such qualities as responsiveness and responsibility. The cooperation between school and employers is limited to traditional sponsorship practices. The interaction of employers and educational institutions is quite fragmentary, it depends on a variety of random factors (personal and situational motives), which does not ensure the stability and the effectiveness of social partnership. Applications of this study: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality of this study: In this research, the model of Reflection of Labor Market Interests and Expectations in Educational Order for Contemporary School is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Biological Properties and Probiotic Potential of Intestinal Lactobacilli

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    Data on inefficiency in some cases or temporary positive effect of commercial probiotics led to the development of the concept of autoprobiotic therapy. According to this, the correction of disturbed microbiocenoses is carried out using autostrains of indigenous normal flora (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and enterococci). However, publications about effectiveness of autoprobiotic therapy are few and contradictory.The aim of the study was to investigate the biological properties and probiotic potential of intestinal lactobacilli, as well as the effectiveness of autoprobiotic therapy, based on Lactobacillus spp.Methods. Biological properties (antibiotic resistance, hemolytic, adhesive and antagonistic activity) were studied in 159 strains of intestinal lactobacilli. Autoprobiotic therapy with sour-milk ferments based on lactobacilli autostrains was carried out in 78 patients of the of the North Caucasus Federal District (NCFD) hospitals to correct the microbiocenosis of the large intestine due to antibiotic therapy.Results. The indigene strains of the intestinal lactobacilli of patients of NCFD hospitals are characterized by a wide spectrum of antibiotic sensitivity, lack of hemolysin production, medium adhesiveness and a high degree of antagonistic activity. Autoprobiotic therapy using Lactobacillus spp. significantly increases the amount of lactobacilli of the large intestine of patients in hospitals of the North Caucasian Federal District.Conclusion. A high probiotic potential of the indigenous intestinal lactobacilli is identified, which makes it possible to use them as effective autoprobiotics. The effectiveness of autoprobiotics with fermented milk starters with Lactobacillus spp. has been proven to restore the normal amount of intestinal lactobacilli patients after the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics

    Predictive and prognostic significance of mRNA expression and DNA copies aberrations of ERCC1, RRM1, TOP1, TOP2A, TUBB3, TYMS, and GSTP1 genes in patients with breast cancer

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    Increasingly, many researchers are focusing on the sensitivity in breast tumors (BC) to certain chemotherapy drugs and have personalized their research based on the assessment of this sensitivity. One such personalized approach is to assess the chemotherapy’s gene expression, as well as aberrations in the number of DNA copies—deletions and amplifications with the ability to have a significant effect on the gene’s activity. Thus, the aim of this work was to study the predictive and prognostic significance of the expression and chromosomal aberrations of eight chemosensitivity genes in breast cancer patients. Material and methods. The study involved 97 patients with luminal B breast cancer IIB–IIIB stages. DNA and RNA were isolated from samples of tumor tissue before and after treatment. Microarray analysis was performed for all samples on high-density microarrays (DNA chips) of Affymetrix (USA) CytoScanTM HD Array and Clariom™ S Assay, human. Detection of expression level of seven chemosensitivity genes—RRM1, ERCC1, TOP1, TOP2a, TUBB3, TYMS, and GSTP1—was performed using PCR real-time (RT-qPCR). Results. The expression of the RRM1 (AC scheme), TOP2a, TYMS, and TUBB3 genes in patients with an objective response to treatment (complete and partial regression) is higher than in patients with stabilization and progression (p < 0.05). According to our results, the presence of a high level of GSTP1 in a tumor biopsy is associated with the low efficiency of the NAC CP scheme (p = 0.05). The presence of RRM1 deletion is associated with complete and partial regression, as for the TOP1 and TUBB3 genes (p < 0.05). Higher rates of metastatic survival are associated with a high level of expression and amplification of the GSTP1 gene (log-rank test p = 0.02 and p = 0.05). Conclusion. Thus, a complex assessment of the chemotherapy’s gene expression is important not only for understanding the heterogeneity and molecular biology of breast cancer but also to obtain a more accurate disease prognosis

    The efficacy of the combination of eribulin and trastuzumab in advanced HER2-positive breast cancer: the results of Russian observational study

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    The article presents the experience of 19 Russian medical institutions on the use of eribulin in combination with trastuzumab in various treatment lines of metastatic HER2+ breast cancer in routine clinical practice. Aim. The main objective of this retrospective observational study was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of eribulin and trastuzumab combo in HER2+ breast cancer patients pretreated with anthracyclines and taxanes. The analysis included 60 patients who received at least 2 cycles of eribulin in combination with trastuzumab. 2 patients (3.3%) received treatment as the 1st line, as the 2nd 14 (23.3%), as the 3rd 16 (26.7%), and as the 4th and more 28 (46.7%). Materials and methods. Complete response was achieved in 2 (3.3%) patients, partial response in 9 (15%), stable disease in 33 (55%), stabilization for more than 6 months in 11 (18.3%), disease progression was detected in 16 (26.7%) patients. The objective response rate was 18.3% in the whole group, the clinical benefit rate 36.7%. Results. The objective response rate in the group of the luminal subtype (ER/PR+HER2+) was 26.9%, in HER2-overexpressed subtype (ER-PR-HER2+) 8.8% and 64.7%, respectively, disease progression was recorded 2.3 times more often 35.3% versus 15.5% in the luminal subtype group. The median progression-free survival in patients with HER2+ breast cancer was 4.95 months (95% confidence interval CI 3.048.29 months), in luminal subtype 6.38 months (95% CI 3.338.54 months), in non-luminal 4.44 months (95% CI 2.47.96 months); p=0.306. The treatment was well tolerated, the spectrum of adverse events corresponded to the eribulin toxicity profile. Conclusions. The uniqueness of this study lies in the fact that on a large clinical material from the standpoint of real clinical practice, a very promising treatment regimen that is not used routinely in a number of countries has been studied, its effectiveness and satisfactory tolerance have been confirmed

    Diversity, Distribution, and Development of Hyperparasitic Microsporidia in Gregarines within One Super-Host

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    Metchnikovellids (Microsporidia: Metchnikovellida) are poorly studied hyperparasitic microsporidia that live in gregarines inhabiting the intestines of marine invertebrates, mostly polychaetes. Our recent studies showed that diversity of metchnikovellids might be significantly higher than previously thought, even within a single host. Four species of metchnikovellids were found in the gregarines inhabiting the gut of the polychaete Pygospio elegans from littoral populations of the White and Barents Seas: the eugregarine Polyrhabdina pygospionis is the host for Metchnikovella incurvata and M. spiralis, while the archigregarine Selenidium pygospionis is the host for M. dogieli and M. dobrovolskiji. The most common species in the White Sea is M. incurvata, while M. dobrovolskiji prevails in the Barents Sea. Gregarines within a single worm could be infected with different metchnikovellid species. However, co-infection of one and the same gregarine with several species of metchnikovellids has never been observed. The difference in prevalence and intensity of metchnikovellid invasion apparently depends on the features of the life cycle and on the development strategies of individual species

    Design and Immunological Properties of the Novel Subunit Virus-like Vaccine against SARS-CoV-2

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing, and the need for safe and effective vaccines to prevent infection and to control spread of the virus remains urgent. Here, we report the development of a SARS-CoV-2 subunit vaccine candidate (Betuvax-CoV-2) based on RBD and SD1 domains of the spike (S) protein fused to a human IgG1 Fc fragment. The antigen is adsorbed on betulin adjuvant, forming spherical particles with a size of 100–180 nm, mimicking the size of viral particles. Here we confirm the potent immunostimulatory activity of betulin adjuvant, and demonstrate that two immunizations of mice with Betuvax-CoV-2 elicited high titers of RBD-specific antibodies. The candidate vaccine was also effective in stimulating a neutralizing antibody response and T cell immunity. The results indicate that Betuvax-CoV-2 has good potential for further development as an effective vaccine against SARS-CoV-2

    Anticancer Nanotherapeutics in Clinical Trials: The Work behind Clinical Translation of Nanomedicine

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    The ultimate goal of nanomedicine has always been the generation of translational technologies that can ameliorate current therapies. Cancer disease represented the primary target of nanotechnology applied to medicine, since its clinical management is characterized by very toxic therapeutics. In this effort, nanomedicine showed the potential to improve the targeting of different drugs by improving their pharmacokinetics properties and to provide the means to generate new concept of treatments based on physical treatments and biologics. In this review, we considered different platforms that reached the clinical trial investigation, providing an objective analysis about their physical and chemical properties and the working mechanism at the basis of their tumoritr opic properties. With this review, we aim to help other scientists in the field in conceiving their delivering platforms for clinical translation by providing solid examples of technologies that eventually were tested and sometimes approved for human therapy

    In preeclampsia, endogenous cardiotonic steroids induce vascular fibrosis and impair relaxation of umbilical arteries

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    Background: Marinobufagenin (MBG), a bufadienolide cardiotonic steroid, induces cardiovascular fibrosis. Because levels of MBG in preeclampsia are increased, and anti-MBG monoclonal antibody reduces blood pressure (BP) in a rat model of preeclampsia, we hypothesized that in preeclampsia, elevated MBG levels would be associated with the development of fibrosis in feto-placental circulation and with impairment of vascular relaxation. Method: We studied 16 patients with preeclampsia (systolic BP150 +/- 4 mmHg; 28+/-2 years, 37+/-1 weeks gestational age) and 14 gestational age-matched normal pregnant women (systolic BP 112+/-2 mmHg). Results: Preeclampsia was associated with a rise in plasma and placental levels of MBG. In preeclamptic umbilical arteries, the expression of Fli-1, a transcription factor and a negative regulator of fibrosis, was significantly reduced (P\u3c0.001), whereas procollagen-1 expression was increased (P\u3c0.01). As compared to control vessels, isolated rings of umbilical arteries from patients with preeclampsia demonstrated unaltered responsiveness to endothelin-1 (EC50=2.2 and 3.2 nmol/l, respectively), but exhibited an impaired response to the relaxant effect of sodium nitroprusside (EC50=1.5 vs. 32.4 nmol/l, P\u3c.001) following endothelin-1-induced constriction. Ex-vivo treatment of normal umbilical arteries explants with 1 and 10 nmol/l MBG for 24 h mimicked the effects of preeclampsia, specifically suppressed Fli-1 and increased collagen-1 expression while impairing vasorelaxation. Conclusion: Our results indicate that in preeclampsia, elevated levels of MBG induce vascular fibrosis via a Fli-1-dependent mechanism which leads to an impairment of vasorelaxation, and suggest that MBG represents a potential target for therapy of this syndrome

    SARS-CoV-2 Subunit Virus-like Vaccine Demonstrates High Safety Profile and Protective Efficacy: Preclinical Study

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    Public health threat coming from a rapidly developing COVID-19 pandemic calls for developing safe and effective vaccines with innovative designs. This paper presents preclinical trial results of “Betuvax-CoV-2”, a vaccine developed as a subunit vaccine containing a recombinant RBD-Fc fusion protein and betulin-based spherical virus-like nanoparticles as an adjuvant (“Betuspheres”). The study aimed to demonstrate vaccine safety in mice, rats, and Chinchilla rabbits through acute, subchronic, and reproductive toxicity studies. Along with safety, the vaccine demonstrated protective efficacy through SARS-CoV-2-neutralizing antibody production in mice, rats, hamsters, rabbits, and primates (rhesus macaque), and lung damage and infection protection in hamsters and rhesus macaque model. Eventually, “Betuvax-CoV-2” was proved to confer superior efficacy and protection against the SARS-CoV-2 in preclinical studies. Based on the above results, the vaccine was enabled to enter clinical trials that are currently underway