275 research outputs found

    Star product and the general Leigh-Strassler deformation

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    We extend the definition of the star product introduced by Lunin and Maldacena to study marginal deformations of N=4 SYM. The essential difference from the latter is that instead of considering U(1)xU(1) non-R-symmetry, with charges in a corresponding diagonal matrix, we consider two Z_3-symmetries followed by an SU(3) transformation, with resulting off-diagonal elements. From this procedure we obtain a more general Leigh-Strassler deformation, including cubic terms with the same index, for specific values of the coupling constants. We argue that the conformal property of N=4 SYM is preserved, in both beta- (one-parameter) and gamma_{i}-deformed (three-parameters) theories, since the deformation for each amplitude can be extracted in a prefactor. We also conclude that the obtained amplitudes should follow the iterative structure of MHV amplitudes found by Bern, Dixon and Smirnov.Comment: 21 pages, no figures, JHEP3, v2: references added, v3: appendix A added, v4: clarification in section 3.

    Instanton test of non-supersymmetric deformations of the AdS_5 x S^5

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    We consider instanton effects in a non-supersymmetric gauge theory obtained by marginal deformations of the N=4 SYM. This gauge theory is expected to be dual to type IIB string theory on the AdS_5 times deformed-S^5 background. From an instanton calculation in the deformed gauge theory we extract the prediction for the dilaton-axion field \tau in dual string theory. In the limit of small deformations where the supergravity regime is valid, our instanton result reproduces the expression for \tau of the supergravity solution found by Frolov.Comment: 15 page

    Regularizing Property of the Maximal Acceleration Principle in Quantum Field Theory

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    It is shown that the introduction of an upper limit to the proper acceleration of a particle can smooth the problem of ultraviolet divergencies in local quantum field theory. For this aim, the classical model of a relativistic particle with maximal proper acceleration is quantized canonically by making use of the generalized Hamiltonian formalism developed by Dirac. The equations for the wave function are treated as the dynamical equations for the corresponding quantum field. Using the Green's function connected to these wave equations as propagators in the Feynman integrals leads to an essential improvement of their convergence properties.Comment: 9 pages, REVTeX, no figures, no table

    Giants On Deformed Backgrounds

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    We study giant graviton probes in the framework of the three--parameter deformation of the AdS_5 x S^5 background. We examine both the case when the brane expands in the deformed part of the geometry and the case when it blows up into AdS. Performing a detailed analysis of small fluctuations around the giants, the configurations turn out to be stable. Our results hold even for the supersymmetric Lunin-Maldacena deformation.Comment: LaTex, 28 pages, uses JHEP3; v2: minor corrections, references added; v3: final version accepted for publication in JHE

    Yangians in Deformed Super Yang-Mills Theories

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    We discuss the integrability structure of deformed, four-dimensional N=4 super Yang-Mills theories using Yangians. We employ a recent procedure by Beisert and Roiban that generalizes the beta deformation of Lunin and Maldacena to produce N=1 superconformal gauge theories, which have the superalgebra SU(2,2|1)xU(1)xU(1). The deformed theories, including those with the more general twist, were shown to have retained their integrable structure. Here we examine the Yangian algebra of these deformed theories. In a five field subsector, we compute the two cases of SU(2)xU(1)xU(1)xU(1) and SU(2|1)xU(1)xU(1) as residual symmetries of SU(2,2|1)xU(1)xU(1). We compute a twisted coproduct for these theories, and show that only for the residual symmetry do we retain the standard coproduct. The twisted coproduct thus provides a method for symmetry breaking. However, the full Yangian structure of SU(2|3) is manifest in our subsector, albeit with twisted coproducts, and provides for the integrability of the theory.Comment: 17 page

    Integrable twists in AdS/CFT

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    A class of marginal deformations of four-dimensional N=4 super Yang-Mills theory has been found to correspond to a set of smooth, multiparameter deformations of the S^5 target subspace in the holographic dual on AdS_5 x S^5. We present here an analogous set of deformations that act on global toroidal isometries in the AdS_5 subspace. Remarkably, certain sectors of the string theory remain classically integrable in this larger class of so-called gamma-deformed AdS_5 x S^5 backgrounds. Relying on studies of deformed su(2)_gamma models, we formulate a local sl(2)_gamma Lax representation that admits a classical, thermodynamic Bethe equation (based on the Riemann-Hilbert interpretation of Bethe's ansatz) encoding the spectrum in the deformed AdS_5 geometry. This result is extended to a set of discretized, asymptotic Bethe equations for the twisted string theory. Near-pp-wave energy spectra within sl(2)_gamma and su(2)_gamma sectors provide a useful and stringent test of such equations, demonstrating the reliability of this technology in a wider class of string backgrounds. In addition, we study a twisted Hubbard model that yields certain predictions of the dual beta-deformed gauge theory.Comment: v2: references and clarifications added, 46 page

    Electromagnetic Casimir densities for a wedge with a coaxial cylindrical shell

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    Vacuum expectation values of the field square and the energy-momentum tensor for the electromagnetic field are investigated for the geometry of a wedge with a coaxal cylindrical boundary. All boundaries are assumed to be perfectly conducting and both regions inside and outside the shell are considered. By using the generalized Abel-Plana formula, the vacuum expectation values are presented in the form of the sum of two terms. The first one corresponds to the geometry of the wedge without the cylindrical shell and the second term is induced by the presence of the shell. The vacuum energy density induced by the shell is negative for the interior region and is positive for the exterior region. The asymptotic behavior of the vacuum expectation values are investigated in various limiting cases. It is shown that the vacuum forces acting on the wedge sides due to the presence of the cylindrical boundary are always attractive.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Real versus complex beta-deformation of the N=4 planar super Yang-Mills theory

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    This is a sequel of our paper hep-th/0606125 in which we have studied the {\cal N}=1 SU(N) SYM theory obtained as a marginal deformation of the {\cal N}=4 theory, with a complex deformation parameter \beta and in the planar limit. There we have addressed the issue of conformal invariance imposing the theory to be finite and we have found that finiteness requires reality of the deformation parameter \beta. In this paper we relax the finiteness request and look for a theory that in the planar limit has vanishing beta functions. We perform explicit calculations up to five loop order: we find that the conditions of beta function vanishing can be achieved with a complex deformation parameter, but the theory is not finite and the result depends on the arbitrary choice of the subtraction procedure. Therefore, while the finiteness condition leads to a scheme independent result, so that the conformal invariant theory with a real deformation is physically well defined, the condition of vanishing beta function leads to a result which is scheme dependent and therefore of unclear significance. In order to show that these findings are not an artefact of dimensional regularization, we confirm our results within the differential renormalization approach.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures; v2: one reference added; v3: JHEP published versio

    On the perturbative chiral ring for marginally deformed N=4 SYM theories

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    For \cal{N}=1 SU(N) SYM theories obtained as marginal deformations of the \cal{N}=4 parent theory we study perturbatively some sectors of the chiral ring in the weak coupling regime and for finite N. By exploiting the relation between the definition of chiral ring and the effective superpotential we develop a procedure which allows us to easily determine protected chiral operators up to n loops once the superpotential has been computed up to (n-1) order. In particular, for the Lunin-Maldacena beta-deformed theory we determine the quantum structure of a large class of operators up to three loops. We extend our procedure to more general Leigh-Strassler deformations whose chiral ring is not fully understood yet and determine the weight-two and weight-three sectors up to two loops. We use our results to infer general properties of the chiral ring.Comment: LaTex, 40 pages, 4 figures, uses JHEP3; v2: minor correction

    K^- Meson Production in the Proton-Proton Reaction at 3.67 GeV/c

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    The total cross section of the reaction ppppK+Kpp\to ppK^+K^- has been determined for proton--proton reactions with pbeam=3.67GeV/cp_{beam}=3.67 GeV/c. This represents the first cross section measurement of the ppppKK+pp \to ppK^-K^+ channel near threshold, and is equivalent to the inclusive ppppKXpp\to ppK^-X cross section at this beam momentum. The cross section determined at this beam momentum is about a factor 20 lower than that for inclusive ppppK+Xpp\to ppK^+X meson production at the same CM energy above the corresponding threshold. This large difference in the K+K^+ and KK^- meson inclusive production cross sections in proton-proton reactions is in strong contrast to cross sections measured in sub-threshold heavy ion collisions, which are similar in magnitude at the same energy per nucleon below the respective thresholds.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures Phys. Lett. B in prin