26 research outputs found

    The peer's point of view: Observing a peer performing an action enhances third-person perspective in adolescents

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    Adolescents are particularly prone to peer influence. Since group membership modulates the person's tendency to take someone else's viewpoint, here we decided to investigate whether adolescents are influenced by the presence of a peer when taking another person's perspective. A group of adolescents from upper secondary schools in Naples (Italy) had to observe scenes of an actor (an adolescent or an adult) gazing, grasping, gazing/grasping an object or staying still. When required to judge the spatial location of the object, the adolescent participants adopted the actor's viewpoint (third-person perspective) more frequently when the actor was an adolescent rather than when he was an adult and when the adolescent actor grasped the object. Thus, adolescents seem particularly prone to mentally simulate someone else's actions when the other person is a peer. These findings suggest that modulating motor simulation processes via social environmental factors could influence adolescentsâ\u80\u99 perspective taking

    Learning Italian as a Second Language in a Sample of Ukrainian Children: A Game-Based Learning Approach

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    Game-based learning is an educational approach aimed at acquiring knowledge through the use of play. There are various studies that note the effectiveness of playing as an educational tool and the use of digital platforms as a tool that can increase its effectiveness. We wanted to investigate whether a game-based learning approach may determine an improvement in Italian as a foreign language in terms of vocabulary expansion. The sample consists of 48 Ukrainian children between 6 and 7 years old. There were 24 female children and 24 male children in the sample, divided into two groups: the control group (Gr1) learnt Italian through frontal lessons (traditional approach), the experimental group (Gr2) learnt Italian through games and activities (game-based learning). The results have shown that the experimental group had a major increase in Italian vocabulary. However, both groups had an increase in this sense. Game-based learning remains an effective and promising educational approach, but other variables must be taken into account. Furthermore, the scarcity of literature on foreign language learning through game-based learning creates the need for more studies

    Examining Predictors of Different ABA Treatments: A Systematic Review

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    In the recent literature, there is a broad consensus on the effectiveness of Applied Behavior Analysis interventions for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Despite their proven efficacy, research in clinical settings shows that these treatments are not equally effective for all children and the issue of which intervention should be chosen for an individual remains a common dilemma. The current work systematically reviewed studies on predictors and moderators of response to different types of evidence-based treatment for children with ASD. Specifically, our goal was to critically review the relationships between pre-treatment child characteristics and specific treatment outcomes, covering different aspects of functioning (i.e., social, communicative, adaptive, cognitive, motor, global functioning, play, and symptom severity). Our results questioned the binomial “better functioning-better outcome”, emphasizing the complex interplay between pre-treatment child characteristics and treatment outcomes. However, some pre-treatment variables seem to act as prerequisites for a specific treatment, and the issue of “what works for whom and why” remains challenging. Future research should focus on the definition of evidence-based decision-making models that capture those individual factors through which a specific intervention will exert its effects

    Video Modeling and Social Skills Learning in ASD-HF

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    Autism spectrum disorders represent a heterogeneous group of clinical situations, and are mainly represented by a deficit of social communication. In this study, we compare two strategies to enhance communicative/social skills, namely self-video modeling and peer video modeling. The subjects were divided into two groups treated via the method of self-video modeling (group 1) or peer video modeling (group 2). For both groups of subjects affected by ASD-HF (Autism Spectrum Disorder-high-functioning), three different activities were proposed: (a) interacting with a salesperson while making a purchase, (b) initiating and maintaining a conversation with peers, and (c) starting and maintaining an enjoyable activity with a peer. The ability to rapidly accomplish the task was used as the main criteria to appraise the groups’ responses to the proposed activities. In group 1, the use of self-video modeling procedures demonstrated a faster and correct execution of the three proposed tasks (especially task 3) when compared to group 2. In group 2, the use of peer video modeling has instead led to a slower acquisition of abilities to process and perform the tasks. The use of self-video modeling speeds up the acquisition of skills to perform communicative/social tasks, compared to peer video modeling’s slower performance in subjects with ASD-HF. Results could be related to either the amount of time the subject is exposed to the task or to the capacity of ASD-HF subjects to self-value one’s own actions more than others. In our work, we have tried to reset the differences in exposure time. Therefore, self-video modeling is demonstrated to be more effective, as it produces a response to the signification/mirroring characteristic of ASD-HF

    Autism, Therapy and COVID-19

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    While numerous treatments for ASD are available, intervention based on the principles and procedures of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) has garnered substantial scientific support. In this study we evaluated the effects of the lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, followed by quarantine provisions and during the three months after the resumption of activities. The study was conducted on a group of children taking part on a ABA-based intervention funded by the Local Health Authority (ASL) of the province of Caserta. In this study we considered a sample of 88 children who had been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, aged between 18 and 30 months. The following inclusion criteria were observed: age at the time of diagnosis less than 30 months, absence of other neurological, genetic, or sensorineural pathologies, and severity level 1 measured by symptoms evaluation based on the ADOS 2 module T (used for diagnosis). During the lockdown children experienced improvements in communication, socialization, and personal autonomy. During the three months after the ABA treatment, the acquired skills were maintained but no significant improvement was demonstrated. In this study, we describe how parent training was significant in avoiding delays in the generalization of socially significant behaviors, following the drastic interruption of the treatment in this group of children

    Universal Design for Learning for Children with ADHD

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    Attention Deficit–Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a psychiatric condition that shows developmentally inappropriate levels of inattention, hyperactivity, or impulsivity. Symptoms begin at a young age and usually include a lack of attention, poor concentration, disorganization, difficulty completing tasks, forgetfulness, and losing things. It is important to diagnose and treat the disorder at a young age so that the symptoms do not persist into adulthood and cause other comorbid conditions. Learning difficulties, motor impairment, anxiety, or depressive disorders may occur with this condition. To improve the academic careers of children with ADHD, we focused on a specific innovative educational approach (Universal Design for Learning) that could improve basic learning skills (reading, writing, and arithmetic skills) to prevent or manage any learning difficulty that could occur with ADHD. The Universal Design for Learning is an individualized approach that combines current neuroscientific knowledge, creating personalized teaching based on the strengths and weaknesses of the student. The goal of this study is to analyze the impact that this approach has on basic learning abilities. We found that both interventions led to improvements in test performance, indicating that interventions were necessary to enhance reading, writing, and arithmetic skills. Furthermore, the group that received an educational intervention based on Universal Design for Learning demonstrated a more significant improvement in these areas. Additionally, we propose that the set of techniques implemented by teachers in the classroom helped children to read, write, and perform math tasks correctly and more fluently

    Dissociation between executed and imagined bimanual movements in autism spectrum conditions

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    Autism spectrum conditions (ASC) are characterized by social-communicative deficits and repetitive stereotyped behaviors. Altered motor coordination is also observed and a dysfunction of motor imagery has been recently reported on implicit tasks. However, no information on explicit motor imagery abilities is available in ASC. Here, we employed a spatial bimanual task to concurrently assess motor coordination and explicit motor imagery in autism. A secondary objective of the study was to evaluate these abilities across two populations of ASC, namely adolescents and adults with ASC. To this aim, we took advantage of the circles-lines task in which where participants were asked to continuously draw: right hand lines (unimanual condition); right hand lines and left hand circles (bimanual condition); right hand lines while imagining to draw left hand circles (imagery condition). For each participant, an Ovalization Index (OI) was calculated as a deviation of the right hand drawing trajectory from an absolute vertical axis. Results showed a significant and similar coupling effect in the bimanual condition (i.e., a significant increase of the OI values with respect to the unimanual condition) in both controls and ASC participants. On the contrary, in the imagery condition, a significant coupling effect was found only in controls. Furthermore, adult controls showed a significantly higher imagery coupling effect in comparison to all the other groups. These results demonstrate that atypical motor imagery processes in ASC are not limited to implicit tasks and suggest that development of neural structures involved in motor imagery are immature in ASC. Autism Res 2018, 11: 376â384. © 2017 International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Lay Summary: Autism spectrum conditions (ASC) are characterized by social-communicative and motor coordination difficulties but in many cases also by an impaired capability to imagine movements. In this study we found that while two handed coordination in ASC can be developed as well as in typically developed persons, the development of motor imagery could still be immature in ASC, leading to difficulties in imagining, understanding as well as programming and coordinating complex movements

    AAC and Autism: Manual Signs and Pecs, a Comparison

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    Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) represent a heterogeneous group of disorders, with onset in developmental age, which present a clinical expressiveness that varies from subject to subject and in the same subject over time. The DSM 5 defines Autism Spectrum Disorders according to two main criteria: persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction in multiple contexts and limited and repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities. This disorder can manifest itself across a broad spectrum of severity levels. Indeed, ASD includes clinical conditions from low functioning (LF—Low Functioning) to high functioning (HF—High Functioning), taking cognitive and adaptive functioning as a reference. One of the main characteristics of individuals with ASD is a delay in receptive and expressive communication. These deficits have led to the identification of evidence-based practices, particularly for those with severe communication difficulties. Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) has been implemented to compensate for deficits in functional communication and language skills in individuals with complex communication deficits. The AAC comprises communication systems including the Manual Signs, speech and image output devices (Communicators), and Image Exchange Systems (PECS); these systems have been shown to actually improve various abilities in autism such as social skills, modify and improve dysfunctional behaviors and, above all, improve learning. Recent meta-analyses have shown how PECS and Manual Sign can have great effects on the communication skills of young people with autism. The aim of this study is to compare these two types of intervention to improve communication in terms of vocalization in subjects with ASD and try to understand which of the two lead to more significant and rapid improvements

    The Impact of COVID-19 on Cognitive Development and Executive Functioning in Adolescents: A First Exploratory Investigation

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    Background: The rapid expansion and severity of the COVID-19 contagion has had negative physical and psychological health implications for millions of people around the world, but even more so among children and adolescents. Given the severity of the situation and the small number of studies on the direct influence of viral infection on the cognitive development within adolescents, the present study aims at understanding the consequences of contracting the virus and being hospitalized in relation to cognitive functioning, in particular, for executive functioning, among adolescents. Methods: To all subjects included in the sample, divided into four groups based on the severity of the COVID-19 infection, were administered the WISC-IV in order to evaluate the global cognitive functioning, and subsequently, the subtests Courses and Tower of London (ToL), both part of the BVN 12–18, were administered for the evaluation of executive operation. Results: Our analyses showed that between subjects who did not contract the viral infection and those who contracted it in an asymptomatic form, there are no significant differences in cognitive functioning, but only in executive functioning. Furthermore, in both hospitalized and non-hospitalized subjects, we found lower scores especially for WM skills, while IQ scores are in a medium range. Conclusion: the present study shows that contracting the viral infection and, thus, being hospitalized, caused greater problems and difficulties as compared to those who were not hospitalized, impacting global cognitive (and executive) functioning, especially the WM. We believe that these results could allow an early detection of alterations in cognitive and executive functioning, a fundamental aspect of the interventions that occur in evolutionary phases such as those related to pre-adolescence, allowing, therefore, the activation of functional recovery pathways in a short time

    Qualitative and quantitative revaluation of specific learning disabilities: a multicentric study.

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is twofolded: to present a multi-disciplinary and multi-centric approach in the early care of patients with Klinefelter Syndrome (KS) and their families and to increase the knowledge about the behavioral phenotype of preschool boys with KS. METHODS: Fifteen boys (mean age 2 years and 7 months) who had been diagnosed prenatally were evaluated in the areas of adaptive skills, developmental level, language, and behavior. Besides offering information about their child, both parents of each couple were asked to describe their feelings at the time of the prenatal diagnosis and at the time of the study. RESULTS: The behavioral phenotype of the boys of our sample was characterized by a mean Developmental Quotient of 95 (in the normal range) but by low scores in the domain of communication, particularly in the area of expressive language. Behavioral problems were observed in some of the children, and the parents reported significant levels of distress related to their relationship with the child. All parents recalled feeling very anxious when the diagnosis was given, but nine of them (75%) said their concern diminished after receiving genetic counselling. CONCLUSIONS: A multi-disciplinary model is essential in the care of 47,XXY boys and in the assistance to their families, in order both to facilitate the children’s growth and offer to the parents updated clinical and psychosocial information about the Klinefelter Syndrome and support