7 research outputs found

    Re-use of agricultural facility brownfields

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    The paper focuses on brownfields of agricultural facilities in three locations, i.e. in the center of a small village, on the outskirts of the village and in the countryside. Historical sites with cultural and social value were selected for their location, context and their nature or the existence of listed buildings. This created the opportunity to present three model situations of approaches to site solutions. The issues were gradually presented to Master's degree students in Architecture and Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of VŠB-TU in Ostrava, to allow each of them to create an opinion over the course of the semester on the possibility and level of utilization of abandoned agricultural sites. The results of their work show their thinking on the direction and re-use of the brownfields, primarily influenced by their location, but also by other aspects that had a significant impact on the resulting design concept

    Application of the current knowledge from research and development of the burial methods and their impact on designing or transforming contemporary cemeteries in the Czech republic

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    Considerable transformation of the burial method at the turn of the 19th and the 20th centuries is apparent from the existing results of research in the developments of burial and funeral architecture, when after centuries controlled by the church – due to social and political changes – gradual secularisation of the society and subsequent desacralisation of funeral rituals started appearing. This phenomenon, as well as other aspects (e.g. Josephine reforms in 1782) brought about a change in the approach to newly established cemeteries but also the necessity to define areas for new burial methods and constructing new building types of funeral architecture. The position of necropolis is also changing as the society understands it, and its inclusion not only in the organism of towns but also in everyday life of town and municipality citizens. Thus, not only new but mainly original cemeteries are searching for their new position in the society. Studio papers try to react to this situation written by students of the master degree of the specialisation Architecture and civil engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the VŠB - Technical University in Ostrava, led by prof. Ing. arch. Petr Hrůša, doc. Ing. Martina Peřinková, Ph.D. and Ing. arch. Klára Frolíková Palánová, Ph.D. Students try to view necropolis in an innovative way and give them a new dimension to succeed and become adequate public or semi-public space of cities and municipalities. The contribution represents starting points of possible solutions on case studies, such as transformation of a cemetery in Ostrava on the Hulváky Hill, the design of establishing a new cemetery in open space near the municipality of Velichovky, including the design of a funeral hall, situating a new urn grove in the place of a former cemetery – the current park – a part of which is the design of a new crematorium in Nový Jičín and extension of possibilities for placement of ashes and designs supporting the development of funeral tourism in the Olšany Cemeteries in Prague

    Minimum spatial requirements on current housing

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    Import 16/04/2013V průběhu vývoje lidstva i v průběhu života rodin či jednotlivců se mění nároky na bydlení. V historickém vývoji se měnil podíl jednotlivých funkcí na výměře bytu, měnily se základní i doprovodné funkce bydlení, jejich diferenciace a lokace. Měnily se nároky na bydlení v čase z hlediska vývoje společnosti, ale také v průběhu života jedince či rodiny. V práci budou zohledněny statistické ukazatele charakterizující úroveň bydlení v České republice a jejich vývoj, stejně jako jejich rozdílnost mezi kraji. Ukazatele úrovně bydlení budou porovnány s hodnotami vybraných států Evropské unie. Z mnohých hledisek ovlivňujících úroveň bydlení bude vybrána věková struktura obyvatelstva. Pomocí statistických metod, porovnáním s českou legislativou, výběrem historických příkladů a analýzou soudobých realizací se předpokládá ukázat v dizertační práci, jak se standardy bydlení a diferenciace jednotlivých funkcí vyvíjejí a jaké jsou standardy současného bydlení s důrazem na minimální proporce bydlení. Vytvořením normovaných bytů a jejich následnou analýzou budou získána data pro jejich následné srovnání s průměrnými hodnotami skutečných bytů v České republice. Předpokládá se, že výsledky srovnání pomohou případnému dalšímu výzkumu zjistit optimální standard bydlení v České republice pro současného člověka. Při určení minimálních standardů bydlení jde především o člověka, jako konečného uživatele bytu s konkrétními potřebami, nikoli čistě biologickými. Uspokojením všech potřeb, tedy i sociálních a kulturních, je zajištěno útočiště člověka, stejně jako prostor pro jeho sociální rozvoj, jež má v konečném důsledku vliv na vývoj celé společnosti.In the course of the development of mankind and in the course of the life of families or individuals are changing demands on housing. In the historical development of the contribution of each function on an area of flat, changed the basic functions of the housing, and their differentiation and the location. They are living in the time of the development of society, but also in the course of the life of an individual or family. The work will take into account the statistical indicators characterizing the level of housing in the Czech Republic and their development, as well as their differences between the edge. Indicators of the level of housing will be compared with the values of the selected States of the European Union. Of the many aspects that influence the level of housing will be selected by the age structure of the population. Using statistical methods, by comparison with the Czech legislation, selection of historical examples and analysis of contemporary realisation of the dissertation is supposed to show the work of housing standards, and the differentiation of the individual functions are and what are the standards of the current housing with an emphasis on the minimum proportions of the housing. Creating a standard apartments and their subsequent analysis of the data will be obtained for their subsequent comparison with the average values of the actual housing in the Czech Republic. It is assumed that the results of the comparison will help any further research to determine an optimum standard of housing in the Czech Republic for the contemporary man. In the determination of the minimum standards of housing in particular, as the end-user of the apartment with the specific needs, rather than purely biological. Satisfaction of all needs, including social and cultural, is a haven of man, as well as space for its social development, which is, ultimately, influence on the development of society.Prezenční226 - Katedra architekturyvyhově

    L’attuale architettura funeraria in Repubblica Ceca, come patrimonio del 20° secolo e il suo percorso nel 21° secolo

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    “The life of the dead is stored in the memory of the living.” These words said Roman speaker, philosopher and writer Marcus Tullius Cicero two thousand years ago, but they are still up to date. The Christian doctrine later strengthen these words and they are embedded in sacral structures, which previously where used for the last farewell ceremonies, inter alia. Major changes came during the 19th Century in Czech Lands. The cremation is massively promoted for better hygiene and as the expression of human progress. Josephine reforms and the onset of secularization started the process of the transformation of the last farewell ceremonies ongoing during whole 20th Century in the Czechoslovakia and later the Czech Republic. Massive construction of crematories and funeral halls (without cremation), as well as the political program of the communist regime, supported contemporary popularity of secular ceremonies and cremation. These changes had a considerable influence to the formation and transformation of cemeteries and their position in urban structure.“La vita dei morti è conservata nella memoria dei vivi”. Queste parole furono dette dall’oratore, filosofo e scrittore romano Marco Tullio Cicerone duemila anni fa, ma sono ancora attuali. La dottrina cristiana, in seguito, rafforza queste parole e vengono incorporate in strutture sacrali, precedentemente usate per le cerimonie di addio, tra l’altro. I principali cambiamenti sono avvenuti durante il XIX sec. nel territorio ceco. La cremazione viene massicciamente promossa per una migliore igiene e come espressione del progresso umano. Le riforme di Giuseppina e l’inizio della laicizzazione iniziarono il processo di trasformazione delle cerimonie di commiato, in corso per tutto il XX sec. in Cecoslovacchia e in seguito in Repubblica ceca. La massiccia costruzione di crematori e sale funerarie (senza cremazione), così come il programma politico del regime comunista, hanno sostenuto la popolarità contemporanea delle cerimonie laiche e della cremazione. Questi cambiamenti hanno avuto un’influenza considerevole sulla formazione e trasformazione dei cimiteri e sulla loro posizione nella struttura urbana

    Transforming the Requirements for the Modern Architectonic Design in Terms of the Placement of Human Remains

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    Behind every human death there is a story, unique to the human being, one that comes to a close after the official funeral ceremony. Generally, ‘close’ is the word essential for the bereaved and should govern the entire funeral process until the eventual placement of the remains. Today, a traditional funeral ceremony is losing its importance; it has either transformed itself or ceased to exist. The consequence of these changes involves new construction types of structures or transformation of existing crematoria and ceremony halls that are part of the funeral traditions in the Czech Republic. All this began with the influence of secularisation of society in the first half of the 20th century intensified through the dictate of the political regimen in the then Czechoslovakia after 1948. The period saw a suppression of all church activities, this including the funeral industry, when the state’s objective was to take a full control of everything. It resulted in large-scale construction of funeral halls and crematoria. This pushed cremation to the current 80% or so out of the total number of funerals. Following 1989, however, the society found itself in a vacuum through another change in the system. Due to this, funeral halls lost their initial ideological substantiation. The consequences include a search for new forms and the transformation of the ceremony which moves to the area in front of the cremation chamber or even to the very site of placement. This however requires a construction of new structures and sites for storing the ash. The aim is to find the best possible way of handling human remains while creating a cemetery setting that is observed (bereaved) friendly and enables to continue burials in the current necropolis sites

    Application of the Current Knowledge from Research and Development of the Burial Methods and their Impact on Designing or Transforming Contemporary Cemeteries in the Czech Republic

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    Considerable transformation of the burial method at the turn of the 19th and the 20th centuries is apparent from the existing results of research in the developments of burial and funeral architecture, when after centuries controlled by the church – due to social and political changes – gradual secularisation of the society and subsequent desacralisation of funeral rituals started appearing. This phenomenon, as well as other aspects (e.g. Josephine reforms in 1782) brought about a change in the approach to newly established cemeteries but also the necessity to define areas for new burial methods and constructing new building types of funeral architecture. The position of necropolis is also changing as the society understands it, and its inclusion not only in the organism of towns but also in everyday life of town and municipality citizens. Thus, not only new but mainly original cemeteries are searching for their new position in the society. Studio papers try to react to this situation written by students of the master degree of the specialisation Architecture and civil engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the VŠB - Technical University in Ostrava, led by prof. Ing. arch. Petr Hrůša, doc. Ing. Martina Peřinková, Ph.D. and Ing. arch. Klára Frolíková Palánová, Ph.D. Students try to view necropolis in an innovative way and give them a new dimension to succeed and become adequate public or semi-public space of cities and municipalities. The contribution represents starting points of possible solutions on case studies, such as transformation of a cemetery in Ostrava on the Hulváky Hill, the design of establishing a new cemetery in open space near the municipality of Velichovky, including the design of a funeral hall, situating a new urn grove in the place of a former cemetery – the current park – a part of which is the design of a new crematorium in Nový Jičín and extension of possibilities for placement of ashes and designs supporting the development of funeral tourism in the Olšany Cemeteries in Prague

    Requirements for cremation architecture in contemporary secularized society

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    Burials of the deceased were always part of life of each society and that remain forever. In Middle European culture based mostly on Christian tradition, it was common place, till the end of 19th Century, for burials in a grave. On the beginning of 20s Century gradually began to apply also cremation. Its supporters pointed on its hygienic superiority compared to classical disposal with deceased. This led to established and gradual development of a new building type – the crematorium. Supporters also promote high quality farewell ceremonies and this resulted in quality burial and cemetery culture during whole 20s Century. The aim is to approach this new building type to the professional public and specify organization and typology for promote high ethic, ceremony, aesthetic and respect