21 research outputs found

    Ancient permafrost and a future, warmer arctic

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    A latest Pliocene age for the earliest and most extensive Cordilleran ice sheet in northwestern Canada

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    The Klondike gravel is a widespread glaciofluvial gravel marking the earliest and most extensive Cordilleran Ice Sheet (CIS) in NW North America. New terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) burial ages indicate this gravel was emplaced 2.64þ0.20/�0.18 Ma (1s). Coupled with previously interpreted paleomagnetic stratigraphy, this numerical age constrains the timing of the earliest CIS to the late Gauss Chron and provides a minimum age for the Upper White Channel gravel, a significant placer gold source in the Yukon. This implies the first CIS glacial maximum pre-dates the maximum extent of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, indicating that during the initial stages of northern hemisphere glaciation, the most extensive glaciers were present in the relatively cold and high elevation northern Cordillera. Our results verify the CIS as a likely source of persistent coeval ice-rafted debris in the northern Pacific, and suggest that the first CIS formed as a response to the establishment of the northern Pacific halocline and emergence of the 41 ka obliquity cycle during the Plio-Pliocene transition

    Late Quaternary tephrostratigraphy, Ahklun Mountains, SW Alaska

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    Radiocarbon-dated sediment cores from six lakes in the Ahklun Mountains, south-western Alaska, were used to interpolate the ages of late Quaternary tephra beds ranging in age from 25.4 to 0.4ka. The lakes are located downwind of the Aleutian Arc and Alaska Peninsula volcanoes in the northern Bristol Bay area between 159° and 161°W at around 60°N. Sedimentation-rate age models for each lake were based on a published spline-fit procedure that uses Monte Carlo simulation to determine age model uncertainty. In all, 62 C ages were used to construct the six age models, including 23 ages presented here for the first time. The age model from Lone Spruce Pond is based on 18 ages, and is currently the best-resolved Holocene age model available from the region, with an average 2s age uncertainty of about±109 years over the past 14.5ka. The sedimentary sequence from Lone Spruce Pond contains seven tephra beds, more than previously found in any other lake in the area. Of the 26 radiocarbon-dated tephra beds at the six lakes and from a soil pit, seven are correlated between two or more sites based on their ages. The major-element geochemistry of glass shards from most of these tephra beds supports the age-based correlations. The remaining tephra beds appear to be present at only one site based on their unique geochemistry or age. The 5.8ka tephra is similar to the widespread Aniakchak tephra [3.7±0.2 (1s) ka], but can be distinguished conclusively based on its trace-element geochemistry. The 3.1 and 0.4ka tephras have glass major- and trace-element geochemical compositions indistinguishable from prominent Aniakchak tephra, and might represent redeposited beds. Only two tephra beds are found in all lakes: the Aniakchak tephra (3.7±0.2ka) and Tephra B (6.1±0.3ka). The tephra beds can be used as chronostratigraphic markers for other sedimentary sequences in the region, including cores from Cascade and Sunday lakes, which were previously undated and were analyzed in this study to correlate with the new regional tephrostratigraphy

    Stable Carbon isotope compositions of Eastern Beringian grasses and sedges: investigating their potential as paleoenvironmental indicators

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    The nature of vegetation cover present in Beringia during the last glaciation remains unclear. Uncertainty rests partly with the limitations of conventional paleoecological methods. A lack of sufficient taxonomic resolution most notably associated with the grasses and sedges restricts the paleoecological inferences that can be made. Stable isotope measurements of subfossil plants are frequently used to enhance paleoenvironmental reconstructions. We present an investigation of the stable carbon isotope composition (d13C) of modern and subfossil grasses and sedges (graminoids) from Eastern Beringia. Modern grasses from wet habitats had a mean d13C of 229.1% (standard deviation [SD] 5 2.1%, n 5 75), while those from dry habitats had a mean of 226.9% (SD 5 1.19, n 5 27). Sedges (n 5 ,50) from dry, wet, marsh, and sand dune habitats had specific habitat ranges. Four modern C4 grasses had d13C values typical of C4 plants. Analyses were also conducted using subfossil graminoid remains from several sedimentary paleoecological contexts (e.g.,arctic ground squirrel nests, loess, permafrost, and paleosols) in Eastern Beringia. Results from these subfossil samples, ranging in age from .40,000 to ca. 11,000 cal. yr BP, illustrate that the d13C of graminoid remains has altered during the past. The range of variation in the subfossil samples is within the range from modern graminoid specimens from dry and wet habitats. The results indicate that stable isotopes could contribute to a comprehensive and multiproxy reconstruction of Beringian paleoenvironments

    Pesticide Use and Fish Harvests in Vietnamese Rice Agroecosystems

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    Criticisms of the Green Revolution have focused on environmental and human health problems associated with pesticides. Pesticides may also have adverse effects on wild fish and other aquatic animals in rice paddies that supply an additional source of food and income for some farm households and provide natural pest control. We use survey data from the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam to estimate the impact of pesticides on fish harvests from rice fields. The results confirm findings of ecological studies that pesticide use harms fish populations. However, fish harvest losses are small enough that ignoring them is likely economically rational. Copyright 2008, Oxford University Press.

    Multiple water isotope proxy reconstruction of extremely low last glacial temperatures in Eastern Beringia (Western Arctic)

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    Precipitation isotopes are commonly used for paleothermometry in high latitude regions. Here we present multiple water isotope proxies from the same sedimentary context – perennially frozen loess deposits in the Klondike Goldfields in central Yukon, Canada, representing parts of Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 4, 3 and 2 – allowing us to uniquely corroborate fractionations and temperature conversions during these Late Pleistocene cold stages. We include new and existing proxy data from: relict wedge ice, a direct archive for snowmelt; relict pore ice, an archive for bulk soil water integrating year-round precipitation; and hydrated volcanic glass shards and fossil plant waxes, which are also thought to integrate year-round precipitation but are subject to large fractionations. In some cases, our temperature estimates based on existing proxy data are much cooler than previously estimated due to our use of source water corrections for the glacial ocean, new transfer functions calibrated specifically for northern North America (dDprecip = 3.1‰·°C-1 × T – 155‰; and d18Oprecip = 0.41‰·°C-1 × T – 20.2‰), and novel insights on the apparent net fractionation correction for Eastern Beringian steppe-tundra plant waxes (ewax/precip = -59 ± 10‰). The snowmelt origin of wedge ice ensures a relatively constrained winter-spring seasonality of contributing precipitation, as supported by the consistency between water isotope measurements from Late Holocene wedge ice and modern winter-spring precipitation. Wedge ice dating to the transitional MIS 3/2 is isotopically depleted relative to modern spring-winter precipitation by an amount that indicates a temperature depression of ~14 ± 5 °C below modern. The soil water origin of pore ice, and other proxies integrating year-round precipitation from soil water, allows for a more variable precipitation seasonality. The isotopic composition of modern pore ice is consistent with mean annual precipitation. However, the isotopic composition of pore ice during MIS 3/2 converges on wedge ice values, signalling an increase in the ratio of cold-to-warm-season precipitation integrated by pore ice during glacial times, possibly due to drier summers as supported by the fossil record and climate model simulations. In the study region, water isotope proxies integrating year-round precipitation may overestimate annual temperature differences between today and recent cold stages due to transient precipitation seasonality, as detected here, and thus are best interpreted as upper bound estimates. Based on these proxies, we estimate that annual temperatures during MIS 4, 3/2 and 2 were depressed below the modern climate to a maximum of ~18 °C, 16 °C and 21 °C ± 4–5 °C, respectively. Our study highlights the value of multiple water isotope proxies towards understanding changes in precipitation seasonality and developing robust reconstructions of past climate, and may be particularly important for studies of the major climate transformations over glacial-interglacial timescales

    Transatlantic distribution of the Alaskan White River Ash

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    Volcanic ash layers preserved within the geologic record represent precise time markers that correlate disparate depositional environments and enable the investigation of synchronous and/or asynchronous behaviors in Earth system and archaeological sciences. However, it is generally assumed that only exceptionally powerful events, such as supereruptions (~450 km3 of ejecta as dense-rock equivalent; recurrence interval of ~105 yr), distribute ash broadly enough to have an impact on human society, or allow us to address geologic, climatic, and cultural questions on an intercontinental scale. Here we use geochemical, age, and morphological evidence to show that the Alaskan White River Ash (eastern lobe; A.D. 833–850) correlates to the “AD860B” ash (A.D. 846–848) found in Greenland and northern Europe. These occurrences represent the distribution of an ash over 7000 km, linking marine, terrestrial, and ice-core records. Our results indicate that tephra from more moderate-size eruptions, with recurrence intervals of ~100 yr, can have substantially greater distributions than previously thought, with direct implications for volcanic dispersal studies, correlation of widely distributed proxy records, and volcanic hazard assessment