368 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico ambiental de uma nascente na cabeceira de drenagem do Rio Tibagi, Municipio de Ponta Grossa: análise preliminar.

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    A área de estudo encontra - se no município de Ponta Grossa, e compreende um campo hidrófilo de altitude que abriga uma das nascente do rio Caracará , afluente da margem direita do r io Tibagi . Com objetivo de caracterizar a qualidade das águas d esta nascente foi realizado campanhas de campo para a realização de uma caracterização hidroquímica preliminar. Os parâmetros avaliados foram Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ , Na + , K+, Cl - , HCO 3 - e SO 4= , compostos nitrogenados, NH 3 e NO 3 - , dureza, Fe; pH e CE . Neste estudo foram analisados 9 pontos amostrais distribuídos em triplicata , sendo 3 pontos de coleta instalados em cada faixa de declive representativa na nascente . A caracterização hidroquímica preliminar foi elaborada com base n a Portaria n° 2914 /2011 e n a Resolução C ONAMA n° 357/2005 e 396/2008 . O resultados preliminares indicaram que a nascente do rio Caracará localizada no campo hidrófilo de altitude apresentou teores de fósforo (0,0 4 mg/L) acima dos valores máximos permitidos para ambientes lêntico s. A s águas forma classificadas como bicabornatadas cálcicas ou magnesianas . Este monitoramento preliminar reuniu informações para dar aporte a proteção das nascentes e propiciar um melhor planejamento do manejo das águas superficiais no município de Ponta Grossa e d a bacia do rio Tibagi no estado do Paraná

    A postsynaptic Mr 58,000 (58K) protein concentrated at acetylcholine receptor-rich sites in Torpedo electroplaques and skeletal muscle

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    In the study of proteins that may participate in the events responsible for organization of macromolecules in the postsynaptic membrane, we have used a mAb to an Mr 58,000 protein (58K protein) found in purified acetylcholine receptor (AChR)-enriched membranes from Torpedo electrocytes. Immunogold labeling with the mAb shows that the 58K protein is located on the cytoplasmic side of Torpedo postsynaptic membranes and is most concentrated near the crests of the postjunctional folds, i.e., at sites of high AChR concentration. The mAb also recognizes a skeletal muscle protein with biochemical characteristics very similar to the electrocyte 58K protein. In immunofluorescence experiments on adult mammalian skeletal muscle, the 58K protein mAb labels endplates very intensely, but staining of extrasynaptic membrane is also seen. Endplate staining is not due entirely to membrane infoldings since a similar pattern is seen in neonatal rat diaphragm in which postjunctional folds are shallow and rudimentary, and in chicken muscle, which lacks folds entirely. Furthermore, clusters of AChR that occur spontaneously on cultured Xenopus myotomal cells and mouse muscle cells of the C2 line are also stained more intensely than the surrounding membrane with the 58K mAb. Denervation of adult rat diaphragm muscle for relatively long times causes a dramatic decrease in the endplate staining intensity. Thus, the concentration of this evolutionarily conserved protein at postsynaptic sites may be regulated by innervation or by muscle activity

    Postoperative Radiotherapy of Prostate Cancer: Adjuvant versus Early Salvage.

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    Results of three randomized clinical trials (RCTs) comparing adjuvant radiotherapy (ART) and early salvage radiotherapy (eSRT) of prostate carcinoma and a subsequent meta-analysis of the individual patient data from these RCTs were recently published. The results suggest that early eSRT is as effective and potentially less toxic than ART. Therefore, eSRT should be considered the standard of care. However, due to limitations in the RCTs, ART remains a valid treatment option in patients with the combination of high-risk features such as Gleason Score (GS) 8-10, positive surgical margins (R1) and pathological T-stage 3 or 4 (pT3/4). This article provides a critical appraisal of the RCTs and the rationale for recommendations adopted in the current national guidelines regarding patients with high-risk features after radical prostatectomy (RP): ART should be offered in case of pT3/pT4 and R1 and Gleason Score 8-10; ART can be offered in case of pT3/pT4 and R0 and Gleason Score 8-10 as well as in case of multifocal R1 (including pT2) and Gleason Score 8-10. In any case, the alternative treatment option of eSRT in case of rising PSA should be discussed with the patient