1,044 research outputs found

    Arf characters of an algebroid curve

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    Two algebroid branches are said to be equivalent if they have the same multiplicity sequence. It is known that two algebroid branches RR and TT are equivalent if and only if their Arf closures, R′R' and T′T' have the same value semigroup, which is an Arf numerical semigroup and can be expressed in terms of a finite set of information, a set of characters of the branch. We extend the above equivalence to algebroid curves with d>1d>1 branches. An equivalence class is described, in this more general context, by an Arf semigroup, that is not a numerical semigroup, but is a subsemigroup of Nd\mathbb N^d. We express this semigroup in terms of a finite set of information, a set of characters of the curve, and apply this result to determine other curves equivalent to a given one.Comment: 17 page

    Generic forms

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    We determine the Hilbert series of some classes of ideals generated by generic forms of degree two and three, and investigate the difference to the Hilbert series of ideals generated by powers of linear generic forms of the corresponding degrees.Comment: 2 page

    Facilitating the Success of Students Transitioning Between Different Methods of Instruction

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    The research question being addressed in this project is, how do teachers successfully facilitate the movement back and forth between different methods of instruction for students? This question is answered in the paper and then the project. The project consists of a professional development workshop that is five 120 minute sessions. The first chapter introduces the topic with discussing teaching experiences before the pandemic, COVID-19 and distance learning, and teaching experiences after the pandemic. The second chapter is the literature review that looks at defining student success (academic, social, and mental/emotional), distance learning and COVID-19, and transitions in method of instruction. The third chapter is the project description that covers the setting/audience, timeline, and assessment. The final chapter is a reflection that discusses major learnings, connecting with the literature, project limitations, benefits and future projects that connect with the research topic. In conclusion, it was found that the teacher steps to help successfully facilitate the movement in different methods of instruction are to increase communication, strategic planning, reflection and designing a safe and collaborative environment. Student steps to help transition between methods of instruction include having grit, staying positive, being organized, asking for help, setting goals and being willing to explore new technologies

    Analyzing the Presence of State-Run Retirement Plans for Private Sector Employees

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    State-run retirement plans for non-covered private sector employees are a rapidly growing area of state policy. Since 2010, the majority of states in the U.S. have moved to either examine, enact, or implement these plans. This policy intends to increase private savings in an effort to reduce future reliance on public assistance and Social Security. Despite the current public policy interest, there is a lack of research evaluating the impact of plans or common state characteristics that are associated movement in this policy area. This capstone focuses on answering the latter question. Using state-level demographic, pension, welfare, and policy data, this paper statistically analyzes which factors may influence states’ movement to examine staterun retirement plans and which factors may play a role in states enacting these plans. Key findings include: States with higher percentages of their populations living at 100-149% of the poverty level have a higher probability of seeing a state-run retirement plan proposed, studied, or enacted. States with Democratic governors have a higher probability of seeing a state-run retirement plan proposed or studied. States with higher poverty rates and higher percentages of their populations living below 100% of the poverty level have a decreased probability of seeing a state-run retirement plan proposed, studied, or enacted

    Researching My Ancestors… Froberg, Michigan

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    Assured Android Execution Environments

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    Current cybersecurity best practices, techniques, tactics and procedures are insufficient to ensure the protection of Android systems. Software tools leveraging formal methods use mathematical means to assure both a design and implementation for a system and these methods can be used to provide security assurances. The goal of this research is to determine methods of assuring isolation when executing Android software in a contained environment. Specifically, this research demonstrates security properties relevant to Android software containers can be formally captured and validated, and that an implementation can be formally verified to satisfy a corresponding specification. A three-stage methodology called The Formal Verification Cycle is presented. This cycle focuses on the iteration over a set of security properties to validate each within a specification and their verification within a software implementation. A security property can be validated when its functional language prototype (e.g. a Haskell coded version of the property) is converted and processed by a formal method (e.g. a theorem proof assistant). This validation of the property enables the definition of the property in a software specification, which can be implemented separately in an imperative programming language (e.g. the Go programming language). Once the implementation is complete another formal method can be used (e.g. symbolic execution) to verify the imperative implementation satisfies the validated specification. Successful completion of this cycle shows a given implementation is equivalent to a functional language prototype, and this cycle assures a specification for the original desired security properties was properly implemented. This research shows an application of this cycle to develop Assured Android Execution Environments

    The Reflective Preacher: Effective Habits for Homiletical Self-Assessment

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    Biblical preaching is the key to church growth and health. Research shows that people are choosing not to worship because of mediocre messages from the pulpit. Yet, people are hungry for what God has to say about their life and context. The pastor-preacher must take the preaching task very seriously, devoting time and energy to the endeavor and seeking to continually improve their craft. The problem is that most pastors do not develop effective habits for homiletical self-assessment. This researcher will offer strategies and tools for faithful preaching and ideas for becoming a more reflective preacher. There are acquired skills that pastor-preachers need to pay attention to in order to make preaching more vital for hearers. Developing effective habits for homiletical self-assessment is key to enhancing how listeners hear the claims in scripture and increase their desire and ability to live out their lives of discipleship

    Improving the Methodology to Estimate Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore Operational Throughput and Duration

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    Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore (JLOTS) is the method the United States (US) Army and Navy use to discharge cargo from large seafaring vessels onto a bare beach when an enemy force has denied access to a deep-water port or the ports have been damaged by natural disasters, terrorist actions, sabotaged by military forces, etc. The last large scale, published analytic study on JLOTS was conducted in 1993 during the Ocean Venture 93 exercise at Camp Lejeune, NC; since that time, nearly the entire US Army inventory of wheeled vehicles have been replaced and tracked systems have increased in size and weight with the additions of reactive armor tiles and urban survival kits. The current estimation method for determining how long a JLOTS operation will take relies on the median duration values in order to determine total operational length. This research shows that the JLOTS activity duration medians published in current military doctrine are no longer representative of the current inventory of US Army vehicles. New planning factors are defined based on JLOTS subject matter expert opinions as well as a new method of JLOTS duration estimation is described through the use of discrete-event simulation. The results of the proposed duration estimation method were compared to both the existing methodology using both the published planning factors and the new planning factors defined through subject matter expert opinion. In both comparisons the current estimation method was found to consistently overestimate operational throughput while underestimating duration since it fails to capture the queuing actions that occur in a resource constrained environment such as JLOTS. It is the recommendation of this research that a time and motion study be conducted on JLOTS operations in order to more accurately define the probability distributions associated with JLOTS activities. These distributions would replace the triangular distributions defined by subject matter experts in this research in order to generate a more accurate estimate of JLOTS duration and throughput. More accurate estimates for JLOTS operations will enable cost savings by providing maritime transportation providers with greater fidelity on scheduling while reducing the time these ships are vulnerable to enemy actions

    Toxicity of Bupropion Overdose Compared With Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

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    OBJECTIVES: Adolescent depression and attempted and completed suicide are increasing in the United States. Because suicide is often impulsive, the means of self-harm are frequently items of convenience like medication. Authors of a recent study compared tricyclic antidepressant overdose to bupropion overdose. Fluoxetine and escitalopram are the only agents with Food and Drug Administration approval for pediatric depression, but off-label bupropion prescriptions are common. We sought to compare the effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and bupropion in overdose. METHODS: This was an analysis of the National Poison Data System from June 2013 through December 2017 for adolescent (ages 10–19) exposures to SSRIs or bupropion coded as “suspected suicide.” Demographics, clinical effects, therapies, and medical outcome were analyzed. RESULTS: There were 30 026 cases during the study period. Sertraline and fluoxetine accounted for nearly 60%, whereas bupropion was reported in 11.7%. Bupropion exposure was significantly associated with death (0.23% vs 0%; P < .001) or serious outcome (58.1% vs 19%; P < .001) as well as the 10 most common clinical effects, including seizures (27.0% vs 8.5%; P < .001) and hallucinations (28.6% vs 4.3%; P < .001). Bupropion exposure was significantly associated with the need for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (0.51% vs 0.01%; P < .001), intubation (4.9% vs 0.3%; P < .001), vasopressors (1.1% vs 0.2%; P < .001), and benzodiazepines (34.2% vs 5.5%; P < .001). There was a significant increase in all exposures and in proportion of serious outcomes over time. CONCLUSIONS: Adolescents who attempt self-harm are at higher risk for serious morbidity and poor outcomes with bupropion than with SSRIs. These risks, and the patient’s propensity for self-harm, should be evaluated when therapy with bupropion is considered
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