283 research outputs found

    Legislating for Air Quality Management: Reducing Theory to Practice

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    What does it mean to bootstrap a compiler, and why do it? This paper reports on the first bootstrapping of a full-scale EOO (Equation-based Object-Oriented) modeling language such as Modelica. Bootstrapping means that the compiler of a language can compile itself. However, the usual application area for the Modelica is modeling and simulation of complex physical systems. Fortunately it turns out that with some minor extensions, the Modelica language is well suited for the modeling of language semantics. We use the name MetaModelica for this slightly extended Modelica. This is a prerequisite for bootstrapping which requires that the language can be used to model and/or implement itself. The OpenModelica Compiler (OMC) has been written in this MetaModelica language. It originally supported only the standard Modelica language but has been gradually extended to also cover the MetaModelica language extensions. After substantial work, OMC is able to quickly compile itself and produces an executable with good performance. The benefits include a more extensible and maintainable compiler by introducing improved language constructs and a more powerful runtime that makes it easy to add functionality such as parser generators, debuggers, and profiling tools. Future work includes extracting and restructuring parts of OMC, making the compiler smaller and more modular and extensible. This will also make it easier to interface with OMC, making it possible to create more powerful and user-friendly OpenModelica-based tools. The compiler and its bootstrapping is a major effort -- it is currently about 330 000 lines of code, and the MetaModelica extensions are used routinely by approximately ten developers on a daily basis

    The Roberta Mitchell Lecture: Structuring Responsibility in Securitization Transactions

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    In this Lecture, Professor Schwarcz examines how complex securitization transactions may have created a “protection gap,” the conundrum that transaction parties may be unable to purchase or might not want to pay the price for full protection. As a result, they sometimes choose or are forced to assume the good faith of the other parties to the transaction and the consistency and completeness of protections provided in the transaction documents

    Broad Exemptions in Animal-Cruelty Statutes Unconstitutionally Deny Equal Protection of the Law

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    Part of a special issue on animal law and policy. The writer discusses the nine exemptions that have been appended over the years to North Carolina\u27s criminal animal-cruelty statute (section 14-360). Those who have benefited from the exemptions include medical researchers, persons raising livestock, hunters, and veterinarians. However, these exemptions deprive nonprotected actors of equal protection under the law and that, under the remedial law employed in North Carolina, any defendant prosecuted for violating section 14-360 has standing to assert thestatute\u27s invalidity due to its Part of a special issue on animal law and policy. The writer discusses the nine exemptions that have been appended over the years to North Carolina\u27s criminal animal-cruelty statute (section 14-360). Those who have benefited from the exemptions include medical researchers, persons raising livestock, hunters, and veterinarians. However, these exemptions deprive nonprotected actors of equal protection under the law and that, under the remedial law employed in North Carolina, any defendant prosecuted for violating section 14-360 has standing to assert the statute\u27s invalidity due to its discriminatory exemption. In order to overcome this constitutional defect, the exemptions must be excised from the statute

    Judicial Independence and Democratic Accountability in Highest State Courts

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    Carrington notes that because judges in trial and intermediate courts are accountable to highest courts, it is the latter that are responsible for keeping the faith with democratic traditions

    La politique budgétaire stabilisée

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    En 2005, la politique budgétaire n’apparaît plus comme l’élément dominant de la différence des performances de croissance entre les États-Unis et la zone euro. Après des impulsions budgétaires de 1,2 point de PIB en moyenne depuis 2001, la contribution de la politique budgétaire américaine à la croissance serait négative en 2005. En 2005, le déficit budgétaire de la zone euro se détériorerait légèrement, avec l’abandon d’une politique discrétionnaire restrictive, l’impulsion devenant légèrement positive. Cinq pays appartenant à la zone euro, la France, l’Allemagne, l’Italie, le Portugal et la Grèce, présenteraient un déficit encore supérieur à 3 % en 2005 et en 2006. L’assouplissement du volet répressif du Pacte de stabilité, lors de la réforme intervenue en mars 2005, n’aurait pourtant pas engendré en 2005 un écart du déficit par rapport aux objectifs des Programmes de stabilité supérieur à celui réalisé sur la période 2001-2004. Mais le cycle électoral s’annonçant en Italie en 2006 et en France en 2007 constituerait un risque de dérive par rapport aux objectifs affichés dans les lois de Finances pour 2006. Aux États-Unis, en revanche, l’abandon d’une orientation budgétaire restrictive interromprait la réduction du déficit public, rendant plus risquée la gestion des déséquilibres internes et externes

    A comparison of metacompilation approaches to implementing Modelica

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