757 research outputs found

    Quantitative Estimates of Environmental Effects on the Star Formation Rate of Disk Galaxies in Clusters of Galaxies

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    A simple model is constructed to evaluate the change of star formation rate of a disk galaxy due to environmental effects in clusters of galaxies. Three effects, (1) tidal force from the potential well of the cluster, (2) increase of external pressure when the galaxy plows into the intracluster medium, (3) high-speed encounters between galaxies, are investigated. General analysis indicates that the star formation rate increases significantly when the pressure of molecular clouds rises above ∌3×105cm−3K\sim 3\times 10^5 cm^{-3} K in ∌108\sim 10^8 yr. The tidal force from the potential well of the cluster increases pressures of molecular clouds in a disk galaxy infalling towards the cluster center. Before the galaxy reaches the cluster center, the star formation rate reaches a maximum. The peak is three to four times larger than the initial value. If this is the main mechanism of the Butcher-Oemler effect, blue galaxies are expected to be located within ∌300\sim 300 kpc from the center of the cluster. However this prediction is inconsistent with the recent observations. The increase of external pressure when the galaxy plows into the intracluster medium does not change star formation rate of a disk galaxy significantly. The velocity perturbation induced by a single high-speed encounter between galaxies is too small to affect star formation rate of a disk galaxy, while successive high-speed encounters (galaxy harassment) trigger star formation activity because of the accumulation of gas in the galaxy center. Therefore, the galaxy harassment remains as the candidate for a mechanism of the Butcher-Oemler effect.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures. To be published in Ap

    Ages and Metallicities of Young Globular Clusters in the Merger Remnant NGC 7252

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    UV-to-visual spectra of eight young star clusters in the merger remnant and protoelliptical galaxy NGC 7252, obtained with the Blanco 4-m telescope on Cerro Tololo, are presented. These clusters lie at projected distances of 3-15 kpc from the center and move with a velocity dispersion of 140+/-35 km/s in the line of sight. Seven of the clusters show strong Balmer absorption lines in their spectra [EW(H-beta)= 6-13 Angstrom], while the eighth lies in a giant HII region and shows no detectable absorption features. Based on comparisons with model-cluster spectra by Bruzual & Charlot (1996) and Bressan, Chiosi, & Tantalo (1996), six of the absorption-line clusters have ages in the range of 400-600 Myr, indicating that they formed early on during the recent merger. These clusters are globular clusters as judged by their small effective radii and ages corresponding to ~100 core crossing times. The one emission-line object is <10 Myr old and may be a nascent globular cluster or an OB association. The mean metallicities measured for three clusters are solar to within +/-0.15 dex, suggesting that the merger of two likely Sc galaxies in NGC 7252 formed a globular-cluster system with a bimodal metallicity distribution. Since NGC 7252 itself shows the characteristics of a 0.5-1 Gyr old protoelliptical, its second-generation solar-metallicity globulars provide direct evidence that giant ellipticals with bimodal globular-cluster systems can form through major mergers of gas-rich disk galaxies.Comment: 34 pages, incl. 6 figures in EPS format, AAS LaTeX, to be published in AJ, Vol. 116, Nov. 199

    Starbursts versus Truncated Star Formation in Nearby Clusters of Galaxies

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    We present long-slit spectroscopy, B and R bandpass imaging, and 21 cm observations of a sample of early-type galaxies in nearby clusters which are known to be either in a star-forming phase or to have had star formation which recently terminated. From the long-slit spectra, obtained with the Blanco 4-m telescope, we find that emission lines in the star-forming cluster galaxies are significantly more centrally concentrated than in a sample of field galaxies. The broadband imaging reveals that two currently star-forming early-type galaxies in the Pegasus I cluster have blue nuclei, again indicating that recent star formation has been concentrated. In contrast, the two galaxies for which star formation has already ended show no central color gradient. The Pegasus I galaxy with the most evident signs of ongoing star formation (NGC7648), exhibits signatures of a tidal encounter. Neutral hydrogen observations of that galaxy with the Arecibo radiotelescope reveal the presence of ~4 x 10^8 solar masses of HI. Arecibo observations of other current or recent star-forming early-type galaxies in Pegasus I indicate smaller amounts of gas in one of them, and only upper limits in others.Comment: to be published in Astronomical Journa

    Stellar Populations and Star Cluster Formation in Interacting Galaxies with the Advanced Camera for Surveys

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    Pixel-by-pixel colour-magnitude and colour-colour diagrams - based on a subset of the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys Early Release Observations - provide a powerful technique to explore and deduce the star and star cluster formation histories of the Mice and the Tadpole interacting galaxies. In each interacting system we find some 40 bright young star clusters (20 <= F606W (mag) <= 25, with a characteristic mass of ~3 x 10^6 Msun), which are spatially coincident with blue regions of active star formation in their tidal tails and spiral arms. We estimate that the main events triggering the formation of these clusters occurred ~(1.5-2.0) x 10^8 yr ago. We show that star cluster formation is a major mode of star formation in galaxy interactions, with >= 35% of the active star formation in encounters occurring in star clusters. This is the first time that young star clusters have been detected along the tidal tails in interacting galaxies. The tidal tail of the Tadpole system is dominated by blue star forming regions, which occupy some 60% of the total area covered by the tail and contribute ~70% of the total flux in the F475W filter (decreasing to ~40% in F814W). The remaining pixels in the tail have colours consistent with those of the main disk. The tidally triggered burst of star formation in the Mice is of similar strength in both interacting galaxies, but it has affected only relatively small, spatially coherent areas.Comment: 23 pages in preprint form, 6 (encapsulated) postscript figures; accepted for publication in New Astronomy; ALL figures (even the grey-scale ones) need to be printed on a colour printer style files included; for full-resolution paper, see http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/STELLARPOPS/ACSpaper

    Spectral Energy Distributions of M81 Globular Clusters in BATC Multicolor Survey

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    In this paper, we give the spectral energy distributions of 42 M81 globular clusters in 13 intermediate-band filters from 4000 to 10000 A, using the CCD images of M81 observed as part of the BATC multicolor survey of the Sky. The BATC multicolor filter system is specifically designed to exclude most of the bright and variable night-sky emission lines including the OH forest. Hence, it can present accurate SEDs of the observed objects. These spectral energy distributions are low-resolution spectra, and can reflect the stellar populations of the globular clusters. This paper confirms the conclusions of Schroder et al. that, M81 contains clusters as young as a few Gyrs, which also were observed in both M31 and M33Comment: Accepted for Publication in PASP, 10 pages, 3 figure

    Fatal anaphylactic sting reaction in a patient with mastocytosis

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    We report on a 33-year-old female patient with indolent systemic mastocytosis and urticaria pigmentosa who died of an anaphylactic reaction after a yellow jacket sting. As she had no history of previous anaphylactic sting reaction, there was no testing performed in order to detect hymenoptera venom sensitization. But even if a sensitization had been diagnosed, no venom immunotherapy (VIT) would have been recommended. It is almost certain that VIT would have saved her life and it is most likely that VIT is indicated in some patients with mastocytosis with no history of anaphylactic sting reaction. However, no criteria have been established in order to allow a selection of mastocytosis patients eligible for such a `prophylactic' VIT. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel
