620 research outputs found

    How do professional development programs on comparing solution methods and classroom discourse affect students' achievement in mathematics? The mediating role of students’ subject matter justifications

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    Comparing solution methods fosters strategy flexibility in equation solving. Productive classroom discourse such as Accountable Talk (AT) orchestrated by teachers can improve students' justifications during classroom discussions and achievement. Do students' subject matter justifications during classroom discourse mediate the effect of teachers' professional development (PD) programs focused on comparing and AT on students’ mathematics achievement? We investigated whether two PD programs (comparing or comparing+AT) compared to a control group increased the number of students justifications, and whether this affected mathematics achievement (strategy flexibility, procedural knowledge, and conceptual knowledge). The study (739 9th and 10th grade students in 39 classes) had an experimental pre-post control group design. Both PD programs significantly increased students justifications compared to the control group. The results of our multilevel path models showed significant small mediation effects in the comparing+AT group on procedural and conceptual knowledge. No mediation effects were found in the comparing group

    Brief for American Association on Mental Retardation, The Arc of the United States, the Judge David L. Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, The Arc of Georgia, and the Georgia Advocacy Office, Stripling v. Head

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    Pursuant to Rule 37.2(b) of the Rules of this Court, The Arc of the United States, el al., move the Court for leave to file a Brief Amici Curiae in support of the petition in the above-entitled case. Counsel for Petitioner has granted his consent to the filing of this brief. Counsel for Respondent, however, has notified counsel for amici that Respondent does not consent. Amici include national and state professional and voluntary associations concerned with criminA1 proceedings affecting people with mental disabilities. Amici thus have expertise concerning criminal defendants with mental disabilities and the impediments to fair judicial processes which will result if those defendants are required to prove their mental retardation beyond a reasonable doubt. Amici wish to offer the Court relevant information on the historical development of the beyond a reasonable doubt standard, and why it cannot be applied to a defendant\u27s effort to invoke the constitutional protection of Atkins v. Virginia, 536 U.S. 304 (2002). Amici also wish to present information on contemporary practices and standards when the State imposes a burden of persuasion on defendants with mental retardation who may face execution. Amici believe that the Georgia statute, providing that crimi1:!a1 defendants must prove their mental retardation beyond a reasonable doubt to invoke the protections of Atkins, impermissibly obstructs the fair adjudication of such constitutional claims. For the above-stated reasons, we respectfully urge the Court to grant this motion for leave to file the accompanying brief in the present case in support of the petition for certiorari

    Photon trains and lasing : The periodically pumped quantum dot

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    We propose to pump semiconductor quantum dots with surface acoustic waves which deliver an alternating periodic sequence of electrons and holes. In combination with a good optical cavity such regular pumping could entail anti-bunching and sub-Poissonian photon statistics. In the bad-cavity limit a train of equally spaced photons would arise.Comment: RevTex, 5 pages, 1 figur

    Shorter telomeres are associated with shell anomalies in a long-lived tortoise

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    Age-related telomere length (TL) variation is relatively well-described for mammals, birds and other model organisms. Nevertheless, it remains largely unknown in ectotherms, especially turtles and tortoises, which are extremely long-lived species with slow or negligible senescence. In this study, we described TL dynamics in wild spur-thighed tortoises (Testudo graeca), one of the chelonian species with the lowest aging rates. By combining cross-sectional (single) and longitudinal (capture–recapture) samplings, we assessed the relationship between TL and individual characteristics (sex, age, individual growth rate, body condition index, presence of shell anomalies). We did not find any association between TL and sex, individual growth rate, or body condition. However, the relationship with age remains uncertain, likely due to the complex dynamics of TL over time. Interestingly, shorter telomeres correlated significantly with shell anomalies, which are usually assumed as a fitness proxy for reptiles. Overall, our results suggest TL as a potential indicator for ontogenetic studies on tortoises, while its utility as a marker of biological age appears limited.This work was supported by Project PID2019-105682RA-I00 and TED2021-130381B-I00, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), the last also with the support of the European Union ‘NextGenerationEU/PRTR’. RCRC is supported by the European Union-Next Generation EU in the Maria Zambrano Programme (ZAMBRANO 21-26)

    Pup vibrissae stable isotopes reveal geographic differences in adult female southern sea lion habitat use during gestation

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    Individuals within populations often differ substantially in habitat use, the ecological consequences of which can be far reaching. Stable isotope analysis provides a convenient and often cost effective means of indirectly assessing the habitat use of individuals that can yield valuable insights into the spatiotemporal distribution of foraging specialisations within a population. Here we use the stable isotope ratios of southern sea lion (Otaria flavescens) pup vibrissae at the Falkland Islands, in the South Atlantic, as a proxy for adult female habitat use during gestation. A previous study found that adult females from one breeding colony (Big Shag Island) foraged in two discrete habitats, inshore (coastal) or offshore (outer Patagonian Shelf). However, as this species breeds at over 70 sites around the Falkland Islands, it is unclear if this pattern is representative of the Falkland Islands as a whole. In order to characterize habitat use, we therefore assayed carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) ratios from 65 southern sea lion pup vibrissae, sampled across 19 breeding colonies at the Falkland Islands. Model-based clustering of pup isotope ratios identified three distinct clusters, representing adult females that foraged inshore, offshore, and a cluster best described as intermediate. A significant difference was found in the use of inshore and offshore habitats between West and East Falkland and between the two colonies with the largest sample sizes, both of which are located in East Falkland. However, habitat use was unrelated to the proximity of breeding colonies to the Patagonian Shelf, a region associated with enhanced biological productivity. Our study thus points towards other factors, such as local oceanography and its influence on resource distribution, playing a prominent role in inshore and offshore habitat use

    Fetal eye movements on magnetic resonance imaging.

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    OBJECTIVES: Eye movements are the physical expression of upper fetal brainstem function. Our aim was to identify and differentiate specific types of fetal eye movement patterns using dynamic MRI sequences. Their occurrence as well as the presence of conjugated eyeball motion and consistently parallel eyeball position was systematically analyzed. METHODS: Dynamic SSFP sequences were acquired in 72 singleton fetuses (17-40 GW, three age groups [17-23 GW, 24-32 GW, 33-40 GW]). Fetal eye movements were evaluated according to a modified classification originally published by Birnholz (1981): Type 0: no eye movements; Type I: single transient deviations; Type Ia: fast deviation, slower reposition; Type Ib: fast deviation, fast reposition; Type II: single prolonged eye movements; Type III: complex sequences; and Type IV: nystagmoid. RESULTS: In 95.8% of fetuses, the evaluation of eye movements was possible using MRI, with a mean acquisition time of 70 seconds. Due to head motion, 4.2% of the fetuses and 20.1% of all dynamic SSFP sequences were excluded. Eye movements were observed in 45 fetuses (65.2%). Significant differences between the age groups were found for Type I (p = 0.03), Type Ia (p = 0.031), and Type IV eye movements (p = 0.033). Consistently parallel bulbs were found in 27.3-45%. CONCLUSIONS: In human fetuses, different eye movement patterns can be identified and described by MRI in utero. In addition to the originally classified eye movement patterns, a novel subtype has been observed, which apparently characterizes an important step in fetal brainstem development. We evaluated, for the first time, eyeball position in fetuses. Ultimately, the assessment of fetal eye movements by MRI yields the potential to identify early signs of brainstem dysfunction, as encountered in brain malformations such as Chiari II or molar tooth malformations

    Tips to Advance Business Writing Skills at EFL Classes (Through the Example of "Letter of Complaint")

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    Writing is a creative communicative skill to express thoughts. It is cognitively complex, requires much practice and is best learned through experience. Writing is one of the most challenging, time-consuming tasks in acquiring a foreign language. To improve students’ writing skills and accuracy, a teacher should encourage writing-thinking, provide instructions and examples of good writing in the target language, and give feedback focusing both on error correction (cohesion) and organization of writing (clarity, idea development, coherence). This paper explores difficulties of the development of business writing skills and gives recommendations on writing a letter of complaint at English as a foreign language classes