75 research outputs found

    Resonant Photoelectron Diffraction with circularly polarized light

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    Resonant angle scanned x-ray photoelectron diffraction (RXPD) allows the determination of the atomic and magnetic structure of surfaces and interfaces. For the case of magnetized nickel the resonant L2 excitation with circularly polarized light yields electrons with a dichroic signature from which the dipolar part may be retrieved. The corresponding L2MM and L3MM Auger electrons carry different angular momenta since their source waves rotate the dichroic dipole in the electron emission patterns by distinct angles

    Investigating magneto-chemical interactions at molecule-substrate interfaces by X-ray photo-emission electron microscopy

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    The magneto-chemical interaction of spin-bearing molecules with substrates is interesting from a coordination chemistry point of view and relevant for spintronics. Unprecedented insight is provided by X-ray photo-emission electron microscopy combined with X-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy. Here the coupling of a Mn-porphyrin ad-layer to the ferromagnetic Co substrate through suitably modified interfaces is analyzed with this technique

    Magnetic structure near the Co/NiO(001) interface

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    We investigate the magnetic coupling at the Co/NiO interface using soft x-ray magnetic linear dichroism (XMLD) and circular dichroism taking explicitly into account the recently observed angular dependence of the XMLD with respect to the crystallographic axes. We find that the Co moments are aligned perpendicular to the NiO moments. We discuss the impact of the anisotropic XMLD on the intensity ratio of the two peaks at the Ni L{sub 2} edge, which is commonly employed to determine the spin orientation in antiferromagnets using XMLD