7 research outputs found

    Hybrid Process Using a Membrane to Enrich Flue Gas CO\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e with a Solvent-Based Post-Combustion CO\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e Capture System

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    A process for recovery of CO2 from a post-combustion gas includes pre-concentrating a CO2 component of the post-combustion flue gas by passing the post-combustion gas through a CO2-selective membrane module to provide a CO2-enriched permeate stream and a CO2-lean reject stream. Next, in a CO2 absorber, both the CO2-enriched permeate stream and CO2 lean reject stream, fed to separate feed locations on the CO2 absorber, are contacted with a scrubbing solvent to absorb CO2 and provide a carbon-rich scrubbing solvent. Finally, absorbed CO2 is stripped from the carbon-rich scrubbing solvent by a two-stage CO2 stripping system. The CO2-selective membrane may be a high flux, low pressure drop, low CO2 selectivity membrane. The two stage stripping system includes a primary CO2 stripping column for stripping CO2 from the carbon-rich scrubbing solvent exiting the CO2 absorber, and a secondary CO2 stripping column for stripping CO2 from a carbon-lean scrubbing solvent exiting the primary CO2 stripping column. Apparatus for CO2 removal from post-combustion gases in a pulverized coal power plant incorporating the described processes are described

    Perceived stressors of climate vulnerability across scales in the Savannah zone of Ghana: a participatory approach

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    Smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa are confronted with climatic and non-climatic stressors. Research attention has focused on climatic stressors, such as rainfall variability, with few empirical studies exploring non-climatic stressors and how these interact with climatic stressors at multiple scales to affect food security and livelihoods. This focus on climatic factors restricts understanding of the combinations of stressors that exacerbate the vulnerability of farming households and hampers the development of holistic climate change adaptation policies. This study addresses this particular research gap by adopting a multi-scale approach to understand how climatic and non-climatic stressors vary, and interact, across three spatial scales (household, community and district levels) to influence livelihood vulnerability of smallholder farming households in the Savannah zone of northern Ghana. This study across three case study villages utilises a series of participatory tools including semi-structured interviews, key informant interviews and focus group discussions. The incidence, importance, severity and overall risk indices for stressors are calculated at the household, community, and district levels. Results show that climatic and non-climatic stressors were perceived differently; yet, there were a number of common stressors including lack of money, high cost of farm inputs, erratic rainfall, cattle destruction of crops, limited access to markets and lack of agricultural equipment that crossed all scales. Results indicate that the gender of respondents influenced the perception and severity assessment of stressors on rural livelihoods at the community level. Findings suggest a mismatch between local and district level priorities that have implications for policy and development of agricultural and related livelihoods in rural communities. Ghana’s climate change adaptation policies need to take a more holistic approach that integrates both climatic and non-climatic factors to ensure policy coherence between national climate adaptation plans and District development plans

    Integrated Bench-Scale Parametric Study on CO<sub>2</sub> Capture Using a Carbonic Anhydrase Promoted K<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> Solvent with Low Temperature Vacuum Stripping

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    A bench-scale unit was fabricated and used to investigate use of carbonic anhydrase (CA) promoted K<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> solvent as an option for CO<sub>2</sub> capture from coal-fired power plants. Bench-scale parametric tests were performed at various CA concentrations, solvent flow rates, and reboiler duties. The CO<sub>2</sub> capture efficiency significantly increases, and regeneration energy requirement decreases, with increasing CA concentrations up to 2.5 g/L, with capture performance leveling off at higher enzyme doses (up to 4 g/L). Thus, at higher enzyme doses, the capture efficiency is equilibrium rather than kinetically controlled at the top of absorber, when using solvent regenerated via vacuum stripping at high (>35%) lean carbonate to bicarbonate (CTB) conversion levels, which limits the driving force for CO<sub>2</sub> absorption. The CO<sub>2</sub> capture efficiency also increases when reboiler duty was increased from 0.85 to 1.1 kW, although this also increases the regeneration energy penalty. In contrast, the effect of solvent flow rate on CO<sub>2</sub> capture efficiency is less pronounced. Further improvements to the CO<sub>2</sub> capture process using CA promoted K<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> solvent with low temperature vacuum stripping could be potentially advanced by lowering vacuum pressure, improving strategies for increasing rich CTB conversion (e.g., advanced packing column and optimized L/G ratio), and decreasing absorption temperature