182 research outputs found

    A cardiac hydatid cyst underlying pulmonary embolism: a case report

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    Hydatid cysts located in the interatrial septum are especially rare but when they occur, they might cause intracavity rupture. We report on a patient with acute pulmonary embolism caused by an isolated, ruptured hydatid cyst on the right side of the interatrial septum. A 16-year-old-boy with an uneventful history was hospitalized for exercise-induced dyspnea and blood expectorations. Multiple and bilateral opacities were visualized on standard chest x-ray. Signs of right-sided hypertrophy were seen on ECG. Imaging findings led to the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism complicating cardiac hydatid cysts. An operation was performed through median sternotomy to remove the cardiac cyst. The pleural cavity was entered through the fifth intercostal space to withdraw lung hydatid cysts. Operative recovery was uneventful and the patient resumed his normal activities 19 months later. Prompt diagnosis and an appropriate surgical treatment prevented a potentially fatal outcome.Key words: Echinococcosis, Hydatidosis, Pulmonary embolism, cardiac, hydatid cys

    Lupus érythémateux systémique à début pédiatrique: à propos d’un cas

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    Le lupus érythémateux systémique (LES) est une maladie systémique auto-immune d'étiologie inconnue qui touche essentiellement les femmes àl'âge adulte. Le lupus pédiatrique est une entité rare. Nous rapportons une nouvelle observation. Il s'agissait d'un nourrisson âgé de 7 mois quiprésentait des lésions cutanées purpuriques, une polyarthrite fébrile. Le bilan immunologique était positif (AAN et anti-ADN). Une améliorationclinique et biologique a été notée sous corticothérapie générale avec une récidive lors de la dégression du traitement

    Case Report: Giant cystic schwannoma of the middle mediastinum with cervical extension

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    Schwannomas (neurilemmomas) are benign tumors arising from the Schwann cells of the neural sheath. They are typically, well-encapsulated lesions which rarely adhere to the adjacent structures. In the chest, schwannomas are often seen within the posterior mediastinum and commonly originating along intercostal nerves. Several operative approaches have previously been described for the resection of these tumors, including thoracoscopic techniques and posterolateral thoracotomy. We report in this case a giant cystic mediastinal schwannoma of the left recurrent laryngeal nerve with cervical extension, unresectable by the usual described approaches, which was completely removed through a cervical approach.Keywords: mediastinal tumor; schwannoma; thoracotomy; cervicotom

    Growth response of broilers to lysine levels and hydrolyzed porcine digestive mucosa (Palbio) inclusion in diet from 1 to 21 d of age

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    Palbio (PAL, Palbio 50 RD, Bioibérica, Spain) is a protein concentrate based on hydrolyzed porcine digestive mucosa dried under a fluid bed system over a soybean carrier, currently used in piglet feeds. The digestibility of PAL is very high and the product may be an excellent source of protein for young chicks. An experiment was conducted with 1,280 straight-run one-d-old Ross 308 chicks to evaluate the growth response of broilers to dietary inclusion of PAL

    Efecto de la incusion de hidrolizado de mucosa digestiva porcina (palbio 50 rd®) y del nivel de lisina del pienso sobre los parametros productivos en pollos de 1 a 21 dias de edad

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    El hidrolizado de mucosa digestiva de porcino (Palbio 50 RD ® , Bioiéerica, S.A., PAL) se utiliza con resultados óptimos en la alimentación de lechones recién destetados (Lindeman el al. 2000; Corassa et al. 2007). En un trabajo reciente, Mohiti-Asli et al. (2011) observaron que la inclusión de PAL mejoraba los resultados productivos en pollos de engorde a cualquier edad. En este trabajo se demostró que los niveles más recomendables de utilización de PAL teniendo en cuenta razones productivas y económicas, era el 2,5%. En esta investigación se estudio el efecto de la inclusión de 2,5% de PAL en piensos para pollos con niveles crecientes de lisina total (LYS, 1,1 a 1,4%). El objetivo fue estudiar si los efectos beneficiosos del PAL sobre la productividad de los pollos eran independientes o no del nivel de LYS del pienso

    A long survival of a patient with brain metastasis of unknown site of the primary tumor

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    Eighty percent of brain metastases (BM) are diagnosed in patients with known primary site of cancer. BM of unknown primary represents a difficult diagnosis. In up to 15% of patients with BM, the site of the primary tumor will not be detected despite investigations. The prognosis of this entity is very poor. We report here a case of a long survival of a patient with brain metastasis of unknown primary. The conclusion that can be drawn is that within BM of unknown primary exist patients with a very good prognosis that must be collected and published in order to base recommendations

    Identification of Boundary Conditions Using Natural Frequencies

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    The present investigation concerns a disc of varying thickness of whose flexural stiffness DD varies with the radius rr according to the law D=D0rmD=D_0 r^m, where D0D_0 and mm are constants. The problem of finding boundary conditions for fastening this disc, which are inaccessible to direct observation, from the natural frequencies of its axisymmetric flexural oscillations is considered. The problem in question belongs to the class of inverse problems and is a completely natural problem of identification of boundary conditions. The search for the unknown conditions for fastening the disc is equivalent to finding the span of the vectors of unknown conditions coefficients. It is shown that this inverse problem is well posed. Two theorems on the uniqueness and a theorem on stability of the solution of this problem are proved, and a method for establishing the unknown conditions for fastening the disc to the walls is indicated. An approximate formula for determining the unknown conditions is obtained using first three natural frequencies. The method of approximate calculation of unknown boundary conditions is explained with the help of three examples of different cases for the fastening the disc (rigid clamping, free support, elastic fixing). Keywords: Boundary conditions, a disc of varying thickness,inverse problem, Plucker condition.Comment: 19 page

    A prospective, randomised comparison of continuous paravertebral block and continuous intercostal nerve block for post-thoracotomy pain

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    Background: This study aimed to compare paravertebral block and continuous intercostal nerve block after thoracotomy.Methods: Forty-six adult patients undergoing elective posterolateral thoracotomy were randomised to receive either a continuous intercostal nerve blockade or a paravertebral block. Opioid consumption and postoperative pain were assessed for 48 hours .Pulmonary function was assessed by forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) recorded at 4 hours intervals.Results: With respect to the objective visual assessment (VAS), both techniques were effective for post thoracotomy pain. The average VAS score at rest was 29±10mm for paravertebral block and 31.5±11mm for continuous intercostal nerve block. The average VAS score on coughing was 36±14mm for the first one and 4 ±14mm for the second group. Pain at rest was similar in both groups. Pain scores on coughing were lower in paravertebral block group at 42 and 48 hours. Post-thoracotomy function was better preserved with paravertebral block. No difference was found among the two groups for side effects related to technique, major morbidity or duration of hospitalisation.Conclusion: We found that continuous intercostal nerve block and paravertebral block were effective and safe methods for post-thoracotomy pain.

    Effects of the main cereal and type of fat of the diet on productive performance and egg quality of brown egg laying hens from twenty two to fifty four weeks of age

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    The influence of the main cereal and supplemental fat of the diet on productive performance and egg quality was studied in 756 brown-egg laying hens from 22 to 54 weeks of age. The experiment was conducted as a completely randomized design with 9 treatments arranged factorially with 3 cereals (dented corn, soft wheat, and barley) and 3 types of fat [soy oil (SBO), acidulated soapstocks (AOS), and lard]

    Les cancers de l’orbite etude retrospective à propos de 31 cas

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    locorégionale rendant le traitement difficile et mutilant. Dans ce travail, nous rapportons notre expérience dans la prise en charge diagnostique et thérapeutique de ces tumeurs. Matériels et méthodes : Notre étude rétrospective a concerné 31 cas de cancers de l’orbite colligés sur 13 ans (1993- 2005). Tous les patients ont bénéficié d’un examen clinique complet, d’une imagerie du massif facial (TDM et/ou IRM) et d’une biopsie de la tumeur. Le traitement a été basé sur la chirurgie, la radiothérapie et/ou la chimiothérapie. Résultats : La symptomatologie clinique était dominée par les signes ophtalmologiques et les algies faciales. L’imagerie a montré dans tous les cas un processus expansif tissulaire à point de départ orbitaire, avec lyse osseuse orbitaire chez 16 patients (51,6%), une extension au massif facial chez 7 patients (22,6%), endocrâniennes chez 6 patients (19,4%) et des formes bilatérales atteignant les deux orbites dans 3 cas (9,7%) l’anatomopathologie montrait une prédominance des lymphomes malins non hodgkiniens (32,3%) et des carcinomes épidermoïdes (32,3%), suivis des rhabdomyosarcomes embryonnaires (19,4 %). Douze patients ont été traités par chirurgie et radiothérapie postopératoire, dix patients par une association radio-chimiothérapie, et neuf autres par une chimiothérapie néo-adjuvante. La survie globale était de 67,8% à 3 ans, 48,4% à 5 ans et 22,6% à 10 ans. Conclusion : Les cancers de l’orbite sont de mauvais pronostic. Un diagnostic précoce et un traitement radical et adapté au type histologique permet d’améliorer la survie et la qualité de vie chez les patients atteints de ces tumeurs.Mots-clés : Orbite, cancer, lymphome, carcinome épidermoïde, rhabdomyosarcom