413 research outputs found

    On-Field Tests for Patients After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction:A Scoping Review

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    BACKGROUND: After anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR), a patient’s physical capacities, such as (repeated) sprint performance, agility performance, and intermittent endurance performance, are often reduced because of detraining effects. Monitoring the progression of these physical capacities is essential for specific training goals before patients return to complex team sports. PURPOSE: To map the existing literature regarding on-field tests for (repeated) sprint performance, agility performance, and intermittent endurance performance in patients after ACLR. STUDY DESIGN: Scoping review; Level of evidence, 4. METHODS: A search was performed in 4 electronic databases, PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, and PsycInfo, following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines for scoping reviews. RESULTS: There were 11 studies that met the inclusion criteria and described a total of 14 on-field tests for patients after ACLR. Overall, 2 tests were described for sprint performance, 11 tests were related to agility performance, and 1 test was performed for intermittent endurance performance. CONCLUSION: The results of this scoping review provide an overview of on-field tests to monitor sport-specific progression and to set performance-specific training goals for patients after ACLR before returning to complex team sports


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    Regardless of the worldwide acknowledgement of the importance of community development, the challenge of professional occupational recognition remains, intensified by the lack of practitioner profile data. Raising practice standards through standardised, cohesive and effective movements drives professionalism, guided by a practice policy framework that describes its practitioners’ ethical code, standardised and quality-assured knowledge and skills to be measured against regulated occupational norms and standards. This article provides a broad overview of the requirements for occupational professionalisation linked to a countrywide practitioner profile survey conducted to inform the South African Community Development Practice Policy Framework that guides occupational professionalism pre- and post-professionalisation

    Exploring the Control of the Position of the Isotherms of the Heat Pump Cycle in an Air Handling Unit: An Experimental study

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    The use of heat pumps in the building heating and cooling supply chain is increasing, and air-to-air heat pumps are increasingly being installed in modern air handling units. The energy conversion modes of such devices are constantly changing due to the constant change in the state of the outdoor air (temperature, humidity). Flexibility, the ability to efficiently and rationally respond to ambient air parameters, is an important feature of choosing the operating mode of energy transformers and their control. The overall seasonal efficiency of the air handling unit depends on it. Modern commercial heat pumps have two control degrees of freedom. They have a variable-speed compressor and an electronic expansion valve. This combination of control components once made it possible to increase the seasonal efficiency of heat pumps. For a long time, the possibility of controlling the cycle in this way prevailed, and only electronic control tools were improved. Little attention is paid to how the changes in the thermodynamic cycle are combined with the energy demands of air preparation corresponding to the outdoor temperature. It would be relevant to look for additional components of the heat pump circuit that could control its operating cycle, which could increase the efficiency indicators of the air preparation process. The article’s authors seek to introduce an additional component into traditional measures of heat pump control, providing the third degree of freedom of the control cycle. For this purpose, studies are being conducted to experimentally assess the impact of the volume of the heat pump system on the shifts of the isotherms of its thermodynamic operating cycle. The results show that the system volume parameter has the potential for regulation capabilities in controlling the operation of a heat pump, so it is worthwhile to further develop and study such a technological solution in more detail

    Kopsuarteri trombemboolia tänapäevane radioloogiline diagnostika

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    Kliinilise läbivaatuse ja laboratoorse­te analüüside kõrval on piltdiagnostika suure tähtsusega kopsuarteri trombem­boolia (KATE) diagnoosimisel. Kaua aega on KATE diagnoosimise juhtivaks radioloogiliseks meetodiks olnud kop­sude ventilatsiooni/perfusiooni (V/P) stsintigraafia ja kopsuarterite angio­graafia. Koos mitmekihi-kompuuterto­mograafide laialdase levikuga on kop­suarterite kompuutertomograafi line angiograafia (KTA) muutunud tänu oma suurele tundlikkusele ja spetsiifi lisusele kuldstandardiks kopsuarteri trombem­boolia visualiseerimisel. Meetod või­maldab visualiseerida trombimasse nii kopsuarteri peaharudes kui ka kopsuar­terite subsegmentaarharudes. Artiklis on tutvustatud KATE diagnoosimise nüüdisaegseid radioloogilisi meetodeid. Eesti Arst 2008; 87(10):802−81

    Межкультурный тренинг как способ подготовки к межкультурному взаимодействию

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    Now international communications in all areas of a life of a society extend and become stronger: to the politician, economy, culture, a private life, therefore the key role is played with optimization of contacts of representatives of the different countries with objective of increase of efficiency of joint activity. In given article training as one of methods of preparation for effective interoperability in economic area is considered

    Ценностные ориентиры воспитания и воспитательные стратегии в семьях поздних переселенцев в Германии

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    Migration processes influence all sides of the human life. Immigrating women carry particularly the change processes in the family. In the article dissonances are picked out as a central theme in view of education settings and education methods of the russian germans and in Germany to ruling ones. It is pointed out to change and adaptation processes as well as solution strategies

    Некоторые аспекты подготовки менеджеров в сфере международного взаимодействия

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    Now international communications in all areas of a life of a society extend and become stronger: to the politician, economy, culture, a private life, therefore the key role is played with optimization of contacts of representatives of the different countries with objective of increase of efficiency of joint activity. In given article training as one of methods of preparation for effective interoperability in economic area is considered