269 research outputs found

    State of the Art and Trends in Vehicle Concept Development with Focus on Battery Technology

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    The German Aerospace Center’s (DLR) Institute of Vehicle Concepts (Stuttgart, Germany) is carrying out an in-depth monitoring of key technologies in the field of electric mobility. Besides the state-of-the-art, also international trends in vehicle concept as well as key technology development are part of the analysis. Thus, an extensive vehicle concept database is being designed to investigate all electrified passenger cars and technologies used over the last 10 years. Besides series Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV), Range Extended Electric Vehicles (REEV) and Battery Electric vehicles (BEV), also concept cars, design studies and close-to-production prototype vehicles are investigated, focusing on market- and technology-based parameters

    Monitoring von FuE-Aktivitäten im Technologiefeld "Radar für automatisiertes / autonomes Fahren"

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    Innovationen in den Bereichen Fahrzeugautomatisierung und -digitalisierung sind ein wesentlicher Treiber für den aktuellen Strukturwandel und grundlegende Voraussetzung zum Erhalt der technologischen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der deutschen Automobilindustrie. Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaktivitäten (FuE) zum automatisierten und autonomen Fahren haben in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich an Intensität und Dynamik gewonnen - in einem internationalen Benchmark zu messen auch an deutlich gestiegenen Patentanmeldungen. Dabei können immer stärkere Innovationsbeiträge von asiatischen und speziell chinesischen Unternehmen identifiziert werden. Der Fokus dieser Kurzstudie liegt auf der Identifikation von Treibern der Technologieentwicklung im Bereich "Radar für automatisiertes / autonomes Fahren" und dem Monitoring von FuE-Aktivitäten der deutschen Automobilindustrie im internationalen Vergleich


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    Adanya kerusakan lingkungan akibat sampah khususnya sampah anorganik seperti plastik dapat menimbulkan masalah di lingkungan. Plastik adalah jenis bahan non-biodegradable yang sulit diuraikan oleh alam karena membutuhkan puluhan bahkan ratusan juta tahun. Saat ini terdapat suatu inovasi untuk mengatasi peningkatan jumlah sampah plastik yang cukup besar dan menghasilkan suatu bahan bakar alternatif yg bernilai ekonomis yaitu dengan mengkonversi plastik menjadi bahan bakar cair yang dapat menggantikan bahan bakar fosil menggunakan metode pirolisis. Pada penelitian ini proses pirolisis menggunakan pemanas induksi untuk mengkonversikan limbah plastik menjadi bahan bakar cair . Pada proses pirolisis ini , temperatur yang diambil yaitu 130˚C dan 150˚C dengan bahan baku Polypropylene (PP) dan Polyethlyne Terephthalate (PET ) serta campuran keduanya PP+PET, Hasil penelitian menunjukkan produk minyak pirolisis yang dihasilkan mendekati densitas dari pada bahan bakar bensin sebesar 0,715 gr/ml – 0,770 gr/ml. Kemudian dari hasil pembahasan analisa titik nyala mengindikasikan bahwa titik nyala dari minyak pirolisis pada kedua bahan baku sampah plastik tersebut mendekati titik nyala dari bahan bakar minyak tanah (kerosine) yaitu 38˚C

    Comparison of 99mTc-HEPIDA and 99mTc-MBrIDA from the standpoint of hepatic clearance determination - preliminary communication

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    BACKGROUND. In order to evaluate the functional capacity of the liver by means of clearance determination, the derivative of iminodiacetic acid (99mTc-HEPIDA) has been used in recent decades. Because of recent problems with manufacturing and delivery of 99mTc-HEPIDA, an investigation was undertaken with the aim of testing whether a more widely available 99mTc-MBrIDA could be used for clearance determination and whether hepatic clearance measured with the use of this compound provides a similarly useful test of hepatic function. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Comparative investigations were performed in 73 patients of both sexes. The state of the efficiency of liver parenchyma was determined based on seven widely used biochemical tests, i.e. levels of: bilirubin, albumin, and gamma globulin; activity of AST, ALT, GGTP, and prothrombin index. The clearances of both radiopharmaceuticals, 99mTc-HEPIDA and 99mTc-MBrIDA, were determined by means of multisample technique. The results of determination were correlated among themselves and with the results of biochemical tests. The set of results of all estimations allowed a factorial analysis to be performed to find a common factor and to compute the values of factor loadings in particular tests. RESULTS. Obvious correlation between plasma and hepatic clearances of both radiopharmaceuticals was obtained and between plasma clearance of 99mTc-MBrIDA and hepatic clearance of 99mTc-HEPIDA. Correlation coefficients of 99mTc-MBrIDA clearance and the biochemical test results attained somewhat lower values than for 99mTc-HEPIDA clearance. Similarly, values of χ2 test of independence of 99mTc-MBrIDA clearances and test results were also less close than for 99mTc-HEPIDA clearances. Factorial analysis showed that common factor loading is greatest for hepatic clearance of 99mTc-HEPIDA; the values of two loadings of 99mTc-MBrIDA clearances are very close, but somewhat lower than those for 99mTc-HEPIDA. CONCLUSIONS. From the performed investigations it is possible to conclude that 99mTc-MBrIDA clearances may be used for the evaluation of liver parenchyma performance, even if the results may not be as certain as those obtained using 99mTc-HEPIDA

    Effect of annealing treatments on the anisotropy of a magnesium alloy sheet processed by severe rolling

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    The effect of annealing treatments on the normal plastic anisotropy (r-value) of a magnesium alloy, AZ61, processed by severe rolling was investigated. The various annealing treatments produce two effects on microstructure: grain coarsening and slight weakening of the texture. In addition, these treatments produce a noticeable decrease of the anisotropy that was correlated with an increase in strain rate sensitivity and a decrease of work hardening rate. It is concluded that an enhanced contribution of basal slip occurs as a consequence of the annealing treatments.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the CICYT grant MAT 2006-02672 awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.Peer reviewe

    polymorphism of prolactin gene and its association with growth and some biometrical traits in ducks

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    The main aim of the study was to estimate the polymorphism of prolactin (PRL) gene and its relation with some morphological traits (body weight – BW, length of trunk with neck – LTN, length of trunk – LT, chest girth – CG, length of breast bone – LBB, length of shank – LS) of Muscovy, Pekin and Mulard ducks. A secondary objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of age, origin on ducks' growth performances. Three genotypes at locus PRL/XbaI and one genotype at locus PRL/PstI were found. The results showed that Pekin ducks with the PRL/TT genotype in selected terms of evaluation characterised by higher (p < 0.05) LS and LBB values than those with the PRL/TG genotype. In Mulard ducks, PRL/XbaI polymorphism had an effect (p < 0.05) on BW and LS in birds aged 10 and 12 weeks (wk). The effect of age, origin on the growth traits of ducks was evaluated as well. All growth traits examined significantly increased with age. There was a significant (p < 0.01) effect of the ducks' origin. Until the 7 wk of age, the Muscovies were lighter and had lower (p < 0.01) values of LTN, LT, CG, LBB, LS than Pekin and Mulard ducks. The results confirm that there were significant associations between interaction of considered factors and estimated traits

    Monitoring and Forecasting of Key Functions and Technologies for Automated Driving

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    Companies facing transformation in the automotive industry will need to adapt to new trends, technologies and functions, in order to remain competitive. The challenge is to anticipate such trends and to forecast their development over time. The aim of this paper is to develop a methodology that allows us to analyze the temporal development of technologies, taking automated driving as an example. The framework consists of a technological and a functional roadmap. The technology roadmap provides information on the temporal development of 59 technologies based on expert elicitation using a multi-stage Delphi survey and patent analyses. The functional roadmap is derived from a meta-analysis of studies including 209 predictions of the maturity of automated driving functions. The technological and functional roadmaps are merged into a consolidated roadmap, linking the temporal development of technologies and functions. Based on the publication analysis, SAE level 5 is predicted to be market-ready by 2030. Contrasted to the results from the Delphi survey in the technological roadmap, 2030 seems to be too optimistic, however, as some key technologies would not have reached market readiness by this time. As with all forecasts, the proposed framework is not able to accurately predict the future. However, the combination of different forecast approaches enables users to have a more holistic view of future developments than with single forecasting methods
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