169 research outputs found

    Utilizing Weather RADAR for Rapid Location of Meteorite Falls and Space Debris Re-Entry

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    This activity utilizes existing NOAA weather RADAR imagery to locate meteorite falls and space debris falls. The near-real-time availability and spatial accuracy of these data allow rapid recovery of material from both meteorite falls and space debris re-entry events. To date, at least 22 meteorite fall recoveries have benefitted from RADAR detection and fall modeling, and multiple debris re-entry events over the United States have been observed in unprecedented detail

    Maximum Sample Temperature for Mars Sample Return: A Historical Perspective

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    Since the first Mars Sample Return (MSR) report published by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in 1974 [1], a series of panels, reports, and white papers have recognized the importance of sample temperature and offered an informed sample maximum temperature (henceforth SMT) limit for returning martian samples to Earth. The Mars Sample Handling and Requirements Panel (MSHARP, 1999) stated that "[t]he main issue in sample preservation is temperature" [2]. More recently, the Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG)'s "Science Priorities for Mars Sample Return" report (2008), declared that "[s]ignificant loss, particularly to biological studies, occurs if samples reach +50C for three hours", whereby "scientific objectives related to life goals could be seriously compromised" [3]. By contrast, the Mars 2020 mission has adopted a SMT of +60C as spelled out in Beaty et al., 2016 [4]. Samples will be collected and then deposited on the surface in sealed tubes for possible retrieval and return to Earth. Beaty et al. [4] calculates that the samples will experience maximum temperatures of ~+30 to +60C, depending on latitude. At present, there is no mission requirement for the measurement/data logging of sample temperature during this period. We will explore the history of martian SMTs, as they have been recorded since 1974 [1], effectively representing input across multiple generations of Mars scientists. Ten separate publications present SMTs for MSR samples [1-10]. One report [10] is for a mission concept specifically designed to exclude life detection investigations, and recommended an SMT of 50C. Another did not specify a temperature, recommending "Mars ambient temperature" [5]. Of the remaining eight, SMTs are given as: -30C [1], -20C [3], 60C [4], -73 to 41C depending on sample type [6], -40C [7], -43 to 13C depending on type [2,8], and -33C [9]. If we restrict the temperatures to samples highlighted in the Mars 2020 mission goals, i.e. organics-bearing and sedimentary rocks, then the average SMT is -28+/-39C (n=8). Applying a Dixon's Q Test at P=0.05 (two-tailed), the 60C SMT [4] fails with Q=0.602 versus Qcrit=0.526. Excluding the outlier produces an average SMT of -40+/-17C (n=7). Therefore, the average SMT expressed by the Mars science community over the past 44 years (two generations) is a sample temperature no greater than -40C. The difference in chemical reaction rates between this average SMT and Beaty et al [4] can be estimated using the Arrhenius equation. Assuming a generic chemical reaction with an activation energy of 50 kJ/mol and a pre-exponential factor invariant with temperature, this reaction will proceed 2300x faster at 60C than at -40C. To illustrate the effects of the increased reaction rate, consider 10 ppb of alanine in a Mars 2020 cache, and assume that it becomes unmeasurable if it degrades to 1 ppb, as per the Mars 2020 Organic Contamination Panel contamination limits [11]. If we illustrate the effect with an arbitrary degradation rate such that the alanine will become undetectable in ten years at -40C, then the same 10 ppb alanine degrades beyond detectability in only 38 days at 60C. Further research is required to quantify expected analyte losses in the cached samples due to thermal processing

    AMSNEXRAD Automated Detection of Meteorite Strewnfields in Doppler Weather Radar

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    For several years meteorite recovery in the United States has been greatly enhanced by using Doppler weather radar images to determine possible fall zones for meteorites produced by witnessed fireballs. While most fireball events leave no record on the Doppler radar, some large fireballs do. Based on the successful recovery of 10 meteorite falls 'under the radar', and the discovery of radar on more than 10 historic falls, it is believed that meteoritic dust and or actual meteorites falling to the ground have been recorded on Doppler weather radar

    Worldwide Weather Radar Imagery May Allow Substantial Increase in Meteorite Fall Recovery

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    Weather radar imagery is a valuable new technique for the rapid recovery of meteorite falls, to include falls which would not otherwise be recovered (e.g. Battle Mountain). Weather radar imagery reveals about one new meteorite fall per year (18 falls since 1998), using weather radars in the United States alone. However, an additional ~75 other nations operate weather radar networks according to the UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO). If the imagery of those radars were analyzed, the current rate of meteorite falls could be improved considerably, to as much as ~3.6 times the current recovery rate based on comparison of total radar areal coverage. Recently, the addition of weather radar imagery, seismometry and internet-based aggregation of eyewitness reports has improved the speed and accuracy of fresh meteorite fall recovery [e.g. 1,2]. This was demonstrated recently with the radar-enabled recovery of the Sutter's Mill fall [3]. Arguably, the meteorites recovered via these methods are of special scientific value as they are relatively unweathered, fresh falls. To illustrate this, a recent SAO/NASA ADS search using the keyword "meteorite" shows that all 50 of the top search results included at least one named meteorite recovered from a meteorite fall. This is true even though only ~1260 named meteorite falls are recorded among the >49,000 individual falls recorded in the Meteoritical Society online database. The US NEXRAD system used thus far to locate meteorite falls covers most of the United States' surface area. Using a WMO map of the world's weather radars, we estimate that the total coverage of the other ~75 national weather radar networks equals about 3.6x NEXRAD's coverage area. There are two findings to draw from this calculation: 1) For the past 16 years during which 18 falls are seen in US radar data, there should be an additional ~65 meteorite falls recorded in worldwide radar imagery. Also: 2) if all of the world's radar data could be analyzed, the rate of recovery of fresh meteorite falls can increase by as much as ~3.6x the current rate. The authors' experience to date indicates that the most effective course of action would be to have local meteorite research groups (outside of the US) form research consortia and develop a working relationship with their nation's weather bureau for access to data. These research consortia could utilize the same, proven methods used for US NEXRAD imagery, internet eyewitness report aggregation, seismometry analysis, etc. to locate meteorite falls. The consortia could then recover and analyze meteorite falls and enrich their own research efforts. It would be beneficial to conduct a global program to coordinate the development of methods and data tools, as well as to coordinate meteorite sample sharing and research. Perhaps an institution such as the Meteoritical Society could lead such an effort

    Do We Already have Samples of CERES H Chondrite Haliites and the CERES-HEBE Link

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    We investigate the hypothesis that halite grains in the brecciated H chondrites Zag and Monahans originate from Ceres. Evidence includes mineralogy of the halites consistent with formation on a large, carbonaceous, aqueously active body close to the H chondrite parent body >4 Ga ago. Evidence also includes orbital simularities between 1 Ceres and the purported H chondrite parent body (HPB) 6 Hebe, possibly facilitating a gentle transfer between the bodies. Halite grains in the Monahans and Zag Hchondrites are exogenous to the H chondrite parent body and were transported to the HPB >4 Ga ago. Examination of minerals and carboanceous materials entrained within the halites shows that the halite parent body (HaPB) is consistent with a carbonaceous body [1]. It is probably a large body due to the variety of entrained carbonaceous materials which probably accreted from multiple sources. The halite grains contain intact, HaPB-origin, ancient fluid inclusions indicating that transfer between the HaPB and the HPB was a gentle process resulting in a T of 4 Ga ago. Additional dynamical factors need to be investigated. A combination of factors suggests Ceres as the HaPB. It is a carbonaceous body with suggestions of past aqueous activity [9], which is consistent with the mineral species found in H chondrite halites. Ceres is also a large body capable of accreting the range of carbonaceous materials noted [5]. It is relatively near to purported HPB Hebe, which is required to preserve halite fluid inclusions. The above evidence defines a hypothesized scenario featuring ejection of halite grains from Ceres onto Hebe. Halite was then entrained in H-chondrite near-surface breccias and ejected from Hebe for transport to Earth

    Bright Stuff on Ceres = Sulfates and Carbonates on CI Chondrites

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    Recent reports of the DAWN spacecraft's observations of the surface of Ceres indicate that there are bright areas, which can be explained by large amounts of the Mg sulfate hexahydrate (MgSO46(H2O)), although the identification appears tenuous. There are preliminary indications that water is being evolved from these bright areas, and some have inferred that these might be sites of contemporary hydro-volcanism. A heat source for such modern activity is not obvious, given the small size of Ceres, lack of any tidal forces from nearby giant planets, probable age and presumed bulk composition. We contend that observations of chondritic materials in the lab shed light on the nature of the bright spots on Cere

    Fluid Inclusions in Astromaterials: Direct Samples of Early Solar System Aqueous Fluids

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    We have become increasingly aware of the fundamental importance of water, and aqueous alteration, on primitive solar-system bodies. All classes of astromaterials studied show some degree of interaction with aqueous fluids. We have direct observations of cryovolcanism of several small solar system bodies (e.g. Saturnian and Jovian moons), and indirect evidence for this process on the moons Europa, Titan, Ganymede, and Miranda, and the Kuiper Belt object Charon, and so are certain of the continuing and widespread importance of aqueous processes across the solar system. Nevertheless, we are still lacking fundamental information such as the location and timing of the aqueous alteration and the detailed nature of the aqueous fluid itself

    Applying Modern Analytical Techniques to the Apollo Samples: A Potential Model for Future Sample Return Missions

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    From 1969-1972 the Apollo missions collected 382 kg of lunar samples from six distinct locations on the Moon. Studies of the Apollo sample suite have shaped our understanding of the formation and early evolution of the Earth-Moon system, and have had important implications for studies of the other terrestrial planets (e.g., through the calibration of the crater counting record). Despite nearly 50 years of research on Apollo samples, scientists are still developing new theories about the origin and evolution of the Moon. In order to resolve these questions, scientists need access to new lunar samples, particularly new plutonic samples. Although no new large plutonic samples (i.e., hand-samples) remain to be discovered in the Apollo sample collection, there are many large polymict breccias in the Apollo collection containing relatively large (1 cm or larger) previously identified plutonic clasts, as well as a large number of unclassified lithic clasts. In addition, new, previously unidentified plutonic clasts are potentially discoverable within these breccias. The question becomes how to non-destructively locate and identify new lithic clasts of interest while minimizing the contamination and physical degradation of the samples
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