266 research outputs found

    Dialectical Obligations of Serial Arguers

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    I examine the concept of the relationship negotiation dialogue (Weger Jr. 2003) in the context of serial arguing (Trapp and Hoff 1985). Between argument episodes, marital partners experiencing difficulty may think about entering counseling, or terminating their relationship. Removed from the dialogical context, such judgments involve the notions of argument as inquiry (Blair 2004; 1992; Johnson 2000) and argument0 (Hample 1992). I explore the dialectical obligations of a person who decides to end his relationship

    Reducing Conflict Between Ordinary People by Third Party Interventions

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    Emotional Backing and the Feeling of Deep Disagreement

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    This paper discusses Toulmin’s (1964) concept of backing with respect to the emotional mode of arguing. Specifically, I examine an example from Fogelin (1985) where emotional backing justifies a warrant concerning when we should judge that a person is being pig-headed. While his treatment of this kind of argument can be supported by contemporary emotion science, it needs to be supplemented by therapeutic techniques whether or not our goal is to rationally resolve such arguments. This is shown through a comparison with an analysis of an emotional argument from Gilbert (1997). The introduction of psychotherapy into argumentation theory raises the question of the extent to which ordinary arguers can use such techniques. This is an issue I have explored before (Friemann, 2002) in terms of intractable quarrels. Seeing how psychotherapeutic techniques can be used in an intractable quarrel, I ask whether or not this is fruitful in the context of Fogelin’s idea of a deep disagreement

    A consideration of empathy in argumentation

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    In Coalescent Argumentation, Michael Gilbert comes closest to the ethical with the idea and role empathy plays within his scheme. Empathy is an act of will which one need never do. Rather than from need, it stems from a desire for the other pe rson. I would call this desire ethical. However, Gilbert understands empathy in cognitive terms. I am interested in seeing just what kinds of difference a more ethical interpretation of empathy would yield. Here I will be drawing on contemporary conti nental and feminist work

    Into the interior: An exploration of development policies and the representation of Amerindians in Guyana.

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    The purpose of this research was to examine how indigenous issues fit into current theories and procedures of development discourse. The current definition of development has changed with the inclusion of the issues and concerns of indigenous peoples. My evaluation of the discourse on development supported this through the examination of the policies and projects of two international development agencies, the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank as they pertained to the lives of the aboriginal people in Guyana, South America. However, I argued that the inclusion of indigenousness in development policies has not led to any real changes in the development paradigm. Despite an awareness of global issues, such as indigenousness, modernization and its new variant, neoliberalism, continues to be the prevailing model in the development sphere.Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2004 .F75. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 43-03, page: 0743. Adviser: Max Hedley. Thesis (M.A.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2004

    Die augenpositionsabhängige Entladung von Purkinjezellen im okulomotorischen Vermis während der Ausführung von Sakkaden

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    Der okulomotorische Vermis (OMV) des Kleinhirns ist in die Ausführung von schnellen Augenbewegungen (Sakkaden) involviert. Der posteriore parietale Cortex (PPC) und verschiedene andere in die Planung und Ausführung von Sakkaden involvierte frontale Regionen des Gehirns projizieren über die Nuclei pontes dorsales in den OMV. Während eine Sakkade zu einer bestimmten Lokalisation im Raum – angegeben in retinalen Koordinaten – ausgeführt wird, produzieren Neurone im PPC in der lateralen intraparietalen Region (LIP) sakkadenkorrelierte gesteigerte Entladungsraten („Bursts“), die durch einen Verstärkungsfaktor (sog. „Gain Factor“) moduliert werden, dessen Größe linear von der Startposition der Augen abhängig ist (Andersen et al., 1990). Die neuronale Entladung variiert somit im linearen Zusammenhang mit der horizontalen und vertikalen Augenposition, was als „Gain Field“ (Verstärkungsfeld) bezeichnet wird. Gain Fields stellen einen effizienten Lösungsansatz der neuronalen Kodierung zur Umwandlung eines retinalen Bezugssystems in einen externen Bezugsrahmen dar (Salinas und Thier, 2000). Ob die sakkadenkorrelierten Simple-Spike-Entladungen der Purkinjezellen (PC) im OMV augenpositionsabhängig sind, ist das Hauptthema dieser Arbeit. Hierzu wurden Einzelzellableitungen an 58 PCs dreier Affen der Gattung Macaca mulatta durchgeführt, während sie 10°-Sakkaden mit konstanter Amplitude von neun verschiedenen Augenpositionen in acht verschiedene Richtungen pseudorandomisiert durchführten. 94% der PCs zeigten eine Vorzugsrichtung des Bursts, der Pause oder der beiden zusammen. 33% der PCs zeigten eine augenpositionsabhängige Spontanaktivität. Nach einer multiplen Regressionsanalyse mit der Sakkadenmetrik als Regressor konnte bei 37% der PCs ein sakkadenkorrelierter Augenpositionseffekt vorgefunden werden. Die Hälfte dieser PCs mit Augenpositionseffekt glich den Gain Fields im LIP. Sie scheinen jedoch ein Residuum der vom Hirnstamm weitergeleiteten Signale zu sein, da die restlichen Augenpositionseffekte idiosynkratischer Natur waren und keinem bestimmten, sich wiederholendem Entladungsmuster zugeordnet werden konnten. Es ist somit unwahrscheinlich, dass die Simple-Spike-Entladungen einzelner PCs im Sinne eines Gain Fields fungieren, das für eine Koordinatentransformation im Andersen’schen Sinne (1990) genutzt werden könnte. Nur 2 von 18 Purkinjezellen besaßen eine unterschiedliche Entladungslatenz hinsichtlich der Augenposition. Das Ergebnis einer vergleichbaren zeitlichen Abstimmung der Simple-Spike-Entladungen an den neun unterschiedlichen Augenpositionen entspricht den jüngsten Theorien über Purkinjezellen des OMV, dass sie für den zeitlichen Ablauf der Sakkade zuständig sind (Thier et al., 2000, Herzfeld et al., 2015).

    A micromechanics-based recurrent neural networks model for path-dependent cyclic deformation of short fiber composites

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    The macroscopic response of short fiber reinforced composites (SFRCs) is dependent on an extensive range of microstructural parameters. Thus, micromechanical modeling of these materials is challenging and in some cases, computationally expensive. This is particularly important when path-dependent plastic behavior is needed to be predicted. A solution to this challenge is to enhance micromechanical solutions with machine learning techniques such as artificial neural networks. In this work, a recurrent deep neural network model is trained to predict the path-dependent elasto-plastic stress response of SFRCs, given the microstructural parameters and the strain path. Micromechanical mean-field simulations are conducted to create a database for training the validating the model. The model gives very accurate predictions in a computationally efficient manner when compared with independent micromechanical simulations

    Utility of synovial biopsy

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    Synovial biopsies, gained either by blind needle biopsy or minimally invasive arthroscopy, offer additional information in certain clinical situations where routine assessment has not permitted a certain diagnosis. In research settings, synovial histology and modern applications of molecular biology increase our insight into pathogenesis and enable responses to treatment with new therapeutic agents to be assessed directly at the pathophysiological level. This review focuses on the diagnostic usefulness of synovial biopsies in the light of actual developments
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