16 research outputs found

    Optoelectronic device based on Rare Earths electroluminescence

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    Màster en Nanociència i Nanotecnologia, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016-2017. Tutors: Oriol Blázquez, Sergi HernándezIn this Master Thesis, the fabrication and the structural, optical and electrical properties of Al/rare earth (RE)/Al/SiO2 and RE/SiO2 nanomultilayers have been studied. The nanomultilayers were deposited by means of e-beam evaporation on top of p-type Si substrates. Two different RE species were considered: Tb3+ and Eu3+ ions, as they exhibit a narrow and strong emission in the green and red spectral ranges, respectively. The main goal of the present work is achieving optical activation of those rare earth elements, and thus obtaining light emission from their intra-4f and 5d-to-4f shell transitions. Optical characterization indicates that optically active RE3+ ions had been successfully fabricated. The electrical and electroluminescence analysis yielded promising results to include this material in future applications of illumination and integrated emitting devices for optoelectronics

    Optoelectronic device based on Rare Earths electroluminescence

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    Màster en Nanociència i Nanotecnologia, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016-2017. Tutors: Oriol Blázquez, Sergi HernándezIn this Master Thesis, the fabrication and the structural, optical and electrical properties of Al/rare earth (RE)/Al/SiO2 and RE/SiO2 nanomultilayers have been studied. The nanomultilayers were deposited by means of e-beam evaporation on top of p-type Si substrates. Two different RE species were considered: Tb3+ and Eu3+ ions, as they exhibit a narrow and strong emission in the green and red spectral ranges, respectively. The main goal of the present work is achieving optical activation of those rare earth elements, and thus obtaining light emission from their intra-4f and 5d-to-4f shell transitions. Optical characterization indicates that optically active RE3+ ions had been successfully fabricated. The electrical and electroluminescence analysis yielded promising results to include this material in future applications of illumination and integrated emitting devices for optoelectronics

    Nanostructure ITO and get more of it. Better performance at lower cost

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    In this paper, we investigated how different growth conditions (i.e., temperature, growth time, and composition) allows for trading off cost (i.e., In content) and performance of nanostructured indium tin oxide (ITO) for biosensing applications. Next, we compared the behavior of these functionalized nanostructured surfaces obtained in different growth conditions between each other and with a standard thin film as a reference, observing improvements in effective detection area up to two orders of magnitude. This enhanced the biosensor's sensitivity, with higher detection level, better accuracy and higher reproducibility. Results show that below 150 °C, the growth of ITO over the substrate forms a homogenous layer without any kind of nanostructuration. In contrast, at temperatures higher than 150 °C, a two-phase temperature-dependent growth was observed. We concluded that (i) nanowire length grows exponentially with temperature (activation energy 356 meV) and leads to optimal conditions in terms of both electroactive surface area and sensitivity at around 300 °C, (ii) longer times of growth than 30 min lead to larger active areas and (iii) the In content in a nanostructured film can be reduced by 10%, obtaining performances equivalent to those found in commercial flat-film ITO electrodes. In summary, this work shows how to produce appropriate materials with optimized cost and performances for different applications in biosensing

    High Quality Inkjet Printed‐Emissive Nanocrystalline Perovskite CsPbBr3 Layers for Color Conversion Layer and LEDs Applications

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    Metal halide perovskites (MHPs) have shown outstanding optical emissive properties and can be employed in several optoelectronics devices. In contrast with materials of well-established technologies, which are prone to degradation or require expensive processes, MHPs can be obtained by solution processing methods and increase stability. Inkjet printing is proposed as an industrial friendly technique to deposit MHPs. The inks have been developed from colloidal CsPbBr3 nanocrystals and printing procedures that allow the deposition of thin layers with intense green emission. High emissive printed layers are assured by carrying out thermal annealing in vacuum oven, which is demonstrated to promote compact layers with low roughness, corroborated by SEM and AFM. XRD measurements show CsPbBr3 crystalline layers with cubic symmetry and XPS provides insight into the stoichiometric composition and local bonding. Optical properties of inkjet-printed CsPbBr3 films have been analyzed by UV-vis absorbance and photoluminescence (PL), to extract the bandgap energy and photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY). CsPbBr3 printed layers emit at 524 nm with a narrow emission (FWHM ≈ 15 nm), exhibiting a PLQY up to 20%. These results enabled the large-scale fabrication by inkjet printing of CsPbBr3 color conversion layers (CCLs) and pave the way for flexible LEDs

    Light-activated electroforming in ITO/ZnO/p-Si resistive switching devices

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    We report on light-activated electroforming of ZnO/p-Si heterojunction memristors with transparent indium tin oxide as the top electrode. Light-generated electron-hole pairs in the p-type substrate are separated by the external electric field and electrons are injected into the active ZnO layer. The additional application of voltage pulses allows achieving different resistance states that end up in the realization of the low resistance state (LRS). This process requires much less voltage compared to dark conditions, thus avoiding undesired current overshoots and achieving a self-compliant device. The transport mechanisms governing each resistance state are studied and discussed. An evolution from an electrode-limited to a space charge-limited transport is observed along the electroforming process before reaching the LRS, which is ascribed to the progressive formation of conductive paths that consequently induce the growth of conductive nanofilaments through the ZnO layer. This work was financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project Nos. TEC2012-38540-C02-01 and TEC2016-76849-C2-1-R). O.B. also acknowledges the subprogram "Ayudas para Contratos Predoctorales para la Formación de-Doctores" from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for economical support. J.L.F. acknowledges the subprogram "Ayudas para la Formación de Profesorado Universitario" (No. FPU16/06257) from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports for economical support. X.P., C.L., and C.G. are grateful to C. Frilay for his expertise in the maintenance of the sputtering setup used for the growth of the ZnO films

    2D PEA2SnI4Inkjet-Printed Halide Perovskite LEDs on Rigid and Flexible Substrates

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    Lead-free PEA2SnI4-based perovskite LEDs are successfully inkjet-printed on rigid and flexible substrates. Red-emitting devices (λmax = 633 nm) exhibit, under ambient conditions, a maximum external quantum efficiency (EQEmax) of 1% with a related brightness of 30 cd/m2 at 10 mA/cm2

    Inkjet‐Printed p‐NiO/n‐ZnO Heterojunction Diodes for Photodetection Applications

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    Transparent Conducting Oxides (TCOs) are an enticing family of optoelectronic materials which have been proven to increase efficiency when incorporated into perovskite light emitting diode (PE-LED) and organic OLED architectures as transport layers. Solution-processed metal oxide inks have already been demonstrated, although there is still a need for high-quality inkjet-printable metal oxide inks with a thermal post-process below 200 °C. The set of inks in this work are adapted from low-boiling point colloidal suspensions of metal oxide nanoparticles synthesized via flame spray pyrolysis. High quality, pinhole- and wrinkle-free inkjet-printed layers are obtained at low temperatures through vacuum oven post process, as proven by scanning electron microscopy. The crystallinity of the layers is confirmed by X-ray diffraction, showing the expected hexagonal and cubic structures respectively for ZnO and NiO. The thin film layers reach over 70% (ZnO) and 90% (NiO) transparency in the visible spectrum. Their implementation in the inkjet-printed p-n diode shows excellent I-V rectifying behavior with an ON/OFF ratio of two orders of magnitude at ±3 V and a forward threshold voltage of 2 V. Furthermore, the device exhibits an increase in photocurrent around four orders of magnitude when illuminated under a 1-sun solar simulator

    Toward RGB LEDs based on rare earth-doped ZnO

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    By using ZnO thin films doped with Ce, Tb or Eu, deposited via radiofrequency magnetron sputtering, we have developed monochromatic (blue, green and red, respectively) light emitting devices (LEDs). The rare earth ions introduced with doping rates lower than 2% exhibit narrow and intense emission peaks due to electronic transitions in relaxation processes induced after electrical excitation. This study proves zinc oxide to be a good host for these elements, its high conductivity and optical transparency in the visible range being as well exploited as top transparent electrode. After structural characterization of the different doped layers, a device structure with intense electroluminescence is presented, modeled, and electrically and optically characterized. The different emission spectra obtained are compared in a chromatic diagram, providing a reference for future works with similar devices. The results hereby presented demonstrate three operating monochromatic LEDs, as well as a combination of the three species into another one, with a simply-designed structure compatible with current Si technology and demonstrating an integrated red-green-blue emission

    Photoelectrical reading in ZnO/Si NCs/p-Si resistive switching devices

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    The increasing need for efficient memories with integrated functionalities in a single device has led the electronics community to investigate and develop different materials for resistive switching (RS) applications. Among these materials, the well-known Si nanocrystals (NCs) have demonstrated to exhibit RS properties, which add to the wealth of phenomena that have been studied on this model material platform. In this work, we present ZnO/Si NCs/p-Si resistive switching devices whose resistance state can be electrically read at 0 V under the application of low-power monochromatic illumination. The presented effect is studied in terms of the inner structural processes and electronic physics of the device. In particular, the creation of conductive filaments through the Si NC multilayers induces a low-resistance path for photogenerated carriers to get extracted from the device, whereas in the pristine state charge extraction is strongly quenched due to the insulating nature of the NC-embedding SiO2 matrix. In addition, spectral inspection of the generated photocurrent allowed unveiling the role of Si NCs in the reported effect. Overall, the hereby shown results pave the way to obtain memories whose RS state can be read under low-power conditions

    Green electroluminescence of Al/Tb/Al/SiO2 devices fabricated by electron beam evaporation

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    In this work, the fabrication and the structural, optical and electrical properties of Al-Tb/SiO2 nanomultilayers have been studied. The nanomultilayers were deposited by means of electron beam evaporation on top of p-type Si substrates. Optical characterization shows a narrow and strong emission in the green spectral range, indicating the optical activation of Tb3+ ions. The electrical characteriza-tion revealed conduction limited by the electrode, although trapped-assisted mechanisms can also contribute to transport. The electroluminescence analysis revealed also emission from Tb3+ ions, yielded promising results to in-clude this material in future optoelectronics applications as integrated emitting devices