34 research outputs found

    Towards Post-Quantum Security for Cyber-Physical Systems: Integrating PQC into Industrial M2M Communication

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    The threat of a cryptographically relevant quantum computer contributes to an increasing interest in the field of post-quantum cryptography (PQC). Compared to existing research efforts regarding the integration of PQC into the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, industrial communication protocols have so far been neglected. Since industrial cyber-physical systems (CPS) are typically deployed for decades, protection against such long-term threats is needed. In this work, we propose two novel solutions for the integration of post-quantum (PQ) primitives (digital signatures and key establishment) into the industrial protocol Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture (OPC UA): a hybrid solution combining conventional cryptography with PQC and a solution solely based on PQC. Both approaches provide mutual authentication between client and server and are realized with certificates fully compliant to the X.509 standard. We implement the two solutions and measure and evaluate their performance across three different security levels. All selected algorithms (Kyber, Dilithium, and Falcon) are candidates for standardization by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). We show that Falcon is a suitable option - especially - when using floating-point hardware provided by our ARM-based evaluation platform. Our proposed hybrid solution provides PQ security for early adopters but comes with additional performance and communication requirements. Our solution solely based on PQC shows superior performance across all evaluated security levels in terms of handshake duration compared to conventional OPC UA but comes at the cost of increased handshake sizes. In addition to our performance evaluation, we provide a proof of security in the symbolic model for our two PQC-based variants of OPC UA. For this proof, we use the cryptographic protocol verifier ProVerif and formally verify confidentiality and authentication properties of our quantum-resistant variants

    Parallel Implementation of BDD enumeration for LWE

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    One of the most attractive problems for post-quantum secure cryptographic schemes is the LWE problem. Beside combinatorial and algebraic attacks, LWE can be solved by a lattice-based Bounded Distance Decoding (BDD) approach. We provide the first parallel implementation of an enumeration-based BDD algorithm that employs the Lindner-Peikert and Linear Length pruning strategies. We ran our algorithm on a large variety of LWE parameters, from which we derive the following interesting results. First, our parallel enumeration achieves almost perfect speed-up, which allows us to provide for the first time practical cryptanalytic results on standard LWE parameters of meaningful size. Second, we conclude that lattice-based attacks perform better than recent advanced BKW-type algorithms even for small noise, while requiring way less samples. Third, we experimentally show weaknesses for a binary matrix LWE proposal of Galbraith

    Observations on the DLCT and Absolute Indicators

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    Recently Bar-On et al. proposed the DLCT for a tighter analysis of probabilities for differential-linear distinguishers. We extend the analysis of the DLCT, and gain new insights about this notion. The DLCT entries correspond to the autocorrelation spectrum of the component functions and thus the DLCT is nothing else as the ACT. We note that the ACT spectrum is invariant under some equivalence relations. Interestingly the ACT spectrum is not invariant under inversion (and thus not under CCZ equivalence), implying that it might be beneficial to look at the decryption for a differential-linear cryptanalysis. Furthermore, while for Boolean functions a lower bound for the maximal absolute autocorrelation, the absolute indicator, is not known, the case for vectorial Boolean functions is different. Here, we prove that for any vectorial Boolean function, its absolute indicator is lower bounded by 2n/22^{n/2}. Eventually, for APN functions we show a connection of the absolute indicator to the linearity of balanced Boolean functions, and exhibit APN permutations with absolute indicator bounded by 2(n+1)/22^{(n+1)/2}

    Searching for Subspace Trails and Truncated Differentials

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    Grassi et al. [Gra+16] introduced subspace trail cryptanalysis as a generalization of invariant subspaces and used it to give the first five round distinguisher for Aes. While it is a generic method, up to now it was only applied to the Aes and Prince. One problem for a broad adoption of the attack is a missing generic analysis algorithm. In this work we provide efficient and generic algorithms that allow to compute the provably best subspace trails for any substitution permutation cipher

    Linear Cryptanalysis: Key Schedules and Tweakable Block Ciphers

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    This paper serves as a systematization of knowledge of linear cryptanalysis and provides novel insights in the areas of key schedule design and tweakable block ciphers. We examine in a step by step manner the linear hull theorem in a general and consistent setting. Based on this, we study the influence of the choice of the key scheduling on linear cryptanalysis, a – notoriously difficult – but important subject. Moreover, we investigate how tweakable block ciphers can be analyzed with respect to linear cryptanalysis, a topic that surprisingly has not been scrutinized until now

    Shorter Linear Straight-Line Programs for MDS Matrices

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    Recently a lot of attention is paid to the search for efficiently implementable MDS matrices for lightweight symmetric primitives. Previous work concentrated on locally optimizing the multiplication with single matrix elements. Separate from this line of work, several heuristics were developed to find shortest linear straight-line programs. Solving this problem actually corresponds to globally optimizing multiplications by matrices. In this work we combine those, so far largely independent line of works. As a result, we achieve implementations of known, locally optimized, and new MDS matrices that significantly outperform all implementations from the literature. Interestingly, almost all previous locally optimized constructions behave very similar with respect to the globally optimized implementation. As a side effect, our work reveals the so far best implementation of the AES MixColumns operation with respect to the number of XOR operations needed

    Weak-Key Distinguishers for AES

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    In this paper, we analyze the security of AES in the case in which the whitening key is a weak key. After a systematization of the classes of weak-keys of AES, we perform an extensive analysis of weak-key distinguishers (in the single-key setting) for AES instantiated with the original key-schedule and with the new key-schedule proposed at ToSC/FSE\u2718 (which is faster than the standard key schedule and ensures a higher number of active S-Boxes). As one of the main results, we show that (almost) all the secret-key distinguishers for round-reduced AES currently present in the literature can be set up for a higher number of rounds of AES if the whitening key is a weak-key. Using these results as starting point, we describe a property for 9-round AES-128 and 12-round AES-256 in the chosen-key setting with complexity 264 without requiring related keys. These new chosen-key distinguishers -- set up by exploiting a variant of the multiple-of-8 property introduced at Eurocrypt\u2717 -- improve all the AES chosen-key distinguishers in the single-key setting. The entire analysis has been performed using a new framework that we introduce here -- called weak-key subspace trails , which is obtained by combining invariant subspaces (Crypto\u2711) and subspace trails (FSE\u2717) into a new, more powerful, attack. Weak-key subspace trails are defined by extending the invariant subspace approach to allow for different subspaces in every round, something that so far only the subspace trail approach and a generalization for invariant subspace and invariant set attacks (Asiacrypt\u2718) were able to do. For an easier detection, we also provide an algorithm which finds these weak-key subspace trails

    On the security of the Rescue hash function

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    In this report, we cryptanalyse the Rescue hash function. In particular, we look at linear and differential cryptanalysis of Rescue, how multiplicative subgroups are propagated by the round function and at rebound attacks. Overall, we do not find any direct threat to the security of Rescue

    Autocorrelations of Vectorial Boolean Functions

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    International audienceRecently, BarOn et al. introduced at Eurocrypt'19 a new tool, called the differential-linear connectivity table (DLCT), which allows for taking into account the dependency between the two subciphers E0 and E1 involved in differential-linear attacks. This paper presents a theoretical characterization of the DLCT, which corresponds to an autocorrelation table (ACT) of a vectorial Boolean function. We further provide some new theoretical results on ACTs of vectorial Boolean functions