680 research outputs found

    An Application of the Delphi Method of Forecasting to the Future of Public Education in West Virginia

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    This study investigated the nature and types of events that will affect the future of public education in West Virginia. A three round modified Delphi design was used to identify the events, estimate when each might occur, and determine their level of impact and desirability. In Round 1, surveys were mailed to forty-seven educational leaders representing various educational agencies and constituencies in West Virginia. In response to the first survey, panelists generated a total of one hundred thirty-four events which had at least a 50 percent probability of occurrence between the present and the year 2020. In Round 2, panelists were asked to predict the time frame of occurrence, and the level of impact and desirability for each event generated in Round 1. Round 3 results identified a total of forty-seven events which 80 percent of the panel members indicated would occur. The total return of surveys was 89.4 percent in Round 1, 91.5 percent in Round 2, and 89.4 percent in Round 3. A total of 83.0 percent of the panelists participated in all three rounds of the Delphi. A scenario was constructed based on the time frames of the events. Time frames were organized according to topical areas including Students, Personnel, Curriculum, Governance, Finance, Facilities, School-Community Relations, Technology and Miscellaneous. Levels of impact and desirability for each event were identified within each topical area. Seven long term trends were identified which should be of significant importance to iii educators and educational planners. Among these trends are that (1) accountability and expectations for student achievement and behavior will increase; (2) schools will play an increasing role in the resolution of the problems of society; (3) a projected teacher shortage will affect changes in funding and staffing patterns; (4) public education will experience increasing competition from the private sector; (5) technology will play an increasing role in the education process; (6) new systems of financing public education will be developed, and (7) there will be continued emphasis on improving and replacing school facilities throughout West Virginia

    Evanescent-wave trapping and evaporative cooling of an atomic gas near two-dimensionality

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    A dense gas of cesium atoms at the crossover to two-dimensionality is prepared in a highly anisotropic surface trap that is realized with two evanescent light waves. Temperatures as low as 100nK are reached with 20.000 atoms at a phase-space density close to 0.1. The lowest quantum state in the tightly confined direction is populated by more than 60%. The system offers intriguing prospects for future experiments on degenerate quantum gases in two dimensions

    Nonperturbative and perturbative treatments of parametric heating in atom traps

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    We study the quantum description of parametric heating in harmonic potentials both nonperturbatively and perturbatively, having in mind atom traps. The first approach establishes an explicit connection between classical and quantum descriptions; it also gives analytic expressions for properties such as the width of fractional frequency parametric resonances. The second approach gives an alternative insight into the problem and can be directly extended to take into account nonlinear effects. This is specially important for shallow traps.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Very long storage times and evaporative cooling of cesium atoms in a quasi-electrostatic dipole trap

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    We have trapped cesium atoms over many minutes in the focus of a CO2_2-laser beam employing an extremely simple laser system. Collisional properties of the unpolarized atoms in their electronic ground state are investigated. Inelastic binary collisions changing the hyperfine state lead to trap loss which is quantitatively analyzed. Elastic collisions result in evaporative cooling of the trapped gas from 25 ÎĽ\muK to 10 ÎĽ\muK over a time scale of about 150 s.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    All Optical Formation of an Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We have created a Bose-Einstein condensate of 87Rb atoms directly in an optical trap. We employ a quasi-electrostatic dipole force trap formed by two crossed CO_2 laser beams. Loading directly from a sub-doppler laser-cooled cloud of atoms results in initial phase space densities of ~1/200. Evaporatively cooling through the BEC transition is achieved by lowering the power in the trapping beams over ~ 2 s. The resulting condensates are F=1 spinors with 3.5 x 10^4 atoms distributed between the m_F = (-1,0,1) states.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Cooling atoms in an optical trap by selective parametric excitation

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    We demonstrate the possibility of energy-selective removal of cold atoms from a tight optical trap by means of parametric excitation of the trap vibrational modes. Taking advantage of the anharmonicity of the trap potential, we selectively remove the most energetic trapped atoms or excite those at the bottom of the trap by tuning the parametric modulation frequency. This process, which had been previously identified as a possible source of heating, also appears to be a robust way for forcing evaporative cooling in anharmonic traps.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Entanglement of atoms via cold controlled collisions

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    We show that by using cold controlled collisions between two atoms one can achieve conditional dynamics in moving trap potentials. We discuss implementing two qubit quantum--gates and efficient creation of highly entangled states of many atoms in optical lattices.Comment: 4 pages 3 figure

    "Siehst Du mich?" - "Hörst Du mich?": Videokonferenzen als Gegenstand kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Forschung

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    "Mit neuen Kommunikationstechnologien sind stets veränderte Verwirklichungsbedingungen von Mitteilungsprozessen verbunden. Die in diesem Artikel thematisierte Videokonferenz, eine Form audiovisueller Fernkommunikation, wird als ein spezifischer Fall interpersoneller Kommunikation begriffen und auf ihre Bedingungen, Realisierungsformen und -zwecke hin untersucht. Sie lässt sich verstehen als eigenständige Kommunikationsform, die durch a) die technischen Realisierungsbedingungen, b) die Leistungen und Kompetenzen der Kommunikationspartner und schließlich c) die jeweils verfolgten Kommunikationszwecke bestimmt werden kann." (Autorenreferat

    Motional Squashed States

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    We show that by using a feedback loop it is possible to reduce the fluctuations in one quadrature of the vibrational degree of freedom of a trapped ion below the quantum limit. The stationary state is not a proper squeezed state, but rather a ``squashed'' state, since the uncertainty in the orthogonal quadrature, which is larger than the standard quantum limit, is unaffected by the feedback action.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the special Issue "Quantum Correlations and Fluctuations" of J. Opt.

    Intraindividual Variability and Temporal Stability of Mid-Sleep on Free and Workdays

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    People differ in their sleep timings that are often referred to as a chronotype and can be operationalized as mid-sleep (midpoint between sleep onset and wake-up). The aims of the present studies were to examine intraindividual variability and longer-term temporal stability of mid-sleep on free and workdays, while also considering the effect of age. We used data from a 2-week experience sampling study of British university students (Study 1) and from a panel study of Estonian adults who filled in the Munich Chronotype Questionnaire twice up to 5 years apart (Study 2). Results of Study 1 showed that roughly 50% of the variance in daily mid-sleep scores across the 14-day period was attributed to intraindividual variability as indicated by the intraclass correlation coefficient. However, when the effect of free versus workdays was considered, the intraindividual variability in daily mid-sleep across 2 weeks was 0.71 the size of the interindividual variability. In Study 2, mid-sleep on free and workdays showed good levels of temporal stability—the retest correlations of mid-sleep on free and workdays were 0.66 and 0.58 when measured twice over a period of 0-1 to 5 years. The retest stability of mid-sleep scores on both free and workdays sharply increased from young adulthood and reached their peak when participants were in late 40 to early 50 years of age, indicating that age influences the stability of mid-sleep. Future long-term longitudinal studies are necessary to explore how age-related life circumstances and other possible factors may influence the intraindividual variability and temporal stability of mid-sleep
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